Holy Prison

Chapter 2107: deal with

Chu Feng said loudly, half an hour was about to pass, and Zhi Nao had reminded before that if their side was still attacking after half an hour, then it would be their side who was unlucky.

"Hey, cool!"

"Chu Feng, I have contributed a lot, how many points do I have?"

Hearing Chu Feng's voice, all those people stopped attacking, and they all retreated Zhang Long and many of them. "All the people involved have worked hard." Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng talked about the brilliance of the people who shot, some of them were red, some were blue, some were yellow, some were purple.

"Wisdom brain, these people in front of me, who have red rays on their bodies, respectively transfer 5,000 points to them, blue rays, 4,000 points, yellow 3,000 points, and purple 2,000 points," Chu Feng said. It is divided into nine levels, the highest is five thousand, and the lowest is only one hundred, but few get one hundred points. Those who get five thousand points are forty or fifty!

"Haha, Chu Feng is good!"

"Five thousand points are obtained, less than one hundred points, finally reached the point where people are a little reassuring, haha!"

"Brother Chu, if you have such a job in the future, you must remember to call me. This money is really easy to come by. After saving for 5 million years, I haven't reached 5,000 points. I didn't expect that after a while, I actually reached 5,000 points!"

"Only four thousand points, but not bad!"

Most of the people who just participated in the group fight have a smile on their faces. Some people don’t have a smile on their faces. They don’t get the points. It’s a regret in their hearts. If they didn’t use soy sauce just now, then It's not a hundred or two hundred points, even if you get a thousand points!

"Chu, Chu Feng, you, remember it for me!" Zhang Long stood up swayingly. At this time, even if he is the person most familiar with him, he is absolutely unrecognizable from his appearance. he comes.

The hands and feet have been cut off again and again, and there are probably tens of thousands of large and small wounds on his body. From the inside to the outside, Zhang Long's injuries, even if they consume points, it is estimated that they will not be able to recover in less than a hundred and eighty years!

Chu Feng walked over and slapped Zhang Long severely with a slap in the face. Zhang Long spewed out blood, and the person was taken several meters away!

"Zhi Nao, Zhi Nao, half an hour has come, Chu Feng has taken action, he will be punished heavily!" Zhang Long was beaten, but at this time he exclaimed with joy.

Chu Feng mocked and said: "Idiot, what Zhi Nao just said was that the group fight stopped for half an hour. It was just that I shot and just slapped you. Is this a group fight?"

"Wisdom!" Zhang Long roared.

Zhi Nao's voice rang: "This is a skirmish, not a group fight." "Ah!" A soft cough came over at this time, "What happened today, so far, everyone, is gone!"

"Chu Feng, don't make any more moves." Bi Feng's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "He is the fourth strongest in the strength list, and space traveler Mu Yun!"

"Master Mu Yun, there is one more thing next," Chu Feng said.

Mu Yun's voice rang, but his figure did not appear. "Master Mu Yun, Zhang Long and the others rushed into our house. Now our house has been destroyed, and many of our treasures in the room have also been destroyed. I ask Zhang Long and the others to compensate us!" Chu Feng said in a deep voice. Tao.

"I have lived in the house for so long, and many things in the room are emotional. I ask them to give us 100,000 points to compensate us!"

"Zhang Long, come and take people into our house. When our house is destroyed, Master Mu Yun will definitely deal with us fairly!"

Zhang Long roared, his anger affected the injury, and a mouthful of blood spewed out, "Your house was destroyed. That is your own reason. If those people rushed in later, where would the house be destroyed?"

"Zhang Long, what do you mean, we still have to resist and let you fight, so that if the house is destroyed, can we count on you?" Bi Feng said coldly.

"That is, whoever brought someone into someone else's house, someone else's house is destroyed, and the things in the house are destroyed, it is the responsibility of others"

"There are such people in the guards. Doesn't this make us distrust the guards of the heaven base?"

"I have seen shameless people, I have never seen such shameless people!"

Those people who shot before did not leave. They collected a lot of points from Chu Feng, and now many people started to help.

"Everyone, don't make a fuss." Mu Yun's faint voice rang, "This matter is dealt with as follows: Zhang Long, Taber team, Snake King team, each pay 30,000 points, Chu Feng Zhang Long, if not After death, communicate with other bases and participate in the exchange 100%. The result of this processing is the final result and there should be no objections!"

