Holy Prison

Chapter 2086: Exchange items

The reincarnation pill has a 1% hope that Chu Feng can be promoted to the fifth level of immortality. In fact, there are better things that can improve Chu Feng to the fifth level of immortality. The probability can reach 50%, but that The first thing is that the price is very high, and the second thing is that because of the high level of such things, even if Chu Feng succeeds in upgrading to Level 5 Immortal, the sequelae will be great.

"Intelligent brain, this reincarnation pill, I want one!" Chu Feng said, there is only an 80% chance that the reincarnation pill will raise a talented person to level 4 immortal, but Chu Feng believes that he relies on the reincarnation pill. It shouldn't be a problem to upgrade to Level 4 Immortal, but Chu Feng has no confidence if he is Immortal at Level 5.

Look at luck!

"One Pill of Reincarnation, deducting 20,000 points, can return the product within one minute, and receive one-tenth of the points as punishment!" The emotional voice of the brain rang, showing Chu Feng’s points on the desktop. At the same time, a white jade bottle appeared on the tabletop in front of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng opened the bottle and looked at it. Inside the bottle was the reincarnation pill he had bought. "Wisdom brain also needs a resurrection pill and a high-level treasure hunting instrument." Chu Feng said.

"There are many kinds of high-level treasure hunters." Zhi Nao's voice sounded, and a lot of treasure hunt information was displayed on Chu Feng's desktop instantly. Some treasure hunters looked like a pair of glasses, and some looked like treasure hunters. Like watches, there are treasure hunters that look like an eyeball, and such treasure hunters can directly blend with human eyes.

Chu Feng looked at it, and soon his eyes fell on a silver brace. This silver brace is naturally a treasure hunter. If it is not turned on, it is an ordinary bowl with good protection. Under circumstances, this silver bowl is a treasure hunter that can sense treasures!

Previously, the treasure hunting compass in Bi Feng's hand was only a relatively low-level product, which was far worse than Chu Feng's fancy bowl, but the price was much lower.

Chu Feng glanced at the price of the protective bowl and cursed in his heart, this **** exchange center is really black, and the price of the protective bowl is as high as one million points!

A resurrection pill is only one hundred thousand points, and it looks like you can get a thousand points if you sell one of the most innate treasures, and you can get a protective bowl like that if you sell one thousand of the most inborn treasures. This is really cheating, Chu Feng estimated. , The bracer is not too difficult to get out than an innate treasure!

"This!" Chu Feng gritted his teeth and pointed to the wristband. Although that thing requires a lot of points, this one must be bought, this is a necessary investment!

Chu Feng has a mind scan, but the mind scan cannot be scanned all the time. Even if he succeeds in entering the fourth level of mind, the next moment Chu Feng wants to enter the fourth level of mind, it will take a long time. If he fails, it will take even more time. Even if he has the heart of time, it takes a lot of time.

Just like this time, Chu Feng got a lot of things, but if he had such a brace, he believed that he could definitely get more things!

In a short period of time, the silver brace appeared in front of Chu Feng. At the same time, his original 2.18 million points were only 1.18 million left.

"Bing Ning and the others...Look at the effect of the reincarnation pill first, and I'll talk about it later." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, he also wanted to improve Feng Bingning and the others' strength, but now they don't have many points.

The points of more than two million are quite a lot, but in a short time, Chu Feng spent half of those points, and for the remaining more than one million points, Chu Feng still has to keep improving his own strength and eating!

"Zhi Brain, these nutrients come in 10,000 copies, and these water, come in ten tons!" Chu Feng pointed to the image on the desktop. The nutrients he was referring to are relatively cheap things, and only a little is needed for one serving. Points, supplementing nutrition is no problem, but Chu Feng heard Zhong Tao say that the taste is definitely not good to describe!

The water that Chu Feng bought was in large bottles. One bottle was a ton. This kind of water was not a good drink, but at the same price, you could buy ten small bottles of water.

What Zhong Tao and the others gave to Chu Feng were biscuits and small bottles of water. They weren't the kind of things they had eaten all the time. They also used nutrients and large bottles of water most of the time.

Most of the heavenly bases are powerful masters, but many of the powerful masters here know that they are just a group of sad slaves in the eyes of the big people above!

