Holy Prison

Chapter 2052: Nuwa Resurrection

"Then I will call you Lao Bai." Chu Feng smiled. He did not reject Long Bai's proposal. He didn't care much about such small problems before. Now his mood has improved a lot, and he doesn't care much!

Previously, Chu Feng’s mental state cultivation had just reached the heaven and earth sacred heart, and he was in its infancy. Now, ten days later, although Chu Feng’s mental state cultivation has not reached the fourth level of heaven and earth sacred heart perfection, the distance is complete. The environment is not far away!

The fourth level of the Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart, the mood cultivation base can be subdivided into elementary, intermediate, advanced, perfect, and great! Chu Feng's mental state cultivation was at the elementary level of Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart before, and he had just reached the elementary level. Now, Chu Feng's mental state cultivation has reached a high level, and he is not much away from Consummation!

In just ten days, the improvement during this period was huge. If it weren't for such a chance, if you wanted to improve so much outside your mental state, then you don't know how long it will be!

"Okay, Lin Tian called it that way back then, and you have one more!" Long Bai smiled, "Chu Feng, Lin Tian had a little problem before. How is the situation now?"

"The situation will not be better than yours." Chu Feng said.

Long Bai sighed slightly: "Lin Tian didn't end well, I didn't end well, Brother Tu Meng didn't end well, hey, you have to do it yourself!"

"Tumeng?" Chu Feng wondered.

"Brother Tumeng is another first-rank master. Back then, I, Lin Tian, ​​and Tumeng were three first-rank masters. None of the others reached the first-rank master!" Long Bai said, "Nowadays, none of the three of us can be said to have a first-rank master. Fortunately, he has not died yet, and there is still a chance for a comeback!"

"The reason is all" Chu Feng said.

Long Bai shook his head slightly: "The reasons are not the same. You don't need to know these things now, but you will know them later! Don't be too pressured. The controllers check and balance each other, and there are rules. Do anything to anyone in the lower realm! Besides, the three of us have some friends."

Long Bai said a piece of golden jade color appeared in his hand: "Chu Feng, this is the golden dragon order, it is my token. If you encounter trouble in the future, this golden dragon order may help you a little bit. It is stored inside. With some information, some friends who I think are trustworthy are stored in it."

"However, when it is not very difficult, you should not go to them. Go to them. If they help you, you will owe favors. Moreover, if you can solve some things by yourself, it is better to solve them by yourself. This is beneficial to you. growing up!"

Long Bai paused and said: "The most important point is that I have been out of touch with them for a long time. In the eyes of some of them, maybe I am dead. People are in favor and people are not. The favor is gone, you take the Golden Dragon Order to the door, people will not usually help."

"Moreover, some of them may come to an end. Of course, I think this kind of situation should be very rare, not a trustworthy person, and I will not leave a message in it."

"Lao Bai, thank you very much, I wrote it down!"

Chu Feng said and took the Golden Dragon Order, "Lao Bai, let's take a look at Nu Wa, I don't know what her situation is now."

"Oh, if you don't urge me, I have to take you over to see her immediately. You can stay here for up to three minutes." Long Bai smiled, and he said he hurried forward.

Soon, Long Bai took Chu Feng to another hall.

In the middle of the main hall was a circular jade platform. There was a little mist on the jade platform. That little mist couldn't stop Chu Feng's sight. Chu Feng clearly saw Nuwa on the jade platform.

Nuwa now looks like she is asleep. The upper part of her body is a human body, and the lower part is a snake tail, and the human body looks very beautiful.

"Chu Feng, hurry up, you don't have much time!" Long Bai said. Chu Feng nodded the merit beads that he had put away before reappearing in his hands.

"Just put the merit beads in her hands." Long Bai said.

Chu Feng said and waved his hand, and in an instant, the merit bead slowly fell into Nuwa's hand. When she touched the merit bead, the armor that protected the vital parts of Nuwa emitted a little light. This armor was Nuwa's treasure. The Nüwa stone was transformed, and at this moment, he felt the breath of the merit pearl and first awakened.

The merit bead also exudes a little light, and together with the light emitted by the armor, it enters Nu Wa's body together. About a minute later, the aura emanating from Nu Wa slowly strengthened, and Chu Chu Under Feng and the others, Nu Wa's eyes trembled slightly.

"Almost!" Long Bai said softly.

Chu Feng nodded, and after about ten seconds passed, Nu Wa raised his hand, and then opened his eyes completely. "Where is this?" Her eyes opened, but Nu Wa's eyes were full of confusion at this moment. She just woke up, her memory was a little unclear and a little confused.

