Holy Prison

Chapter 1952: Longting Ghost

The murder scene has arrived, but it is not so easy for Chu Feng to find any evidence on this side!

If there is not much time for the murder, then Chu Feng can see what happened here before, but the murder has been a long time!

Time can erase many things, even if there is some breath left on this side before, now that long time has passed, there will be no less my breath left!

"City Lord Chu, what did you find?" Long Qing said, he saw that Chu Feng had been around for a while. "Patriarch Long Qing, don't worry." Chu Feng said.

"Xian'er, what is there to notice?" Chu Feng said in his mind, "something seems to be watching me secretly!" "I didn't notice it!" Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng frowned secretly. He believed in his own feelings, but Miao Xian'er didn't have any feelings. This was a rather strange thing!

"Master Hong, how do you feel?" Chu Feng transmitted to Hongjun. "Feeling? No feeling, everything is normal here!" Hongjun said through voice transmission.


Chu Feng muttered in his heart, that feeling was clearer, it should be impossible to make a mistake, but why didn't Hongjun feel any?

"Is the thing in the dark just paying attention to me?" Chu Feng said in his heart, he felt that the thing in the dark seemed to be paying attention to him a little bit timidly!

"Patriarch Long Qing, can you leave some distance, I will feel it here?" Chu Feng asked, he suddenly thought of a possibility, that thing in secret, maybe not afraid of him but afraid of other people! If you are afraid of him, the other party should not attract his attention!

"City Lord Chu, is it necessary?" Long Qing said. "Thank you!" Chu Feng said.

Long Qing nodded slightly and exited a distance of hundreds of meters. Long Jin and the others also exited a distance of hundreds of meters. From hundreds of meters away, they could clearly see the Chu Peak. Worried that Chu Feng ran away all at once and then took away their treasure in it!

"Who are you? Why are you paying attention to me?" Chu Feng sat cross-legged on the ground and said in his heart. He was speaking in his own heart. At this time, people closer to him could hear his voice, but the dragon who was farther away. Qing, none of them can hear him! "Can I help you?"

"You have a treasure, let me enter it!" Chu Feng waited for half a minute, and a voice of sadness and hatred sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"A treasure that allows you to enter?" Chu Feng said in his heart, "Are you referring to my treasure space?" "It is a treasure in your treasure space that allows me to enter it! Please help me, let I leave this place, I don't want to stay in this place anymore!" The voice sounded again.

The voice is a female voice, aside from emotional aspects, the female voice is very nice. "Things in my space treasure" Chu Feng thought, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he thought of what that thing was.

The ghost order, it must be the ghost order! "Are you Long Ting? You haven't completely died?" Chu Feng said in his heart. "I also hope to die completely, but the power inside has kept me a little bit spiritual!" Long Ting's ghost resentfully said, "I know you are Chu Feng, the Lord of God Chu City, Chu City, please let me I enter your treasure!"

Chu Feng thought of the Soul Ling and appeared in his trouser pocket. As the Soul Ling entered, Chu Feng immediately felt that the Soul Ling became cold!

"Thank you, I've already come in!" Long Ting's voice passed into Chu Feng's mind, and Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and immediately put the ghost order into the holy prison space.

With a long breath, Chu Feng stood up, "City Lord Chu, is that all right?" Long Jiang Shurang said in the distance, "If it is possible, let's leave!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Chu Feng said, Long Qing led the way. Chu Feng and the others returned the same way. On the way back, Chu Feng had the idea of ​​staying in the fairy palace to get the heart of life, but it is a pity that this fairy palace does not belong to His, and he doesn't want to have any conflict with the Dragon Race!

Obviously, if he rushes inside, or releases someone to rush inside, then his current relatively good relationship with the Dragon Race will immediately deteriorate!

Under the gaze of Chu Feng and the others, Long Qing and the others sealed the Immortal Mansion again, but this time the seal was not as strong as before. If it were to be opened, it would be easier to seal before. That is because there are contradictions within the dragon clan. Only make the conflict more exciting!

Now that the contradiction has subsided, it is very likely that it will be reopened soon. In this case, there is really no need to block it. It is too powerful!

"Patriarch Long Qing, I have a ruthless please!" Chu Feng said.

"City Lord Chu, please speak!" Long Qing said.

