Holy Prison

Chapter 2089: gambling

"Betting, betting, buying more, earning more!" The croupier said loudly, Chu Feng tossed the chips in his hand and pressed all the remaining 300 chips in his hand to ten points in the last second.

The sum is ten, the chance of winning is 12.5%. If you win, you lose six. "On!" the croupier said loudly, "Two, three, five, ten o'clock!"


Chu Feng smiled slightly. The three hundred chips just now were all his chips. If he just lost, then he has to change his chips if he wants to play.

In that way, if Zhang Long were to see it, he didn't know what would come out of Zhang Long's mouth.

However, Zhang Long could only be disappointed. He lost six, and his 300 chips had become two thousand one hundred chips. His capital was only two thousand, but he won one hundred.

The croupier glanced at Chu Feng and didn't care. Chu Feng was not the only one who won by squeezing the points, even the number of people who won the siege dice was many.

However, if this croupier knew that Chu Feng had heard the specific points just after ten meters away, he would not have been so calm!


Ten seconds later, Chu Feng and the croupier at this table gently placed the cup on the table, "Everyone, you want to press, hurry up, don't let the opportunity to make money slip away!" He The officer smiled authentically.

"One, four, five, it's actually ten o'clock again." Chu Feng pushed out all the chips in front of him with a slight smile, "Good luck at ten o'clock, and then press."

All of Chu Feng's chips were naturally pressed to ten o'clock. "Brother, you can't press it like this. If you press it like this, no matter how much you win, you will return." A person next to Chu Feng shook his head. Chu Feng knew his information, and like Bi Feng, he was also a figure on the strength rankings, but the ranking was much worse than Bi Feng.

"Thank you for your reminder." Chu Feng smiled, "Anyway, I took out two thousand capital this time, and I lost all of it just to go back to practice! If I'm lucky, I'll be hit again!"

"My friend, it's ten o'clock in a row, this chance, tsk tsk." Another humane, his face was a little disdainful, he didn't believe that Chu Summit had that kind of luck.

"Buy it, let it go! One, four, five, ten o'clock!" The dealer said, he was slightly stunned as he said, and at ten, he actually drove another ten.

Seeing Chu Feng's two thousand one hundred chips above ten o'clock, the dealer's heart jumped. He hadn't lost much before, but this one was a lot!

"The principal is two thousand and one, six times the payout, twelve thousand and six hundred!" The croupier quickly transferred the chips that Chu Feng had won to Chu Feng, more than twelve thousand, this was not a big problem. This casino, not to mention more than 10,000, even if it is more than 100,000, there have been more than one million, but more than one million is a gamble in the VIP room.

"Awesome, brother, I didn't expect you to be hit again, this luck!" The strong man next to Chu Feng said in surprise, "Under Qin Yue, get to know."

"Chu Feng, I already know Brother Qin's name." Chu Feng chuckled. "What big name... we are here, everyone has the same identity." Qin Yue slightly shook his head and said, "Brother Chu, in the future, sometimes everyone will have a drink and make a friend. My friend has one more way."

"That's it." Chu Feng smiled and nodded. Listening to Bi Feng's introduction, this Qin Yue person is still good. After chatting with him a few words, Chu Feng feels good about him.

"Injection and injection, ten seconds, everyone wants to win big money, speed!" The croupier said loudly, he glanced at Chu Feng here with his eyes.

"The highest pressure here is only five thousand?" Chu Feng looked at the croupier. The croupier nodded slightly. There is indeed such a rule. The first floor is at most 100, and the second is 5,000, which is quite a lot.

"I got two hits, I'll try another ten o'clock!" Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "Anyway, even if you lose this one, you still win a lot!"

"Brother Chu has courage, so I will follow Brother Chu and press a little bit." Qin Yue smiled, and he said that he pressed a red chip to a few dozen points.

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Brother Qin, Ten but has opened two in a row, and you still follow me to press. I am not afraid that your bargaining chips will be lost." "Hehe, Brother Chu, you dare to press five thousand, I just It's only a thousand, what's not to dare." Qin Yue smiled, "If you lose, you will lose. It's not a big deal."

"It's weird to drive three ten o'clock in a row." The guy who said that Chu Feng could not hit ten o'clock twice in a row mumbled in his heart. Before that, only Chu Feng pressed him to say that, but now that Qin Yue also added it, he dare not say It won't be ten o'clock anymore, Qin Yue is a figure on the strength ranking list, and his fist falls, which is more painful!

