Holy Prison

Chapter 2091: Reincarnation Dan use

"Zhao Ling, have you recovered?" Chu Feng said with a light smile. He had already returned to the "group dormitory" at this time. In the lobby, Zhao Ling was painting now.

When it comes to Zhao Ling's cultivation level, the most important thing is not the improvement of the cultivation level is the improvement of the mood. There are many ways to improve the mood, and painting is one of the ways to improve the mood.

"Well, Chu Feng, thank you so much before." Zhao Ling said. Chu Feng waved his hand: "No need to say more about that, everyone is teammates, so they should."

"Zhao Ling, do you know when the next mission will be?" Chu Feng said.

There was a slight smile on Zhao Ling's face and said: "After being in the Lost Universe for ninety years, we must stay in the base for at least three years before we can enter the Lost Universe again, otherwise it will be harmful to the body. When there will be a task, this is not certain, it will be known after three years."

"Three years, that's OK." Chu Feng nodded slightly and walked toward his room. When he walked to the door, Chu Feng turned his head and smiled, "Zhao Ling, in fact, you look good with a smile. You should smile more. Ha ha."

After Chu Feng opened the door and entered it, Zhao Ling's hand holding the paintbrush trembled a little, and a little smile appeared on her face unconsciously, but the smile quickly disappeared.

Entering the room, Chu Feng stared at his own room. At this time, he somewhat understood why Zhao Ling and the others would rather stay in the outside hall.

Before Chu Feng entered the room, it was the novice welfare, which allowed the novice to adapt to the body. At this time, entering the room, Chu Feng did not use the little welfare left.

The whole room was square, without anything inside. It was three meters long, wide and high, and there were no windows. Such a room reminded Chu Feng of a cell!

"Damn the base, you don't treat the Holy Venerable as a human being!" Chu Feng frowned, eating and drinking garbage, this place is actually such garbage!

There is no problem if you want to live well, but villas and castles are not cheap!

The price of the villa is 10,000 points to 100,000 points, and the price of the castle is more than 100,000 points. With Chu Feng's current financial resources, even the castle is affordable, but whether it is necessary or not is a question.

"Intelligent brain, can you transform the room?" Chu Feng said. "Yes, but depending on the amount of modification, the cost of modification ranges from one point to one thousand points." A mechanical voice rang.

Chu Feng cursed secretly, "Zhi Brain, is it reformed first, and then charges?"

"Student No. SA5032, you have more than one thousand points, you can charge after the transformation, and the points will be automatically deducted after the transformation." Zhi Nao said.

Living in such a room was uncomfortable. Chu Feng thought of the stigmata carving knife and appeared in his hand. There was no window in the room. Chu Feng stigmatization carving knife waved, and he left a lot of stigmatism in a short time. Above a wall.

"Enlighten!" Chu Feng said softly, the formation of the stigmata was activated, a beautiful window appeared on the wall, and the power of the formation even simulated sunlight and breeze!

Outside the window is the sea. Chu Feng took a deep breath, as if he could smell the sea. "These three sides must be remodeled!" Chu Feng murmured, and soon the other three sides were also remodeled by Chu Feng. The warm sun filled the room, and the room could smell the breath of the sea and the vegetation. Fragrant, you can see the seagulls flying, and you can hear the calls of bugs!

If you feel it carefully, Chu Feng can of course know that everything is fake, but if you don't sense it carefully, it's still very comfortable to watch.

"Wisdom, it's okay, how many points are deducted?" Chu Feng said.

The price reported by Zhi Nao did not surprise Chu Feng. His renovation of the room this time was great, and there were stigmata on every wall!

"One thousand is one thousand. It is better than buying a villa for tens of thousands." Chu Feng muttered that if he wanted to buy it, he would not buy a bad one. A good villa would naturally cost tens of thousands of points. Spending tens of thousands of points to buy a castle is too prodigal and too ostentatious. Before the strength is improved, it is better to keep a low profile!

There were no recliners in the room, and Chu Feng sat cross-legged on the ground, "Intelligent brain, time is accelerated, report the points needed, thank you." Chu Feng said.

"Time is doubled, and every year requires one-tenth of points; time is accelerated ten times, and every year requires 1.2 points; time is accelerated a hundred times, and every year requires 15 points; time is accelerated One thousand times, two hundred points are needed every year; time acceleration is 10,000 times, and three thousand points are needed every year!"

"Time is accelerated by 100,000 times, and 40,000 points are needed every year; time is accelerated by 1 million times; 500,000 points are needed every year." Zhi Nao said.

