Holy Prison

Chapter 2051: Picture

Chu Feng frowned slightly, half of the universe, how many people would get, fight, if so many people were killed, he probably couldn't let go of his hands and feet.

"Chu Feng, remember, you are dead, everything is over, this beautiful world has nothing to do with you. And if you win, you have a remedy!"

"You know, people can be resurrected when they die. Sometimes, you need to be cruel, be cruel to others, be cruel to your family and friends, and even be cruel to yourself! When you are invincible in the world At that time, you can show your benevolence and charity to your heart's content, but when you have not reached that state, it is not good for people around you to be like you!"

"You can't bear not killing one person today. In the future, you may cause ten or even hundreds of thousands of people to die because of your intolerance today, understand?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, Long Bai said it bluntly enough, of course he understood it, but understanding is one thing, and whether it can be done or not is another matter.

For example, if you are asked to kill your son, which is more profitable than holding back, will you succeed?

"Chu Feng, you need a little bit more fangs, and at the same time, make your own weaknesses as invisible as possible! Of course, I am like this, not to make you unscrupulous, you can stain your hands with blood, but your heart is not It must be truly as hard as a rock, and then you will be able to fall behind." Long Bai said.

Chu Feng chuckled and said: "Senior Long Bai, do you mean to be different from the outside? No matter how crazy you behave, you must keep calm!"

"Almost, let's go in. You must pass this level! If you can't pass this level, you don't know how much you will suffer by then!" Long Bai said.

Chu Feng took a deep breath before he got the mural, and his mind instantly re-entered the mural!

In just a few minutes, Chu Feng's face had turned pale, but after ten minutes, Chu Feng's mind did not withdraw this time.

After half an hour passed, Chu Feng still didn't withdraw his mind. One hour later, Chu Feng was still holding on. At this time, his face was even paler!

"Fortunately, the acceptability is good, and the cruel ruler of the world is too soft!" Long Bai glanced at Chu Feng and muttered. After a mutter, he continued to drink his wine. The speed of his drinking was much slower than that at the beginning. At first, he was drinking, and then he was drinking. At this time, it became a product!

Ten hours later, Chu Feng’s expression reached an ugly extreme. Then, his expression slowly improved. After ten hours passed, Chu Feng’s expression was only a little pale, and the third ten hours passed. Chu Feng's face had completely returned to normal, and at this time he could not find any paleness on his face.

After taking a long breath, Chu Feng retreated from the mural, "Senior Long Bai, this person seems to" Chu Feng said softly.

"Oh, it's me, I'm already dead, but I'm only half dead, I may still be resurrected." Long Bai said with a light smile, "I was scared?"

"A little!"

Chu Feng said, in the mural, Long Bai's life has been killed a lot. At the beginning, Chu Feng was very disgusted with Long Bai's killing. Later, Chu Feng came to realize that when Long Bai killed, his heart was still clear. Yes, I admire this Chu Feng. However, Long Bai was not able to do this from the beginning.

A lot of things in front are very vague, Chu Feng feels unclear, but Chu Feng can feel it a little bit, he suffered a lot before Long Bai realized something!

"Chu Feng, the fourth one, you'll like the fourth one better!" Long Bai smiled. He said that he got up to the fourth wall picture. On the fourth wall, there is a beautiful woman without Long Bai. Before the shot, Chu Feng couldn't see clearly. Long Bai shot, Chu Feng looked at the woman, and that woman seemed to come alive.

Chu Feng quickly plunged his mind into it, and Long Bai returned to the wine table, "It will only kill, it is a butcher. It is truly powerful, and it has to rely on other things... to lay a cornerstone for you. I hope you can become a master at that time, and I hope you can touch you a little light at that time." Long Bai secretly said in his heart.

It seems simple to make such shots again and again, but it consumes a lot of Long Bai. He is not an overly good person, so he naturally thinks of some rewards, but whether he can get the rewards is unknown!

Long Bai chose to take a gamble, and he must also take a gamble. If he doesn't take a gamble, perhaps he will spend eternity in this resurrection temple!

"Chu Feng, Chu Feng, you have to stand up!"

Long Bai continued to drink wine.

Fifteen hours passed, Chu Feng woke up. After woke up, he didn't speak immediately but recalled the feeling this time.

"Chu Feng, how is it?" Long Bai said with a light smile.

"Much better than before." Chu Feng said, before it was killing, but this time, it was "love."

All kinds of "love", parent to child, child to parent, between husband and wife, between different lives, between man and nature, etc.!

