Holy Prison

Chapter 2071: Nikas

Inside the Catherine Manor, Han Xiang, who appeared outside, saluted respectfully, and at the same time, Luohe who appeared outside also bowed to Catherine.

"you guys"

Catherine's eyes were full of shock, Han Xiang was already an immortal-level cultivation base, Bai Wanli, Tang Jian, Bu Jingxian, Luohe and the others were all immortal-level cultivation bases!

What Catherine didn't know was that Tang Jian and the others had also obtained an innate treasure alone, otherwise she would be even more surprised! "How long is this? Your progress is so great!" Catherine said with emotion. It was too fast. When they left, Bu Jingluohe's cultivation base could not be so high.

"Master, it's all Chu Feng's help." Han Xiang smiled authentically. Without Chu Feng's help, Han Xiang would definitely not have an immortal level cultivation base at the moment, not even an immortal level cultivation base.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Han Xiang, it's also because you have good talents and work hard, those with poor talents, and those who don't work hard. Even if I help, I won't be able to reach the immortal level."

"Big sister, I haven't seen you for so long, you are getting more and more beautiful." Bu Jingxuan laughed and slapped flattery. He didn't dare to talk to Catherine like this before. Now he has reached the immortal level. Because, this courage is much bigger.

Tang Jian and a few of them, now Tang Jian, Bu Jingxuan, Luohe are all first-level immortal cultivation bases, while Bai Wanli's cultivation base has reached the second-level immortal cultivation base, Chu Feng’s other two apprentices Huangfu and Wu Lin Hebu Jingxue and the others are now also an immortal cultivation base. They can achieve this cultivation base, not to mention that they have been on the Devouring Platform.

"You are scared, you have become bolder." Catherine chuckled softly, "Chu Feng, I asked the people below to prepare wine and food. I haven't gathered for a long time. Do you look at your face?"

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "Big Sister, so it's just a foreigner. There are delicious foods and drinks. Even if Big Sister drives me away, I won't leave!"

The wine and vegetables were quickly prepared, except for Chu Feng and the others, only one other person was added. That person was the Nether Warlord who Chu Feng lost to Chu Feng.

"Big sister, brother Nether, I don't know if any major events have happened in the underworld over the years?" Chu Feng and Catherine chuckled softly after they had a drink.

Catherine shook her head slightly: "How can so many big things happen? The eyes of these underworld are basically on the heart of death, but no one can get it."

"Boss." Nether Warlord spoke at this time, Chu Feng's gaze fell on the Nether Warlord, and the Nether Warlord said quietly: "Boss, nothing major has happened, but there are a little rumors."

Chu Feng motioned to the Nether Warlord to continue, and said: "The Reincarnation Great Emperor and the Life and Death Great Emperor have disappeared. There are rumors that they are dead."

"Brother Nether, that's just a rumor." Catherine said with a chuckle. "Their family said that their soul jade slip was not broken, how could it be dead. The two of them probably went to a certain place to compete. Who doesn't Knowing that the two of them are old rivals for a long time. In the Underworld, who can kill them?"

Chu Feng looked at King Nether Warlord, he felt that King Nether Warlord had not spoken yet.

"Boss, I still know a little bit about the two of them. I received a little bit of information some time ago. Although the jade slips of the two of them are not broken, there are cracks on them." Nether Warlord said quietly, "Even if it is not dead, I think the two of them are also in a lot of trouble."

Chu Feng was shocked, the Great Emperor of Life and Death, and the Great Emperor of Reincarnation, they are all saint-level powerhouses with a ghost order. Indeed, as Catherine said, in the underworld, no one can touch them.

"Catherine?" Chu Feng suddenly had such an idea, but he quickly put this idea aside, even Catherine should not have that kind of power.

It is true that Catherine possesses the ghost order, and the Samsara Emperor and the others also have the ghost order, and the strength of the Samsara Emperor is not worse than that of Catherine.

"Could it be that woman?"

Chu Feng thought of the female saint-level powerhouse he met on the other side of the land of death last time. Chu Feng clearly remembered that one of her materials was strange.

That's it. At the beginning, Chu Feng had some doubts that it was the power stored in the chaos, but he later ruled it out. If this is true, Hongjun and his materials should also have this one, but Hongjun Pangu They don't have it, neither do they at Dragon Anode!

