Holy Prison

Chapter 2088: Villain arrogant

After ten seconds passed, the croupier gently placed the cup on the table and then let go of his hand. "Everyone, you have placed your bet, ten seconds, you must leave your hand!" With a smile on his face, the croupier Loudly and authentically, today the casino won a lot at his gaming table, and his rake will be good then!

"It's hard to hear it!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart. He was listening attentively just now, but in just ten seconds, he couldn't figure out what the dice is now.

"Still big!" Zhong Tao said.

Chu Feng couldn't judge the specific points and randomly tossed a blue chip onto the gaming table. He didn't expect this blue chip to fall on the specific points.

The point was 13 and Chu Feng calculated it a little bit. With such a point, his chance of winning is only 9.72%. "Brother Chu, how do you suppress the specific points? It is extremely difficult to suppress this." Zhong Tao said slightly, if it was just ordinary money, a strong person like Zhong Tao would not care at all, but those Points are very precious!

"One loses eight, it's gone there by itself, just there, maybe it will be hit." Chu Feng smiled quietly, just a blue bargaining chip with ten points. If you lose, you lose. It was a hundred points, Chu Feng didn't care too much, he just came in this time just casually.

After speaking, Chu Feng looked around indifferently. While playing this trip, there was also a task, and that was to get to know some of the people inside.

In such a place, understanding the environment can better suit the environment and live better. Of course, Chu Feng understands this truth.

"Buy, leave your hand, go!" The croupier said loudly, his eyes fixed on the dice that was drawn. "Three, five, five, 13 o'clock!" He Guang said loudly.

"Brother Chu, we have won!" Zhong Tao said with some excitement. He had just lost a blue chip and won it now. As for Chu Feng's words, the one chip thrown out turned into nine and returned, one of which was his capital.

"Brother Chu, you just hit the point. It would be great if you just pressed the purple chip." Zhong Tao said. Chu Feng smiled and said, "Why don't you say that you just pressed a red chip or a golden chip."

"Hey, you have to have that kind of chips." Zhong Tao said, Chu Feng and the others exchanged chips, some of which were blue chips, and some were purple.

Huang Long cursed, he just won one, so he pressed another purple bargaining chip, which was still small, and opened 13 o'clock, naturally his bargaining chip was gone.

"Zhong Tao, why are you so excited? Losing and winning is nothing more than entertainment." Chu Feng said. Zhong Tao shook his head slightly and said, "Brother Chu, you haven't tasted that kind of hunger. You still can't appreciate our feelings. A little bit of points is very important to us."

Zhong Tao's words were clearly recognized by the people around him, and many people nodded slightly. "Brother Chu, in the base, there is not work all the time. Without money and borrowing money, you can only be hungry without work. That taste is not good." A reminiscence appeared on his face, "When you are too hungry, even if someone asks you to do things you never want to do, you will do it obediently."

"Gambling is entertainment, but it is better to win!"

"That's right, I don't want to win, what do you come here to do." Someone said, "One hundred, I'm over one hundred, **** it, I lost three in a row, I should win!"

Bi Feng patted Chu Feng on the shoulder: "Chu Feng, after a long time here, you will understand that many of the people here are not here for entertainment, but for excitement!"

"You just came in, and you may still be thinking that it won’t take long to get out. Everyone has this idea at the beginning, but no one can leave! You are still not used to the life here. You will adapt, there is pressure in it, and you must learn to release the pressure."

When it was time to make a bet again, Chu Feng put all the nine blue chips that had just returned on the top, "Bige, release the pressure, can't you be in the Lost World?" Chu Feng said.

Bi Feng shook his head slightly: "Part of it can be released, but not all of it. The pressure inside can only be released here!"

"Three, four, five, twelve o'clock!"

Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment. It seemed that his gambling luck today was good, and he actually won another one. "Grass!" Zhang Long's curse sounded. He just suppressed it again. As a result, 100 points were contributed to the casino. The 500-point bargaining chip now only has 400 points left.

"Chu Feng, good luck, do you want to go to the second floor to play? There are more high-powered people on it. You come in this time mainly because you want to meet some people." Bi Feng said quietly.

Naturally, Chu Feng would not react. He is now a person with more than one million "huge sums of money". Such a small bet is really a little unsatisfactory, and it’s not okay to want to push the big downstairs. The highest bet of 100 is the reason why the croupier’s skills are different.

Downstairs where the croupier's skills are relatively poor, if you can take a big bet, then if there is a master who makes a heavy bet on this side, if you win, the casino will lose a lot.

"Bi Ge, the owners of several casinos should have more than 100 million points? They didn't leave?" Chu Feng said. Bi Feng shook his head: "There are 100 million points, you can earn a lot from opening a casino, but do you know how much tax is drawn on the base? 80% of the casino's profit is tax!"

Chu Feng cursed secretly in his heart, the tax revenue of the Paradise Base is really fierce, and the 80% tax is too cruel! In such a big casino, there must be other expenses besides taxes. It is very good that the owner behind it can get 3% of the profit. That little income, deducting the expenses, is really not easy to accumulate a net worth of 100 million. Things.

"We are just ants." Bi Feng said solemnly. His eyes flashed clearly and he was unwilling to the fate of ants, but it was difficult to resist this fate!

"It is now, not necessarily in the future." Chu Feng said softly, a strong desire arose in his heart. To become a master-level powerhouse, he must reach the realm of master-level!

In this state, he just feels it. He doesn't want Feng Bingning and the others to feel it one day. If things like that don’t happen, he must become a strong master, and must become one of the strong masters. The strong is better than breaking through the master to become the supreme master, but that is too far away for today's Chu Feng!

