Holy Prison

Chapter 2090: Trample to death

"Brother Chu, I just won one after you, and then I followed one more." Qin Yue said with a smile, he didn't press too much but just pressed a red chip above ten.

Chu Feng chuckled softly: "Brother Qin, although I really want it to be ten o'clock, but I am just blinded. If you follow me to lose money, the money for drinking next time will not be gone, right?"

"I have the money for that little wine." Qin Yue didn't care about the authenticity very much. He just won six thousand, even if he loses one thousand, it doesn't matter.

"If you want to score, do you think it is so easy to score?" Zhang Long sneered in his heart.

Ten seconds soon came, "Buy, leave your hand, go! Three, four, six, 13 o'clock!" The croupier said loudly, 13 o'clock, Chu Feng's 100 and Qin Yue's 1,000 Naturally it was eaten.

"Haha!" Zhang Long laughed in his heart, and the slight tension on his face disappeared instantly. This time he won Chu Feng and lost, and his capital has returned to three hundred and sixty.

"Chu Feng, it's not so easy to want to count points!" Zhang Long sneered, "On the other side, if you win a little bit of good luck, you still want to keep winning by pressing the points. I want to be beautiful."

Chu Feng glanced at Zhang Long and said faintly: "Zhang Long, where do you come from so much nonsense."

After shaking it out again, Chu Feng picked up a purple bargaining chip and threw it to 11 o'clock: "If you don't hit ten, the price will go up a little bit! The odds are the same."

Qin Yue lost a thousand in the last one, but he didn’t follow this one. People who have been here for a long time, without many backgrounds, are very important to the points. This is not because you don’t believe Chu Feng. , But cautious!

"Small!" Eleven o'clock is big, Chu Feng pressed eleven o'clock, Zhang Long didn't want to press big anymore, he threw his one hundred chips to Xiao.

After a few seconds.

"Two, three, six, eleven o'clock!" A hint of surprise flashed in the croupier's eyes. Chu Feng just lost ten o'clock, but he did not expect this one to hit eleven o'clock!

Staring at the three dice, Zhang Long's face changed. It was eleven o'clock. He lost this one. Three hundred and six were only two hundred and six. However, Chu Feng got six hundred from three. One hundred and six suddenly rose to nine hundred and six, the capital is already three or four times his!


It was another hand. Just as the croupier put down the cup, Zhang Long immediately pressed the hundred to the top. He didn't count the points at the moment, and the chance of pressing the points was lower.

"If you squeeze big, I will squeeze it down. Just got a hand, go on, ten o'clock is small!" Chu Feng smiled softly, as he said that the two purple chips were pressed above ten o'clock.

After a few seconds, the croupier opened the cup, "Two, two, six, ten o'clock!" The croupier said loudly, Zhang Long's face changed drastically, he just lost another hundred, and the cost became only one hundred and six. But Chu Feng won one thousand two, originally only 960, but suddenly it rose to two thousand one hundred and six.

A trace of regret flashed in Qin Yue's eyes. If he had just followed Chu Feng and pressed a thousand, he would have won tens of thousands of points in a short time.

"Continue to squeeze the size and lose it!"

"The difference in capital is already more than ten times, Zhang Long wants to win it back, it's difficult!"

Quite a few people around were talking, and some of them had already thought of following Chu Feng. "Everyone, please place your bet!" The croupier put down his cup and said.

Chu Feng secretly figured it out, and his fourth level of mood is estimated to last only three or four times. Between three and four, it must surpass Zhang Long by a lot, otherwise there is a chance for Zhang Long to come back. In the middle of the dice, it is one hundred and fifty times the odds, even if Zhang Long only has sixty credits, he can't compare with one hundred and fifty times.

Of course, the odds of squeezing the stocks are too low, and the chance of winning is only 0.46%!

"Ten o'clock!" Zhang Long said solemnly, as he pressed one hundred to ten o'clock. "Big you!" Chu Feng smiled lightly. He said that the three-hundred chips were directly pressed to eleven o'clock.

"Follow me." Qin Yue smiled and pressed one thousand above eleven o'clock. Bi Feng did not speak, but he also pressed one thousand above eleven o'clock.

Zhang Long stared at the cup viciously, "Buy it, three, three, five, eleven o'clock!" The croupier's voice made Zhang Long's body shake. At this time, his only one hundred and sixty capital was left. The last sixty, and Chu Feng, six times the three hundred is one thousand eight, plus the previous two thousand one hundred and sixty, three hundred and six has become three thousand nine hundred and six!

"Brother Chu, take the lead!" Qin Yue laughed. He had lost one hand before, but this one had won six thousand. There was also a little smile on Bi Feng's face, and he also pressed a thousand this one, and naturally won a thousand.

In addition to Qin Yue and Bi Feng, some other people followed by eleven o'clock. They won at this time. Many people saw that Chu Feng's eyes were much more kind.

The casino is not hot, but a little sweat appeared on Zhang Long's forehead at this time, and the cost is only sixty. At this time, if you want to reverse it, the possibility is extremely low!

