Holy Prison

Chapter 2053: Weird

Starting from the Shangqing Palace, Chu Feng headed towards Ping'an Village. He was moving faster. After more than two months, he was not far away from Ping'an Village.

"What's the matter?" Chu Feng muttered in his heart, his feelings were very keen, and the air seemed to be filled with a hint of solemnity, and this kind of solemnity was only found near Ping An Village.

Closing his eyes, Chu Feng let his mind spread quickly. This mind spread and the spread of sacred knowledge sounded the same thing, but in fact they were not the same thing.

Back then, when Chu Feng had not cultivated his current cultivation base, his mental state cultivation reached the realm of the heaven and earth sacred heart, and his spiritual thoughts reached the mortal realm, the divine realm, and the holy realm from the underworld!

If it is the sacred knowledge, how could his sacred knowledge reach such a distance! After that time, later Chu Feng reluctantly tried to spread his mind once, when he was in the profound cold waters.

The fourth level of mind is not so easy to enter, but now that Chu Feng has reached the high level of the heaven and earth sacred heart, it is much easier to enter the fourth level of mind. Out of three attempts, the possibility of entering the heaven and earth sacred heart is very likely. High, if you fail, you will suffer some harm, and the possibility of entering the fourth level of mind in a short time will be lower!

The speed of traveling around the world is extremely fast. Although the distance is not far, it takes at least ten minutes to get to the side of Ping'an Village. However, Chu Feng's mind spread. In just over ten seconds, his mind spread to the gravity domain Ping An. On the other side of the village.

"Kill, kill these bastards!"

"Guri guys, really killed them. When we are too bullied? Come on, everyone, let these **** know that our Ping An Village is not that easy to provoke!"

A look of surprise appeared on Chu Feng's face, and there was a conflict on the other side of Ping An Village! "What kind of plane, the Chaos Wasteland is so dangerous, and fighting each other like this, you can't die?" Chu Feng instantly retracted his mind and made the one-eyed lion king appear outside and drove toward the Ping An Village at the fastest speed. past.

For the past ten minutes, this was Chu Feng's speed. Riding the One-eyed Lion King, within three minutes, Chu Feng had already rushed to the gravity domain. When he reached the gravity domain, the speed of the One-eyed Lion King dropped a lot.

"Xian'er, Sky Eye Scan!"

Chu Feng said in his mind that when he got to this side, he didn't actually see a sky-eating rat. This situation is a bit strange. The sky-eating rat is used to the environment on this side. On this side, their advantages It will be bigger. If you move to another place, the pressure of survival will be much greater!

Miao Xian'er responded, and the sky eye opened immediately, and the image scanned by the sky eye appeared in Chu Feng's mind. If Chu Feng's mind continued to spread, we can also know if there is a sky-eating rat on this side, but the consumption of the mind is used. It's huge, even now, Chu Feng didn't dare to spend long time!

"The Sky Devouring Rats are still there, but why are all the Sky Devouring Rats hiding?" Chu Feng's face showed a look of surprise, and the Sky Devouring Rats are now all hiding underground!

You know, the number of Sky-Eater Rats is not one or two, it is hundreds of thousands. Many of them have indestructible strength. This is a powerful race!

"What...Although there are fighting on the ground, the strength of the Sky Devourers is stronger than the combined forces of Ping An Village and the attacking Ping An Village!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart.

Don't worry about eating the sky rat, the one-eyed lion king led Chu Feng forward at a fast speed, and it didn't take long for the one-eyed lion king to reach the battle area between Ping An Village and the other force!

"Stop it all!"

Chu Feng's ear-splitting voice rang, his voice rang, and both parties in the fight stopped temporarily. One party in Ping An Village knew Chu Feng, and the other party felt the powerful aura emanating from the one-eyed lion king. It is normal for Chu Feng to make a decision to suspend under the circumstances of his origin.

"This friend, this is our battle between Anza Mountain and Ping An Village. If your friend passes by, please don't interfere with our affairs!"

"We will destroy the Ping'an Village until then, if our friends come to Mount Anza, we will definitely receive them!" a middle-aged man who looked forty years old said solemnly.

Chu Feng frowned and said, "You are fighting, why?"

"Don't worry about it, otherwise there will be no good fruit!" An old man in gray said coldly. "Brother Chu, you came just right, and something strange happened in the village." He Hao's voice came from a distance, "A man in front of Anzha Mountain was rescued by us in the gravity domain, but the man unexpectedly We killed several of our villagers. We beheaded that person and sent the body to Mount Anza. It didn't take long for the people from Mount Anza to fight over!"

