Holy Prison

Chapter 2056: Stigmata

His mind spread to 100,000 meters underground, and Chu Feng discovered those sky-eaters. The gathering of hundreds of thousands of sky-eaters in a huge space was spectacular!

Continuing downward, when his mind spread to 150,000 meters, Chu Feng discovered some dark aura, when his mind spread to 200,000 meters, Chu Feng found a blood-toothed black python!

"It should be soon!"

Chu Feng muttered in his heart, his consumption at this moment is extremely large, if he has to travel a long distance, it is estimated that his mind cultivation may not be able to achieve.

You know, there is a huge difference between the diffusion of the mind and spirit cultivation base outside and the diffusion underground. Even if it is a holy master like He Hao, in this area, the scan of the holy consciousness cannot reach below 50,000 meters!

At 200,000 meters, Chu Feng found more bloodtooth black pythons, not a few hundred, but two to three thousand, and more than half of them were indestructible!

"I found you!"

Chu Feng's mind trembled slightly. At this time, his mind had spread to 280,000 meters underground, and his mind spread to a blood-toothed black python that was three to four meters long.

The other blood-toothed black pythons lack spirituality in their eyes, but this blood-toothed black python has more spirituality in its eyes! With his tongue spitting out, Chu Feng saw that the blood-toothed black python had sharp blood fangs in its mouth. These blood fangs could exert powerful spell attacks, and they could directly spit out people. If they spit out people directly, the power would be even greater. very!

The other blood-toothed black pythons are completely black, but the blood-toothed black python that Chu Feng found in his mind has blood circles on its body. Those blood-toothed black pythons make it look more dangerous than other blood-toothed black pythons. Much!

"Cui Haoyuan... Sure enough, Cui Haoyuan is related to this blood-toothed black python!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

After scanning the blood-toothed black python, Chu Feng found Cui Haoyuan in his heart. At this time, Cui Haoyuan cut his wrist and dripped blood into the blood-toothed black python’s mouth. Drops of blood flowed into the blood-toothed black python’s body. Within it, the blood-toothed black python's strength was continuously improving at a relatively fast speed!

"It's not easy!"

A mind mark was left on the Bloodfang Black Python King, and Chu Feng's mind soon withdrew. With his current level, he could not sustain it for a long time!

Chu Feng thought, there are still a lot of good things for himself, but there are not many ways to deal with a quasi-dominant powerhouse!

The holy prison heavy artillery is one kind, but unfortunately, if the blood tooth black python is not scanned by the eyes today, and I don't know its breath, the holy prison heavy artillery will be extremely difficult to hit the blood tooth black python!

The marks of the four beasts and the infinite ruler are all masters, but it is a pity that Chu Feng simply can't use such things now! As for the Heart of Space, the power of the Heart of Space is not sufficient now, and it is estimated that it is difficult to compete with the Heart of Darkness.

The ghost city may be useful; there are many other treasures, various Chu Fengs, as long as he is willing, it is not difficult to win a quasi-dominant powerhouse, but it is likely that the consumption will not be in contrast with the return!

If you consume a hundred worth of treasures and get something worth only one, then Chu Feng guesses that he will have the heart to die!

"Catch the blood-toothed black python king, the main thing is to look at Wen'er!" Chu Feng thought about Lan Wen, Lan Ji controlled the mouse king, and without harming the sky-eaters, those sky-eaters The mouse will definitely obey the mouse king's order. A hundred thousand sky-eater rats, as long as they can surround the blood-tooth black python king, the blood-tooth black python king and the other blood-tooth black pythons have nowhere to escape!

The Sky Devouring Rat family is not high in IQ. The Bloodtooth Black Python King knew this. It had never thought that the Sky Devouring Rat race would have any traps, even if the Sky Devouring Rat set traps too crudely! However, what it doesn't know is that the mouse king is back, and the mouse king who comes back now can be controlled by Lan Wen!

After half an hour.

"Brother Feng, the plan you mentioned should be feasible!" Lan Wen said, Chu Feng's plan is to use those sky-eaters, hundreds of thousands of sky-eaters, this is a terrifying force.

The bloodfang black python king is strong, and there are many bloodfang black pythons to help out, but if you get an ambush, you can't match the many sky-eaters!

The plan is simple but not simple, but it is not complicated.

The King of Rats came back. Chu Feng meant that "internal strife" would occur in the Sky Devouring Rat tribe. Internal strife occurred, and the Celest Devouring Rat tribe split, fighting endlessly with each other, but they were all more controlled.

Under such circumstances, Chu Feng believes that the Bloodfang Black Python King will never stand idly by. If it is dispatched in person and reaches a certain boundary, the Sky Devouring Rat clan will immediately be fully imprisoned!

The confinement power emitted by a sky-eater may be very weak, but the confinement power exerted by one hundred thousand sky-eaters must be extremely powerful!

