Holy Prison

Chapter 2063: Kill order

"What's the matter?" Hong Jun said.

Chu Feng told Hongjun what Wei Shi had said, and Hongjun said: "Chu Feng, how do you plan to deal with this matter? If you don't deal with it, it won't work. If you deal with it, the dead may not be one or two."

Although Hongjun was a strong man at the Sovereign-level, Chu Feng was the city lord of the Shenchu ​​City, and some of Chu Feng's actions convinced Hongjun and the others, that's why Hongjun said that.

"Master Hong, what's your opinion?" Chu Feng took a sip of the tea ceremony, his appearance as if he hadn't heard any bad news just now.

"Don't get involved with me, the temple is mainly aimed at Shenchucheng, and for you, this is something you have to decide." Hongjun scolded with a smile. Chu Feng said quietly: "The fire is not yet booming, let the fire burn for a while!"

Hongjun was taken aback for a moment: "Chu Feng, if you burn it for a while, there will be more dead people!" "Master Hong, I don't want to burn it again and again. If it burns, it will burn more!" Chu Feng said softly, "If the burn is more prosperous, some people will learn their lesson, otherwise they will be lightly burned today, and tomorrow the scar will heal and forget the pain!"

"Weishi, don't deal with it for now, and report to me every half an hour!" Chu Feng passed the order on.

After half an hour.

"Boss, the number of preachers in the gods has reached one hundred thousand, and the number of believers has reached a huge number of millions! The number of preachers in the mortal world has reached ten million, and the number of believers has exceeded one billion!"

After an hour.

"Boss, the number of preachers in the gods has reached 200,000, and the number of believers has reached five million! The number of preachers in the mortal world has reached 20 million, and the number of believers has reached 10 billion!"

Within three days, Chu Feng resisted not giving out orders. He did not order. Naturally, the people of God Chucheng would not act rashly, and some people with thoughts in their hearts saw that God Chucheng had no action to believe in the abyss one after another!

Wei Shi was respectful and authentic. He appeared in front of Chu Feng at this moment. He had asked Chu Feng before, and Chu Feng told him to let the fire burn for three days!

"How many people are there?" Chu Feng said quietly.

Wei Shidao: "Boss, the number of preachers in the gods has reached three million, and the number of believers has reached two billion; the number of preachers in the mortal world has reached 300 million, and the number of believers has reached a terrifying trillions. !"

Chu Feng said quietly.

"Boss, what?" Wei Shi was slightly startled.

Chu Feng took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Isn't my words obvious yet? All the preachers, all the abyss of faith, and those who cast into the abyss will be killed!"

"However, remember, only those who are thrown into the abyss can kill. In special times, Shenchu ​​City strictly enforces it. If anyone offends, you will never be merciless!"

Wei Shi gave a salute and left immediately. This order from Chu Feng needs to be transmitted to the ears of countless people in the Divine Beginning City of the God Realm in the shortest time!

"Chu Feng, there are more than one trillion people. Some of them may not be very bad, and some may even be good." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"Some people may need to save their relatives and friends, for the sake of strength, so they will go astray."

A glass of wine appeared in his hand, and Chu Feng drank it in one sip: "I know, but I still have to give this order. You said there are many people like this. If I indulge, it will be more than a trillion people. Pour into the abyss. If you believe in it, Xian'er, do you think it is so easy to escape?"

"If we are in an internal chaos, how can we fight the abyss? If the abyss wins, the consequences will be disastrous, Xian'er, I must give this order!"

"My hands are stained with blood, but I am worthy of my conscience!" Chu Feng filled his glass with wine, he raised the glass, and the hand holding the glass trembled slightly.

Staring at his hand, Chu Feng showed a wry smile on his face, his mood improved, but he is still not used to it now.

The mortal realm will die a trillion people because of his command. In the eyes of some people, the people of the mortal realm are just trillions of ants. If they die, they will die!

But Chu Feng could not treat so many people in the mortal realm as ants, thinking that back then, he was just an ordinary mortal!

Chu Feng knew that this order of his own will not only be as simple as a trillion people, countless families will be broken because of his order.

But, is there any way?

This is the helplessness of the superior. Of course, only the superior who is sympathetic to the people below can have such helplessness. A cold-blooded superior will not have such helplessness.

"Xian'er, call Fatty and Xiao Mingzi." Chu Feng said in his mind. "Are you sure? The two of them are training now." Miao Xian'er said.