Chu Feng frowned, one word expensive, two words, very expensive, three words, very expensive!

A ray of acceleration of one million times the power of time would allow Chu Feng to practice for 10,000 years. If you need 500,000 points per year, then 10,000 years would require 5 billion points, but , An innate treasure can only be sold for one thousand points, a ray of golden power of time, it can't compare to a innate treasure.

If the acceleration decreases, it will be slightly cheaper, but it will not be much cheaper. "Grandma's, it's too cheating, this time acceleration is really not affordable for ordinary people." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, generally speaking, not many people in the heaven base use time to accelerate, this is indeed cheating!

Chu Feng thought of his own heart of time. If the power of the heart of time is used, time can be accelerated, but the power of the heart of time in the heaven base is too wasteful!

"Ten years, if you don't use the power of time, you won't necessarily be able to improve from level three to level four, let alone level five. It is necessary to use time acceleration." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. .

"Intelligent brain, turn on a thousand times of time acceleration." Chu Feng said, a thousand times of time acceleration, ten years is ten thousand years, this is enough anyway!

"Acceleration has been activated. Two hundred points will be deducted every year; 100 points will be counted for less than half a year, and 200 points will be counted for more than half a year." Zhi Nao said.

Chu Feng didn't delay his time, and the reincarnation pill immediately appeared in his hands.

"Best, directly raise me to the fifth level of immortal cultivation base!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, he quickly calmed his mind as he spoke, and then threw the reincarnation pill into his mouth.

The reincarnation pill melted into his mouth, Chu Feng felt a black hole appeared in his mind, and his consciousness was quickly swallowed by that black hole!

"Who am I, and where is this?" Chu Feng shook his head. He lost many of his previous memories, but what he had learned is still there. "By the way, I am a third-level immortal cultivation base, I I want to upgrade to the fourth-level immortal cultivation base... But why should I upgrade to the fourth-level immortal cultivation base?"

Chu Feng's eyes were confused, and after a while, his gaze became firm, and he believed that after breaking through to the fourth-level immortal cultivation base, he should be able to remember something.

"Turz, where to escape?"

Before Chu Feng had figured out what was going on around him, a large number of powerful men were killed. Those people saw Chu Feng as if they had seen killing their father and enemies.

Half a year later, Chu Feng, who had fought hard for countless battles, died, and died in a trap laid by many strong men. Before he died, his only regret was that he had not broken through to the fourth level of immortal cultivation base!

Just after the first reincarnation, Chu Feng’s mind began the reincarnation of the second life. With the same cultivation base and the same perception, in this life, Chu Feng broke through the third level and reached the fourth level. When he broke through , In reality, a little light appeared from Chu Feng, and in reality Chu Feng also advanced a lot, but he did not break through.

Three, four, five times.

One day in the outside world, the first reincarnation, in the blink of an eye, more than 30 years have passed from the outside world. For 10,000 days and nights, the power of the reincarnation pill has made Chu Feng reincarnate forever. But this kind of reincarnation is not a complete reincarnation. , Of course, the harvest will be much greater.

On this day, a powerful aura suddenly burst out of Chu Feng, the fourth level is immortal, the reincarnation of eternity, and the perception of eternal life, Chu Feng finally accumulated enough power to reach the fourth level of immortal cultivation base!

If a person with poor talents breaks through at this time, he will wake up, but Chu Feng did not wake up, his mood improved rapidly, and he actually reached the fourth level of mood in just a few seconds.

The fourth-level state of mind protected Chu Feng and continued to attack his fifth-level immortal cultivation base. The chance of success was only 1%, but coupled with the factor of Chu Feng's state of mind, his chance of success should be higher than that. One percent is much higher, and the chance of success should be as high as one in ten!

The chance of one in ten, this is not high, whether it can be directly promoted to the fifth-level immortal cultivation base, it depends on Chu Feng's good fortune.

Time continues to pass, although the price is expensive, but the power of the reincarnation pill is really strong. The outside world under the acceleration of time has passed for hundreds of years. Chu Feng has reincarnated tens of thousands of times. During the reincarnation, the infinite magic in Chu Feng's body is self It's working, and Chu Feng's cultivation base has reached the culmination of level four immortality.

A breakthrough would be immortality at level 5, and no breakthrough would be immortality at level 4. A step away would have a relatively large impact on strength, and it would have a long-term impact on Chu Feng!

If you can't break through to reach the fifth level of immortality this time, next time, you can only make things to reach the fifth level of immortality, but if you reach the fifth level of immortality, you can buy things next time and upgrade to the sixth level of immortality!

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