Holy Prison

Chapter 2093: Expel

Bi Feng and their eyes were surprised, "Chu Feng, this is not good, you are too bad for this. You take the risk alone, and we have no risk at all." Bi Feng said.

According to Chu Feng's plan, if Bi Feng and the others get 1,000 points in the Lost World, they will have a guaranteed income of 1,000 points. This income is much higher than their average level.

Moreover, if they are lucky enough to get more than 150,000 points and more than 200,000 points, their income is much higher than that of being mixed in the ordinary lost world!

One thousand points, in such a lost world, they believe that they can definitely get it, so that they can get at least one thousand points.

And Chu Feng invested 150,000 points, which is not a small amount. If Bi Feng and the others got only tens of thousands of points in the Lost World, then Chu Feng's loss would be more than 100,000! Moreover, in the area of ​​150,000 to 200,000, Chu Feng only took back 150,000 yuan, and Bifeng and the others allocated the rest.

Only with more than 200,000 points Chu Feng can get a return, but more than 200,000 points is not an easy task, it requires very good luck.

"Brother Chu, the investment of 150,000 points is not easy if you want to earn it back." Zhong Tao said, "There is at least an 80% chance that you will lose money!"

"It's not that I said discouragement. Our team is not that strong. If we change to a strong team, the probability of loss may not exceed 50%, but we... only the boss has a higher strength, our strength All are average, and we don't have strong treasure detection!" Zhong Tao said.

Bi Feng nodded slightly: "Chu Feng, Zhong Tao is right. If we invest 150,000 in a team like ours, the possibility of loss is too high."

Zhang Long said: "The boss, Zhong Tao, and Chu Feng don't care about the points, so don't help save them. He is the owner of the popular casino to win over one hundred thousand in half an hour!"

Bi Feng frowned, Zhong Tao glanced at Zhang Long and didn't give him a good face: "Brother Zhang, Brother Chu is a member of our team, although you have some contradictions with him, but this is not right, his The points are wasted, what good is it for us? Brother Zhang, don't make mistakes again and again!"

"Pop!" Zhang Long slapped a slap on the table in front of him and stood up, "Zhong Tao, you are so courageous, you dare to speak to me like this!"

"Zhang Long, this table is broken, can you afford it?" Bi Feng said quietly.

Zhang Long's face went dark, the prices in the heaven base were exceptionally high, and the table in front of him was not a good thing, but if it was broken, at least one hundred points would be lost!

One hundred points can afford to most of the people in the paradise base, but this does not include Zhang Long, the hapless one who owes tens of thousands of points!

"Brother Zhang, I am very disappointed, you weren't like this before." Zhong Tao said solemnly. "Zhang Long, sit down, or you leave this team!" Chu Feng said.

Zhang Long looked towards Chu Feng and said coldly: "The surname Chu, do you think that I will leave this team if you want me to leave this team? If I don't want to leave, even the boss wants me to leave this team. easy."

"Really? If you can't live without it, it's the same if you leave dead." Chu Feng said quietly. Zhang Long's face changed: "Chu Feng, do you dare to kill me"

"You don't know the rules of the base, you kill me, that is harming the interests of the base! Wisdom, take note of what Chu Feng just said, if I die, he will probably use his hands!" Zhang Long said in a deep voice. Tao.

Chu Feng looked at Zhang Long as if looking at a dead person: "If what I know is not wrong, if a murder is found that damages the interests of the base, then compensation is based on the value of the person killed. Your strength is not high, and the points you have are not Many, you don’t have anything valuable, if you die, you will lose 100,000 dollars!"

"Zhang Long, I didn't actually think about putting you out of this team just now. I counted as five people and didn't exclude you. But your actions are really not suitable for staying in this team. Bi Brother, I suggest letting Zhang Long leave this team, shall we vote by show of hands?" Chu Feng said.

Bi Feng frowned slightly, Zhang Long is an old man in this team, but Bi Feng also knows that Zhang Long is indeed not suitable for staying in this team anymore.

"Show your hands to vote." Bi Feng said quietly.

Zhang Long's expression became cold: "Boss, you can't do this. I have been in this team for such a long time, even if I have no credit, I have toiled!"

"I agree with Zhang Long's departure." Zhao Ling said, her words caused Zhang Long to stare at him, but how could Zhao Ling's strength compare to Zhang Longqiang's fear of Zhang Long.

"Zhang Long is really not suitable to stay in this team anymore." Cardi said, he didn't want Zhang Long to stay in this team to affect the harmony of the team, it would not be good for him.

