Holy Prison

Chapter 2060: return

"Lin Kong, confess your relationship with Lin Shi." Chu Feng said. "Boss Chu, don't gossip like this," Lin Kong said helplessly.

Chu Feng raised his brows: "This is not gossip, this is curiosity, okay? Lin Kong, you know the policy, be lenient in frankness and strict in resistance."

"Well, I confess, Lin Shi and I have a good relationship with each other, but it's just a good relationship. We don't have the kind of red fruit behavior that you humans do," Lin Kong said.

Chu Feng looked at Feng Bingning: "Bing Ning, when you encountered the heart of time before, was it easy to get your hands?" "No, I spent three months tracking it. If the heart of time remains If I escape, I don't think I can catch up. But then I don't know what happened, the heart of time suddenly stopped moving forward and took the initiative to come to me." Feng Bing condensed.

"Have you mentioned the heart of space?" Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning thought for a while and said, "I mentioned that it should be that the heart of time took the initiative to reach me before saying that the heart of time is related to the heart of space?"

"Lover relationship." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"No wonder!"

Feng Bingning smiled, "Then letting the heart of time recognize you as the master is the best choice, otherwise the heart of time recognizes me as the master, and they will be separated a lot of time."

"Lord, master" a thin voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. The voice sounded like a woman in her twenties, soft and very nice.

"Lin Shi?"

"It's my master!" Lin Shi said, "Master, I still have some power reserves, which can improve your cultivation level, master, do you want to use it?"

When Chu Feng's eyes lit up, his spatial heart had improved his strength a lot: "Lin Shi, I am now an immortal level 3 cultivation base, how much can you improve my cultivation base?"

"It should be able to be promoted to the fifth level of immortality." Lin Shi said.

"Five levels of immortality!"

Chu Feng thought about it. If he reaches the fifth-level immortal cultivation base, he should be able to defeat the saint king even without relying on the one-eyed lion king, but this one is actually not that urgent. If he cultivates on the Devouring Platform, At that time, you can also reach the fifth-level immortal cultivation base in a relatively short period of time.

"Lin Shi, what if you don't improve? What role does your strength have? Or what role do you have?" Chu Feng said, the heart of time, he believed that he would not let himself down.

Lin Shidao: "Master, there are many aspects of the ability of the Heart of Time. In terms of attack, the power of time can directly kill people. For example, half of the time acceleration of a person's sage is higher than that of the other half, which exceeds a certain level. If you do, this will make a person’s sage instantly collapse!"

"In terms of defense, time slows down and time pauses to defend against any attack; entering a different time, this time-dimensional attack will hardly hurt you, the master."

"In terms of auxiliary attack, using the power of the Heart of Time can easily increase your master's attack speed. This way, your combat power will naturally increase greatly. This one can also be used on other people. Auxiliary defense is also possible. The power of the heart of time can make many people disappear into different time together, but that energy consumption is huge!"

"In terms of training, the power of the Heart of Time can allow you to withstand additional time acceleration. For example, if you can only withstand one million times the acceleration of time, the power of the Heart of Time can make you endure two million times or more !"

"In addition to the above, there are others, such as allowing you to see the past and even a little bit of the future. However, the past is clear, the future will be more blurred, and what you can see is not It must be real, and what you see may not happen."

"Master, there are a lot of various abilities, the main aspect is some of the main ones, I will directly pass all the information to you, the master." Lin Shi said.

Chu Feng agreed, and soon a lot of information entered Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng digested the information with a smile, and the power of the heart of time was very good and powerful!

Among other things, the ability to enter a different time is very awkward. When entering a different time, the attack of this time dimension is extremely difficult to fall on him. The attack of the dominant power may not resist, but it is accurate. There should be no problem in resisting the attack of the dominant power for a little time.

As long as he can resist a little bit of time, Chu Feng will be able to prepare, no doubt, this will greatly enhance Chu Feng's survivability!

"Lin Shi, hurry up and merge, Lin Kong, you are the same, if something happens to me, you two will also be injured." Chu Feng said.

"Yes, boss Chu!"

Lin Kong and Lin Shi both responded. In contrast, Lin Kong was quite casual, and Lin Shi guessed that it was the reason why he met Chu Feng just now.

"Bing Ning, let's go out, say goodbye, we have to leave." Chu Feng chuckled.

Feng Bingning nodded. Soon, Chu Feng and Feng Bingning appeared outside, and Lan Wen appeared with them. Lan Wen hadn't practiced in these hours.

