Holy Prison

Chapter 2098: The missing Cardi (2)

"It hasn't arrived yet, it is estimated that I left a bit farther before." Bi Feng smiled, "With his strength here, there shouldn't be any problems."

"Brother Chu, how did you gain?" Zhong Tao said with a smile.

Chu Feng sat down on the blue stone next to him: "Should I ask how your income is? Your income is high, and then my one hundred and fifty thousand will not be lost. Look at Zhong Tao, you are like this, The one hundred and fifty thousand that I invested in shouldn't be a waste of money, I guess I can make a small profit, haha!"

"Brother Chu, you better make a fortune." Zhong Tao said.

Chu Feng and the others were chatting, and the next day was already in the blink of an eye, and Chu Feng's originally relaxed expression became a little more solemn.

"Kadi, is it possible that he is trapped in some place?" Qin Yue frowned. "There is such a possibility." Chu Feng nodded.

They all knew that there was a possibility that Cardi had died, but at this moment, no one would say that possibility.

This squad managed to get the right six people together. If Cardi died, this squad would still need to recruit people or assign people to the base. It’s better to look for it yourself. If the base assigns a person, then God knows what kind of character it is!

Moreover, Bi Feng and the others have been together with Kadi for a long time, although Kadi usually speaks less, and his feelings are deeper!

"He shouldn't die." Bi Feng said softly.

"It may be delayed, let's wait a little longer." Zhao Ling said.

Chu Feng and the others waited, and three days passed in a blink of an eye, "Bige, waiting like this is no way, let's look in the direction Kadi is heading for!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Bi Feng agreed, and Qin Yue and the others would not object. After leaving a message on the reservation, Chu Feng and the others swiftly moved in the direction that Cardi had left.

Along the way, Chu Feng and the others didn't have much words. In the search of Chu Feng and the others, three months passed quickly, and half a year passed!

"Guys, half a year has passed, I think we have found the hope of Cardi" Qin Yue sighed authentically. Zhong Tao said: "Or Cardi is in danger and has already returned to the base at this moment."

Chu Feng looked at Bi Feng and said, "Bi Ge, let's return to the gathering point. Perhaps Kadi has been to the gathering point in the past six months. We are looking for him, or he is also looking for us now."

Bi Feng nodded slightly. Soon Chu Feng and the others went back to the house. It took half a year to leave the search, and it only took ten days to return to the gathering place. The information Chu Feng and the others left was still there. There is no new information on the side, which shows that Cardi has not been here in the past six months!

"Guys, only fifty years have passed. Let's continue to scatter and search for treasures. Maybe Cardi has already returned to the base." Bi Feng said.

At this time, searching again is probably just a waste of time. It cost 150,000 to come in. It would not be good if you continue to waste time.

"I agree, I'm looking for this path!" Chu Feng said, pointing to the direction that Cardi had left before. "No, I'm going in this direction." Bi Feng said solemnly. Cardi didn't come back when he walked in this direction. In contrast, this direction was naturally a little more dangerous than other directions.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Bi Ge, I chose first."

"My strength is relatively high." Bi Feng said, his captain is good, and he doesn't want Chu Feng to follow this more dangerous principle.

"Not always."

Chu Feng's words left Bi Feng and the others for a moment. Chu Feng didn't have much time to enter the paradise base, and his cultivation base was relatively low. Bi Feng was ranked in the top two hundred on the strength list!

"Brother Chu, if you say anything else, I believe you, your strength is stronger than that of Bi Ge, this, is it a joke," Zhong Tao said.

Chu Feng's thoughts showed his level five immortal cultivation base: "Usually I hide a little bit of strength, Big Brother, let's fight a game, who wins, who goes in this direction?"

"No problem." Bi Feng's fighting spirit rose quickly. At the same time, his eyes showed excitement. If Chu Feng really has the strength to beat him, it would be great. Then, they This team can be regarded as a relatively strong team in the paradise base!

Chu Feng made a deep cry and immediately shot, and started with Bi Feng. He didn't have much intention to keep his hands. The World Swallowing Gourd appeared, and the dark chaotic lotus faintly appeared at his feet. Yin Ming was in his hand, and the sword cut out the meaning. The power of the five elements and the power of the law of space!

Bi Feng originally had a little contempt in his heart. As soon as Chu Feng made a move, he immediately knew that even if Chu Feng could not beat him, his strength would not be lower than him!

Bi Feng’s weapon is a scimitar. In the blink of an eye, the scimitar in his hand fought with Yin Ming in Chu Feng’s hands countless times. At this time, the world swallowing gourd was also effective, part of Bi Feng The power must be used to overcome the suction power of the world swallowing gourd, otherwise it will definitely be included in the world swallowing gourd.

