Holy Prison

Chapter 2106: Group fight

Zhang Long's words fell, and Taibo's team alone slammed Chu Feng's door with a fist. "What's the matter?" Inside the room, Chu Feng opened his eyes. The soundproofing effect of the room is very good. He hadn't heard outside noise before, but at this time someone smashed the door like that, he couldn't even listen. Not!

"Zhi Brain, what's going on outside?" Chu Feng said.

Some mechanical voices of Zhi Brain sounded: "Zhang Long, Taber Team, Snake Squad and the rest of your team are fighting. Someone is attacking the door."

Chu Feng's expression changed. Zhang Long was a quasi-dominant powerhouse. The Snake King team and the Taibo team were both strong teams. Bi Feng and Zhang Long would definitely suffer!

After thinking about it, Chu Feng opened the door all of a sudden, "Blade Storm!" Chu Feng rang out, and Blade Storm slammed a person from Taibo's team at the door.

Although there is a certain defense, the main force is placed on the attack, and with such a short distance to withstand the sword blade storm, a member of the Taber team at the door screamed and flew back towards the back with blood splashing, his chest There were dozens of deep scars, and one arm was severed by Chu Feng!

"For those who want to make a little money outside, listen up. Take part in the battle against Zhang Long and the team. I will give a shot fee ranging from 100 to 5,000 points depending on my performance!"

"Some people are afraid of Zhang Long and the others, just change their appearance and join the battle group!"

Chu Feng yelled when he got the Taber team alone with one blow, his voice spread outside, and people at a distance could hear clearly.

The maximum of five thousand points is not a small number. Many people may not get five thousand points for one or twenty missions, and they may not be able to save five thousand points for millions of years!

Chu Feng roared out, and one can imagine how attractive it is to some people. You know, in the heaven base, many people now have less than 100 points or even less than 10 points!

If Chu Feng and the others do not have the quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, many people would not dare to take action, but there are also quasi-dominant-level powerhouses on Chu Feng’s side, and they can also hide their identities. That's weird!

"Jie Jie, make money, make a little money!"

"It's called Chu Feng, isn't it? I will do my best to shoot with all my strength, and I will have five thousand points, but I can't be without the old way!"

"Chu Feng, you can't lie to everyone, otherwise you're done!"

In the heaven base, most of them are Saint-level powerhouses, earning money, and many Saint-level powerhouses killed Chu Feng in this room without hiding their aura.

If you hide your breath, you definitely can’t do your best. That will affect your combat effectiveness and combat effectiveness, and will naturally affect your income. This is why some people don’t hide their breath at all. Some of them are not so afraid of Zhang Long. .

The power of money is very huge. In just a few seconds, Chu Feng and the others entered a room with a dozen or so people. "Everyone, the place here is too small. Everyone will take them out. Fix them! Don't worry, everyone has promised a lot of points!" Chu Feng said loudly.

The room was chaotic, but the rest of Chu Feng's voice could still be heard clearly, but they didn't need Chu Feng to go out.

There were too many strong people in the room, and many attacks fell on the wall of the room. By this time, the room had reached the limit that the room could bear!

With a loud bang, Chu Feng and the others couldn't stand the strength and burst into pieces. "Everyone, what are you waiting for to make money?" Chu Feng shouted.

There are a lot of people around this side. At this time, many of those people have taken action. In the distance, many people who heard the news rushed to this side. Many of them are already in abject poverty. Even some people are already in a hungry state at this time!

Originally, there were only six people on Chu Feng's side and Zhang Long. On their other side, there were 14 people, six to fourteen. Chu Feng and their side were absolutely disadvantaged.

But in a short period of time, there were more than 30 strong people on Chu Feng's side, and this number was still rising.

Before Bi Feng and the others were crushed and beaten, they were all violent now with some blood, "Beat, kill these bastards." Bi Feng roared.

"Zhang Long of the dog day, fair and private hatred, don't be polite to them!" Zhong Tao said angrily. He is basically an honest person, but at the moment, he is an honest person too.

Zhang Long and the others had the upper hand before, but now it is strange that they can get the upper hand. In a short period of time, a lot of scars appeared on their bodies.

