Holy Prison

Chapter 2101: Mental damage

Chu Feng's words made Taibo and the others stunned for a while, and Bi Feng and the others were almost the same. The words "Xiaotai", "2 million" and "mental loss fee" are really not small!

"Bi Feng, good, very good, the most **** member of your team has such an ability,'Little Tai', very good!" Taibo grinned and said, "Brothers, kill them, when the time comes Burning two million paper money to them as a mental loss expense!"

"Who dares to move?"

Cardi said indifferently, he said to take a step forward, a terrifying aura erupted from his body, and felt the aura of Cardi's body, and Tabor's face changed drastically.

There are quasi-dominant-level powerhouses in the paradise base. Taibo and the others have had a lot of contact with quasi-dominant-level powerhouses. At this time, they felt Kadi’s aura and knew that Kadi was not on the same level with them, and had broken through Zun has reached the quasi-dominant level!

"Quasily dominate!"

Tabor's face was extremely ugly and authentic. A quasi-dominant-level powerhouse would not be able to single out their entire team, that would not be much worse.

In addition to the words of Bi Feng and the others, even though Chu Feng and the others have only four people capable of fighting, their strength has steadily overwhelmed Tabor and them!

"Quasi-dominant, hahaha!" Zhong Tao laughed, Bi Fengtaiyue and their faces also showed joyful smiles. They now knew where Chu Feng and their confidence came from. It turned out that Cardi had already reached the breakthrough. Quasi-dominant strength!

Bi Feng smiled lightly: "Tab, according to what you said before, hand over things first. Those who know the current affairs are handsome, you should be clear about this!"

"Zhong Tao, Zhao Ling, come here." Chu Feng said. Zhong Tao and the others were sealed, but there was no problem walking. They all stood up and walked towards Chu Feng and the others, Taibo and the others. There was intention to stop it, but after all, he didn't open such a mouth. Chu Feng and his team had quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, and that was not something he could afford.

"I admit it, all the harvest this time belongs to you, but I have never heard of such a thing as the mental loss." Taibo said solemnly.

Chu Feng chuckled: "I haven't heard of it, so I've heard of it? Taibo, you arrested Zhong Tao and the others, and made them worry about what they were afraid of. They suffered a lot of mental damage, and they also delayed them. The time we spend looking for treasures is only for you to compensate you for a mental damage fee, which is cheaper for you. In fact, there should be lost work costs and so on. For the mental damage fee of two million points, one point cannot be less."

"Bi Feng, don't deceive people too much!" Tai Bo said solemnly.

Bi Feng did not speak, and Cardi said coldly: "Tab, even if you are deceiving you, what's the matter? I made a decision to hit our team, two million is considered light! It should be down within a minute, two million, and then , For every additional minute, add 100,000, you don’t have to agree, but you are at your own risk!"

The muscles on Tabor’s face twitched. If their strength is strong, they will be robbed. The weak are not qualified to reason with the strong; if they are reasonable, they can also seek the help of some strong in the base. Then this problem can be solved.

However, this time they were planted. They were not as strong as Chu Feng and his team, and they were on the side of Chu Feng and his team. Even if they found the dominant-level powerhouse to take the lead, the quasi-dominant-level powerhouse would not help. They proactively provoke the strong and have to pay a price. This is the rule!

Unless they have a very good relationship with Tabor, other quasi-dominant powerhouses will not be willing to break this rule for Tabor, and they themselves are also beneficiaries of such a rule.

"Tab, two million, even if this matter is over, as long as you don't make trouble, we don't bother to care about you, it's worth it." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Count you cruel!" Taibo took a deep breath and said in a solemn voice. This time he bumped into the iron plate and it is impossible to not bleed. If Chu Feng and the others are not agreed, then Cardi, a quasi-dominant class The strong are looking for trouble openly and secretly, but with their strength they can't afford it.

"Take everything out." Bi Feng said quietly, "After taking it out, swear that you can return to the base. By the way, two million points, get ready."

"take it out."

Taibo said in a deep voice. He said that he threw his own thing in front of him. There were five lost crystals, but the five lost crystals were worth six to seventy thousand points, plus some other things. , The value can definitely reach 70,000 points.

Although unwilling, the other members of Tabor and his team also took out the things they had obtained in the Oka universe this time.

"You got a good harvest. In the past fifty years, you have actually got so many things." Bi Feng said with a light smile, "Tabo, swear by all."