"Buy to leave the hand, three, three, four, ten, ten o'clock!" The croupier stared at the dice, his hand was trembling a little at this time, and the others didn't have much, but Chu Feng and Qin Yue added up to a total of 6,000 bets, six times that of 6,000, which would cost 36,000 points, which is not a small sum!

You can only get one thousand points if you get a piece of Innate Treasure and sell it, 36,000 points, which is equivalent to getting thirty-six treasures of Innate Treasure in the Lost World!

"Brother Chu, yes, haha!" Qin Yue laughed honestly, he didn't have much hope, he didn't expect to drive ten o'clock again!

"Brother Qin, congratulations!" Chu Feng smiled.

"Tongxi and Tongxi haha!" Qin Yue laughed, "You have won a lot more than me." "The next time I drink, I will pay for the wine." Chu Feng chuckled.

Qin Yue shook his head repeatedly: "That won't work, I won with you, and you are a newcomer, I am an old man, it is the first time to drink, there is no reason for you to ask!"

"That's OK." Chu Feng didn't bother with this question. Whoever invites a drink, this seems to be nothing to Chu Feng, but Qin Yue's attitude makes him feel good.

Qin Yue was 6,000, and Chu Feng was 30,000. The two of them quickly paid out their chips. What Chu Feng got were three golden chips. Each of these three chips was worth 10,000 points!

"Brother, press ten more?" Qin Yue said. Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "It's only three...I have won three in a row. If I press it down, I feel bad. Brother Qin, I'm glad to meet you. I used to talk to Boss and they will leave. Now, if you have the opportunity to drink together in the future!"

Chu Feng walked towards the table of Bi Feng and the others holding the plate with the chips, and he put the golden chips under it, which was not very eye-catching.

Before Chu Feng approached, he heard Zhang Long's cursing. When he got closer, Chu Feng glanced at the silver plate in front of Zhang Long. The 10,000-plus chips on it had shrunk by half and turned into five thousand.

"Zhang Long, your state is not right. Go back last and come back another day." Bi Feng frowned and said, these few, Zhang Long's bet is getting bigger, otherwise he wouldn't lose so fast.

"Boss, I will win it back." Zhang Long said, looking at Chu Feng who was walking over, and his eyes narrowed when he saw the chips on Chu Feng's plate. When Chu Feng left before, there were not so many chips on the plate. At this moment, the chips have increased significantly. "Chu Feng, dare you gamble?" Zhang Long suddenly said.

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows and asked Zhang Long to trouble him. He could do it anytime after his strength increased. Chu Feng came over and didn't want to trouble Zhang Long, but he didn't expect him to trouble Zhang Long. Zhang Long actually hit the muzzle. At this moment, if Chu Feng hasn't retreated from the fourth layer of mind, he will stick to it for a short time. Now it's just that his mood improves and he doesn't think about it. There is no problem persisting for ten or twenty minutes.

"Bige, it's okay to play here today, I'll go back first." Chu Feng said, he did not pick Zhang Long, the same team, at this time fighting against each other is not very attractive.

Without waiting for Bi Feng to speak, Zhang Long sneered and said: "Chu Feng, what's the matter, it's impossible to look down on me? If you talk to you, you don't hear it!"

Bi Feng's icy gaze fell on Zhang Long. Zhang Long was also an old player. Zhang Long's performance was not very good before, and Bi Fengrong was down.

But I didn't expect that Zhang Long would actually ignore the face of his captain in front of so many people.

"Chu Feng, since Zhang Long wants to play with you, if you agree, you can do it," Bi Feng said calmly.

"Haha, let's have fun." Chu Feng said with a chuckle, Bi Feng said so, he doesn't mind letting Zhang Long get a big somersault, "Zhang Long, what kind of rules? Up."

Zhang Long glanced at his own bargaining chips. Those chips totaled 5,360 points: "Chu Feng, my bargaining chips here total 5,360 points. We all use the three hundred and sixty points as a bet. When the time is ten minutes, when the time is up, whoever has more chips will pay 5,000 chips."

"Five thousand is a little bit less, it's boring, get rid of three hundred and sixty, you can bet as much as I have here, you owe the less, how about it?" Chu Feng said, he is not afraid of Zhang Long when the time comes. No, there are so many people around watching, and there is also a Captain Bi Feng watching.