Chu Feng, Zhao Ling, and Cardi have all agreed to Zhang Long's departure. Even if Bi Feng and Zhong Tao support Zhang Long's stay, they are still a minority. Moreover, they support Zhang Long's departure in all likelihood.

"You want me to leave, don't think about it, even if you all agree, I don't nod myself, you can't let me leave this team!" Zhang Long sneered, "Boss, I can see it through, Chu Feng has many points, you are all down! I asked him, didn’t I just have a lot of luck and didn’t get many points?"

"I taught Chu Feng a lesson before? What happened to the newcomers? Is there such a thing in the base? Besides, Chu Feng finally returned!"

Chu Feng looked at Zhang Long with cold eyes and said, "Zhang Long, if you just did the previous actions and didn't have the following actions, I'm not so stingy to deal with you."

"What did you do afterwards, you entered the lost world before, you followed me, and your hands and feet on me made me face more dangers. Do you think that you are not aware of it? Because of the previous contradiction, you want to kill me , Zhang Long, with the results like this, you asked for it!"

"Nonsense!" Zhang Long shouted, "I will follow you, I will do my hands and feet on you, surnamed Chu, you are really good at composing stories!"

"What about the evidence? Without evidence, what is your act of slandering your teammates like this"

Chu Feng said quietly: "I can swear by my sanctuary to ensure that what I said is true, can you swear by my sanctuary to ensure that you haven't done it?"

Zhang Long's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that Chu Feng could be sure that he was murderous. If he was not sure, Chu Feng would definitely not dare to make fun of Shengge!

"Zhang Long, I agree with you to leave this team." Bi Feng said solemnly, Zhang Long's expression had already told them what Chu Feng said was the truth.

"I agree too."

Zhang Long's eyes flashed with resentment. If he leaves this team, other teams will not necessarily accept him. Even if he does, his strength is not strong and he is only a second-class member.

If there is no team to accept him, then he can only work in the base. When there is a high-risk task, he may have the opportunity to send it out, but such high-risk tasks have a high mortality rate; if you are lucky enough to become a member of another team As a second-class member, part of the income received will be divided among the rest.

Because of the debt to Chu Feng, Zhang Long will pay Chu Feng's debt first if he has income. This reason will make other teams consider carefully before accepting him.

"Wisdom brain, if someone in a team wants to kill other people, even if it doesn't succeed, if most of the rest of the team agrees, it should be able to drive the victim out of the team, right?" Bi Feng said.

"Yes!" Zhi Nao's voice rang.

Chu Feng's eyes fell on Zhang Long. Zhang Long now only has two options, the first is to leave, and the second, they swear that they did not harm Chu Feng at the time.

If he chooses the second type, it is basically impossible for him to improve his strength, and even if he stays, Chu Feng can keep him alive?

"Count you ruthless!" Zhang Longhan said, "Chu Feng, I have written down, what happened today, I will definitely be rewarded in the future! Wisdom, I will withdraw from this team!"

"Student SB3356, leave the team, are you sure?" Zhi Nao's voice rang. "OK!" Zhang Long said solemnly. He turned around and left after saying that the door of the room was closed heavily by him.

When Zhang Long left, Chu Feng and the others were relieved, that guy no longer likes him in this team. "Bige, I'm sorry, the team of six has only five people left by me." Chu Feng said.

Bi Feng shook his head slightly: "It's none of your business, Zhang Long's own problem. His leaving may not be a bad thing for our team."

"Bige, we only have five people, do we have to recruit all of them? Or will someone enter and directly add to our team?" Chu Feng said.

"Supplementation is not so fast. Even if a newcomer enters the paradise base, it may not happen to enter our team. Other teams, some have only five people." Bi Feng said, "Let’s see if we can recruit people first. Fortunately, we can recruit strong people, so that the overall strength of our team can be improved."

Chu Feng nodded. He thought of the number five. The number five is on the small knife team. The other five people on the small knife team are all very powerful people. If Chu Feng had not come forward before, the other five people in the small knife team would not Will make number five come back alive.

"It seems that Bi Feng is not too hopeful that he will return to our team on the 5th" Chu Feng said in his heart, Bi Feng's phrase "It is better to recruit strong people" may be of interest.

The strength of the 5th Sky Guard is only Level 2 Immortal, and this strength is lower than Chu Feng's previous Level 3 Immortal. Such a person is not too welcome even if Chu Feng is the captain.

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