Holy Prison

Chapter 2119: Win over

Yu Zhuo guessed that the taste of egg pain was rarely felt, but this time he really felt that as a man, Yu Zhuo had two eggs, under Chu Feng’s foot, his Two **** were almost kicked to pieces! "You" Yu Zhuo roared, he smashed the leg that kicked Chu Feng fiercely with an angry shot. It is not something ordinary people can do to make such a desperate shot when it hurts.

Yu Zhuo’s shot slammed into the ground, and Chu Feng fluttered back a few meters. When the shot was shot, Chu Feng backed away. Although Yu Zhuo reacted quickly, the shot did not hurt. Chu Feng was a little bit.

"Why do men make trouble for men?" At the scene, many men involuntarily tightened their legs, and it seemed that the next moment they would kick them hard.

"The strength is tyrannical, but this move is also trivial!"

"Don't mess with Chu Feng in the future!"

"Looking at Chu Feng's appearance, even if he doesn't use such moves, he should still have the strength to beat Yu Zhuo, really... poor Yu Zhuo!"

Quite a few people muttered in their hearts. At the moment, there is no one who is afraid of interrupting Chu Feng's battle. The battle team that has bet on tens of millions of points is so strong on both sides. If it is disturbed, then If Chu Feng or Yu Zhuo is looking for trouble, it's a drink!

"Chu Feng, you are shameless!" Yu Zhuo stood with a gun.

"Shameless?" Chu Feng smiled slightly, "Yu Zhuo, anyhow I kicked it out in a fair manner. It's better than some people secretly attacking others, what do you think?"

Yu Zhuo snorted and attacked again, and Chu Feng Yinming appeared in his hands and immediately fought with Yu Zhuo. The two of you come and go, and each of them uses subtle methods that are endless.

After ten minutes passed, Chu Feng became clear about Yu Zhuo's strength, as well as his own strength.

When the dark chaotic lotus is used, the world-swallowing gourd is not used, and the heart of time is not used, Chu Feng’s strength is equivalent to Yu Zhuo. If the power of the world-swallowing gourd, the heart of space and the heart of time are used, Chu Feng's strength is naturally much better than Yu Zhuoqiang.

In the base, the quasi-dominant is invincible. Chu Feng was not sure about this before, but now he is already sure even if he doesn't use the power of the heart of time!

At the beginning, many people were very disdainful of Chu Feng. Chu Feng didn't show much strength, and his lip service was not weak.

Fighting Yu Zhuo for ten minutes, in the eyes of those people, it is absolutely impossible to show disdain. If Chu Feng's strength is considered rubbish, then what is their strength?

Yu Zhuo is ranked ninety-one strong, and Chu Feng fought Yu Zhuo right now, it seemed more relaxed, and it was a certainty that his strength was not under Yu Zhuo!

"Yu Zhuo, that's it!" Chu Feng's faint voice sounded, and as his voice sounded, World Swallowing Gourd appeared above Chu Feng and the others.

The world-swallowing gourd was only small when it first appeared, and in the blink of an eye, the suction of the world-swallowing gourd had become several meters long and was acting on Yu Zhuo.

Chu Feng's mental state cultivation reached the fourth level of Consummation, and the compatibility with the world-swallowing gourd dark chaotic lotus was improved a lot from the previous foundation. Moreover, at this time, Chu Feng used the world-swallowing gourd, which is a kind of handy a feeling of!

It is easy to use. At this time, the power of the world-swallowing gourd is much stronger than before. With that terrible suction acting on Yu Zhuo, Yu Zhuo's face suddenly changed!

If you are sucked into the world swallowing gourd, then you win or lose. In order not to be sucked into the world swallowing gourd, Yu Zhuo must take out a part of the power to resist the suction power of the world swallowing gourd. In this case, he should respond to Chu Feng’s attack. The natural lower realm of ability, in a short time, under Chu Feng's attack, many wounds appeared on Yu Zhuo's body!

"Yu Zhuo is defeated."

"Yu Zhuo is not Chu Feng's opponent. I didn't expect Chu Feng to hide the means. With his current strength, under the quasi-dominance, I am afraid."

"Chu Feng is so strong, Chu Feng and his team are truly extraordinary!"

A lot of people talked with each other, Yu Zhuo tried his best to fight, but the strength was there. After half a minute, Yu Zhuo had to bow his head and admit defeat.

In just half a minute, there were hundreds of large and small wounds on Yu Zhuo's body. He didn't admit defeat, and he might get the reputation of "stupid fork" by then!

"Yu Zhuo, thank you for your tens of millions of points." Chu Feng said with a light smile. Yu Zhuo conceded. The tens of millions of points in his account were instantly transferred to Chu Feng's account.