"No problem." Zhang Long glanced at the plate in Chu Feng's hand. There were a lot of chips on it, but Zhang Long estimated that it would only cost more than 10,000 points, and it wouldn't be too difficult to get up.

"Check it out." Chu Feng said indifferently. He said that the plate in his hand was placed on the gaming table. This height dropped, and some people saw a little gold.


Chu Feng dialed the stack of chips, and immediately three golden chips appeared in everyone's eyes, "Golden chips." Someone said in surprise.

"A total of forty-four thousand, seven hundred, three hundred and sixty are deducted, and forty thousand, three hundred and forty are left!" Chu Feng said quietly.

There was a little ominous feeling in Zhang Long's heart. He didn't expect that Chu Feng would have won so many, winning more than 10,000 and winning 30,000 or 40,000. There is a big difference!

"Brother Chu, I didn't expect your side to leave and play on this side again." Qin Yue came over with a laugh, "Boss Bi, come and join in the fun, don't you have any comments."

"No." A look of surprise flashed in Bi Feng's eyes. He didn't expect that Chu Feng would get acquainted with Qin Yue only after a short time. Qin Yue could also be ranked five or six hundred on the power ranking list. The strength he showed, if he hides some strength, the ranking will be higher!

"Chu Feng, I didn't expect you to be lucky. Okay, I bet with you. Don't cry when you lose these chips to me." Zhang Long's eyes showed a little eagerness after his initial shock. Guangguang, that is more than 40,000 chips, as long as he can win Chu Feng, all those chips will belong to him!

Chu Feng said quietly: "Zhang Long, you are not expected to pay for it for the time being. In order to prevent you from earning points and not paying, you have to let the brain witness our gambling. Before you owe debts, all your points over 100 will be directly transferred to my account. Is there any problem?"

There was hesitation in Zhang Long's eyes, and Qin Yue smiled and said, "Boss Bi, although it is an internal matter of your team, I still have to say that some people's attitudes are not very correct. At this time, he hesitated because he was rich. Isn't it an idea not to pay it back? That's not a good idea, everyone said, isn't it?"

"That's right! If you win, you can get it right away. If you lose, you won't be able to pay it back. How can there be such a reason? People don't want your interest!"

"It's more than 40,000, and it's only 5,000 in my hand. I don't know when I can get it back if I lose."


Many people around are talking about it. Zhang Long also has friends around here, but how dare you help Zhang Long to speak at this moment? Their eyes are not blind. It can be seen that Zhang Long has made Bi Feng upset, and Qin Yue has also been upset at this moment. Not good anymore.

"Okay, just as you said." Zhang Long sneered, "I want to see what your face looks like when you lose all. Wisdom...please witness my bet with Chu Feng"

Zhang Long said something, and a mechanical voice sounded near Chu Feng and the others: "The gambling will witness the success of the game, proceed as agreed, and the agreement must not be violated!"

"Three hundred and sixty!" Chu Feng said and picked out the three purple chips and six blue chips. At this time, he still had seven or eight minutes in the fourth level of mood.

"Start?" Chu Feng said lightly. Zhang Long sneered and nodded: "After ten minutes, all the chips in front of you will belong to me. I thought I won a little bit, and luck has been following you."

"If you want to make a bet, make a bet within ten seconds!" The croupier shook the cup for ten seconds and fell on the table, and Zhang Long's purple chip immediately fell to the top.

Chu Feng said indifferently: "You think it's really big if you press big, can you win?" Chu Feng said it was also a purple bargaining chip to go out, but he was pressing on the small one.

"Buy it!" The croupier glanced at the cup in his hand and immediately opened it, "One, two, three, six o'clock!"

Zhang Long’s expression changed, at six o’clock, his hundred was eaten, and Chu Feng won one hundred. As a result, his capital was only two hundred and sixty, and Chu Feng’s capital became Four hundred and sixty is almost twice his!

"Zhang Long, don't be arrogant. Look, you have suffered, right?" Chu Feng smiled lightly.

"Huh, that's all shit." Zhang Long sneered, there are still more than two hundred chips, there is still a chance to comeback.

In the second hand, the croupier put down the cup, Zhang Long preemptively pressed the big one, Chu Feng frowned secretly, this one is really big, if he takes a small one, he will lose.

"I won three in a row at ten o'clock before, and I changed a place. I don't know if there is still such luck." Chu Feng smiled lightly, as he threw a purple chip to the ten o'clock area.

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