Holy Prison

Chapter 2118: Gamble

"Heh, do I have a false name? What does it have to do with you?" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "It's not impossible to fight with me. I still have 5 million points before, and I have collected 3 million points. , If you can come up with 8 million points, I will play with you."

"If you win, the things you shot before are over, and you can win my eight million points. If you lose, eight million points belong to me!"

"If you dare not, honestly come up with 2 million points, the previous thing will be over!"

There was disdain in Yu Zhuo's eyes. He was the 91st strongest in the power list, and Chu Feng, it can be said that he only has a little time to enter the heaven base!

He admired Chu Feng's ability to get so many points in a short time, but he didn't see Chu Feng's strength at all!

However, it is very difficult for him to get 8 million points. He can get 5 million points. For 8 million points, he has to borrow another 3 million points to get it!

If he borrowed 3 million points, it would take him a long time to pay it off, but in such a situation, if he should not fight, he would lose face and face!

"Chu Feng, what is it to use money to overpower people?" Yu Zhuo sneered, "Five million points, I bet with you!"

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "Five million points. I don't have that interest. If so many people shoot in front of so many people, if I only earn 5 million points, I will lose!"

"You will die if you don't pretend! Five million points shots are still a loss!" Many people cursed secretly in their hearts, but no one dared to curse them. No matter how strong Chu Feng is, they are in Chu Feng's team. There is a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, everyone can see clearly!

Yu Zhuo frowned, "Yu Zhuo, compared with Chu Feng." At this time, a faint voice sounded in Yu Zhuo's mind, the voice was very weak, but full of irresistible majesty!

"Chu Feng, eight million, I bet!" Yu Zhuo said solemnly. A look of surprise flashed deep in Chu Feng's eyes. He thought that Yu Zhuo would think about it more. He didn't expect to accept it in such a short time.

Chu Feng shook his head: "It was a waste of my saliva, and the price of the bet has increased! Big brother and the others add up to two million points. If you come up with 10 million points, I will bet with you."

With 8 million points, naturally it is not as good as 10 million points. Yu Zhuo made the decision so quickly. Chu Feng was 80% sure that someone had just given him a voice transmission!

Since some people want to see him make a move, then eight million will bet, ten million, it should be also bet, two million points, this is not a small amount!

The surrounding people had already exceeded five thousand at this time, and many people showed a little disdain in their eyes. In their opinion, this is Chi Guoguo's use of money to overwhelm people. It must be that Yu Zhuo is hesitating, guessing. Yu Zhuo was afraid that he couldn't get it out, so he added another two million!


A voice rang in Yu Zhuo's mind again, this time with a little annoyance. Chu Feng knew it would happen, but what does it matter?

Those who have to deal with him will be polite to him because of his kindness and less than two million points?

In the past, Chu Feng had a lot of fear because of his low strength. Now, Chu Feng doesn’t have too much fear. Even if he doesn’t use the power contained in the heart of time, Chu Feng can achieve the quasi-dominant level in the heaven base. There is no opponent below, and if you use the power of the heart of time, even if you are a quasi-dominant powerhouse, it is not easy to kill Chu Feng!

"Okay, I bet!" Yu Zhuo said coldly, "If I win, ten million points go to me, if I lose, I lose you ten million points!"

Chu Feng whispered: "As Wisdom Witnesses, both of us have tens of millions of points to make it. Who knows if you are just talking the vernacular"

"Brother Bi, borrow your points. If you lose by then, you are not allowed to trouble me." Chu Feng looked at Bi Feng and they smiled.

Bi Feng and the others said nothing, and immediately all their points were transferred to Chu Feng's account. With the points they transferred, Chu Feng's points have exceeded 10 million!

From Yu Zhuo, he originally only had more than five million points. At this time, the five million points were also over 10 million!

"Everyone, please step back." Yu Zhuo said solemnly, his voice fell, and immediately the people around were backing away quickly. In the distance, many people rushed to this side quickly, leaving like before. Tabor and the others, knowing the news on this side, they called a happy one!

"How strong is your strength?" In the distance, a purple figure appeared in the window of a tea house, and that purple figure was indeed Zi Mengluo.

In another place, in a restaurant, a silver-robed man also looked towards Chu Feng and the others.

"In a squad with a quasi-dominant powerhouse, I actually became the leader of the squad. It's interesting. It's not just because you can make money?" A little further away, on a mountain peak, an old man in Tsing Yi said softly, his The sound is that he himself knows that outsiders must not be heard.

A gambling battle of tens of millions of points. In this battle, it was not just some ordinary people who watched. Several quasi-dominant-level powerhouses in the heaven base all noticed Chu Feng's side at this time!