"Brother Chu."

As soon as Chu Feng and the others appeared, He Hao and some people from Ping'an Village surrounded them. Recently, the ground seemed a bit uneven, and they wanted to know what happened.

"Brother He, everyone." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Brother He, let me tell you the news that the Heart of Darkness has been accepted by me, and the next powerful bloodtooth black python has been dealt with by me. There should be no problem. Yes, you can inform the rest of the surrounding forces with this news!"

"Really?" He Hao said in surprise. He didn't think much about the Heart of Darkness. All he thought was that Ping An Village could be truly safe!

Chu Feng nodded his head: "Really! Brother He, we have to leave as much as we deal with things on this side. If we don't leave again, I guess we can only stay here!"

"Brother He, do you have any thoughts of leaving this village? If so, I can take you outside, but there is a slight chance of death!"

He Hao shook his head slightly: "We have become accustomed to the life here. Although it is a bit more dangerous, it is less deceitful. Brother Chu, we have to disappoint."

"It's okay, everyone has his own life. I don't have the idea of ​​asking you to leave. Naturally, if you don't leave, I can't speak of disappointment." Chu Feng smiled.

"Brother Feng, the news from the mouse king is that 20,000 indestructible sky-devouring rats will be gathered in an hour." Lan Wen said, this time the battle between the sky-eater and the blood-toothed black python is the sky-eater. Although one party has also lost a lot, the Bloodfang Black Python party is almost completely wiped out, and the prestige of the Rat King controlled by Lan Wen has greatly increased among the Sky Devour Rat!

Before the prestige was improved, many of the Sky Devourers in the Sky Devourer clan didn't listen to the words of the mouse king controlled by Lan Wen, and now there are basically no Sky Devourers who dare not listen!

"Brother Chu, if you want to leave, let us help you out." He Hao said. It takes another hour for the King of Rats to gather the Sky Rats. Chu Feng did not refuse but agreed with a smile.

More than an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and the 20,000 Indestructible Sky Devouring Rats had entered the Chu Feng Sacred Prison Space. Most of the Indestructible Sky Devouring Rats were killed by Chu. The peak is gone, but there are still some left, and there are also tens of thousands of Immortal Sky Devouring Rats. There is no problem for them to survive.

"Brother He, An Ge Er, everyone, goodbye." Chu Feng smiled lightly. An Ge Er was originally not here. He rushed to this side when he received the news.

"Brother Chu, we can't help with things outside, but if things are in the Chaos Wasteland, we might be able to help. When it's useful to us in the future, just speak up." Angel said, Mount Anza After hundreds of people died, Chu Feng could say that he helped Anzha Mountain hold a grudge, and Angar was naturally polite now.

Chu Feng smiled, "When there is trouble to you in the future, I will definitely not be polite to you. It has been a long time since I left. I don't know what the situation is outside, so I will withdraw first!"

"Take care!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and in the blink of an eye he disappeared in front of He Hao and the others.

"The breath of the holy world is better from the outside atmosphere!" On a certain holy mountain in the holy world, Chu Feng's figure appeared and took a deep breath.

In the Land of Nine Yin, the breath there feels a bit too cold, and the breath on the side of the Chaos Wasteland feels too harsh to me!

The sacred world feels very good. This is because the natural environment is good, but the human environment is not so good! The sanctuary controls the holy realm, and the powerhouses of Chu Feng and others can only sneak into the holy realm.

"I have been away from Shenchu ​​City for so long, I don't know what is going on on the other side of Shenchu ​​City." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, now the profound cold waters are attracting Chu Feng, but after thinking about it, Chu Feng decided to return first. Looking at Shenchu ​​City, many people in Shenchu ​​City are already in a hurry if they don't appear for such a long time.

The door of space opened, and Chu Feng returned to the God Realm in the blink of an eye through the door of space, and returned to the Chu Mansion of Shenguang City.

Not ten seconds after Chu Feng appeared, Wei Shi was a little excited and entered the side hall where Chu Feng was. This time Chu Feng did not leave for a short time. He spent a lot of time on the side of the profound cold waters. Later, I entered the Land of Nine Yin, and spent a lot of time on the other side of the Land of Nine Yin!

As for the years in the Chaos Wasteland, it was negligible.

"Weishi, have any important things happened over the years?" Chu Feng asked. Wei Shi nodded slightly with a heavy color on his face: "Well. Boss, some important things have happened over the years. Boss, you have been away for a long time this time. Everyone is more anxious!"

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