Holy Prison

Chapter 2105: conflict

"Exhausted their points" Tabor and Snake Jun both frowned slightly. "Brother Zhang, if we are like this, does that also harm the interests of the base?" Tabor said.

Zhang Long snorted coldly: "I have joined the base guard. With my rights, although it is not easy to kill them directly, it is not a problem to create trouble for them to deplete their points. When they consume their points, we The points will also be consumed, but how can they beat us?"

"I can tell you a piece of news, Captain Mo has something to leave the base!" Zhang Longdao, Taibo and Snake Jun's eyes lit up. They are very in awe of the sword emperor Mo Xin, and they are not too much in the situation of Mo Xin. It's too much, but if Mo's heart is not there, then there is nothing to be done.

"How long will Captain Mo leave?" Snake Jun said.

Zhang Long said: "I heard that at least a thousand years, a thousand years, as long as those points are returned, within a thousand years, Bi Feng and the others will definitely not have any points."

"You should also want to solve the matter completely, right? Cardi becomes a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse. If they don't die, you will lose once, and you may lose it a second time."

"After they have no points, we can take them to extremely dangerous tasks. If they die, it is their bad life!"

Taibo and Lord Snake glanced at each other, it is indeed possible that Bi Feng and the others will die, but if they fail, then the enemy will be strong!

"You won't be afraid anymore? Even if you offend them cruelly, what if we are afraid that they will not succeed?" Zhang Long said.

"Mr. Snake, did it?" Tabor said.

"Okay!" Snake Jun said quietly.

A smile appeared on Zhang Long's face: "Come on, let's make a drink for Bi Feng and their doomsday. I really look forward to it. I really want to see them hungry enough to beg for us."

Bi Feng and the others chatted, and the door slammed loudly again, "Boss, it's Zhang Long and Taibo Snake Lord." Zhong Tao observed a change of expression.

"Don't open the door first." Bi Feng said, the houses in this base have such characteristics that they cannot be broken without opening the door.

"Bang, bang!"

The door did not open, and Zhang Long raised his leg outside the door and kicked it again. "Bi Feng, you guys get out of the door." Zhang Long said coldly. They could hear his voice, but the door is soundproof. Yes, it sounds low.

"Leave them alone." Bi Feng said solemnly, "Chu Feng is practicing, it is not a good thing to let them in now, they are not here to talk to us."

Zhong Tao returned to his seat and sat down: "Snake Jun and his team and Tabor and his team have all arrived, and there are other people watching the excitement nearby."

"Snake Monarch and Tabor are here with people, they are afraid it is not just as simple as wanting to return the points." Cardi said.

Bi Feng nodded slightly: "Zhang Long's personality may not be well understood by other people, don't we still understand? He must have wanted us to die! Before that, he should want to get what we got before. Get the points, let's leave them alone, let them make trouble first."

"Bige, do you want to inform Chu Feng?" Zhao Ling said.

Bi Feng waved his hand: "No, they take action. We shouldn't have any tasks to pick up next. Let Chu Feng practice with peace of mind first!"

"Their strength is very strong, but our strength is not weak. As long as everyone has points in their hands, if they want to make trouble, we will accompany them to make trouble!"

Outside, Zhang Long's expression turned gloomy, they rushed to this side, and they didn't even see Bi Feng and the others.

If the door can be broken, Zhang Long and the others will definitely smash the door at this moment, "Snake Lord, let your people scold, pick up ugly scolds!" Zhang Long said solemnly.

"Yuanzhi, you come."

Snake Jun looked at one of his own little brothers, this little brother is not too strong, but a mouth is notoriously powerful, if you curse, you will not repeat it for ten days and ten nights!

"Bi Feng, your team, at any rate, is a quasi-dominant-level strong, is it so courageous that it is so courageous? Actually, they dare not open the door!"

"I have seen a lot of timid people, but the quasi-dominant powerhouse is so timid, I really haven't seen it. Are you still a man like this?"

Yuan Zhi said that at the beginning, his voice was still relatively low, but his voice gradually increased, and his scolding became more and more ugly.

Inside the room, Bi Feng's eyes flashed coldly, "Don't be impulsive at this time. If you are impulsive at this time, you will be hit by Zhang Long and the others!" Bi Feng said solemnly, "Practice all, if you don't If you have something to eat, speak up. I have bought a lot of food and drink, and now there are many more!"

