Holy Prison

Chapter 2055: Bloodtooth Black Python

Within the Anza Mountain, one after another corpses fell to the ground. Basically, every one of them died miserably. Many of them should have been tortured before they died!

Chu Feng's voice sounded in his mind, and it was useless for him to say more, Miao Xian'er opened the sky eye to scan, and at the same time, Chu Feng's sacred knowledge spread.

"Chu Feng, I didn't find it!" Miao Xian'er said quickly and authentically, Chu Feng's holy knowledge didn't find it at this moment, and Angeer and the others didn't find anything either!

"It's better to scan the mind!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart and immediately improved his mood, but this time, good luck did not patronize him, and his mood cultivation was not raised to the fourth level! Ascension failed, Chu Feng suffered some damage, but with the medical treatment, it was enough to recover for ten or twenty minutes!

The number of deaths on the Anza Mountain side was more than what Chu Feng had estimated before. About 600 people died. Angeer and many others were very sad and angry!

"Brother Chu, I don't know if there is any discovery?" After checking the surrounding area, Angeer reached Chu Feng's side.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "No, I'll look at it again!"

"Xian'er, can you see the entire range of the mountain if you look through it?" Chu Feng said in his mind. The sky's eyes didn't find it, which doesn't mean that nothing can be found by looking through it.

"It should be possible." Miao Xian'er said, Anzha Mountain is only a mountain of tens of thousands of meters high, not a very long mountain range, if it is a very long mountain range, it will definitely not work.


Looking through it, it was activated immediately. It didn't take long for Chu Feng to have the previous image in his mind. There was Cui Haoyuan in the image, and as the immortal powerhouse said, Cui Haoyuan activated it as soon as he entered Mount Anza. Powerful attack!

The video showed that in a short period of time, all people on the side of Anzha Mountain died, the immortal powerhouse fled, and Cui Haoyuan left in the direction of Ping An Village after killing everyone.

"I went to the direction of Ping An Village." Chu Feng's eyes showed surprise. In his estimation, Cui Haoyuan should move away from this area to other areas to continue his actions before he was unprepared for other forces and successfully killed. The odds of reaching many people are much higher than continuing to stay in Ping An Village!

"Those sky-eaters are all hiding under the ground. Could it be that the Heart of Darkness has a stronghold, but the stronghold is not on the side of Ping An Village"

"Brother Chu" An Geer asked again.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "Angel, there is no superfluous discovery, but their deaths are the same as those of the three people in Ping An Village!"


An Geer nodded, "Brother Chu, if you find anything, please tell me, I am very grateful." "Yes." Chu Feng nodded, "Angel, you all need to be more careful. Now on your side. There are many things. Since there is no special discovery, I will leave first, and then I will stay in Ping An Village for a while."

Angeer responded. Hundreds of people died on Mount Anza. At this time, there were indeed a lot of things to be dealt with. As for revenge, it could be put after some things were dealt with.

Chu Feng left, at the speed of the one-eyed lion king, in less than ten minutes, Chu Feng had already rushed to the side of Ping An Village.

"Brother Chu, thank you very much this time!" He Hao sat down in the guest house, and said in gratitude. If it weren't for Chu Feng to just come to this side, this time Ping An Village and Anzha Mountain would definitely have casualties!

Chu Feng waved his hand and chuckled: "Brother He, there is no need to put the word'thank' on your lips. I was on the side of Ping'an Village back then, and that was for several years!"

"Brother Chu, I didn't have the chance to see Brother Chu your supernatural power back then, but we have seen the power of Brother Chu's two wives. Didn't Fairy Phoenix and Fairy Lan come here?" He Hao said.

Chu Feng tasted the tea ceremony: "They practiced in my treasure space, brother brother, I have one thing to tell you when I came back so quickly. After Cui Haoyuan left Anzha Mountain, he came to Ping An Village. I guess this Even if you are not in Ping An Village, you will be not far from Ping An Village."

He Hao's expression changed: "Brother Chu, is this information accurate?"

He Hao didn't have any extravagant hopes of destroying the Dark Heart, he just hoped that it would leave Ping An Village as far as possible! "Perhaps nine out of ten." Chu Feng said.

"How could this happen? The Heart of Darkness seems to have some wisdom, but it would not be a wise choice to come back to this side." He Hao said.

"Indeed it is."

Chu Feng said, he changed the topic as he said, "Brother He, I don't know what the Rats are afraid of? Do they have any natural enemies on the side of Ping An Village?"

"The Sky Devouring Rat is a tyrant in the gravity domain. There are no natural enemies on the whole, but alone, the Sky Devouring Rat has natural enemies on this side!" He Hao said.

"Trouble talk about it." Chu Feng said. If He Hao knows, then there is no need to wake Lan Wen and ask those sky-eaters. Lan Wen is practicing now, and it is not good for such small things to disturb her.