"After verification, both parties have tens of millions of points." Some mechanical voices of Zhi Brain rang, "Rules of the gambling battle, whoever wins wins tens of millions of points; Rule two, do not kill people to harm the interests of the base, otherwise you must kill the other Less than ten million points, and five million points will be deducted!"

"Rule three, one day for the gambling battle, when the time is up, if no one party admits defeat, the brain will determine whether both parties lose or lose!"

Yu Zhuo looked at Chu Feng solemnly. He thought that Chu Feng was just using money to pressure people, but at this time, he felt a little bad in his heart.

As a powerful master of the fourth level of the state of mind, Yu Zhuo's feeling is relatively keen, and it is not optimistic to have such a bad feeling!

"I don't believe it, a newcomer who hasn't been here long can beat me." Yu Zhuo said, and a terrifying aura erupted from him.

Yu Zhuo's momentum exploded, and the surrounding space was affected with a burst of air, and the billowing momentum was madly pressing on Chu Feng!

Many people marveled in their hearts, the entire base, with more than one hundred thousand saint-level powers, Yu Zhuo could rank ninety-one on the strength list, and his strength could never be weaker!

Chu Feng smiled slightly. Yu Zhuo's aura was very strong, but the terrifying aura became flat when he reached him. The original billowing aura rushed to Chu Feng like a breeze Buddha face!

Aura, this thing is related to strength, and it is also related to the cultivation of the state of mind. Compared with Yu Zhuo, Chu Feng's strength is only stronger but not weaker. The state of mind is much stronger than Yu Zhuo. It is strange that Yu Zhuo's aura can affect Chu Feng. !

"Yu Zhuo, is this your aura?"

Chu Feng smiled quietly. He said that he took a step towards Yu Zhuo. It was just one step, and Chu Feng's domineering aura slashed at Yu Zhuo like a sword.

Yu Zhuo suffocated, his face instantly becoming very solemn, Chu Feng's aura was so strong, it was more than a little bit stronger than his aura!

"It really disappoints me!"

The second sentence of Chu Feng went out, and he took another step forward. A second powerful aura pressed towards Yu Zhuo. Yu Zhuo lost his senses for a moment. At that moment, he felt that Chu Feng was the emperor above him. But a small child!

A smile appeared on Chu Feng's face. If Yu Zhuo didn't fight with him, then the loss would be smaller, and the loss would be greater at this time.

Even if Yu Zhuo didn't suffer any injuries, in fact, Chu Feng had already left a deep mark on Yu Zhuo's heart after the moment of loss of consciousness.

The imprint has only one function, and that is to prevent Yu Zhuo's mental state cultivation base from being improved. It is basically impossible for Yu Zhuo's mental state cultivation base to improve before that mark of Chu Feng is eliminated.

I want to remove that mark. There are only two ways to eliminate the high-level powerhouse. The first is to defeat Chu Feng; the second is Chu Feng's death. In this case, the mark left by Chu Feng after a long time. Will disappear.

Before the state of mind cultivation reached the perfection of the Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart, Chu Feng still did not have such a method. Not long after this method appeared, Yu Zhuo was fortunate to be the first person to enjoy the method of Chu Feng.

"Yu Zhuo is probably not Chu Feng's opponent."

"A strong mental state cultivation base, I am afraid it will not be weaker than me."

"With a strong mental state cultivation base, is the strength equally strong?"

A little bit in the distance, several people thought in their hearts. Some wanted to get close to Chu Feng, and some wanted to get rid of the threat of Chu Feng!

The heaven base, this can be said to be a prison for the people inside, but even in the prison, there is a struggle.

Some people are in a good position in this cell and have a good life. Naturally, they don't want the newcomer Chu Feng to threaten his position!

Yu Zhuo shouted out loud, his heart was annoyed, and he actually felt that way. It would be fine for him to bow his head to the quasi-dominant powerhouse, but let him bow to a newcomer like Chu Feng, that would definitely not work!

Yu Zhuo’s weapon was a black long spear. At this time, the long spear in Yu Zhuo’s hand stabbed towards Chu Feng. The speed of this gun was not fast, but when the shot was shot, Chu Feng gave birth to a feeling that this shot, no matter what He can't dodge no matter how he dodges!

This is an illusion. If Chu Feng wants to dodge, there is no problem with his ability to dodge, but at this time, Chu Feng does not need to dodge!

"Space is stagnant!"

Chu Feng thought that the space stagnation first reached Yu Zhuo, and then a big light wheel pressed onto Yu Zhuo. The space stagnation and the power of the seal of the five elements made Yu Zhuo's attack stop.

Chu Feng kicked out, with his right leg, the kick hit Yu Zhuo's room. Even if the defensive treasure blocked most of the power, Yu Zhuo's face became extremely ugly in an instant. !

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