Holy Prison

Chapter 2094: Mad dragon

Chu Feng sang the story of the empty city, and Zhong Tao smiled: "Brother Chu, I think you should get something to fill your stomach quickly, otherwise you will be very hungry soon."

"I'll try what it feels like." Chu Feng said. Before he had taken the reincarnation pill, he hadn't been hungry for more than nine years. The reincarnation pill has such a side effect. Otherwise, what is the reincarnation pill? Someone will buy it, can they pause for a while and have a meal first?

Some people may say that buying other things with this effect is more worthwhile than buying food? This is not possible. There are restrictions on things with such effects. For example, the reincarnation pill. Its restriction is that the distance you can move after taking it cannot exceed one meter. Would you like to eat this thing for a bird?

Moreover, the price of the reincarnation pill is as high as 20,000 points. For more than nine years, eating and drinking water, as long as you don't spend it, definitely use less than 20,000 points!

"Brother Chu, you are looking for sin." Zhong Tao said with a smile.

Soon Chu Feng's stomach screamed again, and a feeling of hunger spread throughout his body in an instant. Chu Feng felt every cell in his body roaring that he was hungry!

"It's been a long time since I felt this way." Chu Feng said softly, the feeling of hunger continued to intensify, only a few minutes passed, even with Chu Feng's control, he frowned slightly.

Bi Feng and the others looked at Chu Feng with interest. Ten minutes later, Chu Feng's hunger did not increase, but at this time the uncomfortable feeling was already very strong.

"Brother Chu, have you reached the top? This is the first day. By this time tomorrow, the feeling of hunger will rise to another level, and the day after tomorrow! Within three days, if there is no drinking water, people will die. If you drink water but don't eat, you can resist for seven days, and you will starve to death if you don't eat for seven days." Zhong Tao said.

"If you are hungry to a certain level, you can do everything, such as kneeling down and begging for a little bit of food, such as gnawing one's own arm, such as robbing others. If a woman is a woman, she will be hungry. To the extent, as long as you feed her, she is willing to do whatever it takes."

Chu Feng frowned slightly and a nutrient appeared in his hand. This thing was similar to a small dentistry, and it might not taste as good as dentistry.

However, its effect was powerful. Chu Feng ate some, and the terrifying hunger quickly disappeared.

"Zhong Tao, there is no exaggeration?" Chu Feng said.

Zhong Tao nodded: "There is absolutely no exaggeration. There used to be a woman with a high self-esteem in Paradise Base. Men did not look at it. As a result, once the points were exhausted and there was no work in the base, she was hungry for five days. Hundreds of people have turned, and seven days are up, starving to death."

"You gave your body and starved to death?" Chu Feng said strangely.

"Well, she offended someone she couldn't afford to offend. She had to offer the lowest terms. She could be on her. After she was on, there was no mandatory requirement to give or not. You could give or not! As a result, there was no People gave her a huge price, but it still ended in death!" Zhong Tao said.

Zhao Ling frowned slightly. She sympathized with that woman, but sympathy was useless. Even if she didn't have a mission at the base, she wouldn't dare to help that woman.

"Who did she offend?" Chu Feng said.

Zhong Tao didn't speak, and Bi Feng said softly: "Chu Feng, you know it's okay, but you don't want to get into trouble, none of us can afford that person."

"It ranks third in the power rankings. He is called the Scorpion King. The body is a poisonous scorpion. The strength is quasi-dominant. She is cold-blooded, lustful, and does not like the women who are posted. Back, I finally got angry. This was a lot of trouble back then. Recently, King Scorpion has also been punished, but the punishment is nothing to King Scorpion."

"Scorpion King."

Chu Feng's eyes flashed brightly, "Bi Ge, our heaven base, the strength ranks the top ten, I don't know who it is? What kind of strength?"

"The top ten in terms of strength, each of them has the quasi-dominant level of strength. The number one is Sword Emperor Mo Xin, who is pretty good. If he was in the base, he would not have discovered that thing back then. Something happened to leave the base, and Mo Xin did not join the paradise base guard."

"The second place is the magician Leng Yueqing. Until now, no one knows whether he is a man or a woman. Sometimes he appears as a man, sometimes as a woman. What he understands is the spiritual law. The captain of the paradise base guard team is not as powerful as Mo Xin, but he is more powerful in the heaven base than Mo Xin!"

"The third in strength is Scorpion King Haddock. The master comprehension law is the law of poison, and the physical body is also very powerful, with high melee ability."

"The fourth in strength is the space traveler Mu Yun, who is in charge of comprehending the laws of space and has strange abilities and very powerful."

