Holy Prison

Chapter 2103: Income Distribution

Heaven base, passage number eight.

After a hundred years of time arrived, Chu Feng and the six of them all appeared in the eighth channel, "I'll exchange it first, you can wait a moment." Chu Feng smiled.

Knowing that Chu Feng can get a 10% discount, Bi Feng and the others simply handed over all the treasures they got to Chu Feng. Bi Feng and the others knew that someone had such a discount, but they had a 10% discount. I really don't know who has such a discount.

When he arrived at the exchange center, Chu Feng first touched the card given by Ouyang Ming to the door. The door opened, and the exchange room was indeed the old face of Ouyang Ming.

"Brother Chu, how much have you gained this time?" Ouyang Ming said with a little excitement. He was depressed for a while and received a lot of people, but if he received more people, he got three or four thousand points. , The few things you even get can be exchanged for one or two hundred points!

"Brother Ouyang, can you get more discounts?" Chu Feng sat down and chuckled. Ouyang Ming said with a bitter face: "Brother Chu, the 10% discount is really the highest. This is you. If you change someone, even if you are a quasi-dominant powerhouse, I won’t give you 100%. Ten per cent discount."

"Brother Ouyang, you are talking nonsense." Chu Feng didn't believe Ouyang Ming's words at all.

Ouyang Ming said with a light cough, "Brother Chu, this time the harvest should be no less, right? I know, your team has arrived in the Oka world, and that is a powerful Second-Rank Dominant-level powerhouse after he died. The lost world underneath."

"Identify it."

As Chu Feng said, first took out what Zhong Tao had obtained. "Uh, brother Chu, wouldn't it? You just got something like this this time?" Ouyang Ming said in surprise. The value of what Zhong Tao got was actually 30,000 or 40,000 points. This is not a small amount, but he and Chu Feng Compared to the last time I got it, it is not a little bit less.

"Teammates, let's take them to take care of your business together, is there no problem?" Chu Feng said. Ouyang Ming breathed a sigh of relief: "There is no problem, no problem, the same team, this is no problem, but you should not accept other teams to exchange things, it is against the rules!"

Zhong Tao got relatively few things, and Ouyang Ming gave a quotation in just over a minute: "Brother Chu, the total value is 36,000 points, plus 10%, 39,600 points."

Chu Feng took out Zhao Ling's space ring again.

A few minutes later, Zhong Tao, Zhao Ling, Qin Yue, Bi Feng, and Cardi got the value of everything. Zhong Tao was 39,600, Zhao Ling was a little more than 45,800, Qin Yue 41,000, and Bi Feng was 63500. Among the people, he got the most. He didn't get much at the beginning, but later on, he has quasi-dominant-level strength, quasi-dominant-level strength, and he is more comfortable in the Orka world. The value of the items he got Over 100,000 points, 112,000 points!

"Brother Chu, you got it, a lot, but it's less than the last time." Ouyang Ming said, the space ring he held in his hand was not what Chu Feng got but theirs. Tabor and the three teams together still got a lot of things that were robbed.

A few minutes later, Ouyang Ming identified it: "Brother Chu, what you got this time is worth more than 450,000 points, plus 10% is a little less than 500,000, so you can count as 500,000. ."

"Thank you so much, but this is not something I got, this is it." Chu Feng smiled, and he said that another spatial ring appeared on the tabletop.

Ouyang Ming was stunned for a moment: "Brother Chu, if I don't know it, there are only six of you, how come you have one more? I see, this is something you got together, right?"

"Let me see how much you got this time." As Ouyang Ming said, he immediately scanned into the Chu Feng spatial ring, and his face quickly showed an excited smile: "Brother Chu, I really did not read it wrong. You got so many things again! Haha! The last time you got something worth more than two million, this time I’m afraid it’s three million."

"Brother Ouyang, you will be able to identify it soon." Chu Feng smiled.

Ouyang Ming nodded and quickly identified it. After five or six minutes, Ouyang Ming said: "It's worth three million, plus ten percent, three million three million, how about it?"

"Yes." Chu Feng said, Ouyang Ming received things, and Chu Feng's points quickly increased by 411,900! "Brother Chu, wait for your next good news." Ouyang Ming said with a smile.

"How can I be so lucky every time, I left." Chu Feng got up and waved his hand. "Getting so much twice is not explained by luck." Ouyang Ming got up and laughed.

After leaving the exchange room, Chu Feng quickly found Bi Feng and the others. They were right now at the gate of another part of the exchange center.

"Your points will be allocated to you first." Chu Feng smiled. He said that he would first give them the item points that Bi Feng and the others got, "Next is the dirty income."

