Holy Prison

Chapter 2081: Ten years gathering

"Where did it go?" Zhang Long frowned. He moved a little bit of hands and feet on Chu Feng's body. Those hands and feet made it easier for him to track Chu Feng, but after dealing with some bone magic attacks, Zhang Long unexpectedly I found that I had lost my sense of Chu Feng.

"Has Chu Feng discovered it?"

Such an idea appeared in Zhang Long's mind, but he shook his head soon after the idea appeared. He followed it from a distance, and the chance of being discovered by Chu Feng was very small!

"Little thing, lucky you! Master Zhang will teach you well when the time comes." Zhang Long snorted coldly. He wanted to kill Chu Feng so that he would not trouble him when he grew up, but what he didn't know was that he did this. It's nothing to die!

The two belonged to the same team. Before Zhang Long started his hand, Chu Feng has already returned. If Zhang Long no longer troubles him in the future, Chu Feng will be too lazy to trouble him, but Zhang Long’s little heart is afraid of Chu Feng. After he grows up, he will be killed, so I want to kill Chu Feng before he grows up!

If it is not found, then there is no problem, but Zhang Long is so lucky, just when Chu Feng scanned his mind and found his movement!

Time passed day by day, year after year, and ten years passed in a blink of an eye. Ten years later, Chu Feng returned to the place where they first appeared.

Chu Feng immediately heard Zhong Tao's voice when he reached this side. He was not the first to reach this side. Bi Feng and Zhong Tao came first.

"Bige, Zhong Tao!" Chu Feng was in front of Bi Feng and Zhong Tao as soon as his figure moved. Compared with ten years ago, both of them seemed a little bit embarrassed, especially Zhong Tao, Chu Feng just saw it. He was still injured when he came out.

"Chu Feng, I didn't expect you to be alive." Zhong Tao smiled.

Chu Feng said unhappily, "Zhong Tao, what do you mean, am I **** it?" "Uh, Chu Feng, this, I didn't mean that. I mean, I mean, this bone demon. The world's dangers exceed our estimates, and I didn't expect you to sustain it." Zhong Tao said.

"The meaning is almost the same." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Boss Bi, Zhong Tao, looking at your looks, I'm afraid I have gained a lot this time!"

"It's okay." Bi Feng said with a faint smile. He was in a good mood this time. The harvest this time was indeed quite good. After removing the first lost crystal, he and Zhong Tao later got three more Lost Heart, but the three Lost Crystals should be able to get twenty to thirty thousand points.

In addition to the Lost Crystals, Bi Feng and the others also got other treasures, and the other treasures added up, the value is also several thousand points, this trip is only the current harvest can be compared with the previous dozens of trips!

"Chu Feng, how about you?" Zhong Tao said.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "It's okay."

Bi Feng did not say the specific income, and Chu Feng did not say it. Generally speaking, this income will not be told to others, so that people will know that you have a good harvest. This is not a good thing!

Hearing what Chu Feng said, Bi Feng and the others didn’t ask much. Even if they were members of the same team, if the other party didn’t say anything, it would be a bit of a joke. Moreover, Chu Feng and Bi Feng are still not. How cooked.

What Bi Feng and the others didn't know was that Chu Feng's income was not a piece of lost heart. The lost heart that Chu Feng got was ten times that of Bi Feng and the others!

Scanning with the sage consciousness, in ten years, Chu Feng only found a small piece of lost heart, but his mental state cultivation reached the fourth-level high-level, and it was the fourth-level high-level that is about to be completed. The range of mind scanning is much larger than that of sacred consciousness scanning. He can get a lot of lost hearts, mainly relying on this!

In terms of cultivation base and strength, Chu Feng is currently not ranked in the heaven base, but in terms of the state of mind cultivation, Chu Feng's current state of mind cultivation can rank in the top three in the heaven base!

The fourth level of mental state cultivation is not so easy to enter. In the entire heaven base, less than 10,000 people have entered the fourth level, less than 1,000 have entered the fourth level, and less than one have entered the fourth level. Hundreds of people!

Chu Feng’s fourth-level perfect mental state cultivation base ranks in the forefront among the 100 people. He has to thank Long Bai. Without Long Bai’s help, he is here, it is absolutely impossible to get so many treasures. He was just I have just reached the fourth level of mind, and it is still a beginner level. At that level, it is extremely difficult to enter the fourth level of mind.

And even if it enters, the range of mind scanning will not be much stronger than the range of holy consciousness scanning.

"It's only the past ten years. There are still ninety years. The harvest per unit time should be reduced in the next few years, but in ninety years, you should still get a lot of treasures." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. The things for which weren't cheap, it was just the things he got now, it was far from improving him from the third level of immortality to the holy class!