Soon, Chu Feng and Bi Feng reached the second floor. Compared with the first floor, the number of people on the second floor was smaller, but there were also hundreds of people. As long as the chips are worth 1,000 points, they can enter the second floor. There are still many.

"Brother Bi, I'm losing money again."

"Hello, Boss!"

Quite a few people greeted Bi Feng. When those people greeted Bi Feng, Chu Feng also looked at some people. The threshold on the second floor is higher. As expected, the people on the second floor have much higher overall strength. Among those, Chu Feng felt that there were several strengths estimated to be similar to that of Bi Feng, and that a hundred thousand saint-class powerhouses could rank in the top two hundred, they were all ruthless characters.

"Don’t get the one on the other side of the roulette. His name is Sobac, and he is ranked 187th in the power ranking list. He is still a bit ahead of me; the one smoking a big cigarette by the window is called Ma Mati. The strength ranking ranks 193, the strength is about the same as mine, and he is relatively small-minded, and likes to listen to flattery. The table on our left, the woman in the blue dress, ranks 203 on the strength ranking list, named Wang Bing. The strength is terrifying!"

Bi Feng was optimistic about Chu Feng’s future. At this moment, he was gambling and introduced to Chu Feng. In half an hour, hundreds of people introduced him to Chu Feng. Like Chu Feng, he lost three of his chips. One part.

"Boss, how are you feeling?" Some voices that made Chu Feng annoyed by Zhang Long sounded, and soon a somewhat triumphant Zhang Long appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others, "Boss, I'm lucky today, with 500 points. It actually doubled more than ten times into more than 6,000 points in half an hour."

Zhong Tao and Kadi also got upstairs right now, and Chu Feng glanced at them. Their expressions were not very good, and in all likelihood they lost.

"How did Zhang Long win?" Chu Feng sent a message to Zhong Tao. Cardi and Zhong Tao were happy for them when they won Chu Summit, but Zhang Long was a little unhappy when he won Chu Feng. This guy , I wanted to kill him at that time!

Zhong Tao said: "Zhang Long lost all the three threes when there were only forty left, and he actually let Meng win three threes. One hundred and fifty times the odds, The casino lost 6,000, plus his own forty books, wouldn’t it be more than 6,000. This guy is lucky this time."

"I regretted that my intestines were almost green before, and it was three threes. He couldn't wait to just press his whole person on it. As soon as he received the compensation, he hurried up to the ground. What is it for? Presumably Brother Chu you know."

"Chu Feng, how's your luck? Hey, the chips seem to be getting less. It seems that there is a little bit of luck, so keep working hard! If you don't have any chips, let's say, everyone is a team. Give you one or two. "Zhang Long said, if there is a tail like that, it must be up to the sky.

Chu Feng shook his head secretly, this guy felt a little better about himself, but his wealth of more than 6,000 actually showed off in front of him!

"Zhang Long, yes, but don't affect everyone." Bi Feng said indifferently. He was a little bit unhappy at this time. Winning such a little is triumphant here. It is not only a shame, but also a loss. His face as a captain!

"Boss, I'm also here to play." Zhang Longdao, he said as he put a plate with a lot of chips on the gaming table, grabbed a handful of chips and put it down.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly, such a guy, he only wanted to give him one word, that is, he died early and reborn! "I don't know how to raise the state of mind, can you hear clearly." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. He said that he quickly raised his mental state to the third level of infinity!

The mood improved, and the croupier shook quickly. At this time, Chu Feng listened with all his strength. He couldn't analyze it before, and Chu Feng felt that many voices could be analyzed at this time.

"Sixty-odd percent chance of opening up." Ten seconds passed, Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, he threw a purple chip to the top, but it was one, one, two!

"True or false, false or false, true or false, I just estimated which place was deceived." Chu Feng frowned slightly, as long as there is a little bit of deceived, what was originally big may be small!

After pressing for ten times in a row, Chu Feng showed a wry smile on his face. He actually made a lot of wins and less, but Zhang Long, this guy actually got lucky. Losing less and winning more, now more than 6,000 chips. There are already about ten thousand.

"The third-level mood can't be fixed, I don't believe that the fourth-level mood can't be fixed!" Chu Feng's eyes flashed deep, he didn't care about losing two thousand chips, but Zhang Long won, he lost, this Chu Feng is somewhat Unhappy!

"Chu Feng, you don't have much chips, do you want me to sponsor a few?" Zhang Long smiled authentically. Chu Feng glanced at Zhang Long and said faintly: "Before you go to the gambling table, the outcome is unknown. I advise you to go to the gambling table now, so that you can settle down and play again, if luck changes. Now, maybe you will come out all the time!"

Zhang Long sneered and said: "Chu Feng, don't you see that I won some? I was thinking of giving you a few chips, now you ask for more blessings!"

"Bige, I'm going to play at another table. The air on this table has been polluted by someone." Chu Feng said quietly. He left without looking back, leaving Zhang Long feeling dull.

"Damn thing, then I will let you know how good I am!" Zhang Long sneered in his heart, "How great a newcomer thinks he is?"

Chu Feng didn’t leave and arrived at another table immediately. He turned around, secretly raising his mood quickly. The third-level mood is not strong, so you can only see that the fourth-level mood is not strong enough. If the state of mind is not strong enough, then Chu Feng can only hit his luck in this casino.

There was a storm in Chu Feng's mind, and after two minutes of hard work, Chu Feng's state of mind was finally successfully ascended from the third-layer heart to the fourth-layer heaven and earth sacred heart!

"This voice...it should be 235, ten o'clock!" Chu Feng secretly walked towards a gaming table in his heart.

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