"I am depressed here alone. The two of them practiced without feeling there. This is not good, good brother, I want to share this feeling!"

After Chu Feng said so, Miao Xian'er naturally informed Tang Ming and Zhou Wen that the two of them were practicing at the moment, but a pause did not have much effect.

"Hey, boss, we're back... boss, what's the good thing about waking us up in such a hurry?" Zhou Wen took out a glass and grabbed the jug in front of Chu Feng and poured himself a glass.

Tang Ming looked at Chu Feng and said, "Fatty, you're afraid that you might have missed it. This time it is probably not a good thing. Boss, what's going on, tell me."

"I just ordered to kill more than one trillion people!" Chu Feng said softly.

Tang Ming and Zhou Wen were both stunned, trillions of people, just a number, there is not much feeling, but that is not a number, but a trillion lives!

"Some of them don't really deserve to die." Chu Feng said, he said something about the past few days, "I was a little bit depressed, so I asked you to come out for a drink."

Tang Ming and Zhou Wen clinked glasses with Chu Feng in silence, and then the three of them all drank in one shot. "Boss, if I were one of those trillions of people, or the relatives and friends of those trillions of people, I would hate you." Tang Ming said, "But I am not. From a rational point of view, the boss is right. of."

Zhou Wen patted Chu Feng on the shoulder: "Boss, it can be said that we are in a war now. There are no undead in the war. During the war, throwing at the enemy, this is betrayal, even if it is a good person, I see such betrayal. It is also unforgivable to come. For example, you are a good person, and you are in urgent need of money to save people and rob the bank. Can the law not punish? There is no such thing. If such things are not severely punished, there will be a lot of people visiting! "

"Fat man, you don't have back pain while standing and talking." Tang Ming glared at Zhou Wen and said, "If you are not the boss who gives the order, can you be so relaxed?"

"This... doesn't seem to work." Zhou Wen thought for a while and sighed slightly. There are a lot of people talking about this kind of principle, but not many people can make decisions decisively, "Boss, you Just let us come out and drink with you, let's not talk about these depressed ones, drink and drink!"

Chu Feng nodded and drank with Tang Ming and the others. An hour later, Wei Shi reached Chu Feng and the others.

"Boss, Shao Ming, Shao Wen!" Wei Shi said in a polite manner. "Done?" Chu Feng said. It was only an hour. This is very short. However, with the effect of Shenchucheng, it is normal to deal with things. You must know that Shenchucheng has already controlled every one of those people before doing it. data of.

"Yes the boss." Wei Shidao.

Chu Feng said: "How many people were executed? Do you have any information about those people?" "Boss, a total of 105.0 billion people were executed. There are information." Wei Shi said a piece of jade slip appeared in his hand. If Jian Chufeng doesn't want it, he won't give it to Chu Feng. If Chu Feng asks for it, he won't give it.

"Go down." Chu Feng waved his hand.

Wei Shi stepped back, Chu Feng poured himself a glass of wine, after thinking about it, he took out another glass and poured a glass of wine, and then this glass of wine was spilled on the ground silently.

"Everyone, go well!"

This was what Chu Feng said in his heart, but he did not say it. "Boss, this round is considered to be a win for the temple side, we have to find the place!" Zhou Wen said solemnly.

"Yes!" The cold light in Chu Feng's eyes flashed, and more than one trillion people died. Even if his mood is high, his heart is still very angry at this moment!

"Everyone, it seems that we underestimated Chu Feng. In three days, the people who believed in our abyss had already exceeded one trillion, but in a short time, Chu Feng ordered all those over one trillion to be killed!" Long Ying Shen said.

"Hallmaster, are all beheaded? Those people will not just be included in the holy prison space, so the faith is cut off?" Someone was a little suspicious.

Long Yang shook his head: "It's not fake, it's all killed! I have received news that more than one trillion people were all killed in public!"

"There are many good people among them, and even many children, but those people, without exception, are all killed! We underestimated Chu Feng!"

This round was considered a win for the temple, but Longyang's face was not happy at this time. Asura, who had proposed the plan before, frowned slightly at this time.

Long Yang, they would rather those people not die. That would prove Chu Feng's soft heart. As a decision maker, if Chu Feng's heart is soft, they will be much easier to deal with!

"I made a mistake. I thought that Chu Summit ordered all those people to be arrested, and then some of them were killed. I didn't expect Chu Feng to have such courage." Asura said.

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