Holy Prison

Chapter 2062: Two punches

"Unexpectedly, Chu Feng, the kid, would come back alive, alas." Venerable Formation sighed slightly. They knew very well that now Chu Feng had become their biggest obstacle!

Without Chu Feng, it would not be a big problem to solve the mortal realm of the God Realm, but as soon as Chu Feng appeared, they knew that even if it could be solved, it would have cost a lot!

"Hall Master, after the news of Chu Feng for so long, I think we need to know Chu Feng's current strength." A Saint King-level expert said, "He hasn't appeared for so long. I guess it should not be trapped in the Yin. In the case of the Chaos Wasteland, the possibility of being trapped in the Chaos Wasteland is not very high."

Long Yang said: "Asura, you mean, Chu Feng was trapped in the land of nine Yin?"

"It may be the land of the nine yins, or it may be the land of the nine yangs, but judging from the original aura, the aura of the land of the nine yins is larger." Asura said quietly, "the land of the nine yins, Needless to say that the place is dangerous, there are also many treasures. I am a little worried that Chu Feng has obtained a lot of treasures on the side of the Jiuyin Land!"

"The possibility of what you said is very high." Long Yang nodded slightly, "But now, what can you do with Chu Feng and Asura?"

Long anode had rarely noticed this Asura before. Although he had the strength of the Saint King level, the Asura was relatively low-key. Today, the Asura is slightly high-profile.

Asura chuckled and said: "Hall Master, we deal with Chu Feng, one is to come hard, that requires a lot of troops, otherwise, we who reach the God Realm will send food to God Chu City, presumably everyone I can agree that the power of Shenchu ​​City is not weak, even when Chu Feng is not there!"

"Chu Feng can freely go back and forth piece by piece, plus Chu Feng can be said to be the backbone of Shenchu ​​City. When he is there, the power that erupts from Shenchu ​​City can be increased by several percent."

Long Yang and they both nodded slightly. They knew that when Chu Feng was there before, they put in a lot of troops and the result was miserable. When Chu Feng was away, they put in troops, although they eventually lost. The results achieved were much better than when Chu Feng was away.

"On the other hand, we come to be soft. We scored in two ways. On the one hand, we try our best to get Tianxinzi. As long as we get six Tianxinzi and change the rules of heaven and earth, the balance of victory will tilt towards us. ; On the other hand, it caused problems within the mortal realm of the God Realm."

"Holy lord, we should not behave viciously. If we act viciously, the people of this universe will resist desperately. We should be friendly. Now we are doing this, but it is not enough. We need to work harder! God! In the world, in the world, we all need to send people to convey some of our thoughts."

Long Yang chuckles authentically: "Enslave!"

Asura nodded: "Yes, enslavement! Many people lack the courage to resist and are willing to become slaves. These people are the power we can use!"

"We are now declaring that we are not strong enough. Many people are still hostile to us. What we have to do is to make more people feel that we are not hostile. At the same time, we must let more people oppose God Chu City! God Chu City is The overlord of the Mortal Realm God Realm must have some dissatisfaction in many people's hearts."

"We want some people who are dissatisfied to express their dissatisfaction! I have studied Chu Feng for a long time. Chu Feng has a shortcoming and his heart is weaker. If there are a small number of people, Chu Feng ordered them all to be killed. But if enough people resist, Chu Feng will not bear it!"

Venerable Zhen said with a smile: "As long as Chu Feng can't bear it, then more and more people will stand up to resist. Our image will improve and at the same time discredit God Chu City. This plan is good!"

Asura said: "In this way, it is very likely that Shenchucheng will be in chaos. As long as Shenchucheng is in chaos, we can slowly look for flaws!"

"Chu Feng still has a big flaw that he emphasizes family and friendship. I really appreciate this. However, we are now hostile, and we can only be wronged by Chu Feng."

"As long as Chu Feng is eliminated, the pressure of God Chu City without Chu Feng will be greatly reduced for us! In addition, let me say that when we are making some plans, we can increase the announcement of the holy prison, how powerful and how to promote it. , It’s best to advertise that his best friend will tempted to kill him and take him to the holy prison!"

Long Yang took a deep look at Asura, and he was a little more vigilant about Asura. Asura was low-key before, but now it is high-key, which is not normal.

"Everyone, Asura is right. As for the points raised by Asura, please add your opinions." Long Yang said in a deep voice.

Everyone in the hall has lived for a long time. It can be said that they are full of bad water. Some of Ashura’s suggestions were put forward, and it didn’t take long for the people in the hall to supplement and take out one by one. plan.

