Holy Prison

Chapter 2104: Zhang Long arrogant

"Bige, did you give me points again?" Chu Feng said strangely. Bi Feng assigned the points. He actually received a reminder from the brain that there are points to be credited, and it is not a little bit of more than 40,000 points!

"No." Bi Feng said in doubt.

Chu Feng's heart moved. The number of points was 44,340. This number of points was exactly the number of points Zhang Long had lost to him.

"It should be Zhang Long." Chu Feng said, "Zhi Nao, the point I just received was transferred from Zhang Long?"


Zhi Nao's voice sounded, and Bi Feng and their faces were all surprised. With more than 40,000 points, this is not a small number, and Zhang Long actually paid it all at once.

"It seems that Zhang Long is lucky." Zhong Tao said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and he had earned more than 40,000 points in one go. Zhang Long must have had good luck. "Bi Ge, which team did he join next?" Chu Feng said.

"You didn't join another team, did you?" Bi Feng said, "If you join, it is another team that we joined when we were on the mission."

At this moment, a heavy door slamming sounded, "Which bastard!" Bi Feng became angry, and it would be very impolite to slam the door like this.

The door opened, and a proud Zhang Long appeared at the door: "Chu Feng, you have already received the points? Give me a hundred beeps, I will spare you!"

"Quasi-dominant?" Chu Feng frowned.

Zhang Long sat down unceremoniously: "You drove me out, thinking that without you, I would not be able to live anymore. I would like to thank you very much. Without you, how could I become a strong leader? Where's the person? Hahahaha! Chu Feng's one hundred ringing, Bi Feng, if you say, ten forget it."

"You should know the power of the quasi-dominant powerhouse. I am going to kill you now. It is not too troublesome." Zhang Long said proudly, his eyes scanned Chu Feng and they wanted to appreciate the awe and fear of Chu Feng. But he was disappointed, and there was no such expression on Chu Feng's faces.

"Except for what I just said, the rest of you compensated me with 100,000 points, and Chu Feng compensated me with 1 million points. If you can't get it now, you will gradually get better. I am a large number, no interest, haha! "

Chu Feng looked at Zhang Long as if looking at an idiot: "Zhang Long, are you finished? You can go away when you are finished. You are no longer a member of this team, don't enter the place and dirty the place!"

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Long slapped down, and a table that was not too solid in front of him was shot to pieces. "Chu Feng, it seems that I need to let you know what it means to respect the strong. You only have three levels. The low-level seed of the extinction cultivation base dared to speak to me, a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, like this, I think you are living impatiently!"

Zhang Long said that he stretched out his hand and slapped Chu Feng's face fiercely, "Zhang Long, this place is not a place where you can be arrogant." Cardi's cold voice sounded, and Zhang Long's slap was not When it fell on Chu Feng's face, the hand he stretched out was caught by Kadi.

A look of shock appeared on Zhang Long's face. The speed of the quasi-dominant-level powerhouse was much faster than that of the saint-level powerhouse. Just now, the speed of Cardi had exceeded the speed of the saint-level powerhouse.

Cardi snorted coldly, "Zhang Long, don't think that you can be arrogant in front of us if you become a quasi-dominant powerhouse, and get out within five seconds, otherwise you will taste one-to-six!"

"More than the number of people? I become a quasi-dominant powerhouse. If I want to join a team, the team is willing to add me. You will wait for me."

Zhang Long swept Chu Feng bitterly. They left Chu Feng and his room immediately after leaving a harsh word. Since Chu Feng has a quasi-dominant powerhouse among them, he can only humiliate himself if he continues to stay. .

"Grass, what the hell!" Zhang Long cursed after leaving Zhong Tao, "Boss, you treated him well before, but you actually want you to kneel and kowtow, **** stuff!"

Bi Feng said quietly: "He was not a generous person. Now that his strength has improved, once he has gained power, he probably remembered all the bad things about him before. As for other things, he probably forgot all of them selectively. That’s good, I still feel a little bit guilty about letting him leave the team, but now his wings are stiff, so I don’t have to.

Qin Yue frowned and said: "His strength has actually reached the Quasi-Domination Level. This is a troublesome thing. It is not difficult for a Quasi-Domination Level powerhouse to join a team. For example, if there is a team like Taibo Snake King, With Zhang Long joining, their strength will be stronger than us!"

Cardi smiled slightly: "We are lucky. If we find Tabor and them later, maybe those points won't be available."