Chu Feng said: "Long Qing patriarch, I believe that Long Wuji and Long Xiao will not be murderers. The murderer may be someone else, or a monster that popped up suddenly. I want to take them away. If the evidence proves that Long Wuji and the others are the murderers, I will definitely hand them over!"

"City Lord Chu, you are not a member of my Dragon Clan, so interfering with my Dragon Clan's affairs is not too good!" Long Jiang Shu said in a deep voice, "Long Wuji and the others will be placed under house arrest in the Dragon Clan. Evidence proves that they are murderers, then they will receive the severest punishment immediately!"

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Clan Chief Longqing, Chief Longjin, with my two words,'Chu Feng', I don't know if I can take Long Wuji and the others away? I believe they are innocent. If the Dragon Clan can prove the matter is then For what they did, I am willing to compensate the dragon clan for a hundred strands of time. What do you think?"

When Chu Feng was speaking, a jade bottle appeared in his hand. Inside the jade bottle was a ray of purple time force, and the shining purple light revealed that it looked very beautiful!

"Patriarch Long Qing, send this ray of time power to the dragon clan!" Chu Feng said that the jade bottle containing the power of purple time came to Long Qing in an instant.

"The power of time!"

Many people in the Dragon Clan’s eyes lit up. Long Jiang Shu’s eyes were fixed on the power of time. He already knew the power of time, but he didn’t know the power of purple time. He got It is some news from the temple. Someone in the temple has the power of green time and the power of blue time!

The power of cyan time, the power of purple time, this Longjiang book has never heard of it, let alone the higher-level silver time power golden time power!

There are many people who use the power of cyan and purple time, but under Chu Feng's strict orders, no one will spread the news of those aspects. At least, Long Jiangshu does not know!

"Containing, 100 million years of time power, acceleration, 50,000 times!" Long Qing's eyes showed shock. Such a ray of time is already valuable, a hundred words.

"Fifty thousand times the acceleration of time...If I can practice under that acceleration of time" Long Jiangshu's heart flashed, he desperately wants the power of time, but this time the power of time is the most. Just let him feel it, it won't fall into his hands for him to use!

Long Qing passed the jade bottle in his hand, and other people felt it, and Long Jiangshu naturally felt it too. "If you can catch Feng Bingning or a few other women from Chu Feng, then you will not only be able to enjoy the beauty, but you will definitely get a lot of time!" Long Jiangshu secretly said in his heart.

For other people, Long Jiangshu estimated that there might not be much time for them. If Feng Bingning and Lan Wen were waiting for some people, they would definitely have them.

"It's just a pity that Feng Bingning was arrested by people from the temple. At this moment, her body is probably enjoyed by many people in the temple. The power of her time may also reach the people of the temple. What a **** in his hands!"

Chu Feng glanced at Long Qing and the others: "Clan Chief Longqing, Chief Longjin, everyone, what do you think? Long Wuji are my friends, and I hope everyone can understand! If the Dragon Clan can prove that Long Wuji is 100% They are murderers, then I will definitely hand them over to the people of the dragon race!"

"I have no opinion!" Long Jin said indifferently, Chu Feng's face is not small, coupled with the power of time, he has no reason to refuse, as for Long Ting, he died when he died, he didn't care too much!

Long Jiangshu quickly said: "Patriarch, Long Wuji and they killed Long Ting, how can they let them leave like this" "Jiang Shu, you have to understand the overall situation!" Long Jin's eyes fell on Long Jiangshu, and at the same time , A coercion also acted on Long Jiangshu, "Jiangshu, Chu City Master is already very polite!"

"Yes!" Long Jiangshu nodded reluctantly.

Long Qing said, "City Master Chu, I don't have any opinion. Just follow what you said, City Master Chu. If there is conclusive evidence, Long Wuji and the others must hand it over to our Dragon Race!"

"No problem!" Chu Feng nodded, he said that his eyes swept over some other people, and those people didn't have any opinions!

"Clan Chief Longqing, Chief Longjin, you must be careful when dealing with the people of the temple. The entrance of the Dragon Realm must not be discovered by the people of the temple, otherwise you will be poor after the trouble!" Chu Feng warned, "I hope we God Chucheng In the Ming Dynasty, the Dragon Realm is dark, and I can teach those **** in the temple fiercely!"

"I came here this time and there is no specific plan to deal with the temple. I just came to have a look and make a friend. Now the goal is achieved, Chief Long Qing, Chief Long Jin, everyone, I think we should leave!" Chu Feng chuckled. typical.

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