Holy Prison

Chapter 2100: Who robbed who?

If the seven black cat monsters get together, it may cause a lot of trouble to Cardi, but Kadi can still win the five black cat monsters.

When Chu Feng used the formation method to kill the two black cat monsters, Kadi had also beheaded all the five black cat monsters that went crazy.

"Chu Feng, I thought the boss and them all came over." Cardi got out a little water and washed his hands clean. "If I know that you are alone here, I will let you leave."

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "Let me leave, don't you want to live anymore?" "Where... I told you to leave and find the boss and them together." Cardi smiled, "I didn't expect you to be so fierce. Third The next time, I remember that four monsters came out together. They should all have died in your hands."

"Cardi, needless to say, you have now reached the quasi-dominant level?" Chu Feng said.

Kadi nodded slightly with excitement in his eyes: "Chu Feng, I can reach the quasi-dominant level, thanks to you. If you hadn't given out 150,000 points, we would not have come to this Oka world. If If you don’t help me, maybe I won’t be able to support you and call the boss and they will die.”

"I won't say if you are a lot of thanks. If there are things in the future, those who can help will never be postponed. There is no problem with murder and arson." Cardi solemnly said.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "We are in a team, so we should. But Kadi, after going out, you have to invite us to have a good drink, quasi-dominant powerhouse, then in the paradise base, the strength ranking can at least The first fifteenth. Great master, if you don’t invite us to drink then, it’s hard to say."

"Chu Feng, I'm just luck." Cardi said, "If the boss becomes a quasi-dominant powerhouse, his strength will be stronger than me, and Qin Yue is the same, your words."

Cardi looked at Chu Feng: "Chu Feng, you don't have to reach the level of quasi-dominant level, as long as you reach level 8 or 9 of the immortal cultivation base, your strength is estimated to be no lower than mine!"

"Five-level immortal cultivation base, the strength has reached the level it is now, if you can become a quasi-dominant-level strong, who will be your opponent? As for the heaven base No one like that will come."

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "Then I don't know what year and month it was, Cardi, are you chasing something so far?"

"Yes." Cardi nodded slightly, "This time it is really thrilling, it's almost a bit, I am not me!"

"Taking home?"

Cardi's eyes showed a solemn color, "The owner of Oka World has left a little bit of backhand. If there is a suitable person, he can be born again."

"I became his target and he led me to this side. After I got to this side, those fierce cats put me into the skull. If you didn't come in time, I would be robbed of the house! You kill! I dropped a few black cats, which relieved my pressure and let me crush him down in one fell swoop."

When Kadi talked about this, there was a look of fear in his eyes. If the seizure of the body was successful, there would be no such person in the world.

"Kadi, you just pressed him down now, there won't be any problems, right?" Chu Feng said.

Cardi smiled slightly and shook his head: "You can rest assured that after leaving that head, he doesn't have that kind of power. Although he is the back hand of the Dominant-level powerhouse, his deity has fallen after all! The deity has fallen! , His strength was affected, and now that hiding head was also destroyed, and his strength weakened again."

"He has been pressed down, if he can come back, then I deserve it."

"Just fine."

Chu Feng smiled slightly, "Kadi, let's go back to the gathering place first. Although Pigge said to gather once in ten years, you have disappeared. It is estimated that they will go back once a year!"

"Trouble you." Cardi said.

"What nonsense, now in the team, no matter who is missing, everyone will look for it." Chu Feng said.

Cardi laughed and said: "Without Zhang Long and Qin Yue, our team is indeed much better. Let's go, let's go back, by the way, Chu Feng, if you are in the future, let's hide your strength. Although I am now You have the strength of the quasi-dominant level, but if your enchanting level is known to people, some people are afraid that you will not tolerate you!"

"Even if my strength grows stronger, as long as others don't provoke me, I basically won't provoke others. I don't want to stay in Paradise Base forever." Chu Feng said.

"Chu Feng, it is difficult to leave the heaven base." Cardi said. Chu Feng smiled slightly: "It's hard not to mean that there is no way, don't you? As long as you work hard, I think it is still possible to leave."

Cardi smiled lightly: "If others say this, I will dismiss it, but if you say this, I believe you can leave the heaven base one day."

"If you become a quasi-dominant powerhouse, there will be no one in the paradise base as your opponent except for the powerhouse. If you want to leave at that time, as long as you meet the conditions, those in the full guard will be happy. Send you away! If I meet the conditions, I will also leave!"