"That's right." Cardi said that Bi Feng also showed a little smile on his face, 3.5 million yuan, that's not a small amount. If Tabor and the others knew that Zhang Long had become a quasi-dominant powerhouse If they have a low chance of getting points, the quasi-dominant-level powerhouses are not willing to offend Kadi, the new quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, but Zhang Long would care?

With Zhang Long's support, a balance will be formed, and there is no big problem if Tabor and the others don't hand over those points.

"Bige, I'm going to practice."

Chu Feng said that he made up his mind to use points to accelerate his training, which would be a great waste of points, but under the acceleration of time, the sequelae of Chu Feng's previous promotion can be quickly eliminated.

Bi Feng nodded slightly. If Chu Feng reached the ninth-level immortal cultivation base, he should be able to possess the quasi-dominant level strength. In that case, their team would have two quasi-dominant-level powerhouses.

Chu Feng quickly entered his room, "How many times do you accelerate?" Chu Feng thought about it after sitting cross-legged on the ground. If the multiple is low, the effect is too bad, but if the multiple is high, the consumption is really terrifying.

Time is accelerated by 10,000 times. It takes 3,000 points in one year, and only 30,000 points in ten years. This is cheaper, but in 100,000 years, it will not eliminate Chu Feng's sequelae.

If the time is accelerated by 100,000 times, 40,000 points are needed a year, 400,000 in ten years, which is a lot more expensive, and in a million years, Chu Feng estimated that it would be difficult to completely eliminate the sequelae.

The highest acceleration is a one million times acceleration in time, and it takes half a million points a year. With that acceleration, Chu Feng is sure that the sequelae will be eliminated within three to four years, but within three to four years, that A hundred, hundreds of thousands or even two million points are required.

"Points count as a fart, use it up, and then you'll be better." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart to immediately start the brain to accelerate the time. (Note: Under the time acceleration, Chu Feng's hunger speed is not according to the time acceleration, but according to the normal time speed. In addition, in the case of training, the hunger speed will be much slower.

With a million times acceleration, Chu Feng’s sequelae quickly disappeared. At the same time, his points were also quickly eliminated. However, adding Zhang Long’s more than 40,000 points, Chu Feng’s points have reached 6.8 million. , Even at that rate of point consumption, it would take a lot of time to use up 6.8 million points.

When Chu Feng lavishly used a lot of points to speed up his time, Taber Snake Lord Jaggs got the news that Zhang Long had become a quasi-dominant powerhouse.

In the villa of Tabor and his team, a poor vase was smashed to pieces by Tabor. His face was extremely ugly. If he knew the news that Zhang Long had become a quasi-dominant powerhouse half an hour earlier, how could he Those two million points to Bi Feng? Two million points, that's two million!

One hundred thousand resurrection pills, two million points, that is enough to buy twenty resurrection pills!

In Snake Lord's villa, a table was smashed by a slap. Although he didn't give two million, he also gave one million points, not a small amount.

Jaggs is in a complicated mood, he is the least handed over, but 500,000 yuan accounts for 80% of their team, and two million is estimated to account for 60% of Taber and his team. !

"Captain, Zhang Long's invitation." A little brother of Jaggs quickly approached Jaggs and said. Jaggs took a look at the invitation, which was sent by Zhang Long, inviting him to go for a drink.

"Reply to Zhang Long, I'm training." Jaggs thought about it. "Captain, Zhang Long is a strong quasi-dominant." Jaggs's team was slightly taken aback.

Jaggs frowned and said: "He is a quasi-dominant-level strong, but he is not a good thing, and Bi Feng’s team also has a quasi-dominant-level strong. I don’t want to get involved in the fight of the quasi-dominant-level strong. ."

"Mr. Snake, Taibo. I heard about you. One of you was handed over two million, and the other one was handed over one million. Do you have any ideas?" Zhang Long said solemnly.

"Brother Zhang, you mean," Snake Jun said while playing with the cup in his hand. Zhang Long said: "It's very simple, we join hands and trample them down!"

"Brother Zhang, Cardi is a quasi-dominant powerhouse. Brother Zhang, you can afford it, but we can't afford it." Taibo said. Although he wants to get back his own points, he is not a fool. , Zhang Long found them, that is not really helping them, mostly using their ingredients.

Zhang Long said: "You can't kill people in the base, but there is no problem with beating people. I am in charge of Cardi, and you are in charge of the rest. We take action. Let them return your points. I only need three points for your points. One. As long as they return your points, then their remaining points should not be much."

"There are not many points, as long as they can't take the task for a period of time, then their points will be exhausted. Without points, I want them to go to a dead end!" Zhang Long's eyes flashed cold.

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