Holy Prison

Chapter 2080: Lost crystal

The stronger the strength, the greater the suppression, which is not a good thing for Chu Feng and the others.

For example, if they could have won a hundred immortal powerhouses with their cultivation base, because the strong ones were suppressed more, they could only win fifty or even less!

The dozens of bone demons that Chu Feng and the others had just encountered did not even have the strength of the immortal rank, but they also caused Chu Feng a little trouble. If everyone's strength is not suppressed, dozens of them will be immortal. The Bone Demon with the strength of Chu Feng will be destroyed in a flash in the hands of the six of them!

"Everyone, be careful, go ahead, the induction becomes stronger, the treasure should not be far away." Bi Feng said in a deep voice, they will be transmitted to a place closer to the treasure, but if you are unlucky, the error will occur. It's relatively big, and Chu Feng's luck this time is not good, but it's not bad.

Five minutes later, a small light blue ball reached Bi Feng's hands. "Bige, this thing is the lost crystal?" Chu Feng said in a strange way. He couldn't feel the light blue ball. Singular.

The Lost Crystal, Chu Feng heard Zhong Tao say that the thing is a combination of laws, and it doesn't have much effect in their hands, but it has an effect in the hands of a master-level power!

The base rumored that the Lost Crystals could extract very magical things. As for what could be extracted, Chu Feng didn't know, and Zhong Tao and the others didn't know either!

"You'll know if you feel it." Bi Feng said, he threw the small light blue bead the size of a marble to Chu Feng. Chu Feng took the small bead with a look of surprise on his face, and started with the small bead. , He felt strong fluctuations in water attributes.

"What a powerful water attribute power!" Chu Feng exclaimed, just a small bead, but Chu Feng felt an extremely vast power.

A little smile appeared on Bi Feng's face: "We were lucky this time. The strength in this lost crystal is not bad. We should be able to exchange several thousand points. With this bead, we will have nothing to lose this time. coming."

Chu Feng threw the beads to Bi Feng. Bi Feng was the captain of this small team. Now he has no strength to be the captain, and he has no such interest!

"Boss, it's still early, shall we continue to look for it?" Zhang Long smiled, "This time I was lucky, but I got the Lost Crystal. If we find some more, then it will be developed! This bone demon In the world, there may be other Lost Crystals. If you get more, we can get a resurrection pill at that time!"

"Boss, I think we can look for it." Cardi said. Usually they get here and the chances of getting "junk" treasures are relatively high. Many of those things are worth one or two hundred points. Down, the points obtained are pitiful.

It is easier to get a lost crystal this time, and they are full of hope for this time!

"This bone demon world collapsed, it seems that something good has come out." Bi Feng said with a light smile, "Zhao Ling, Zhong Tao, Chu Feng, what do you think?"

Both Zhao Ling and Zhong Tao had no objection. Chu Feng also shook his head. Bi Feng and the others should have some points. He didn't have many points at all. Only by getting more points can his own strength rise quickly!

Now it is Level 3 Immortal. If you have enough points, you can raise your own strength from Level 3 Immortality to Sovereign Level in a relatively short time!

When the third level is immortal, Chu Feng will be able to draw a tie with Zhang Long. If he reaches the cultivation base of the Saint-sovereign level, Zhang Long, then he will be a scum!

"Bige, do we act separately or together?" Chu Feng said. Bi Feng said quietly: "This is arbitrary and wants to act alone, and what you get later belongs to yourself. If you act together with others, what you get will be distributed according to your work! Whoever wants to act alone, put it forward now."

"Boss Bi, I will act alone." Zhao Ling said.

"Me too." Cardi chuckled.

Chu Feng thought about it for a while and said: "Bige, I will also go around alone and see how luck." "Since Chu Feng has the courage to act alone, I will act alone." Zhang Long said.

Zhong Tao didn't speak. He wanted to follow the boss of Bi Feng. Chu Feng looked at the compass in Bi Feng's hand and knew that the boss is still good. The compass must be in the hands of the boss. This compass is a treasure hunting compass. With this compass, the chances of getting treasures are naturally much greater!

"Old rules, after the separation, there is no special situation, and it is not allowed to go back alone!" Bi Feng said lightly, "This time it is not just us who got here. Everyone should be careful. Don't get the treasure, but in the end it will be given by others. Rob, if conditions permit, I will return to this place within ten years!"

Chu Feng and the others withdrew, and the six people went to five different directions, and they all disappeared in a short time.

