Holy Prison

Chapter 2087: casino

Transferring points is very easy in this voluntary situation. Soon Bi Feng transferred a thousand and one hundred points to Chu Feng and the others.

"Boss, I'm leaving first." Zhang Tao glanced at Chu Feng and left quickly. He left on leave. If he quit today, he would have to go back and say something.

"What did Zhang Long do?" Chu Feng asked. When he saw Zhang Long's hair, it was a little bit burnt. "Burn the fire!" Bi Feng said quietly, "Some people in the base make alchemy and some melt materials. All of these require extremely high-temperature flames. Zhang Long is a strong fire attribute. When he has no points, he can do this. More."

Chu Feng sighed slightly. Although he didn't agree with Zhang Long, and he even wanted to find a chance to kill Zhang Long, a powerful man at the Sovereign Rank actually became a fire-burning worker.

"Chu Feng, many people in the base have done this kind of work. Compared to Zhang Long, it's harder." Cardi said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly. He had a clearer understanding of the situation in the heaven base. In this, the Lord is not as good as a dog!

"Shall we gamble together?" Bi Feng said with a light smile, his eyes flashing a little bit of excitement. "This time I have a good harvest, so let's go." Cardi said.

Zhong Tao laughed and said: "The boss has this idea, then go and gamble, this time you are lucky, maybe you can earn a lot of points!"

"I haven't recovered my strength, so I will go back first." Zhao Ling said indifferently. Now that he has returned to the base, spending a little bit of points, Zhao Ling will be able to dissipate the imprisoned power he has received. In this regard, the base is more preferential. Yes, but if you are injured and want to recover through the base, it will cost a lot!

"Be careful." Bi Feng said, Chu Feng also nodded slightly to Zhao Ling, Zhao Ling turned and left, in this base, her life safety is still not a problem, who dares to kill in the base She, that is damaging the interests of the base, this is something that the base must not be easy to do. Even if it is the guardian of the base, there is no right to kill casually!

"Bige, let me see it too." Chu Feng said with a light smile. The most important thing now is to improve his strength, but it won't take much time to go on a small gamble with Bi Feng and the others.

On the way to the casino, Zhong Tao introduced the casinos in the Paradise Base. There are four casinos in the Paradise Base, and the owners of the four casinos are not small.

The number one casino is called Paradise Casino. Paradise Casino has an official background. The owner is a quasi-dominant powerhouse, but no one knows who it is.

The second-ranked casino was also opened by a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse. The quasi-dominant-level powerhouse did not join the guard, but with the strength of the quasi-dominant level, even members of the guard would be more polite when they saw him. On the base strength rankings, his strength can be ranked in the top ten, a terrible figure!

The third-ranked casino is a gambling boat. According to Zhong Tao, the beauty above is like a cloud, but inside, only guests with a net worth of more than 100,000 points are accepted.

Chu Feng and the others are not going to the first three this time, but the fourth, the popular casino. This casino ranks the lowest but has the most guests.

Compared with the previous three, the popular casino is a lot of chaos, but there are not many people who dare to make trouble in it. This casino is opened by a few people, and there are no quasi-dominant powerhouses among those few people, but each The strength can be ranked in the top two hundred in the entire paradise base. With strong strength and relatively strong financial resources, it is not clear that many guys who dare to make trouble in popular casinos die!

"Brother Chu, in short, don't make trouble in the casino, especially don't get into the casino. There is no weak person who can open a casino in Paradise Base." Zhong Tao warned.

Chu Feng nodded slightly. He still understands this truth. The paradise base is a gathering of heroes. It is not an ordinary character that can stand out in such a place.

"Don't be afraid of things either." Bi Feng said quietly, "If you behave too weakly, many people will come over and want to step on you. You can grasp what kind of posture you are."

Chu Feng nodded slightly. They walked faster, and they had already arrived at the Dazhong Casino. At the gate of the Dazhong Casino, many people came in and out.

"Boss, wait, let's go in together." Zhang Long's voice rang, and soon he reached Chu Feng and the others. "Brother Zhang, have you retired from today's work?" Bi Feng said quietly.

Zhang Long chuckled and said: "Working ass, it's better to go in for a gamble, if you are lucky, maybe one thousand and one hundred points will get in and you can get 10,000 points!"

Chu Feng glanced at Zhang Long. Zhang Long's gambling addiction might not be smaller than Bi Feng's.

"Chu Feng, how many games will the two of us play?" Zhang Long glanced at Chu Feng. He still has a little smile on his face at the moment. If he doesn't know the situation, he thinks the relationship between them is relatively good.