He Hao said: "There are probably hundreds of bloodtooth black pythons in this gravitational domain. With the same cultivation base, if the rat encounters bloodtooth black pythons, it will undoubtedly fail. It is more difficult to escape!"

"Bloodfang black pythons have an innate advantage over the sky-eating rats, but the blood-tooth black pythons on the gravity domain have always been bullied by the sky-eating rats. There are too many sky-eating rats!"

"Bloodfang black python." Chu Feng's eyes flickered.

If it's just the Heart of Darkness, Devouring Rats shouldn't be like that, but what if the Heart of Darkness is combined with the Bloodfang Black Python? After the combination, such a situation is normal!

"Perhaps Cui Haoyuan and the others did not completely integrate the power of the Heart of Darkness. They only merged part of the fusion. The main fusion of the Heart of Darkness is the bloodtooth black python. Cui Haoyuan and the others may not be able to go too far." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. .

He Hao said: "Brother Chu, if you think of something and need my help, you can talk about it." "I don't need it for the time being, it's just an idea, I don't know if it's right." Chu Feng said.

I didn’t plan to wake Lan Wen before, but now I have to wake Lan Wen. Chu Feng and Miao Xian'er said, and Lan Wen appeared outside soon, and Feng also appeared with Lan Wen. Frozen.

Feng Bingning has years, the law of time in the palm of her hand, and her strength is very strong. At that time, she may use her power of time, and the heart of time should be in the chaotic wasteland. Feng Bingning may be more sensitive to the heart of time than Make him stronger!

The two women bowed slightly to He Hao, and He Hao quickly bowed without entrusting him, "Two fairies, I just talked about you with Brother Chu, but I didn't expect you to show up." He Hao With a smile, "Compared with before, the strength of the two fairies seems to be greatly improved, which is really gratifying!"

"The village chief is polite!" Feng Bingning smiled authentically.

While Feng Bingning was chatting with He Hao, Chu Feng passed some information to Lan Wen. After receiving Chu Feng's message, Lan Wen nodded slightly.

A few minutes later, Chu Feng and the others went outside the defensive circle of the blood flower, Lan Wen thought of the mouse king, and the mouse king appeared underground, and immediately hurried toward the area where the sky-eaters gathered!

"Brother Feng, the mouse king has passed, and there should be news from the side of the sky-eater rat soon." Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, Lan Wen and the others quickly retreated within the protection range of the Flower in Blood.

The Rat King’s arrival at the place where the Sky Devouring Rat family gathered caused some chaos, but the chaos quickly disappeared. Although some of the Rat King was unhappy with the return of the Rat King, the strength of the Rat King was there, and the current bit of the Rat The Sky Mouse clan really needs a strong leader!

"Brother Feng, there is news from the Mouse King side that the Sky Devouring Rats are afraid, indeed because of the blood-tooth black python!" Lan Wen said through voice transmission, "There is a terrifying blood-tooth black python in the ground, and there are already quite a few. The Sky Devourer died under the attack of that bloodtooth black python!"

"How powerful is it?"

Lan Wen hesitated for a while and said, "Brother Feng, may be more powerful than the powerhouse at the Saint-sovereign level. That bloodtooth black python should be a powerhouse at the quasi-dominant level!"

"Quasi-dominant level!"

Chu Feng was shocked, but he knew the horror of the quasi-dominant-level powerhouse. A quasi-dominance-level powerhouse like Honu, even the ten saintly-level powerhouses, would not be an opponent!

"Brother Feng, the current strength of the bloodtooth black python should be considered low among the quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, and it didn't even have the quasi-dominant-level strength before." Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng frowned and said: "Through hunting, its strength is increasing! Even if it is at the bottom among the quasi-dominant powerhouses, it is not easy to deal with! Unless it is stupid enough to enter my holy prison space!"

The quasi-dominant-level powerhouse is definitely much better than the holy-master-level powerhouse in terms of speed. If such a powerhouse wants to escape, it is indeed not easy to catch it.

Unlike the powerful quasi-masters in the cold lake of Nine Yin Land, the actions of the Bloodfang Black Python show that it is very cautious!

"If Brother Feng wants to catch it, the most important thing to solve is its speed. Some sky-eaters have seen the blood-toothed black snake. Its body length is only three or four meters, but its speed is extremely fast!" Lan Wen said .

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, I will check to see if I can find the bloodtooth black python."

It took some time to come from the side of Mount Anzha, and some time passed on the side of Ping'an Village. At this time, some of the injuries suffered by Chu Feng had recovered under Tianyan's treatment.

After half a minute of calming down, Chu Feng quickly raised his state of mind. In a short time, he raised his state of mind to the third level, and then continued to climb toward the fourth level!

The previous time he was upgraded, this time Chu Feng successfully raised his state of mind to the fourth level. As soon as his mind moved, his mind quickly spread in all directions!

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