"Brother Mu Yun, how could this be!" Zhang Long said loudly. He had to pay out 30,000 points and also participate in exchanges. Some exchanges have a high mortality rate!

"I said, this is the final result, Zhang Long, do you have an opinion?" Mu Yun's voice suddenly became quite cold. Zhang Long's face changed slightly: "No, no!"

Although Zhang Long is also a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, his strength is still not as strong as that of a veteran quasi-dominance-level powerhouse like Mu Yun, and he has just become a quasi-dominance-level powerhouse, and he doesn’t have much background at all. It would not be too difficult to kill him.

"I have no objection." Chu Feng said.

At the next moment, Chu Feng's account added 15,000 points, Zhang Long and the others gave out a total of 90,000 points, and Chu Feng and the others were allocated 15,000 points each.

Zhang Long swept Chu Feng bitterly. They stumbled and left. He didn't have a lot of points and was deducted 30,000 points. At this time, the points were about to bottom out again, and his body was still like this.

"Bige, let's buy a villa. With 90,000 points, we can buy a very good villa." Chu Feng smiled lightly, and his voice was heard in the ears of Zhang Long who had just walked out a little bit, Zhang Long The body staggered and almost fell to the ground. Their 90,000 points helped Chu Feng and the others improve their housing conditions.

"Good idea." Bi Feng smiled.

The crowd dispersed, and Chu Feng and the others arrived at the villa area. It didn’t take long for them to pick a very good villa. There was a small lake in front of the villa, a large garden at the back, and a bamboo forest on the left. The environment was better than before. That kind of dormitory is not a little better.

Villa, the most expensive villa is 100,000 points. Chu Feng and the others spent 90,000 points on this villa, which is indeed not low. If you add 10,000 points, 100,000 points, you can buy a castle. Of course, that’s it. The castle is just the worst castle, the place is big, but the scenery may not be so good.

"It's not far from the villa of the Little Swordsmen." Chu Feng smiled slightly on the balcony. The villa of the Little Swordsmen was only a kilometer or two away from them, and he could clearly see it from the balcony.

There were people from the Knife Team who had taken the shots before, and Chu Feng naturally knew this after remittances. The Knife Team members had taken the shots at first, but they had hidden their identities.

If there were no five players from the Knife team other than No. 5, it is estimated that things would not go so smoothly. People have a herd mentality. The five of the Knife team do not make a shot. Some people are afraid that less players will suffer a loss or may not make a shot. , If everyone hesitates, then Chu Feng has to continue to increase the price!

"Chu Feng, we will provide you with the points you gave before." Bi Feng and the others walked towards Chu Feng. At this moment, their injuries have been dealt with.

"Big Brother, it's okay, just a little money." Chu Feng said, "Big Brother, I said you guys, why don't you just pay for some people from the beginning?"

Bi Feng smiled lightly: "It's only you. You don't think the points are too important, so you will come up with so many points. We finally got a little point, so why don't we give it away."

"The three to four hundred people who shot before cost six to seven hundred thousand points. At first, how could we be willing, but now we are willing, these six to seven hundred thousand are worth the cost!"

Cardi said: "A total of 670,000, so let's count as 660,000. We take advantage of you, and one person will give you 110,000 points." "Don't, Cardi, you don't need to pay this point, you have less points. , Keep it, even if you give more than 600,000 points, my current points are much more than you." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"We are in a small team. It is meaningless to calculate such things too clearly. Usually, it is fine to calculate the distribution of things."

"If you give me points, I will not dare to come up with something like this in the future, otherwise you will lose a lot of points!"

Bi Feng hesitated for a while and nodded slightly: "Since Chu Feng said so, let Chu Feng make the payment. This is not the main problem, Chu Feng, take part in the exchange 100%."

"Isn't there one hundred thousand years left?" Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "I think my cultivation level can be upgraded to level 9 indestructible in less than one hundred thousand years."

If the cultivation base reaches the ninth level of immortality, Chu Feng will be able to possess the strength of the quasi-dominant level. Hearing what Chu Feng said, Bi Feng and the others were relieved a lot.

"It's only level five immortal, are you sure?" Zhao Ling said. Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "There is a certainty, but when the time comes, we will get some more points, a million times faster, too much points, I have more than 6 million points, only four hundred It's so pitiful!"

"More than four million?"

Bi Feng and the others looked at Chu Feng in shock one by one. Before, more than three million Chu Feng was allocated to most of them. They knew that Chu Feng had a lot of points, but they really didn't know that Chu Feng had more than six million points.

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