Holy Prison

Chapter 2061: Important things

"What happened?" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Seeing Chu Feng's smile, Wei Shi, who was a little worried, was relieved: "Boss, there are a few major events that have happened these years."

"The first one, large and small, the temple has launched seven attacks, two of which are relatively large, and two are relatively small. There are a lot of scattered attacks."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Normally, the temple must use this method to determine if I am dead! How many casualties are there in the God Realm?"

"There are a lot of casualties. The quasi-sage-level powerhouse of God Chu City has died more than 100,000. The power-sage-powered has fallen to more than a dozen people. Below the quasi-sage, there are more deaths!" Wei Shidao.

Chu Feng did not speak. After three seconds, Wei Shi continued: "The second important thing is that there is a rumor in the Three Realms that the boss is dead. This one is nothing. The boss, you just need to show your face, and such rumors will naturally disappear. The third important thing is that the Holy Realm should have received four Tianxinzi. This is the news that Master Hong and the others have received in the Holy Realm. It should be true news."

"The fourth important thing, there is news from the underworld that the heart of death has been taken away. I don't know what kind of person got the heart of death!"

"The fifth important thing, the temple releases news. As long as we give up resistance, the people of the abyss will not cut the roots of our people in the universe!"

After Wei Shi's words were finished, Chu Feng frowned slightly. He didn't expect that so many things would happen without showing up for such a period of time.

That's all else, Chu Feng didn't expect that the Heart of Death would be given to him. This thing, that is related to a 4S-level mission!

"The temple actually released such news, it seems to be a little smarter." Chu Feng said in a low voice. If the temple wants to wipe out the power of this universe, the people of this universe will definitely fight to the end, but If you don't do that to be "gentle", many people may not be willing to resist, and even choose to join the temple. After all, the strength of the temple is stronger than theirs.

"Boss" Wei Shi was a little hesitant and authentic.

"What's the matter, say!"

Wei Shi said solemnly: "Boss, your boss has been absent these years, and people's hearts have been a little bit fluctuating. After several wars, we didn't take much advantage. The temple has released such news that some saints have left."

"Leave? You mean, they betrayed this universe and plunged into the abyss?" Chu Feng sneered. "Yes the boss." Wei Shi said a piece of jade slip appeared in his hand, "Boss, this is a list, and everyone on the list has betrayed and left."

Chu Feng took the jade slip and scanned it inside. He thought it was only a dozen or twenty people betrayed, but he didn't expect the jade slip to record information about one or two hundred people!

"Weish, really these people have betrayed?" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Wei Shi nodded: "There should be nothing wrong with this list. This list has been carefully verified by Master Hongjun! They are located in the area of ​​the Most Sacred Mountain."

"Okay, very good, I'm not dead yet, I've only been away for thousands of years, and something like this actually happened." Chu Feng said coldly.

Saint-level powerhouses, in Chu Feng's view, they should still have some backbone, but unexpectedly, Chu Feng still overestimated them!

Some people, even though they are strong, they are stubborn. Seeing some disadvantages on their side, they immediately fell to the side of the temple!

Some of them, Chu Feng used to drink and chat with them, thinking about it, Chu Feng had the urge to take off their heads and kick the ball!

"Weish, is there anything else? If there is nothing more, you can withdraw first." Chu Feng said. "There's nothing more, boss, then I will retreat first." Wei Shi said, bowing out immediately.

When Wei Shi left, Chu Feng's expression returned to his calmness, "If you are a wall grass, then you have to bear the consequences of being a wall grass. What a fool, even if the temple wins, what good results can such a wall grass have? If our side wins, there will be no good results." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

Half a minute later, Chu Feng appeared in Hongjun’s residence on the side of Shenguang City. Master Hongjun Pangu Tianhen and other people were chatting. They didn’t know that Chu Feng had returned to Shenguang City at this moment. Ming and Zhou Wen could know for the first time before, it was because the brains of Shenguang City would notify them as soon as possible.

"Old ghost Hong, after discussing it for a long time, what can you do? My good disciple should be in the Chaos Wasteland at the moment. If you don't have any good solutions, I will search in the Chaos Wasteland." Tianhen is humane, and he really cares about this apprentice Chu Feng.

Master Tianhen has no disciples, and no children, Chu Feng has a very important position in his heart, otherwise he would not be willing to **** his hope of becoming a master for Chu Feng last time and **** an arm!

"Old demon, don't you know that the Chaos Wasteland is not a little bit of a place. You can find it in ten years when you enter it? If you can't find it, you want to fall into it by yourself?" Pangu said solemnly, "I Look at you, just stay in Shenguang City, your apprentice, you still don’t understand how things can happen so easily."