The top ten experts, Bi Feng, introduced them one by one. After listening to Chu Feng's heart, he said that none of the top ten figures in the power ranking list are easy to deal with!

"Bige, if there is nothing to do, I will go out and turn around. I have been here for a long time, but I haven't turned around here yet. If there is a suitable candidate, I will bring him into our team. "Chu Feng said.

Bi Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, but it's better to have a higher level of strength. Just pay attention to this aspect." "Okay." Chu Feng said, if Bi Feng didn't know what he said before. So this is already very clear, he doesn't want to join this team on the fifth.

"Brother Chu, let's go out together, and I will go out and go around." Zhong Tao said. Chu Feng nodded, and soon the two of them went outside the room, "Zhong Tao, where do the members of the knife team live?" Chu Feng said.

Zhong Tao is naturally clear about this: "The Knife Team is powerful. They live in a castle. The No. 6 Castle in the Paradise Base is the location of the Knife Team."

"I'll take a look, you are busy with you." Chu Feng said. Zhong Tao hesitated for a while and said, "Brother Chu, you still don't know the way, I'll take you there."

Chu Feng looked at Zhong Tao and said with a chuckle: "Aren't you afraid? The Knife team is not weak. They will give Bi Ge face, but it doesn't mean they will also give you face."

"Uh, the big deal is being beaten. The Little Knife Team can't do murders in this base. The Knife Team's reputation is not bad." Zhong Tao said.

In the castle area of ​​the Paradise Base, Chu Feng and Zhong Tao quickly arrived here.

"Stop, private territory, you can't enter!" Chu Feng and the others were hundreds of meters away from Castle No. 6 and they were called to a halt. The person who stopped them was a powerful saint. At this time, this saint The powerhouse is wearing a protective suit. If you say it better, it is a guard, if you say it badly, it is a watchdog!

Chu Feng looked at the saint-class powerhouse. This person estimated that there were no points or not much points left, and he had to do some work to fill his stomach.

"I heard that the Knife Team members are back. A friend of mine is in the Knife Team. I want to see him." Chu Feng said quietly. "This brother is... who do you want to see, I'll let you know." Hearing what Chu Feng said, the holy guardian guard immediately became more polite, and the friends of the Knife team were not something he could afford .

"The newcomer from the small knife team." Chu Feng said.

"It's that little guy." Hearing what Chu Feng said, the look of the door guard who was polite just now when looking at Chu Feng immediately changed a lot and said with a smile, "It's him. meet you."

Chu Feng said: "Please let me know."

"No time, if you have time, just wait outside here. When he comes out, you will be able to talk to him." The saint-level powerhouse said politely.

There was a sneer on Chu Feng's face, but he didn't know what was so good about being a guard here. If you don't have points, being a guard here is not very embarrassing in Chu Feng's opinion, but if you are a guard, it's a shame, and there is still a little bit of the dignity of a holy master.

"I want to see Lord Crazy Dragon." Chu Feng said quietly, "If you don't report this, you will not be able to bear the blame for Lord Crazy Dragon by then."

"You wait!"

That guard didn't dare to stop him this time. If it really delayed the crazy dragon, then the crazy dragon would definitely not let him go. The crazy dragon is the top 100 scary figure!

"You go in." Soon, the guard said unwillingly. He wanted the crazy dragon not to see Chu Feng, but he didn't expect to inform the crazy dragon but agreed to see Chu Feng.

Chu Feng glanced at Zhong Tao: "Zhong Tao, do you follow me in, or wait outside?" "This, I'll wait outside." Zhong Tao said, seeing the crazy dragon, he had a little bit of refreshment. Fa Shu, even though he is also a powerhouse at the Sovereign Level, the strength of the mad dragon is much stronger than him!

Chu Feng nodded and entered the castle. There was actually a maid in the castle. Needless to say, the maid was also a powerful saint, and was led by a good-looking maid. Chu Feng quickly saw the crazy dragon.

"Chu Feng, it has been less than a hundred years since he entered the Paradise Base. After participating in a mission, he won more than 90,000 points in the popular casino." The crazy dragon looked at Chu Feng with a light smile.

Chu Feng said quietly: "Your Excellency Crazy Dragon knows me, it's not an honor."

Chu Feng sat down opposite the crazy dragon unceremoniously, "I came here this time to ask about the situation of my friend, and at the same time, I want to ask what the knife team plans to do." Chu Feng said, the fifth is the sky. Wei, even if he dies, he can be resurrected, but Chu Feng doesn't want to die on the 5th. In this heaven base, he can completely trust the 5th!

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