Ten thousand servings of nutritional supplements cost Chu Feng 10,000 points. For ten tons of water, each ton is 1,000 points. It also happened to cost Chu Feng 10,000 points. Adding up food and drink, a total of 20,000 points, Chu Feng’s 100 One hundred and eighty thousand points left just one hundred and sixty thousand!

Some people may be surprised that those strong people can only get so little points when they enter the lost world. If there are more tasks, how can they survive?

Work, some jobs are provided in the heaven base, some of those jobs are provided by the official heaven base, and some are provided by people with more points.

Before coming here, it was hard for Chu Feng to imagine that a powerful person at the Saint-class level would beg for a meal, but Chu Feng heard Zhong Tao say that this is the case in the heaven base!

In the paradise base, sometimes, with ten points, you can make a saint-level powerhouse beat another saint-level powerhouse for you, so the points are very important in the heaven base!

"What else is needed?" Chu Feng thought about it. There are castles and villas in it, but Chu Feng hasn't considered such things for the time being. Before the strength is improved, it is easier to live in a low-key manner. Castles and villas can Make him look good, but now it's stupid to consume a lot of points on it!

"For the time being, the exchange center won't run away here anyway." Chu Feng withdrew from the beam of light, and his things were naturally included in the space items.

Coming out of the beam of light, Chu Feng found that many people's eyes fell on him. This time he was in the beam of light for a long time.

"Damn, I thought which guy got a lot of points for good luck. I didn't expect to be a rookie. I guess this rookie is studying the system inside!"

"What's the research? There are a lot of good things in the system, but there is a fart for not having points. For us, there are only two useful things in that system, food and water!"

"Haha, you think people are also poor ghosts like you, and they don't have a hundred points. Maybe they have more than one thousand or even more than ten thousand points!"

"Over ten thousand, I am his grandson!"

Seeing that a rookie came out of the beam of light, most of the eyes that fell on Chu Feng soon turned away. "Chu Feng, isn't it very inapplicable?" Zhong Tao took a cigarette and walked over and patted Chu Feng's shoulder. "Sage-level powerhouses, in front of some people whose strength is lower than their own, it is naturally You must have a predecessor attitude and a strong demeanor, but in this bird place, most of them are the holy superpowers, and there are the quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, and the base leader is the dominant-level powerhouse. I take it seriously."

"Speaking of this place, in this place, you can only live with a lower posture. Many guys think how good they are when they arrive at this place. As a result, many people like that die in a short time!"

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "It's okay. I can adapt to this place. I didn't have relatively strong strength since I was born. I trained as a mortal."

Once a mortal, and Chu Feng reached his current strength in a relatively short period of time, so Chu Feng can adapt to such an environment, but being able to adapt to such an environment does not mean that Chu Feng likes to stay in such an environment. If you continue to live in it, if you raise your cultivation base and find a way to leave, Chu Feng will definitely leave this ghost place.

Compared to being a grandson here, Chu Feng still likes to be an uncle in Hongtian Universe!

"It's amazing that a mortal trains up! I have the strength of a saint since I was born. I haven't felt it in ordinary people's life before. God made a joke on me and sent me to this place to feel it." Zhong Tao shrugged somewhat helpless typical. "Zhong Tao, why waste your points to buy such unnecessary things." Chu Feng looked at Zhong Tao's flue.

"You still don't understand...it's been a long time here, you have to have something to like, so that we can still feel that we are alive!" Zhong Tao laughed.

Zhong Tao said and glanced at Bi Feng and them: "The boss spends most of his time training, but he likes to gamble; Cardi likes to drink, I bet he will go there later; Sister Ling likes to drink A kind of tea, there is a teahouse in the paradise base. Brother Zhang likes to smoke, I like everything!"

At this moment Zhang Tao's voice rang, and he quickly reached Chu Feng and the others, "Boss, how many points do we have? When will we go on the mission?" Zhang Tao quickly said, "I asked for a fake to come over. , Gave me half an hour off!"

"That piece of lost crystal got more than six thousand six hundred points. You are one thousand one hundred, and I will transfer it to you immediately." Bi Feng said quietly, six thousand six hundred, and one mantissa, which mantissa belongs to Bi Feng, the boss, this is the rule. None of Zhong Tao and others have any opinions among some teams, even the more than six hundred are tails!

"One thousand and one hundred, great." Zhang Tao let out a long sigh. If there are one thousand and one hundred, he doesn't need to change the poor food and drink for the base work for the time being!

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