"Please press!" The croupier's voice sounded, Zhang Long gritted his teeth, half of the last sixty was pressed above ten o'clock, "Ten o'clock, give me ten o'clock!" Zhang Long said.

"If you call something or something, I'll call three sixes for you." Chu Feng said with a chuckle. He said that three hundred were pressed on top of three sixes, "God bless you, come three sixes, haha! "

No one followed Chu Feng to press this one. There were three and six. The chance of this one was too low. They only considered Chu Feng to be angry, Zhang Long to 30, Chu Feng to 300, and Zhang Long to shout. At ten o'clock, Chu Feng called three six!

"If you want to come up with a dice, you want to be beautiful!" Zhang Long said coldly. "The odds of your bet winning ten o'clock are estimated to be the same as my chances of going out of the dice." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"Grass!" Zhang Long cursed in his heart, the probability of a ten o'clock is 12.5%, and the probability of a three six is ​​0.46%!

The croupier glanced: "Buy, leave your hand, go!"

When the cup opened, the croupier was stunned for a moment, and many of the people around were also stunned, "Waiting, three six!" The croupier took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Brother Chu, you are so lucky today!" Qin Yue said in surprise.

Zhang Long stared at the dice fiercely: "Impossible, impossible, he cheated! How could it be possible to draw three sixes? Chu Feng must have cheated, please check him quickly!"

Many people who spoke Zhang Long's words looked at him stupidly, cheating, there is no such thing as cheating in the casino, winning, that's the skill!

"Zhang Long, you can't talk nonsense. If I can cheat, wouldn't it be easier for the croupier to act? Are you questioning me or the casino?" Chu Feng said quietly.

"Good point!" A loud voice rang out, the crowd stepped aside, and soon a middle-aged man who looked 30 or 40 years old came over.

"Hello Feng!"

"Boss Feng!"

Quite a few people screamed respectfully, and Chu Feng's heart moved. This person should be Feng Qianshan, one of the owners of this popular casino, a terrifying figure in the top 100 in the power ranking!

"What are you doing, pay." Feng Qianshan said quietly to the dealer. "Yes, yes." The croupier is also a strong man at the Saint-sovereign level, but he is obviously more afraid of Feng Qianshan at this time and hastily respectfully said.

When the dice was hit, it was a loss of one hundred and fifty. Chu Feng pressed three hundred, and soon four golden chips and five red chips arrived in front of Chu Feng.

"Casino cups are unique. Everyone knows that there is no possibility for croupiers to cheat, and there is no possibility for other people to cheat! If you win, that is strength!" Feng Qianshan glanced at Chu Feng and Zhang Long. Said, "Zhang Long, although it is a guest of the casino who enters it, if you shouldn't say it, it's better not to export it!"

"Yes!" Zhang Long obeyed the tunnel, and he was also a powerhouse at the Sovereign level, but with Feng Qianshan's strength, power, and financial resources, it would not be very difficult to kill Zhang Long.

Chu Feng saw that there was a little more dread in the center of his eyes. This casino is not a place to make a fortune. He made up his mind that he will never enter this casino to make a fortune after his strength improves. Even if he enters, it will not be like now. One win is a lot!

"My friend is Chu Feng, Brother Chu, sometimes we have a meal together and make a friend." Feng Qianshan smiled at Chu Feng. "No problem." Chu Feng said with a light smile. If he wants to leave this place, some strong people's support may be indispensable, but he himself may not be able to leave!

"Keep playing, the casino is open, it's normal to lose or lose," Feng Qianshan smiled. He nodded to Bi Feng and several other strong players and left quickly.

Many people secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The pressure Feng Qianshan brought to them was not small. If Feng Qianshan had just that kind of strength, no power, and financial resources, it could not bring too much pressure to those people, but some things combined, Feng Qianshan puts more pressure on others!

"Zhang Long, there is still a little time." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Zhang Long's face was very ugly. Although he still had thirty chips and a little bit of time, his chances of winning Chu Feng were infinitely close to zero.

After just a handful, Chu Feng has 48,960, and Zhang Long's poor 30 chips are only half of Chu Feng's last 60!

"Please place a bet!" the dealer said.

Zhang Long pressed all the remaining thirty above ten o'clock. Chu Feng smiled and watched and didn't press any more. As a result, the eleven o'clock was only slightly different from Zhang Long's.

"Zhang Long, it seems that you lost!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Zhang Long, the total is 44,340. I won't count the interest. I hope you will pay it off sooner!"

"Hmph!" Zhang Long turned his head and left with a cold snort. This time, he lost all his face and debt. He had a headache when he thought about it. This is not a small sum!

"Bige, let's go first!" Chu Feng said. He said that he took out all his chips and exchanged them into points, forty thousand three hundred and forty, plus forty thousand nine hundred and sixty. , The total is ninety-three thousand three hundred, deducting his own capital and winning more than 90 thousand, plus the more than 40,000 that Zhang Long still owes, that is more than 130,000 points.

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