"Just as a dog eating outside." Qin Yue said with a light smile, "We are actually treated well. We practice in the house, and there are dogs guarding the door outside."

"If the dog doesn't bark, that's the best." Cardi said.

Bi Feng and the others were practising quietly, Yuan Zhi kept cursing outside, and the cursing became more and more ugly, but the door in front of them was kept closed.

After three full days, the door did not open, and Snake Lord said: "Brother Zhang, Bi Feng and the others will not know the news of the Sword Emperor's departure? If they don't come out for a thousand years inside."

"Thousands of years, they need a lot of food. They don't necessarily have that much food, but just in case, I will go and see if I can get them to open the door!" Zhang Longdao, he is now the base's guard Members, it's possible to do some activities.

However, activities are not easy things, otherwise Zhang Long would have opened the activities a long time ago and Zhi Brain would directly open the door to Bi Feng and the others.

"Brother Zhang, then you have to do some exercises." Snake Jundao, he and Taibo both had a little regret at this time, but the matter had already begun, and the bow did not turn back!

Zhang Long left, Snake Monarch and the others continued to block the gates of Chu Feng and the others. With the strength of their two teams, even if Cardi is a quasi-dominant powerhouse, it would take a while to go out. As for Cardi, they won. Little Snake Lord did not think about it, the people of their two teams are not weak!

Three years passed in a blink of an eye. There was a lot of trouble between Chu Feng and Zhang Long and the others, but the base didn’t deal with it. Zhang Long has the quasi-dominant strength and he is a member of the guard. It's, and it's just cursing, it's still not fighting!


Zhang Long strode towards Snake Lord and the others. He had been active for three years before some members of the guards opened their mouths and made an investigation order.

The investigation order does not have much effect, but it is no problem for Bi Feng and the others to open the door. If Bi Feng and the others do not cooperate to open it, they can force the brain to open it. In that case, each of Bi Feng and the others will be deducted some points!

"Brother Zhang!"

Snake and the others felt relieved. They have been on this side for three years. If this door can't be opened and they can only leave in despair, then they are ashamed!

"Bi Feng, open the door!"

Zhang Long slapped the door of Chu Feng's room with a heavy slap, "Open your dog's eyes and see what is in my hand. You have one minute. If you don't open the door, I will let the brain force open the door. , I hope you don’t open the door! In that case, a thousand points will be fined every minute!"

"Where the ghosts stay." Cardi whispered. In the room, their eyes were opened. "Boss, Zhang Long has indeed got an investigation order!" Zhong Tao looked at the door.

"Open the door!" Bi Feng said.

Zhong Tao opened the door, "Bang!" As soon as the door opened, Zhang Long slapped Zhong Tao's chest with a palm, and Zhong Tao stepped back a few steps, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Zhang Long!" Kadi shouted angrily and went to Zhong Tao to block Zhang Long's second palm! "Bang!" Two palms collided, and a storm raged in the room. The strong energy fluctuations destroyed many things in the room, but those things were not as strong as the door of the room!

"Zhang Long, you came here with an investigation order. What are you investigating? If there is no investigation, you will attack Zhong Tao. When the time comes, Lord Sword Emperor, I will definitely have an explanation!" Bi Feng said coldly.

Zhang Long said loudly: "I stayed in the room for such a long time and couldn't come out. I have reason to suspect that you are plotting against the base. For you, take it down first!"

The two teams of Snake King and Tabor also entered the room at this time, and the hall of the room was filled with terrifying energy fluctuations in a very short time!

Cardi's strength is better than Zhang Longqiang, but the four of Bi Feng and the others can't beat Snake Lord and the others. After a few minutes, Bi Feng and the others can't bear it except that Cardi is not injured. Light injury!

"Zhi Nao, they trespassed into our room, do you ignore it?" Bi Feng shouted coldly, and Zhi Nao's voice rang: "Entering with an investigation order does not violate the regulations, no one died, and does not violate the regulations."

In the base, you can't help but do things like fighting. Of course, if there is a strong guard who can take care of it, then you can also take care of it, but this will not be the sword emperor's mind, the rest of the base is too lazy to take care of such things!

"Haha, Bi Feng, just accept your fate and return the points given by you and Tabor before, and we can spare you! By the way, Chu Feng, two people attacked Chu Feng’s door in the past. Chu Feng's room is No. 6. Although the door inside is not easy to destroy, it can be destroyed!" Zhang Long laughed.

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