The kind of "love" is touching, and Chu Feng's slightly cold heart from the feeling of killing before warmed up again. "Senior Long Bai, why?" Chu Feng said.

Long Bai smiled and said: "Chu Feng, do you know the grading of dominating power? Do you know what determines the size of dominating power?" "I know the grading of power, but I don't know the rest." Chu Feng said.

"The magnitude of power is determined by three aspects. The first aspect is oneself, dominating, and it is necessary to condense the will to dominate. The will to dominate is condensed by oneself and is related to the cultivation of the state of mind."

"The second aspect is related to the cosmic power he controls. If the cosmos he controls is strong, his power is strong, otherwise his power is weak! Lin Tian, ​​you should know that when he became a master at the beginning, he directly became a first-rank master. The big reason is that the universe he controls is strong enough! At that time, his will to dominate was actually not too strong."

"The third aspect is related to other things, such as family affection, friendship, and love! The third aspect is the aspect we don't understand the least, and this aspect has a lot of influence on strength!"

Chu Feng's eyes were surprised. Hearing what Long Bai said, he thought of the Hongyun pawnshop. Among the fortune pawnshops, such things as family, friendship and love are of high value!

"Senior Long Bai, other people's affection, friendship and love, after receiving it, will it be useful?" Chu Feng said. Long Bai frowned slightly: "Chu Feng, have you ever been in contact with a Hongyun pawnshop?"

Long Bai poured a glass of wine: "You'd better not enter the Hongyun pawnshop in the future. The owner of the Hongyun pawnshop is not particularly strong, much weaker than me before, but he has a good father!"


"Don't say it!"

Long Bai interrupted Chu Feng's speech, "Chu Feng, remember, before your strength reaches a relatively high level, there are some things that shouldn't be discussed, don't talk, understand?"

"There are some things, you think there is nothing to say, but maybe if you say a word, you will be directly obliterated, that is too wrong!"

Chu Feng nodded quickly and said sincerely, "Senior Longbai, thank you!"

Such a warning is not of low value. If there is no warning from Long Bai, maybe one day in the future, he will be a silly ghost!

"Other people's affection, friendship and love, most of them are useless, very few are useful!" Long Bai said. Chu Feng asked, "What kind of people's affection, love, and friendship are useful?"

Long Bai said with a chuckle: "It's very simple. Those who have the hope of becoming a master-level powerhouse, but those who have no hope of becoming a master-level powerhouse. Collecting those things is useless!"

"So it's like that." Chu Feng's eyes showed a clear look. "Okay, Chu Feng, go ahead. You have to hurry up. After this time, you may not have a chance to come here. You only have ten days in total. After ten days, when Nuwa is resurrected, you have to leave this resurrection temple. "Long Bai said.

"Then go on." Chu Feng said quickly, realizing inside that, the improvement of his mood within a second may not be achieved outside for a century and a thousand years!

Sixth, seventh, eighth.

After more than three days passed, Chu Feng had already comprehended the nine pictures. Long Bai's eyes were calm before, and at this time there was also a little excitement in his eyes.

After comprehending the nine pictures, Long Bai knew that this illustrates a problem, that is, Chu Feng has a chance to become the master of the first grade! Moreover, there is still time now, and Chu Feng can continue to feel it!

Ten days were not long. When the ten days passed, Chu Feng happened to have comprehended the fifteenth picture and it took less time to comprehend a picture.

"Chu Feng, how do you feel?" Long Bai was excited, but on the surface he was still calm and quiet.

Fifteen pictures, Long Bai's heart is broken right now, he realized that nine pictures may become the master of the first-rank, and when he realized fifteen pictures, Chu Feng might even break through and become the master!

Even if he can't become the master, the possibility of becoming the first-rank master is still relatively high, and the first-rank master is likely to be able to help him.

"It's okay! It seems that all the things that I felt here are gone, but I know they are still there." Chu Feng chuckled.

Long Bai nodded: "You are in a good state. You have a lot of memories. If those memories are very clear, they will affect you. This is the best way now!"

"Okay, let's take a look at Nuwa, she has been resurrected, but she is still asleep now, you can wake her up by taking out the merit beads!"

Chu Feng was overjoyed: "Has it been resurrected? Senior Long Bai, thank you very much!"

"Chu Feng, don't call Senior Long Bai. It's not as good as Lao Bai or Lao Long... I still want you to help me in the future. How embarrassed would you call me Senior?" Long Bai said with a chuckle.

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