"I am a member of the guard. If you are performing a mission, you are not afraid of punishment by the guard if you attack us?" Zhang Long roared. His words caused Chu Feng and others to attack slightly, but Chu Feng and them quickly The offense on this side is even stronger.

"The guards are amazing? People who are not from the guards deserve to be bullied? Zhang Long, you are like the black sheep of the guards." Chu Feng's cold voice rang, "Brothers, fight, and teach your lesson hard. Zhang Long and the others, our dignity cannot be trampled on!"

"Most of the people here are powerful masters of the holy class. If we trample on our dignity, we will have to pay a price! Brothers, the rules of the base, as long as we don't kill them, there will be no big deal!"

Chu Feng's words stirred some people's hearts, and many of them had forgotten the word "dignity", but now they remembered a little.

Many people here are not less bullied by people from the guards, and they are not less bullied by Taber Snake and his team. At this time, they think of dignity. Many of them have taken a lot of weight. Some of them just watched and did not take any action. Quite a few of them joined the battle group!

"Help us, the same reward!" Zhang Long said loudly. At this moment, seven or eight people besieged him, and a lot of scars have appeared on his body!

No one responded to Zhang Long and the others. The people around were not stupid. At this time, there were already 80 or 90 people on their side who helped Chu Feng and the others. At this time, they helped Zhang Long and the others enter the battle group.

"For us, the reward is doubled!" Tabor roared. He spurted out a mouthful of blood after he said a word, and blood appeared in many places on his body!

The reward was doubled, which made some people moved, but they just moved and did not act. Look at Zhang Long and their miserable situation, and look at the hundreds of people on Chu Feng's side. At this time, it seems unwise to help Zhang Long and the others. s Choice!

"Everyone, help Zhang Long and the others. That's what a fool did. Everyone should know that the Taber team compensated us 2 million points, and the Snake King team compensated us 1 million points. Their wealth There is not much left. I helped them, and it is very likely that they will be beaten, and there will be no money at that time!" Chu Feng's sarcasm sounded.

"Besides, for a little money, don't we need dignity? Zhang Long was kicked out of our team because he killed the people in the team. Good Luck became a quasi-dominant powerhouse. At this time, we joined Taibo and the others. Public revenge! Brothers, public revenge, can we tolerate such a practice?"

"Today is our squad, and tomorrow it is likely to be another squad, brothers, for such an approach, we must slam to death, and we fight for dignity!"

The temptation of double rewards is not small, but the dignity is worth some weight, especially Chu Feng and the others still have the upper hand, Zhang Long and the others' plea for help is simply ignored!

The number of people on Chu Feng's side continued to increase. After a few minutes, the number of people on Chu Feng's side had increased to more than 300, and many of them had no chance to make a move.

"With the cup, there are not many chances to shoot. I guess I can only get the least reward by then!"

"Haha, I have successfully attacked quite a few times, and the least reward should not be possible."

"You really... I am fighting for dignity. Of course, if there is a little reward then, it would be even better."

"Despise you!"

Chu Feng and the others played happily. Zhang Long and the others. When they were tortured to death and had too many wounds on their bodies, someone would recover them, and in a short time, those wounds that recovered Recovered with dense scars.

"Zhi Brain, they are mobs, I apply for members of the guard to be dispatched immediately and arrest them all!" Zhang Long roared, his voice fell, and a lot of attacks fell on him in an instant, and those attacks were not very fatal. Yes, but Zhang Long can definitely enjoy intense pain!

"Wisdom brain, this is just a small exchange between members of the base, it won't kill anyone. If the guards are dispatched, it will damage the image of the guards!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

A few seconds later, Zhinao's voice rang: "The group fight in the base will have a bad effect on the base. Within half an hour, the group fight must end!"

Chu Feng's eyes brightened when they heard Zhinao's voice, but Zhang Long and the others only felt that their eyes were dark. Zhinao's response meant that they had to endure half an hour of torment.

"Brothers, everyone has heard that, for half an hour, everyone is not allowed to use powerful attack methods, and all adopt small methods that will cause a little bit of pain." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Understood!" Quite a few people responded, and they were more relieved, as long as it was over within half an hour, it would be fine.

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