"Time imprisoned!"

After three minutes of fighting, Chu Feng used the law of time with his mind. He possessed the skills of that method. With the help of the heart of time, the power of time confinement displayed by Chu Feng was good.

At this time, Bi Feng happened to be in front of Chu Feng, and the power of time imprisoned him for a while, and in that instant, several big wounds appeared on Bi Feng's body.

The two fought hard. Bi Feng was already injured at this time, but Chu Feng had no injuries at all at this time. There is no doubt that Bi Feng is at a disadvantage now.

"Brother Chu, this is against the sky!" Zhong Tao said blankly, "Brother Qin, Sister Ling, can you be sure that Brother Chu really only has the fifth level of immortal cultivation base?"

"Yes, the fifth level is immortal!" Qin Yue said with excitement, Chu Feng's current strength is not much stronger than that of Bi Fengqiang, but Chu Feng's cultivation is only the fifth level of immortality!

Qin Yue and the others knew that as long as Chu Feng had enough points, his cultivation level would definitely be able to rise up relatively quickly. When the fifth level is immortal, he has such strength, if he reaches the sixth and seventh level, and the eighth and ninth level.

Zhong Tao said: "Brother Chu had such strength when he was immortal at level five. If he is immortal at level 9, it is estimated that his strength can reach the quasi-dominant level."

"This is for sure." Qin Yue said, "Without a breakthrough, he will reach the quasi-dominant level, if Chu Feng can reach the quasi-dominant level."

"Under the rule, invincible!" Zhong Tao said solemnly.

Qin Yue nodded slightly: "It is estimated that Brother Chu can reach the eighth level of immortality or even the seventh level of immortality, and he can be invincible under the quasi-dominance! Our team is going to be a bull!"

"Bige, is it all right?" Chu Feng suddenly stopped the attack and chuckled. Bi Feng stopped looking at Chu Feng incredulously: "Chu Feng, aren't you just a sage?"

Bi Feng collected the weapon and dropped it on the ground: "You guys hide deeply. I feel that you still have a little hidden means that you haven't used. Your means are really many, and none of them are weak!"

"Bigge, your sword skills are also very strong. If I don't have a treasure of defense, I guess I will suffer a lot from fighting with you." Chu Feng said.

"It's the same for me. If you want to make a breakthrough again, it's difficult, you are different. Your current level 5 immortal cultivation base will be easier to upgrade to level 9 immortality. I'm not as good as you." Bi Feng Dao, speaking of this, Bi Feng's face showed a solemn expression, "Chu Feng, the captain of this team, how about you?"

"Don't!" Chu Feng and Qin Yue said in the same voice.

Qin Yue said: "Brother Bi, your captain still has to do a lot of time. If you let Chu Feng be the captain now, it would have harmed him. If other teams knew Chu Feng's strength, would they smile and watch Chu Feng grow up? If he reaches the ninth level of immortality, at that time he has the strength of the quasi-dominant rank to be fearless, but now, there are a lot of strengths higher than him!"

Bi Feng's face condensed: "I was confused, I was too excited just now. Chu Feng, you still have to act low-key in the next time."

"I know." Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Bige, there is no problem with me over here, right? I still have the means of self-protection. Let's put it this way, even if you meet the other three teams together, I also have the confidence to escape. Moreover, what I am looking for is much faster than that of Big Brother."

Chu Feng's induction is stronger, and Bi Feng knows this. "Be careful." Bi Feng thought about it for a while. "Even if you don't find it, the agreed time is up. Come back here and tell us."

Chu Feng said that in the blink of an eye he disappeared and left a long distance away.

Previously, they had made a trip with Bi Feng. Chu Feng deflected some angles. In the first two months, Chu Feng hadn't noticed at all, but in the third month, Chu Feng had made a little discovery.

There is a big arrow on top of a huge rock on the top of the mountain, and there is a word on the side. That word is "Ka", "It is the breath of Kadi." Chu Feng sensed to escape the direction of the arrow. OK, after ten minutes, Chu Feng found the second arrow, which should have been completed in a hurry.

"Kadi, what happened?" Chu Feng secretly asked in his heart. He was thinking of chasing after him quickly. Sometimes the arrow showed that Cardi was not in a hurry, but sometimes it showed that Cardi was not in a hurry. The extremely fast speed only had time to make an arrow in a hurry.

Chu Feng's search quickly passed for more than half a year, and it was because of the wide range of his mind that he scanned, otherwise it would not be easy to keep following the arrow of Cardi.

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