"Chu Feng, does anyone have any questions?" Hongjun asked.

There are a lot of people in Shenchu ​​City, who do not belong to Shenchu ​​City but obey the orders of Shenchu ​​City. These people have been tested before and have not been parasitic, but after so many years, it is necessary to test again.

Chu Feng smiled slightly and shook his head: "No, it's not bad! Master Hong, if there are a lot of people on the Most Sacred Mountain, how many people do you think we need to destroy the Most Sacred Mountain?"

"Destroy the Most Sacred Mountain?" Hongjun's eyes showed surprise, "Chu Feng, the Most Sacred Mountain was destroyed by us once. It is unlikely that we want to destroy the second time."

"As for how many people are needed, with many people defending on the Most Sacred Mountain, we need at least five to sixty thousand indestructible powerhouses on our side!"

Chu Feng sighed secretly in his heart, there are five or sixty thousand indestructible powerhouses, that's still missing!

There are only two or three thousand immortal-level powerhouses on the side of Shenchu ​​City. He has brought out a lot of immortal-level powerhouses from the domain tower, but many of them have died, and now those people are left. One or two thousand.

The biggest force is the Sky-Eater. The last time it came out, the Sky-Eater died 30%. This time the holy prison was upgraded to level 17. However, from the Chaos Wasteland, the 20,000 Sky-Eater also died. A thousand were dropped.

There are only 19,000 left to eat the sky rat. If the sky rat has the upper hand, the sky rat should be reliable, but if the case has the disadvantage, the sky rat cannot be trusted.

There were only 19,000 Sky Devouring Rats, plus thousands of others, and there were no even 25,000 Immortal Powerhouses. It was basically impossible to destroy the Holy Mountain again.

"Are you scared?" Hongjun said with a chuckle, "We destroyed the Most Sacred Mountain last time. It can be said that luck is a big part of it. Last time, our luck was a little bit close and we would not succeed."

Chu Feng said: "Master Hong, it's not luck, it's you and Pan Master who played a big role. If you didn't affect the defense of the Most Sacred Mountain, we would not have succeeded this time."

"Master Hong, let me tell you one thing. When you think about it, there is no good way to do it." Chu Feng said that he had 19,000 immortal level power in the sacred prison space. "Nineteen Thousand Devouring Sky Rats, this force is very strong." Hongjun's eyes showed shock.

Chu Feng nodded slightly. Of course, that strength was stronger. The immortal-level powerhouses they now have on this side of God's Beginning City are not much more than one-tenth of 19,000!

"Chu Feng, so many sky-eaters are a double-edged sword, don't let it hurt yourself." Hongjun exhorted.

19,000 Sky-Eater Rats, if they were in chaos, the Holy Prison Space would definitely collapse. Chu Feng also had some worries, so he was going to deal with them earlier!

"Master Hong, I know!" Chu Feng said.

At this moment, Wei Shi's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "My lord, something has happened, I think my lord will want to find out."

"What's the matter?"

Wei Shi Chuan said: "My lord, the God Realm, the Mortal Realm, and many places, some missionaries have appeared. The missionaries spread the faith in the abyss!"

"The missionaries beautify the invasion of the abyss, and at the same time propagate that by believing in the abyss demon god, they can gain the power of the abyss demon god. Many people have tried it, and they can indeed borrow the power!"

Chu Feng's expression changed slightly. He was not too worried about the way the abyss changed before, but now he is a little worried. Faith and strength, these are two powerful bullets!

The abyss is powerful, and under the circumstances of beautifying itself, there will definitely be many believers. If believers gain strength in their faith, they will deepen their faith and affect the people around them!

Faith and power will cause many people to change their concepts, or when the time comes, the abyss invaders will be closer to their parents than their parents.

"My lord, at the same time, there are many people in the Mortal Realm and the God Realm. They discredit the God Chu City. It is said that the God Chu Law of God Chu City is only used when fighting the world. It must be to safeguard the interests of the ruling class. And you have a lot of power in Shenchu ​​City, sir, just like an autocratic emperor!"

A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes, "Sir, many people below are asking what to do. There are many such people everywhere, including men, women and children." Wei Shidao.

"Weishi, wait a moment, I will tell you what to do soon." Chu Feng said through a voice transmission.

"Yes, my lord!" Wei Shidao.

Hongjun said, "Chu Feng, did something happen?" "Well, something happened, something very big, this time, I am afraid that many people will die!" Chu Feng frowned.

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