Chu Feng gasped and quickly recovered from his injuries. Within ten days of this, he fought a hundred or two hundred games with various bone demons!

One or two hundred games, many of which are relatively easy. He ended the battle in the blink of an eye, but he took a lot of effort to get out of ten of them. The last battle even caused him some injuries. !

"What's the matter, these bone demons, getting closer, seem to be able to feel my position." Chu Feng frowned slightly. He thought that with his own strength, he should be able to mix easily here, but These ten days have allowed him to throw such thoughts out of the clouds!

Chu Feng looked at the wound on his chest, the fist-sized wound healed relatively quickly, this wound was wounded by a bone demon's tail!

"Fortunately, the three sages, the body's recovery ability is good." Chu Feng secretly said, now that the medical clinic cannot be used, it is really a little troublesome. If the medical clinic can use it, such a little injury can be recovered in a short time. "Ten days to get nothing, trouble... Such a dangerous environment, not to mention treasures, not easy to mix for a hundred years!"

Chu Feng feels that it is not easy to mix, Zhang Long and the others, it is the same feeling that it is not easy to mix, Bi Feng Zhong Tao is better, the two of them act together, Zhao Ling Cardi and Zhang Long, the three of them are the same as Chu Feng There are a lot of dangers, and even the injuries they receive right now are more serious!

"It should be a little while before you can rise to the fourth level of mind, wandering around the world, hoping to get some treasures." Chu Feng muttered in his heart.

After a few hours passed, Chu Feng's injury recovered, he felt it, and he should be able to raise his mood to the fourth level!

Three minutes later, Chu Feng showed joy on his face. He succeeded in raising his mood to the fourth level before, but he did not expect that this time, he would have succeeded in raising again!

The mind quickly spread, and it didn't take long for Chu Feng to see a trace of anger in his eyes. He saw a man, Zhang Long, one of their team!

Zhang Long was gnashing his teeth right now. He left from a different direction. After turning a circle, Zhang Long came towards Chu Feng.

Chu Feng's mental state cultivation reached the fourth level. Based on his perception of danger, he should not encounter so many dangers. The reason for this is because of Zhang Long's "help".

When his mind scanned to Zhang Long's place, Chu Feng happened to hear Zhang Long gritted his teeth and said something. He thought that no one would hear him, but he didn't expect that Chu Feng just happened to travel to this place, using his mental state cultivation level. You can't detect Chu Feng's mind scan at all!

"Things that live and die."

Chu Feng had such an idea in his heart. He wanted to kill Zhang Long directly, but he finally waited for the opportunity to enter the fourth level of the state of mind. Chu Feng didn't want to waste this opportunity.

The scanning distance of the sacred consciousness here is relatively short, and the mind spreads, and the scanning distance is much larger. Chu Feng's mind rapidly expanded, and it did not take long for it to spread far away.

There was a little surprise on Chu Feng's face. He found a lost crystal, which was much larger than the lost crystal that Bi Feng had obtained before.

The mind continued to spread, and it didn't take long to reach Chu Feng's limit. In the following time, Chu Feng did not find any treasures.

"Let you live for a while." A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. Zhang Long's strength was not weak. Chu Feng did not have much confidence to kill him now. Using the power of the heart of space, Chu Feng blinked. After leaving a long distance, Chu Feng didn’t use the heart of space and the heart of time for ten days, so Zhang Long was given a chance to keep up with him. Now he uses the power of the heart of space. I believe Zhang Long still has that ability.

Of course, the reason why Chu Feng used the power of the heart of space was not because he was afraid of Zhang Long, but because he was afraid that the lost crystal would fall into the hands of others.

They are not the only team in this world. If the mind scan found that the lost crystal was finally given away by others, then Chu Feng would have no place to cry!

With the power of the Heart of Space, Chu Feng was not so easy to attract the attention of the monster, but when he got to the edge of the lost crystal, Chu Feng also played several games.

"What a powerful force!"

Chu Feng’s face showed joy. His hand was a lost crystal the size of an egg. This lost crystal was white, and contained the power of light. Chu Feng felt that this lost crystal in his own hand The power of Jing should be several times that of the lost crystal that Bi Feng had obtained before!

"There was a lost crystal before, and now I have a bigger lost crystal. It seems that this world has collapsed a bit, and there are really many good things coming out." Chu Feng showed a slight smile on his face. In a hundred years, if you get more treasures, the Lord can be expected!

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