Holy Prison

Chapter 2070: Load down

"Brother Hong, you are still great!" Pangu started, and he, Master Tianhen and Chu Feng were drinking at the moment.

More than ten minutes ago, Pangu and Master Tianhen had already absorbed the power. It took them more than 70 minutes to absorb the power, and Hongjun had just finished it, and it took him an hour and a half to calculate the time.

"Old ghost Hong, I didn't expect you to have more power." Master Tianhen laughed. He and Pangu are the third-class quasi-dominant in strength, and are considered powerful among the third-class quasi-rules. Today's strength is stronger than them, Hongjun reached the second-class according to Chu Feng's estimation!

When they reach the third rank, they can fight together with eight masters of the sacred class. Pangu and the others are considered powerful in the third class, and they should be able to fight together with the thirteen or four masters of the sacred class.

And Hongjun's words, his strength reached the second-class, and now he alone should be able to fight against the seventeen or eighteen-level powerhouses, and his strength is greatly improved compared to before!

"You are not much worse. If you break through the bottleneck, your strength can continue to improve." Hongjun smiled and said. Before breaking through, they were all stuck at the step of the Lord, even if the training time is long. There will be too much progress, but now it is different.

The quasi-dominant level has not yet reached the dominion level, but it has clearly broken through the holy sovereign level. Speaking of which, this time the level can be listed separately like the quasi-sage.

"Now my strength is a scumbag." Chu Feng said helplessly, his voice fell to Pangu and stared at him, "Chu Feng, if your strength is still a scumbag, then we are nothing! Don't think we don't know. There is a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse on the side of the Xuanhan Heavy Waters, right? That powerhouse? That powerhouse seems to want to get the holy prison, but this time you are fighting on that side and let the temple side eat like that. The loss, the quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, was it done by you in advance?"

Chu Feng smiled slightly. Powerful people like Pangu are usually too lazy to think, otherwise it would not be easy to hide many things from them.

"Old Ghost Pan, why are you so cruel to me?" Master Tianhen hummed. "Old demon, you are too short of protection." Pangu said helplessly.

Think about it, Pangu also has a little bit of envy, Master Tianhen has a disciple like Chu Feng, but he does not have a disciple like Chu Feng!

"Master Hong, Master Pan, Master, I don't know what plans you have next?" Chu Feng said. Hongjun smiled and said: "You have always made this plan now."

Chu Feng said with a smile: "Master Hong, that was a last resort. Now the three of you are quasi-dominant-level strengths, and Longyang's strength is estimated to be lower than yours. Even if you have such strength, even if you meet a first-class quasi-dominant. Level-strong people should also be able to escape. At this time, you don’t come out and pick up the big head and put the burden on my fragile shoulder, but it’s not good."

"Chu Feng, it's not a good habit to be lazy." Hongjun said with a light smile.

Chu Feng stretched his waist and said, "Master Hong, I should be lazy for a while, or else I will die! Those who have been busy all these years have no time to accompany Bing Ning and the others. It is hard to have such a thing. Chances are, I won’t let the burden go, am I stupid? Master Hong, you are all seniors, you have to take care of my junior!"

Hongjun and Pangu looked at each other with a look of helplessness in their eyes. Chu Feng is like this, it is estimated that he really intends to take a rest for a while.

"Chu Feng, you should take a break too, but after taking a break, there are still some things to deal with." Hongjun said, he knew that if Chu Feng had a holiday, he would definitely take this responsibility.

For Pangu, you can do your best, but letting him be responsible will not work, and Master Tianhen, the temper of Master Tianhen is clear to Pangu, it is strange that he will be responsible!

"Master Hong, you say." Chu Feng said.

Hongjun said: "Tianxinzi, Tongtian Pagoda controls the jade talisman fragments. If you can get a hand, try to find a way to get it, especially Tianxinzi. We only have three Tianxinzi."

"Look at luck. This thing really depends on luck." Chu Feng frowned slightly. Now that Longyang's strength has improved, the Tianxinzi in their hands is not so easy to get.

As for the Tianxinzi that was not obtained by the Dragon Anode, can it only depend on luck?

Don’t look at Chu Feng’s capture of Huo Nu, and the strength of Huo Nu is stronger than that of Long Yin. They were caught by Chu Feng. That’s because Huo was trapped in the profound cold waters and couldn’t leave. Otherwise, Chu Feng simply It is impossible to catch Hono, even killing Hono is difficult to do.