"He Hao, don't fart, how could Yan Yun kill your people? You know, the three of you who died, the cultivation bases of two high-ranking saints, and one is even more immortal! Yan Yun is no more than a high-ranking saint Please tell me, how can a high-ranking saint kill two high-ranking saints and an immortal saint?” The 40-year-old middle-aged man not far from Chu Feng said coldly, “Moreover, Yan Is Yun silly? You actually killed the people in your Ping An Village in your Ping An Village!"

"It is obvious that Yan Yun was killed by the people of your Ping'an Village! And in all likelihood, he died in the internal fighting of the people of your Ping'an Village!"

He Hao said solemnly: "Angel, you and I have not known each other for a year or two. Do you think I am that kind of person?"

"Hmph, maybe I was blind before!" An Geer's eyes flashed hesitatingly, "He Hao, when people arrive in your Ping An Village, they are fine, right? Not long after, you will send me one back. A corpse, even if I agree, can we people of Anzashan agree?"

Chu Feng thought, He Hao still knows a little bit, he should not be such a person. He Hao's estimate is true, but An Geer doesn't seem to be joking.

"Two of you, I'm afraid there is something wrong in the middle, everyone first stop fighting, I'll check it for you. By the way, who of you tells me why the sky-eater did not appear?" Chu Feng said.

Angel said: "It is estimated that we left the gravity domain. When we got here, we didn't find the Sky-Eater." "Brother Chu, the Sky-Eater disappeared some time ago, and all disappeared overnight. On the next day, Angel and the others will arrive, and we don't have time to investigate!" He Hao said.

Chu Feng frowned and said, "If I tell you that about a hundred thousand sky-eaters are all hiding under the ground at this time, will you feel that there is something wrong with this?"

Many people exclaimed, and many people on the Angar side changed their faces. If a large number of sky-eaters emerged from the ground, they might all confess to this gravity domain.

"Don't worry, the sky-eater rat seems to be afraid of something hiding. At this moment, the sky-eater rat will not come out of it." Chu Feng said.

Many people including Angel breathed a sigh of relief. "This friend, are you sure that a large number of sky-eaters are in the depths of the earth?" An Geer said to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "I don't know where Yan Yun's body is. I want to see Yan Yun's body. Your situation seems a bit strange!"

Angel hesitated for a while and nodded slightly. Soon, an old man with a sad face on Angel's side released Yan Yun's body.

Chu Feng approached Yan Yun. Yan Yun's appearance looked normal. There were no wounds on his body. With He Hao and the others, there were too many methods to kill Yan Yun without making wounds.

"Xian'er, scan!"

Chu Feng said in his mind. Under his instructions, Miao Xian'er immediately opened the Holy Prison and scanned Yan Yun's body. With the strength of the Holy Prison now, any problems should be scanned. After all, Yan Yun's cultivation Because he is only a high-ranking saint, and he is dead now, it is easier to scan.

Time passed by, and Chu Feng scanned with the sacred consciousness while the sky eye was scanning, but after five minutes, Chu Feng's sacred consciousness scanned inside and out without any discovery.

"Chu Feng... has carried out an in-depth scan, and has not found any special findings. Just like Angel said, Yan Yu's strength is only a high-ranking saint!"

"It stands to reason that with the strength of Yan Yu's upper-ranking saint, it is impossible to kill two high-ranking saints in a short time. Even if they have no defense against an immortal saint!" Miao Xian'er said.

Of course, Chu Feng knew that it was impossible. Even if the immortal-level powerhouse did not actively defend, it would take a lot of time for a high-ranking saint to kill the immortal-level powerhouse!

"Mr. He Hao, I also want to see the dead bodies of the three people in your village." Chu Feng said. He Hao agreed, and three more bodies appeared in front of Chu Feng soon.

After a quarter of an hour, Chu Feng carefully checked the three corpses, "Chu Feng, all three of them were killed by a single blow. Yan Yu should not have the strength to do it, but within their bodies , There is indeed a little Yan Yu's breath, this thing is really strange." Miao Xian'er said.

"There must be a problem here." Chu Feng said in his mind, "Xian'er, is there anything else to discover?" "This, there is no valuable discovery." Miao Xian'er said.

On the Anza Mountain side, someone said impatiently at this time: "This friend, things are obvious. If you don't find anything, just let it go!"

"That is, are there few strong people on both sides? We have nothing to discover. Do you think you are much better than us?" Another human being.

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