"No problem." Chu Feng smiled lightly. With more than 1 million points, Chu Feng's confidence is much better than Zhang Long. In the case of not being a senior, how much capital and confidence he has, this But it is very important! In the case of lack of confidence, perhaps a good hand is not dare to follow.

"Don't be inward." Bi Feng said quietly. He said that he was the first to enter the casino, and Chu Feng and the others also followed in. As soon as they entered, all kinds of voices were heard in Chu Feng's ears. .

The popular casino is divided into a normal area, an elite area and a VIP area. Even if there is only one point, the ordinary area can be exchanged for chips to play. In the elite area, at least one thousand points can be exchanged. In the VIP area, at least 10,000 points must be obtained. !

"It's really lively." Chu Feng said with a light smile. The first thing they saw was the general area of ​​the popular casino. The general area is on the first floor, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, and now there are three to four thousand gamblers.


Chu Feng and the others had been there, and someone immediately greeted Chu Feng and the others, but the other party basically only saw Bi Feng in their eyes. "Bige, how much?"

"Three thousand." Bi Feng said quietly, usually when he comes over, sometimes it is only three to five hundred, sometimes one thousand, when it is three thousand, it is very little, and three thousand is taken out because the harvest this time is really good. .

Chu Feng got more than two million points, and Bi Feng got one hundred thousand points, plus the previous more than 110,000 points, and it was not too much to put out three thousand.

"Bi Ge seems to have made a fortune." The person who received Bi Feng smiled. While talking, he quickly prepared three thousand chips for Bi Feng. It is more sensible to have chips than to directly score points without them.

"Xu San, come two thousand."

Cardi and Zhong Tao said in the same way that Bi Feng's harvest was good this time, and their harvest was also good. There is no problem with spending two thousand for fun.

"I'm two thousand, too." Chu Feng said with a light smile, and soon he and Cardi Zhong Tao both got the two thousand points bargaining chip, and Zhang Long, the family property was one thousand and one, at this time just took out a poor five. Hundred points were exchanged for the bargaining chip, and the bargaining chip was in hand. Zhang Long narrowed his eyes and glanced at Chu Feng. The bitterness in the depths of his eyes became heavier.

"Things that do not live or die." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that he was facing Zhang Long at this time, but the four-layer mental state cultivation made him feel Zhang Long's hostility.

"Bige, you guys have fun." Xu San smiled and said, the more guests who come to the casino lose, the more his rewards will be. Naturally, I hope that the more Bifeng and the others will come, the better, and they will lose. The more the better!

Bi Feng nodded slightly and walked quickly towards a gaming table. The gaming table is dice. This thing is simple and easy to play, but it is not just popular in the world.

Chu Feng and Kadi also leaned forward, the dice were covered with special things, it was absolutely impossible for the eyes to see through the thing, and it was impossible for the holy knowledge to see inside.

However, gamblers are not completely gambling, the dice shaking is sound, everyone can hear the sound, but the sound is true or false, it is definitely not easy to hear the sound!

"Bet fast, bet more, and win more in the last five seconds!" The croupier called loudly, and the gamblers quickly pressed their chips.

Chu Feng shook his head, and everything in front of him made him feel unreal. The croupier is a master of the holy class, and the gamblers around are basically masters of the holy class. If such things happen In the Hongtian universe, how many people believe it?

"Brother Chu, don't press?" Zhong Tao smiled. As he said, he quickly pressed a blue chip. The blue chip represents ten points, the white one represents one point, and the blue one is purple, which represents The one above is one hundred points, the purple one is red, which represents one thousand points, and the highest grade is gold, which represents ten thousand points.

"Look at it and talk about it." Chu Feng said, this table is made of three dice, and the rules are similar to those of the ordinary world. Chu Feng understood this at once. The reason why he didn't press it immediately, Chu Feng wanted to see it. Whether I can hear something, if I can't hear it, it can only rely on luck.

After a few seconds, the cup opened, "Five, one, two, eight o'clock!" the croupier said loudly.

"Hahaha, I won!" Zhang Long laughed. He just squeezed a hundred, bet big and small, and lost one for one. The luck was good. The principal of five hundred became six hundred because of this one. !

Different from Zhang Long's pride, Zhong Tao was a little depressed. The bargaining chip just pressed was eaten by the dealer. "Come and come again!" After the payment was completed, the croupier immediately said loudly. The cup on the table was shaken violently by him in his hand. With his swing, the dice inside made countless true and false collisions.

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