"Master Hong, Master Pan, don’t worry too much about this. After our previous efforts, our chance of getting four Tianxinzi has reached 75%. Wen'er’s strength has improved a lot. Let Wener re-influence it, and it is estimated that the probability of us getting four Tianxinzi can reach 90%."

"The rest is only ten percent. If we hit that ten percent, it's fate. By the way, the 75 percent was calculated before. Now many people have died in the holy prison. Your strength has reached this level again. By then, our chance of getting four Tianxinzi should be 95%!" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Both Hongjun and Pangu breathed a sigh of relief, 95%, this probability was much higher than the previous probability.

"Chu Feng, we still can't relax. If we relax, we might fail even if the odds are high!" Hongjun said. Chu Feng nodded: "Understood, Master Hong, your strength has improved, do you have any thoughts of playing the temple? If so, I will go back first, and you play slowly!"

Master Tianhen took a sip of wine and laughed and said, "If your strength is improved, if you don't play, wouldn't it be improved in vain? Disciple, you have enjoyed it before, but we are not!"

"Anyway, with our current strength, it is safe for three people to act together. Let's play in the temple and go to the next world!"

"Just as the old demon said." Hongjun said, Pangu nodded slightly and agreed.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Since Master, you guys want to play, please play in the holy realm. Long Yang's complexion is probably not good right now. If you add a fire, it is estimated that Long Yang The face will be even more ugly. It's a pity that you can't see the faces of Longyang."

"Master Hong, Master Pan, Master, then I will return to the God Realm first. When you return to the God Realm, don't worry if you can't find me. I don't think it will be easy for me to die."

"Let's go, let's go!" Pangu waved his hand, and Chu Feng got up and opened the door of space. As soon as he stepped forward, he passed the door of space and reached the realm of God.

When he reached the God Realm, Chu Feng did not treat him much in the God Realm. After he confessed some things, Chu Feng entered the Yin Realm, even if the burden was handed over to Hongjun, he should not be lazy. Otherwise, some guys who want to get the holy prison will swallow him alive!

Chu Feng entered the Yin Realm and appeared directly on the side of the City of Life and Death. He thought that Catherine was not in the City of Life and Death at the moment, but to Chu Feng's surprise, when the sky was scanned, Catherine was actually in the City of Life and Death.

"It's not on the other side of the land of death." Chu Feng felt a bad feeling in his heart. Catherine returned to the city of life and death. It is more likely that the heart of death has been obtained.

Chu Feng is already a little depressed when the Water Heart Crystal is acquired by Venerable Ice, and if the Heart of Death is also acquired, Chu Summit will be even more depressed, but fortunately, there is no such power in the underworld. Even if someone gets the heart of death, if Chu Feng takes it, the hope for it is still not small.

Chu Feng turned his thoughts here, Catherine in the City of Life and Death had already felt Chu Feng's aura appearing not far from him, "Chu Feng, why, when I arrived in the City of Life and Death, why don't you go in and sit?" Catherine laughed.

"Big sister is big."

Chu Feng smiled and said hello, a little light flashed in his eyes. Compared with the last time he left, his mood improved again this time when he came over.

Last time Chu Feng felt a little bit strange, the strange thing this time felt was a little stronger. Of course, it was just a bit stronger compared to before. Even now, Catherine’s strange feeling for Chu Feng is not much stronger. , If he is not in the fourth layer of mood, he would definitely not feel it.

"The eldest sister invites you, why don't you dare to go in and sit down?" Chu Feng was surprised in his heart but did not show a chuckle on his face. Is it possible?"


Catherine shook her head, and Chu Feng's eyes showed a look of surprise: "The big sister is big, if the heart of death is not obtained, why are you in this city of life and death?"

"Chu Feng, you don't want to think about how many years you have been away, so long time without results, can't you come back and relax for a few days?" Catherine smiled.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "That's right, the time I left this time isn't too long, but it's not too short. That side is still the same as before?"

"Almost." Catherine said.

Chu Feng frowned secretly. When Catherine said this, he felt a little more wrong, but he couldn't figure out why Catherine had something to hide from him?

"Catherine, Catherine, what the **** are you going to do, the best is the best, don't hit the holy prison, otherwise," Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

"Go in, Han Xiang will come with you. My master hasn't seen her for a while, and didn't teach her anything at all. It's really incompetent." Catherine chuckled. While she was talking, she was walking towards the city of life and death, and Chu Feng naturally followed closely behind.

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