"Boss Bi, help!"

At this moment, a loud shout came from a distance. It was Cardi’s voice. The bone demons behind Cardi chased him frantically. From the aura of those bone demons, Chu Feng and the others could easily Judging from the ground, those few bone demons all have the cultivation base of the Saint King and Saint Venerable.

"It will be solved in the shortest time, so as not to cause trouble due to the battle." Bi Feng said solemnly, his voice fell to Chu Feng and the three of them were all moved. On their side are four powerful masters at the holy level, those few bones. Two of the demons have the cultivation base of the holy king class, and three are the holy king class fierce beast experts who are good at speed!

In the Lost World, if the damage degree is relatively low, the mentality of the strong inside will not be affected much. If the damage degree is relatively high, even the mentality of the strong man at the holy level will be affected.

As far as the lost world Chu Feng and the others are in, the damage is already relatively high, and there are not many strong people who can maintain their sanity.

Four against five, Bi Feng confronted a Saint-level Bone Demon. Cardi singled out one. The remaining three Saint-King-level monsters belonged to Chu Feng and Zhong Tao.

"Zhong Tao, hold down the two!" Chu Feng's voice resounded in Zhong Tao's mind. There is no problem with using Zhong Tao's sage-level strength to contain the two.

Zhong Tao knowingly restrained two of the bone demon immediately, and the remaining bone demon rushed towards Chu Feng fiercely, and it felt that Chu Feng's cultivation base was lower than it!

"Try this!"

Chu Feng did not imprison the bone demon, Yin Ming was in his hand, Chu Feng waved, and instantly a small black sword flew out of Yin Ming.

When the sage was below, Chu Feng had natal skills, and when he reached the sage cultivation level, Chu Feng still had natal skills, but after becoming a sage, Chu Feng used his natal skills less.

Rarely used, it does not mean that Chu Feng's natal skills are not strong. In fact, after getting the heart of space and the heart of time, Chu Feng's natal skills are already very scary!

Because of the strength suppression, the strength gap between Chu Feng and the bone demon was narrowed. When the small black sword appeared, the bone demon who pounced on Chu Feng showed a look of terror. , It's not so sane, but its perception of danger is still there.

The little black sword made the bone demon feel threatened, a heavy threat of death!

In the first time, the bone demon that pounced on Chu Feng made the right choice. It pounced backwards at the fastest speed, but the speed of the black sword was faster than the speed it left!

Inevitable, the small black sword pierced the bone demon's skull and then opened a hole in the skull to enter it instantly.

Purple blood splashed out, and the bone demon cried out in sorrow. The red light in its eyes quickly dissipated. Under Chu Feng’s sword, it ended its life in the lost world like this. If it dies, then It is completely dead and will not come back to life.

Bi Feng and the others are not idle at this time, but they have all noticed the scene of Chu Feng killing the bone demon, and their evaluation of Chu Feng in their hearts is much higher than the previous basis.

Although the powerhouse of the Saint King class is not as good as the powerhouse of the Saint King class, neither Zhong Tao nor Cardi have much confidence to make a one-shot kill. Bi Feng has this strength.

"Brother Chu, come and help." Zhong Tao yelled, knowing he was sinking, Zhong Tao changed his name. Before, he called Chu Feng directly. Now he called Brother Chu.

Chu Feng took a deep breath. The natal skills just now almost exhausted the power in his body, but the exercises he created by himself were very good. The exercises allowed him to store his energy. Now, for a breathing time, Chu Feng's strength recovered a lot and continued to recover quickly.

"Zhong Tao, hold on for a few more minutes." Chu Feng smiled softly. "Brother Chu, Uncle Chu, if I hold on for a few more minutes, I will lose two or three catties." Zhong Tao complained. At this time, he was still in the mood to complain, which shows that he bears two Saint King-level bone demons It's still relatively easy.

But if there is no one to help, Zhong Tao's situation, insisting that there is no problem, it will not be easy to kill those two bone demons! Chu Feng just joked before, he immediately shot, after he shot, two holy king class powerhouses dealt with two holy king class powerhouses, less than a minute, two holy king class bone demons They were hung in the hands of Chu Feng.

With the death of the three Saint King-level powerful bone demons one by one, the two Saint-Extreme-level bone demons knew that they had no chance to win Chu Feng and fled immediately.

With the strength of the saints, the bone demons flee, and Chu Feng and the others have no intention to keep them. Naturally, the two bone demons with the strength of the saints quickly escape!

"Boss Bi, thank you very much, Brother Chu Zhong Tao, thank you." Cardi said hello. Half an hour later, Zhao Ling returned, and two hours later, Zhang Long also returned. Seeing him, Kadi, who was not slightly injured, was instantly balanced.

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