Yu Zhuo stared at Chu Feng and took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Chu Feng, I remember today's defeat. One day, you will be defeated in my hands!"

"In this case, I have listened a lot." Yu Zhuo's threat to Chu Feng was not at all in mind. If a personal threat was put on his mind, it would be so tiring.

It was only a shame for Yu Zhuo to stay here anymore. He disappeared in the blink of an eye, "Brother Chu, I won, haha!" Zhong Tao laughed authentically.

"Chu Feng, great!" Qin Yue smiled. Bifeng Cardi and Zhao Ling also had a little smile on their faces at this time. This one, it won 10 million points!

"Captain Chu, congratulations!"

"Captain Chu, I will visit again when I have time."

"Captain Chu, your strength is really admirable!"

Many onlookers were flattering. Many people before them were dismissive of Chu Feng. When Chu Feng defeated Yu Zhuo, their attitude immediately changed greatly.

Among the crowd, many people such as Taibo had a little ugly face. They suffered a big loss in the hands of Chu Feng and others. Before, there were some thoughts of regaining face. Now.

Before, Chu Feng and his team, after eliminating Cardi, a quasi-dominant powerhouse, ranked Bi Feng only around two hundred, but now, Chu Feng has shown that it is no weaker than any of the sages in the base. The strength of the first-level powerhouse, Chu Feng and Kadi, Chu Feng and his team's deterrent power suddenly increased!

"Abandoning Chu Feng and his team as an enemy, their team is no longer what our team can afford. Whether it is strength or financial resources." Taibo transmitted voice to several of his team members.

Chu Feng and the others can gather tens of millions of points, and they just won tens of millions of points. Of course, Taber and the others know that Chu Feng and his team have more than 20 million points, and financial resources are also part of their strength. In the case of terrifying strength With such financial resources, it is not a wise choice to provoke Chu Feng and his team.

"Such a level of cultivation has such strength, if you can become a quasi-dominant powerhouse" in the distance, above the teahouse, Zi Mengluo frowned slightly, and her figure disappeared in the next moment.

"Five million points. It's worth looking at Chu Feng's strength." A middle-aged man in silver robes muttered, "This one must be removed, otherwise it will definitely become a confidant problem in the future. Only the rules are there, if it is broken. Rules, even if I am sure there will be no good results, we have to consider the long term!"

"I am afraid that some strength is still hidden. The paradise base is invincible below the quasi-dominant level. It should be a certain thing." A little smile on the face of the old man in Tsing Yi on a small hill in the distance, he said and looked away from Chu Feng. Falling to Zhao Ling, "With Chu Feng as the captain, the young lady will be a lot better in this team. If you have the opportunity, you have to tell the master that the young lady has suffered a lot after so many years."

"Everyone, I know, there are people who have taken action before, but they have not stood up at this moment, and there are some people who are not here at this time."

"If you are not here now, you will receive news at that time and you will come over to Villa 36 by yourself. Of course, if you don't want to come here by yourself and want us to go, you can!"

"On this side, I will give you five seconds to stand up!"

Chu Feng's voice fell, and several people quickly stood up. These were all with relatively strong strength behind them. They were more confident about their strength behind them, but now that confidence is obviously weaker, Yu Zhuo I didn't stand up before, and I lost tens of millions of points in the first battle!

"You give you a chance. You pay some fines yourself, and you want to pay as much as you want." Chu Feng said quietly, "In my heart, I have set a number for you. If the fine you pay exceeds that number, then it will be successful. Yes, you can leave, if you don’t exceed it, the fine will be doubled!"

"Remind you, the number is not small, if it doubles, it will be even more important."

The faces of the few people who stood up changed slightly, "Team Chu, haven't we stepped up? Should we be punished lightly?" One of them humanely.

"If you stood up before and took a lighter punishment, but now you stand up, it will be slower."

The faces of the few people who stood up all showed a little embarrassment. Chu Feng gave them the initiative, but this is not easy! If you pay too much, it won’t be worth it, but if you pay too little, the penalty will be doubled at that time.

"Team Chu, me, that, half a million points."

After ten or twenty seconds passed, the first one spoke, 500,000 points were quite a lot, but when he heard him say that, Chu Feng's brows wrinkled slightly.

"No, Team Chu, 800,000 points!" The man who spoke first quickly said, "Team Chu, 800,000 points, that's more than half of my points!"

"Five hundred thousand points."

"Six hundred thousand points."

The other ones are all quotes. They are rich in wealth. In other words, if they were not rich in wealth, they would have stood out a long time ago. Anyway, the people will not be fined!

"Fine, that's it!" Chu Feng waved his hand, and he secretly smiled. These people, he thought it would be good if they added up to 2 million points, but he didn't expect that the points they combined would actually reach Three and two million!

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