Holy Prison

Chapter 2097: The missing cardi (1)

"I heard that the master of the Oka world is practicing Kashu, Kadi, you are also practicing Kashu, this should be the reason." Bi Feng said. Cardi smiled and nodded: "Actually, there are many types of card skills, and I didn't expect to have such a connection with the card skills practiced by the masters of the Oka world."

Cardi's speech is generally relatively brief, and he is happy at this moment, and the sentences he speaks are also long.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Kadi, if you are here, you are taking advantage. If the guys from other teams are looking for trouble, you can definitely give them a surprise."

"Oh, that's not bad." Cardi smiled.

Qin Yue said: "Kadi, we don't know much about Kashu, you might as well explain it to us, so we might have less trouble."

Cardi nodded slightly. Although he didn't like to talk very much, he still couldn't shirk the request from the members of the same team.

"You understand the rules and use the rules. Many of them don't have a carrier. In the case of card surgery, there is a carrier, and the carrier itself is also very important."

Cardi said that a card the size of a card appeared in his hand: "In such a card, the power of law can be gathered, and a single card can attack. If many cards are used together, you can create a formation or something. There are also cards that seal evil forces and various demon heads."

"Different paths are the same. The role of cards is similar to that of many other treasures. In this case, you should mainly pay attention to it. If you get a card, don't ignite the card casually. After activation, it is possible to get a treasure. , It is also possible to release a powerful demon!"

Chu Feng and the others both nodded slightly, "For card skills, the master-level masters must have a deeper understanding, so there may be some very powerful cards in this Orka world. In short, everyone should be careful. Wannian Ship.” Kadi took a deep breath when he said that, he really said so much in a very small time.

"Kadi is right." Chu Feng smiled, and Bi Feng and the others expressed their affirmation one by one. Cardi nodded slightly and showed a little smile on his face.

"Bige, do we act separately or together?" Chu Feng said. "What do you mean?" Bi Feng glanced at Chu Feng and the others.

Chu Feng said: "I mean, we acted separately in the first few decades, and then we all act together. It's safer."

"Let’s take Brother Chu’s opinion. If we act together all the time, safety is safe, but then the income will be relatively low. We will not have the resurrection pill for Cardi, but Cardi is strong here. If we act separately, we You can get the biggest gain." Qin Yue said, "We spent one hundred and fifty thousand to get in here, but we can't get into it. As a result, we didn't get the money and went out sullenly. In that case, our faces would be dull!"

"What I said is that everyone should act separately." Zhong Tao also agreed. With the resurrection pill, his courage is much greater than before. Even if he is dead, he can be resurrected, but it is better not to have an accident. That thing is worth one hundred thousand points, it is definitely not a cheap thing!

"Agree." Zhao Ling said calmly.

Cardi shook his head slightly: "I have no opinion."

Bi Feng nodded: "Well, since everyone has no opinion, then so be it. In the first few decades, we will act separately, and then we will act together. As for how long we will act separately and how long we will act together, it depends on the situation. Dude Guys, I hope everyone gets more treasures!"

"Let's go." Zhao Ling said, she said that the first one disappeared. Soon, Chu Feng and the six of them all disappeared in place and moved quickly in different directions.

Leaving some distance away, Chu Feng turned on the detection wrist on his left wrist with a thought. This thing is a high-end item he bought with a million points.

You can only get one thousand points if you sell an innate treasure, you can imagine this thing is not cheap! In base exchange centers, cheap goods generally have no good products, and things that are not cheap generally have their value.

Detecting the wrist activated, Chu Feng immediately saw a small green dot and three small red dots on it. The green dots represent himself, and the three red dots represent treasures. The brighter the red dots. , It means that the more precious the treasure, the lower the value of the treasure. The brightness of one of the three red dots is still acceptable.

The red dots and green dots can only be seen by the owner of Chu Feng. Even if other people look closer, they cannot see them. If there are no such small features, then it is definitely not worth the price. .

Chu Feng condensed his breath and hurried forward. A few minutes later, Chu Feng had already reached the edge of a mountain, and the position of the red dot should be in the mountain.

"What Dongdong!" Chu Feng escaped directly into the mountain. He didn't have much fear in his heart. Cardi can exert a relatively strong strength in this universe, but Chu Feng has three sages and two. The Treasure of the Last Days has a lot of skills, the heart of time and the heart of space. Here, his strength is not weaker than that of Cardi!