Five hundred thousand, six people, one person was assigned 83333, and each of them was given 53333 by Chu Feng. "Bige, you could have an extra 30,000, but I deducted 30,000 from you each. Five people add up to a total of 30,000. One hundred and fifty thousand, that one hundred and fifty thousand, just go ahead." Chu Feng smiled.

"Can't be like this." Bi Feng frowned, "buy things first. We will discuss this issue after we finish the debt and return."

The last time he ate and drank, Chu Feng just bought something that can improve his cultivation level, not for his own use, but for the Tianwei to try it out. If the Tianwei in the holy prison space tries it out If they can successfully improve their cultivation, then Feng Bingning and the others must be fine.

As for Chu Feng himself, it is useless to buy things to upgrade his cultivation at this time. He has been upgraded before, and the sequelae cannot be eliminated so quickly.

After leaving the exchange center, Chu Feng and the others first went outside the villa where Tabor and his team had won. After a cry, Tabor walked out of the villa with a gloomy look.

"Bi Feng, we abide by the rules, and hope you also abide by the rules. If we are not against you, you must not attack us because of the previous events." Taibo said solemnly.

"This is natural." Bi Feng smiled slightly.

Tabor communicated with Zhinao, and two million points were quickly transferred to Bi Feng, "Damn things, this hatred will be reported sooner or later!" Taber entered the villa, his heart was extremely angry, from the snake With Jun Jaggs, he knew that his team's compensation was much higher, but as he said before, Taibo knew that repentance had no effect.

"Let's go, visit Monarch Snake." Bi Feng laughed. Monarch Snake and his team also lived in the villa. After a cry, Monarch Snake appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others.

Without saying a word, Snake Lord returned to the villa after transferring one million points.

In the end, it was Jaggs, Tabor and the others came out. Jaggs’ 500,000 points naturally did not dare to rely on Chu Feng and the others. In just one to twenty minutes, Bifeng’s account was 300 more. Five hundred thousand points!

"Go back, get dirty!"

Bi Feng was a little excited and authentic. Soon Chu Feng and the six of them returned to their place of residence. "Chu Feng, what you did before is not good. What the rules are, it should be what they should be!" Bi Feng said as soon as they entered the room, "A team, if there are no rules, it will be messy!"

Cardi nodded slightly: "Brothers clearly settle the accounts, and we should act according to the regulations! According to the previous regulations, if we get more than 200,000 points, 150,000 will be deducted, and the remaining half will belong to Chu Feng. Now one has been deducted. One hundred and fifty thousand, and the points we got this time can be half given to Chu Feng."

"I got 92933." Zhong Tao said.

"I'm 99133." Zhao Ling said.

"I got 3616833." Bi Feng smiled, "It's really the first time I have so many points. It feels good to be rich."

Chu Feng hurriedly said: "Bige, just give me half of the rest of you. The 3.5 million, we can split it equally!" "If we didn't enter the Oka world, could we get the 3.5 million? This distribution rule must be executed clearly, otherwise it will not be conducive to the future development of our team." Bi Feng said.

"3.5 million, deduct your share of Brother Chu, you can still get 17,42616, plus your share, the total is 2,325,949." Bi Fengdao, for a strong like them, count Knowing this number is really very simple.

Soon Chu Feng’s mind sounded a reminder of the brain, his account has 2325949 points, plus the 3.3 million he got this time, plus the one he had left before. A little more than a million, Chu Feng's points are more than 6.7 million!

"Okay, Chu Feng has figured it out, and then it's our turn to divide the dirty." Bi Feng smiled, "1742616, I suggest that these points be divided into seven points, Cardi take three points, we each one, if not Cardi becomes a quasi-dominant powerhouse, how can we get so many points?"

"No, divide equally!" Cardi quickly said, "Boss, I will never want you to divide into three parts. I have become a quasi-dominant powerhouse. It can be said that I have already got the biggest benefit, those points, I have no opinion even if you divide it equally."

"Let me just say something." Chu Feng said, "Kadi is divided into two, Big Brother, you have one share, Kadi, you become a quasi-dominant powerhouse, it has nothing to do with this, it has to do with you asking us to drink, everyone. ?"

"This is good!" Qin Yue smiled.

Zhong Tao nodded: "That's it, Cardi, you have to be careful that we all eat your extra portion together, hehe!" "I have no objection." A little smile appeared on Zhao Ling's face.

"That's it." Bi Feng said, he quickly transferred the points to Cardi and the others, with more than 1.7 million points. After being divided into six parts, each part has nearly 300,000 points. Points, plus the rest, Chu Feng and his team, this time everyone has gained more than 300,000 yuan.

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