Holy Prison

Chapter 2082: Zhao Ling is missing

Chu Feng and the others were all staring at Zhang Long, what Zhang Long looks like right now, that's really miserable! It was good when they were separated. At this moment, there was a big wound on Zhang Long's chest. Judging from the pitch black color, the wound was very poisonous, otherwise it should heal right now.

One left arm looked good, but with Chu Feng's eyesight, they could all see that Zhang Long didn't use this left arm at all now, and Zhang Long's left arm must have been broken within these ten years.

In addition to these two injuries, Zhang Long still has many small wounds on his body. In order to suppress the major injuries, he has not had time to recover those small wounds.

In addition, Zhang Long's face looked a little pale, it is very possible that he is not only injured now, but also suffered a serious internal injury!

"Zhang Long, what did you do?" Bi Feng frowned and said, Zhang Long is a powerhouse at the Saint-sovereign level anyway, and he has made such a miserable appearance.

Zhang Long glanced at Chu Feng, a vicious color flashed deep in his eyes. If he hadn't followed Chu Feng, he would not have fallen into this way.

With a different person, perhaps this kind of thing would belong to him, but Zhang Long did not belong to him, he attributed all these mistakes to Chu Feng!

Chu Feng frowned secretly, Zhang Long just felt strong hostility in that look! Zhang Long’s malevolent color just now was very deep, he thought that Chu Feng could not feel it, but he didn’t know that Chu Feng’s mood cultivation could also rank in the top three in the heaven base, Chu Feng felt more acute than him. Estimate!

"Boss, my life is not good!" Zhang Long smiled bitterly, "I killed a little one, but I didn't expect a large group of old people to come. I have been running for my life most of these years!"

"Seeing that ten years is approaching, I struggled to get seriously injured and finally escaped. Boss, in the next time, I will follow you and Zhong Tao." Zhang Long said.

Bi Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, but you know the rules, according to your work. If you don't contribute much, you will get less."

"Your current physical condition, my suggestion is that you go back and rest!"

Zhang Long's face changed slightly: "Boss, it will take decades for you to go back, and I will die of evil. My food and drink are not long enough for my support."

"There are tasks in the base that you can take, and you can take some tasks." Bi Feng said, he didn't really want Zhang Long to follow them in the next time. Zhang Long is probably not able to help them much in the current situation. Yes, if something happens, it may drag him and Zhong Tao.

"Okay boss. Boss, then my share of points" Zhang Long said. Bi Feng frowned and said: "The rules are there, you were there before, and you have a share of the points for that lost crystal!"

"Thank you boss!"

Zhang Long didn't say anything more. He called the base in his heart. After more than ten seconds, a little light appeared on Zhang Long's body, the light shuttled, and a light cocoon appeared quickly.

Light Cocoon lifted into the sky, and disappeared in front of Chu Feng with Zhang Long in the blink of an eye.

"Zhang Long, this guy has done too badly." Cardi said.

Zhao Ling glanced at Chu Feng and said quietly, "I'm a little bit curious, why did Zhang Long come from that direction? Isn't that direction where Chu Feng left?"

Bi Feng and the others all looked at Chu Feng, "Chu Feng, did something happen?" Bi Feng said, he knew Zhang Long's character quite well.

"Zhang Long did a little bit of stalking me on my body, but I later dumped him. I don't know what happened to him later," Chu Feng said.

Bi Feng's eyes flickered: "Chu Feng, what are you saying is true?" Chu Feng looked straight into Bi Feng's eyes: "Bi Feng, I have no need to lie."

"If it weren't for Big Brother, I wouldn't be too lazy to say that Zhang Long is a mere Zhang Long, and I still don't put it in my eyes."

Bi Feng nodded slightly. He believed in Chu Feng. As Chu Feng said, Chu Feng had no need to lie. Zhang Long is no longer an opponent of Chu Feng, and he will not be an opponent of Chu Feng in the future!

"Zhang Long's character, there is a little problem." Cardi played with a card lightly, and the card turned like alive in his hand.

"Chu Feng, Zhang Long wants to kill you?" Zhao Ling said.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "I don't know this well, but I know one thing. He shouldn't follow me to protect me. Brother Bi, let's discuss this issue at the time. We will discuss some other issues now. Nothing to say, let's disperse and continue the treasure hunt."

"Agree." Kadi smiled and said, but it was not only Chu Feng and Bi Feng who got the treasures, but Kadi and Zhao Ling also got some things, but they got less things than Bi Feng. Quite a lot, let alone compare with Chu Feng, what Chu Feng gets is more than twenty times what they have!