Entering the mountain quickly, Chu Feng exited faster, a centipede-like thing's hideous head quickly "kissed" towards Chu Feng.

The centipede was blood red, and Chu Feng was sure that there was no such centipede in the mountain just now, but when he got inside, this centipede-like monster suddenly appeared.

Chu Feng's mind swallowed the world gourd and appeared, and the power of the world swallowed gourd made most of the centipede's power used to resist the suction of the world swallowing gourd. "cut!"

The Yin Ming Sword appeared in his hand, and Chu Feng slashed it down with a single sword, and the bright light of the sword flashed, and a wound of twenty to thirty meters long was cut out by Chu Feng on the body of the huge centipede.

"Surrender, or die!" Chu Feng passed a thought to the giant centipede, and a trace of fear flashed in the giant centipede's eyes and turned into a small card in the blink of an eye.

As soon as Chu Feng waved his hand, the card appeared in his hand. At the same time, some information appeared in Chu Feng's mind. This card can be sealed and sold to the base at that time. It cannot be compared with the treasure of Innate Supreme. But selling one or two hundred points should still be no problem.

The other two red dots, Chu Feng passed by, and got something similarly, but the value of the things obtained from those two dots was much lower. Chu Feng estimated that the two dots would add up to less than three. Ten points!

"It's hard to make money!" Chu Feng secretly sighed in his heart. After more than ten minutes, he only got one or two hundred points, and there were two battles with the centipede, one of the other two treasures. There was a monster nearby, and Chu Feng had to chase away the monster before he got what seemed to him.

"The sensing range of this thing is still a bit smaller. The main profit is to rely on the cultivation of the mood." Chu Feng thought about improving his mood cultivation quickly, and in a short time, he would cultivate his own mood cultivation. He was promoted to the third level of immortality, but God didn't give him face this time. One minute later, Chu Feng's mental state cultivation failed to improve!

Chu Feng activates the heart of time and begins to recover from his injury. If he does not activate the heart of time, it will take at least one year for his mind to re-enter the fourth level of mind, but with the recovery of the Lord of Time, it takes Chu Feng a month. You can try to raise your mood cultivation base to the fourth level again!

In this way, if the heart of time is activated, it will not consume those powers in the heart of time. Even without those powers, the heart of time has some abilities.

"Man, in the next time, it's up to you." Chu Feng glanced at the scanning bowl on his left wrist. Without this thing, the chances of finding the baby would be much lower. The scanning distance of the sacred consciousness here is short, and methods such as divination are not as convenient as scanning the wristband.

Three months later.

"Such a big one." Chu Feng looked at the lost crystal in his hand with some excitement. It was a lost crystal about the size of an adult's fist. It was red in color. Chu Feng estimated it. It can be exchanged for one hundred thousand points. This lost crystal was discovered by Chu Feng's mind scanning, and it was discovered deep underground.

"With this thing, even if you lose this trip, it won't go anywhere." Chu Feng calmly smiled and put away the lost crystal in his hand. It was only in the past three months, this time he came in. But a hundred years, there is still a long time before the end of time, it is more important to continue to search.

Perhaps it was a lot easier to use. In the next three years, Chu Feng didn't get any treasures. It was not until the fourth year that Chu Feng got another lost crystal. This lost crystal was too small. More, the value is estimated to be 10,000 or 20,000 points.

As time passed, Chu Feng’s gains increased. At the beginning, Chu Feng had never obtained a lost crystal as big as an egg, but he had gained a lot of lost crystals the size of an egg. Fifty years later, Chu Feng secretly calculated After a while, the value of the Lost Crystals he had obtained should have reached 1.6 million.

In half a year, 1.6 million, this Chu Feng is already quite satisfied. If it is not the chosen world but the garbage world, although it doesn’t need to spend a lot of points, it is estimated to get 100,000 points. It's choking.

"Ge Bi, Ge Qin, this time I didn't expect you to be here first." Chu Feng smiled. Fifty years have passed, and it's the date Chu Feng and the others agreed to meet.

Bi Feng, Qin Yue, Zhong Tao, and Zhao Ling have all arrived at this moment, and when Chu Feng arrived, only Kadi had not come. "Did your kid see beautiful women, so he wasted time?" Qin Yue laughed.

"Go, I don't have any interest in that area now...what about Cardi? Why haven't I come here yet, the previous few times have been relatively positive." Chu Feng smiled, he didn't worry much, Cardi was here. The strength inside is higher than that of Bi Feng, and it shouldn't be a problem to escape with other teams.

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