"Master, I think the two of them have suffered a defeat." Bu said in shock.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and did not say anything more about this question. Somehow, the feeling in his heart told him that Catherine is not very trustworthy today.

"Big sister, brother Nether, there is one thing to offend, how about doing a regular checkup? I'm a little worried after such a long time" Chu Feng apologized.

The Nether Warlord nodded slightly: "You are the boss, you have the final say, I should not have been parasitized." "It's okay to check it, and be careful to sail the ship." Catherine smiled and did not refuse.

"Okay, let's eat first. Now that we have good wine and food, we are too disappointed to talk about this." Chu Feng smiled.

After an hour passed, Chu Feng and the others finished the big meal. Without talking about some heavy topics, Chu Feng and the others had a happy meal.

After the meal, it took a few minutes for Chu Feng to check for Catherine and the others. The result of the check was that they showed no signs of being parasitic.

"Xian'er, how?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

Miao Xian'er knew what Chu Feng wanted to ask, and said: "Chu Feng, I didn't find anything wrong with Catherine, she was not controlled, and was not affected by other forces. Of course, this is just a judgment based on the current conditions. What horrible things affected her, I don't know."

"Chu Feng, let's stay away, I will chat with Han Xiang." Catherine smiled authentically. Chu Feng nodded, and they chatted with his apprentice. He had no reason to refuse, and Chu Feng believed that even if Catherine had a problem, she wouldn't stupidly act on Han Xiang at this moment. It would be death to do so!

"Nether, there was a saintly woman in the land of death, who is she?" Chu Feng transmitted the sound to the Nether King.

There was a look of surprise on the Nether Warlord’s face. He did not expect that Chu Feng hadn’t asked Catherine in front of Catherine just now on the wine table.

"Boss, are you talking about Nikas? I didn't know that she was a strong master at the holy level before, and I only learned about it these years. She is indeed very beautiful." At this time, the Nether Warlord was wrong. Chu Feng didn't ask in front of Catherine, King Nether Warlord immediately found a proper reason.

Chu Feng is a man, asking Catherine the name of another woman, this is indeed a little inconvenient.

"Netherworld, where did you think about it?" Chu Feng said funnyly, "What does it have to do with me if she is not beautiful." "Boss, I understand." A little weird smile appeared on the face of the Nether Warlord.

Chu Feng shook his head secretly. He didn't expect that someone like King Nether would be able to say something like this, "Nothing, explain what a fart." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that King Nether would want to go wrong. This may not be the case. Good thing, otherwise, if Catherine knew of his problem, she would have some thoughts in her heart.

"Master, we want to go out and go around" Tang Jiandao, they are from the Yin Realm, and they have left the Yin Realm for a long time. When they come back, they naturally want to see the situation in the Yin Realm.

"Go, be careful." Chu Feng waved his hand. Chu Feng was not very worried about Tang Jian and the others. Each of them had the strength of immortality, and each of them possessed the Soul Token. In the middle, there are few people who can suppress them, and it's good for them not to provoke others.

"Netherworld, let's go out together." Chu Feng said, as he said that he entered first, the Netherworld Warlord naturally heard that Chu Feng, the boss, followed Chu Feng and left Catherine's residence.

"Boss, are we going to the place of death?" Netherworld Zhan Wang said. He thought that Chu Feng was only going around the city of life and death, but he didn't expect Chu Feng to leave the city of life and death and head towards the place of death.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Netherworld, tell me about that Nikasi, who is she? I know a lot of information in the underworld, but those information, she is only the strength of the Holy King. It doesn't have the strength of the holy sovereign."

"Nikass is a relatively low-key person. The strength of the previous Saint King level may have broken through later." Nether Warlord said, "I don't know much about her information, but she should have a heart for death. Interested, she has been on the side of the heart of death for many years."

"Do they know her with the Samsara Emperor and the Life and Death Emperor?" Chu Feng said.

The Nether Warlord nodded: "This should be known. After all, although she is relatively low-key, but the strength is there, it is normal to have some exchanges with the Samsara Emperor and the Emperor Life and Death. I have also spoken with her, but they add up. No more than ten sentences, she is considered one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, but unfortunately it is difficult to get close."

"Have you ever beaten her to a bad idea?" Chu Feng chuckled.

Nether Warlord shook his head: "I am more interested in improving combat power than women. Even if I need a woman, I will find someone else. She is like that, I don't bother to waste time and energy!"

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