If the Sky Devourers manage the bloodtooth black python king, it’s easy to say. If it doesn’t work, Chu Feng will have to dispatch the Holy Prison Heavy Cannons. To deal with the master-level powerhouses, the Holy Prison Heavy Cannons may not be able to kill even if they are fully deployed. !

The two most critical points of this plan, first, the Bloodfang Black Python King cannot be allowed to see the flaws, otherwise it would be a strange thing that it would enter the trap.

The second point is the arrangement of the invisible large array. This one can only be completed by Chu Feng. Without a large invisible array, it would be impossible to condense the confinement power of the Sky Devouring Rats!

Such a large invisible formation requires a lot of time, which can be satisfied with the heart of time. In addition, it needs to be very secretive, which can also be satisfied by Chu Feng's stigmata!

"Then go ahead, Wen'er, you will make the Sky Devourer a little mess right now, and it will easily cause the Bloodfang Black Python King to suspect it." Chu Feng said.

"Yes, promise to complete the task." Lan Wen said with a charming smile.

Chu Feng smiled and instantly entered the holy prison space. This plan, his mission can be said to be the heaviest. It is extremely difficult to arrange a large formation that the quasi-dominant-level powerhouse cannot discover in the first time. high!

When there is difficulty, there is challenge. Chu Feng was a little excited in his heart. This time can be said to be his first important action since he learned the art of stigmata!

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng entered the scope of the power of time, and an ordinary stone appeared in his hand. This time the layout of the super large array requires a lot of things, and he needs to be in that piece of things. There are stigmata on it that people will not doubt. Moreover, when everything is placed in a certain area at that time, it can fully exert the power of the big formation, allowing the sky-eater rats to work together to trap the bloodtooth black python in one fell swoop!

"Master, you have to bless my apprentice to get this thing done." Chu Feng muttered in his heart and immediately appeared in his hand.

The power of time is the power of time that is a thousand times the acceleration, and this time acceleration will not affect the performance of Chu Feng's stigmata art. A thousand-fold acceleration of time, one year of acceleration outside will be a thousand years.

In a blink of an eye, three years have passed. Under the power of time, after three thousand years and three thousand years of hard work, Chu Feng finally took shape in the hands of Chu Feng!

This super large array can be said to be a super large array specially created for the sky-eaters. There are thousands of sky-eaters in the sacred prison space. Chu Feng had already thought about it, but he did not expect it to be under the current situation. carry out!

The last part was completed, and Chu Feng let out a long sigh. He quickly thought that there shouldn't be any problems with the super large array that he created.

Of course, it is not certain whether it can rely on it to catch the bloodtooth black python, it is probably one thing to be perfect, but it is another thing to succeed in catching it!

Chu Feng appeared outside, Lan Wen sensed Chu Feng's breath and suddenly appeared beside Chu Feng.

"Feng'er, where is Bing Ning?" Chu Feng asked. Feng Bing Ning did not enter the holy prison space, nor was he around at this moment.

"Sister Bing Ning said half a year ago that she felt a strange fluctuation so she left Ping An Village. She said she would return after leaving for a year at most." Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and didn't say much. Feng Bingning was already strong enough now, and she was not a child, she knew what to do.

When Feng Bingning fell into the Chaos Wasteland, Chu Feng hurriedly rushed to the Chaos Wasteland. On the one hand, Feng Bingning suffered a hidden injury from the temple.

On the other hand, Feng Bingning’s strength at that time was much lower than it is now. Now Feng Bingning has an immortal level cultivation base. This cultivation base has treasures like Ziyuling, has time, and is also integrated with fire. Zhixinjing, Feng Bingning, even in a place like Chaos Wasteland, would not be so easy to think of trouble.

"How is the situation of the Sky Devourers?" Chu Feng said.

Lan Wen said: "The Sky Devouring Rat clan split into five parts. Over the past three years, the Sky Devouring Rat race has fought many times. There are one or two thousand dead Rats!"

If there were no casualties in the battle, the Bloodfang Black Python would definitely not believe that one or two thousand casualties, this is not small, and should be enough to dispel the Bloodfang Black Python's suspicion.

"It's okay." Chu Feng nodded slightly, and the situation has not exceeded the total plan to this point. "Brother Feng, in the past few years, several people have died in Pingan Village, and people in Ansong Village have also died, but because the protection measures are okay, the number of deaths has not exceeded one palm." Lan Wen said.

"Well, the next step is going to plan!" Chu Feng said. This step of the plan needs to be completed after he dives a certain distance below. At this time, there are a lot of stigmatized things in the holy prison space, and those things are in the holy prison space. It's useless, you need to arrange them all outside!

"Brother Feng, let me improve your destiny." Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng shook his head, "No, Wen'er, although you have the heart of life, you'd better not do things like changing your destiny!"

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