"There will be that day!"

Chu Feng and the others returned quickly. The distance before Chu Feng was too far away, even if Chu Feng and the others were not slow, it took them three months to get near the gathering point.

"Chu Feng, wait!" Cardi suddenly stopped Chu Feng. "There is a situation ahead. Someone is in front, not only ours, but also other people!"

"Let's take a closer look." Chu Feng said.

Cardi had reached the quasi-dominant level cultivation base, and Chu Feng's ability to hide his breath was also very high. They approached some and were not found.

"Go to that mountain." Chu Feng pointed to a nearby mountain peak. When he reached that mountain peak, he could see the situation ahead. "Yeah." Cardi responded, and the two quickly reached the mountain peak.

Looking far from the heights, Chu Feng and the others quickly saw what the situation was in front of them. Zhong Tao and Zhao Ling were surrounded by several people, and they all knew Chu Feng.

"It's Tabor and his team." Chu Feng's eyes flashed cold, and it was obviously not a friendly move that Tabor and his team surrounded Zhong Tao and Zhao Ling in the middle.

"Kadi, is it done?" Chu Feng said.

Cardi said in a voice: "Zhong Tao and the others have been sealed. If the two of us make a move, it will be no problem to win them, but it is difficult to keep them all behind!"

"If we kill one or two of them, and the others run away, we will be punished when we return to the base, very severe punishment."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "It seems that their luck is good and they can live for a while, but the death penalty can be exempted, and the compensation cannot be less!"

"Chu Feng, I thought you would say wait until the boss and they come together before doing it." Cardi said in surprise. "Boss and they don't know when they will come, and even if they come, we are not 100% sure to kill them all within ten seconds! There are some benefits to keeping them." Chu Feng thought for a while.

"Let's go, let's go over, let's go over and discuss their compensation issue." Chu Feng said.

Cardi nodded, and soon Chu Feng and the others appeared in the induction of the six of Tabor and the others, "It's two fishes again!" A smile appeared on Titan's face, and his foot lightly stamped on the ground. In an instant, a hundred-meter-high earthen wall rose up ten kilometers behind Chu Feng and the others. The earthen wall was flashing with a little metal light and it was not easy to destroy it!

The earth wall is surrounded by a large circle, and there is a hard barrier on the earth wall. Tabor and the others have already arranged a lot on this side.

"Brother Chu, Cardi, what are you doing!" Zhong Tao sighed when they saw Chu Feng. At first, Zhong Tao was arrested, then Zhao Ling was trapped and arrested.

At this moment, the earth wall encountered a fierce attack. The attack did not come from the inside but from the outside. Bi Feng and Qin Yue were here long ago, but they were hidden, and now Chu Feng and the others emerged and were trapped. , The two of them can only take risks and kill them out of hidden places.

"Tab, the idea hit the head of our team, your courage is really getting bigger and bigger!" Bi Feng's cold voice rang. "Hahaha, Bi Feng, what you said, it seems that your team is so amazing! Your team can rank more than one hundred and ninety in your strength. Other people, that's not in my eyes!" Tai Uncle laughed.

"Even if it is you, am I afraid that you will not succeed? Don't forget, your strength ranks more than one hundred and ninety, but my strength ranks one hundred and seventy!"

"Don't attack, Bi Feng, if you want to come in, just come in directly. I won't stop you from letting you in."

Taibo's voice fell, and Bi Feng and Qin Yue both entered the big formation, "Chu Feng, what's the matter with Kadi, haven't you found the landfall?" Bi Feng said angrily.

"Bige, don't be angry. If you are angry, it won't be good to have a fetal gas." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Move your head." Bi Feng cursed slightly, relieved a lot. Under such circumstances, Chu Feng can still joke, which shows that he has a certain degree of certainty.

Different from Chu Feng's stability, Taibo's eyes appeared a little uneasy.

"Bi Feng, could it be that the four of you, can you still beat the six of us?" Taberpi said with a smile, "What's more, we still have two hostages. I only want money and don't want your life, so obediently. Hand over what you got this time and swear that you can all live, otherwise, don't blame me for not being affectionate."

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Xiaotai, I'll give you back these words. Obediently hand over everything you got this time and swear an oath. In addition, after returning to the base, you will spend two million for mental damage , This matter just passed away, otherwise, you will have no good life in the future."

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