Hongjun also persuaded: "Old demon, it's only a few thousand years. If you fall into any formation, it's normal to be trapped for thousands of years. Don't you, Chu Fengyujian, he is not dead. As long as he doesn't die. With his means, he will definitely be able to come back!"

"Master Pan Shihong is right." Chu Feng's voice rang, and his figure appeared in front of Hongjun and some of them in the next moment.

"Huh!" Master Tianhen showed surprise in his eyes, but his face was coldly hummed, "What the **** is going on if I haven't come back for so long?"

With a look of helplessness on Chu Feng's face, he sat down on the seats next to Master Tianhen: "Master, I am going out, but there is business."

"Chu Feng, just come back." Hongjun said with a light smile, "Have you heard about some things in the God Realm these years?"


Chu Feng nodded, "In the past few years, I was surrounded by the temple in the profound cold waters, and then I got to the ghost place of the Nine Yin Lands, and finally left from the Nine Yin Lands, and arrived at the Chaos Wasteland. It took some time, but fortunately, there is Hongshi on this side and you are steady."

There have been a lot of things happening over the years, and Chu Feng knew that if it weren't for Hongjun and others to stabilize, things would definitely be much worse than they are now.

"Master Hong, Master Pan, let's not talk about anything else, let's go to my treasure space first, there is a person you want to see in my treasure space." Chu Feng smiled.

Chu Feng said that a suction force acted on Pangu and the others. In the blink of an eye, Chu Feng and the others all disappeared in place and entered the holy prison space.


"Brother Pan, Brother Hong!"


The person Chu Feng wanted Pangu and the others to see was Nüwa. At this moment, Pangu and Nüwa were not surprised, but Pangu and their eyes were all shocked.

"Sister, you are not already" Pan Gu said in disbelief, Nu Wa is already dead, but at this moment, he can really feel that Nu Wa is right in front of him.

Moreover, the Nuwa in front of him, the same strength as him, is also of the holy sovereign level.

Nu Wa looked at Chu Feng with a smile and said, "Thanks to Chu Feng, he got a resurrection chapter, found the resurrection temple and resurrected me!"

"Okay, okay!" Pangu was overjoyed, Hongjun and the others also showed joy in their eyes. Nüwa is their friend, and Nüwa is a powerhouse of the saintly level. There is more than Nvwa, and they are high-end The strength is much stronger!

"Master Pan, you guys have a good chat, I went outside to deal with some things, and it hasn't been a long time since I showed up. I guess some people really thought I was dead!" Chu Feng said.

"Go go." Pan Gu waved.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and then left the sacred prison space. Master Tianhen was not very familiar with Nu Wa, but he did not leave at this moment. Nu Wa is Song Ye’s mother and he is Chu Feng’s master. In the future, everyone will spend time with each other in no way. It’s good to be familiar with it at this time.

When Chu Feng arrived outside, he first turned around in the God Realm, and then in the Ordinary Realm. The God Realm or the Ordinary Realm was originally a little unstable. The situation immediately stabilized a lot.

For the Ordinary Realm of the God Realm, the God Realm City is the most important. Without the large number of powerhouses of the God Realm City, the powerhouses of the temple have already levelled the God Realm and the Realm Realm.

For Shenchu ​​City, Chu Feng, the city lord, is the most important. It is the backbone of Shenchu ​​City, a giant, the power that can be exerted by Shenchu ​​City with Chu Feng and Shenchu ​​City without Chu Feng. Not in the same grade!

If Chu Feng were there, the temple would not dare to send many people to attack the God Realm in recent years, and at most a few scattered people would harass the lower realm a little bit!

"The city lord is back, great, those **** in the temple actually said that the lord of the city had already died under their attack. What a shame!"

"That is, with the greatness of Lord City Lord, the scum in the temple can be killed by Lord City Lord! I heard that back then, Lord City Lord was surrounded by tens of thousands of indestructible powerhouses. As a result, Lord City Lord I'm still alive now, this is really Chi Guoguo's face slap haha!"

"I heard that some people betrayed this universe and plunged into the abyss. For those people, I want to see how they end up!"

Many people in the mortal realm of the gods were talking about it. Many people gathered in a hall of the holy realm to the holy mountain, but after a few minutes, the hall was still quiet.

"Everyone, what do you want to say?" Long Yang said in a deep voice. His face was not so good at this time. Chu Feng left like that and hasn't returned for so many years. He thought he would not be able to return or would return for a long time. Not coming, I didn't expect to have appeared in the God Realm now.

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