"Chu Feng, you talk, you have to leave in a minute!" Long Bai's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, and his figure faded in an instant.

"This Bead"

Suddenly, Nu Wa's face changed, she saw the merit beads, and a lot of memories quickly came to life, "How come, am I already dead?"

"My child, has she survived?"

"Cough, Mom!" Chu Feng coughed and cried. Nuwa is the mother of Song Ye, and he has to be called Mom before, but it was different from before.

Today's Nuwa, that is already the resurrected Nuwa!

"What do you call me?" Nu Wa was slightly dazed, "Are you my child? No, my child should be a girl, not a boy!"

"Mom, there is no time, let me pass some memories to you directly," Chu Feng said. As he said, his thoughts moved, and a large amount of memories quickly passed to Nuwa!

The memory contains some information about the flail leaves, as well as some information about the current situation in the temple and the current situation.

"Fang Ye survived. I didn't expect that I would come back to life." Nu Wa smiled on her face, "My child, I really want to thank you!"

"Child, I want to see Song Ye immediately!" Nu Wa said excitedly. "Yes." Chu Feng said as soon as his mind moved Nu Wa into the holy prison space.

If it weren't for a good relationship with Long Bai, Chu Feng would not be able to bring Nu Wa directly into the sacred prison space, but now, the problem is not big!

"Lao Bai, these things are left for you!" Chu Feng smiled. He said that a space ring appeared in his hand. The space ring was filled with a lot of good wine, and there were a lot of delicious food. !

"Chu Feng, thank you, there is no time, I will send you out!" Long Bai's figure appeared in front of Chu Feng, "Let's have a last drink. After this cup, I don't know what year and month it will be!"

Wine glasses appeared in both Chu Feng and Long Bai's hands. The two clinked and then both drank them in one go! "Chu Feng, good luck!" Long Bai smiled authentically. He waved his hand and instantly Chu Feng appeared outside the gate of the Resurrection Temple.

With Chu Feng's departure, the Resurrection God Exhibition that originally exuded a little bit of strange light became ordinary again, but the Resurrection Temple did not fly away at this moment.

"Senior, has the resurrection succeeded?" Ziying said with excitement as soon as Chu Feng appeared. "Well, the resurrection was successful." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"Friends of Daoists seem to have changed a lot!" A white-haired old man appeared in front of Chu Feng, naturally the head of this sect who enlightened Dao.

"Haha, there is a slight change in the master's method." Chu Feng bowed slightly. His cultivation level has not improved, but the improvement of his mood method is not small. The improvement of his mood has also improved Chu Feng's strength. Quite a few, for example, before, Chu Feng knew that enlightenment was the strength of the saintly superior, but he was not very sure.

Today, Chu Feng can tell at a glance that the enlightened Taoist is the strength of the saintly class, and the rest of the people around, even if they converge their cultivation, Chu Feng can see the specific cultivation!

This is the change brought about by the improvement of the state of mind. The high-level state of mind cultivation of the Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart is much higher than that of the Taoist Taoists!

"It doesn't seem to be anymore!" The enlightened Taoist said in astonishment. In this short period of time, Chu Feng adjusted. Once he adjusted, the enlightened Taoist could no longer feel the difference.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Master, you probably know the Chaos Wasteland better. I don't know if you know a gravitational domain where the gravity is extremely high."

"Moreover, there are many sky-eaters on that side."

The Taoist Enlightenment nodded slightly, "Does the Daoist want to go to the Gravity Domain? That distance is not close. It takes at least three months to get to the Gravity Domain from our place. There must be no mistakes in the middle, no accidents. Otherwise, even half a year or even a year will not be there."

"It's so far...Can you trouble the head to give directions?" Chu Feng said.

"This is naturally no problem." A piece of jade slip appeared in the hands of the Taoist Enlightened. "Friends, there are some materials in the Chaos Wasteland. You may need it."


Chu Feng took the jade slip. A few minutes later, Chu Feng had left the school of Shangqing Palace, whose name was Shangqing Palace.

"Chu Feng, why don't you tell them about the situation in the holy realm now? Maybe some of them will be willing to return to the holy realm to fight the abyss invasion!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng said quietly, "Xian'er, how do you think they are doing?"

"It's pretty good." Miao Xianer said.

"They are not doing well, they are doing very well. I am not qualified, and there is no need to disturb their peaceful life." Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Ping'an Village, I'm just going to stop by and take a look. If they don't want to, I won't take any of them away. However, I want to take some of those sky-eaters!" Chu Feng said.

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