The oath was to prevent them from hiding something. Soon Taber and the others took an oath, "Shall we go now?" Tabor said solemnly.

"Ready to score points." Bi Feng waved his hand, and Taibo swept Chu Feng with a gloomy expression. They quickly disappeared, and his team members disappeared almost at the same time.

Chu Feng and the others laughed when they looked at each other. This time they have gained a lot. The things on the ground are worth two hundred thousand points. If Taibo and the others pay two million by then, it will be two. The income of 1.2 million points is not a small amount of money!

"Chu Feng, Taibo will pass away with anger. After this trip, it is estimated that a fraction of their hard-earned possessions will be removed." Zhong Tao laughed.

Bi Feng said: "Zhong Tao, you overestimate Tabor's wealth, two million points, which should be more than half of the points they have!"

"They often mix in this kind of world, and sometimes they get a lot of points if they are lucky, but they are not rare when they lose money."

Zhao Ling said, "If we ask for two million points, will Tabor definitely give them?"

"I will give it." Bi Feng smiled, "unless they enter a new quasi-dominant-level strong, or if one of them becomes a quasi-dominant-level strong."

"If our strength is only slightly stronger than them, then it's okay for them to let go of everything. Now in this situation, they can only admit it. This is the rule! When dealing with other teams, the most feared is such a situation. Some people in the team have hidden their strength, or some have broken through and their strength has greatly increased!"

Zhong Tao said: "There are still two teams here. We might as well count them." "No need for the time being. Let's continue with ours. If the other two teams take the initiative to find us, they will be considered unlucky. However, to At that time, two million can't be so cruel." Bi Feng said.

"Bi Ge is right. Our team has become a lot stronger, but if you get a lot of strong teams at one time, then it is also a troublesome thing." Chu Feng said, "In the next time, everyone will continue to act separately, if If you are caught, you should know what to do, right?"

"When I was caught, I revealed a little bit. I didn't get much from it, but others got a lot more." Taiyue laughed, "I propose that these things should be kept by Cardi. He He has the highest strength, and it is basically impossible for people in other teams to grab something from him."

"If you don't have much confidence in your own strength, and you are afraid of being robbed, you can also save it to Cardi first." Chu Feng smiled.

Hearing what Chu Feng said, Zhao Ling and Zhong Tao both took out the things they had obtained, and they didn't want to be robbed of the things they finally got.

As for Qin Yue, Bi Feng and Chu Feng, they didn't take things out, they were quite confident about their own strength.

"I'm rich." Cardi smiled, and he quickly collected all the treasures in front of him. "I was caught, just say you got a lot of treasures." Zhong Tao smiled.

Bi Feng coughed lightly: "Guys, the time to get together is still the time before. Let's work hard. There is still a lot of time. If you continue to work hard, you should still get a lot of points. I believe I don't need to say more about the precious points. We have already gained a lot this time, but we don't have too much of that thing!"

"Let's do it." Chu Feng smiled. Cardi's strength is quasi-dominant level. At this moment, he has helped Zhong Tao and the others unlock the seal. In a short time, Chu Feng and them all disappeared.

In the paradise base, Tabor and the others returned, and a nice vase that he had spent a few points to get was smashed to pieces by Tabor. This time, they lost a lot.

I didn't get any points when I came back, and 150,000 points were lost, and there was a "mental loss fee" of 2 million points!

"Son of a bitch!"

Tabor roared, two million points, that is two-thirds of their six total points, and they have a total of three million points!

The points are not easy to obtain, and it is fast to consume. It is definitely not easy for Tabor and the others to save 3 million points, but this time, Tabor knew that he had to admit it.

"Boss, or...Should we use hundreds of thousands of points to find someone to clear up the relationship? If someone helps us, maybe the two million will be given up." A younger brother said.

Tabor shook his head slightly: "It's useless. Asking someone for help can only find the strong at the dominance level, but the strong at the quasi-dominant level, with hundreds of thousands of points, I'm afraid that I will not look good, and I will find someone to help. Now, even if Kadi no longer troubles us on the face, will he trouble us secretly?"

"Open guns are easy to hide, and dark arrows are hard to guard! This time we were gathered together, so we all survived. If we don't let Bi Feng and the others get angry this time, if we encounter Cardi alone in future missions, we will Who in China can guarantee that he will survive?"

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