Bi Feng glanced at the three of Chu Feng: "You still distracted? If you distracted, you can see Zhang Long's appearance, not very good!"

Chu Feng and the others nodded. The things they got by acting alone belonged to them. Chu Feng and the others got a lot of things. They were not willing to team up with Bi Feng and the others at this moment.

"Then we will each, continue to work hard!" Bi Feng said with a light smile, he disappeared in the blink of an eye with Zhong Tao, he changed the direction this time.

Cardi said, but disappeared. "Chu Feng, you have to be careful with Zhang Long. He is not that easy to deal with. You have just arrived in this place without any friends, but he has been here for a long time, and there are still some friends. If you fight, We don't help each other at best." Zhao Ling said quietly.

Chu Feng said that a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect Zhao Ling to remind him. On the surface, Zhao Ling seemed very indifferent. Judging from this reminder, she was also a warmhearted person.

When Zhao Ling's voice sounded, people had disappeared, and she was not in the direction she had chosen before. Four people had already chosen three directions, and Chu Feng naturally chose the remaining one.

Twenty years, thirty years, forty years.

Chu Feng and the others gather every ten years, and time flies quickly. In a blink of an eye, it has been 80 years since Chu Feng and the others entered the world of bone demon!

In the first eighty years, Chu Feng and others did not have any disputes with other people. In the last twenty years, Chu Feng discovered that some people who entered the world of bone demons like them were already a little uneasy.

"The weak and the strong eat." Chu Feng muttered in his heart. He was scanning his mind at this time. There was a fight within the scanning range of his mind. Within five seconds, a team of six people killed another person cleanly.

Chu Feng had no intention of doing justice in the past, but he remembered the six people, and naturally Chu Feng also remembered the one who died.

These things are useless now, and may have a little effect at that time.

In the past 80 years, Chu Feng had not discovered such a black hand, but in the next ten years, Chu Feng discovered several such black hands.

"Where is Zhao Ling?" Bi Feng frowned. It was the ninetieth year. Naturally, Chu Feng and the others got together again, but there were only four in number, Chu Feng, Kadi, Bi Feng and Zhong Tao, agreed In the past half of the day of meeting, Zhao Ling didn't show up. Eight times before, Zhao Ling had arrived early.

Cardi said: "Boss, don't worry, maybe there is a little delay. It's only half a day. Zhao Ling's strength is not weak, and there should be no problems."

"Yeah." Bi Feng nodded.

Chu Feng frowned secretly. His instinct was that Zhao Ling was afraid that something went wrong this time. Although the agreed date is a whole day, basically everyone will be at the meeting place in the first half of the day and will not let the rest of the people here. Wait a long time.

"Brother Bi, where is Zhao Ling's jade slip?" Chu Feng said.

Bi Feng shook his head: "It is not broken, but in such a lost world, the reaction of the soul jade slip is very slow. It is not surprising that the soul jade slip is broken after ten years of death."

"Boss, I think Sister Ling should be fine. Sister Ling's strength is not weak, and if you deal with Sister Ling, it won't give you face to the boss!" Zhong Tao said.

Bi Feng said quietly: "The bone demon inside will not give me face, and the remnant wolf will not give me any face. The rest of the people, if they have a chance, they will not be polite!"

Zhong Tao didn't speak any more, Chu Feng and the others were also silent. Time passed quickly during their quiet practice, and Zhao Ling did not appear after the agreed time passed.

"Zhao Ling was in this direction before." Chu Feng said, "Bi Ge, it's been the last ten years. Let's take action together and see if we can find anything."

Bi Feng glanced at Chu Feng in surprise, he didn't expect Chu Feng to speak first. "Let's go, let's go over and take a look." Bi Feng said solemnly. His anger is not small right now. One player died before. If another one died this time, it would be a big blow to this team.

"Bitch, you run!" Can Wolf sneered, and he slapped Zhao Ling's face with a slap. "Bi Feng actually said that to Lao Tzu before. Lao Tzu will let you taste the taste of **** today. !"

"Boss, although Zhao Ling is a little ugly, but she is still in good shape, let's strip her naked, Jie Jie." A little brother next to Can Lang said, his little brother is naturally also the cultivation base of the holy superior, but at this time, Then, where is the slightest dignity of the holy masters, their dignity has long been worn out in the heaven base!

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