Holy Prison

Chapter 2121: Ten thousand years, black hole

As time passed, Chu Feng's life was calm. After staying in the base for a while, he entered a lost world with Bi Feng and others. In a blink of an eye, tens of thousands of years have passed. Chu Feng and the others entered the lost world. There are hundreds of them!

Ten thousand years ago, Chu Feng’s points exceeded 10 million, but after ten thousand years, when Chu Feng’s points exceeded 5 million, there were not many points. Chu Feng used all the points he got to purchase various upgrades. Above the treasure.

Those treasures to improve cultivation were only used by Feng Bingning and the others. Tang Ming, Zhouwen and the others did not use them in the holy prison space. As for the sky guards, they were only used by the first few sky guards to experiment!

It’s not that Chu Feng doesn’t want to give Tang Ming and they don’t want to give those Sky Guards, but the points are really limited. In 10,000 years, Chu Feng and the others have entered hundreds of lost worlds. In fact, the points that Chu Feng has exchanged are hundreds of millions. However, Feng Bingning and the others, it takes more than 10 million points to purchase treasures that enhance their strength to upgrade one of them to the holy sovereign level.

With more than 100 million points, it also satisfied Feng Bingning and the others. The reason why Chu Feng gave priority to satisfying them is that on the one hand, they are their own women, on the other hand, they are the tower masters of the holy prison!

The same points would be better for Feng Bingning and the others. In this case, Chu Feng would naturally give them points first!

"Chu Feng, I have good news!"

Once again entering a lost world, Miao Xian'er's voice rang in Chu Feng's mind, "Qin Ying's cultivation has reached level 9 of immortality!"

The ninth level is immortal, this must be the strength of the saintly rank. In just ten thousand years, Feng Bingning and the women have all reached the strength of the saintly rank!

Of course, because they have the power of time, the time they spend in the power of time is not just a mere ten thousand years! "Very good!" Chu Feng had a faint smile on his face. If he could leave the paradise base, then this trip to the paradise base would have made a lot of money. If they were outside, Chu Feng and the others would like to reach the sage level. The cultivation base, how much is needed.

Outside, there may also be things to improve the cultivation base, but the things that Chu Feng can find to improve the cultivation base are definitely very few. The consequence is that even if they use a certain thing to improve the cultivation base, the sequelae will take a long time.

But the paradise base is different. The paradise base is connected with many lost worlds. There are so many things to improve the cultivation base. Chu Feng can find the most suitable thing. In this way, the sequelae will be relatively small. Of course, Feng Bingning and the others will be able to do so within ten thousand years. The cultivation base that reached the holy sovereign level was inseparable from the identity of their holy prison tower master!

As the master of the holy prison, Feng Bingning and the others received a little help from the holy prison's power, and the sequelae that appeared in their bodies disappeared faster in the holy prison.

It was Chu Feng, the owner of the holy prison. Because of the influence of the power of the heaven base, he couldn't get any benefits from the holy prison and couldn't enter the space of the holy prison. Ten thousand years passed, and the sequelae were not eliminated at all!

"Husband, Sister Bing Ning, they all miss you." Miao Xian'er said a little bit of resentment, Chu Feng is outside, they can't see Chu Feng clearly, more than 10,000 years, that's not short.

Chu Feng's heart trembled slightly, Feng Bingning and the others missed him, why did he not want Feng Bingning and them? But before he left, Chu Feng still wanted to earn more points, not only for Feng Bingning and the others, but also for Tang Ming and the others, and for the Tianweis to also improve!

If Tang Ming and the others have all reached the cultivation base of the holy sovereign, and the 100 heavenly guards have all reached the cultivation base of the holy superior, it would be really awesome to return to the Hongtian universe, but now it takes a lot of distance from that goal. time.

In the next 10,000 years, Chu Feng has earned hundreds of millions of points. Is this slow? If someone in the paradise base speaks slowly, they will definitely be drowned by other people's spitting stars, but hundreds of millions of points will only improve Feng Bingning and the others!

One hundred million points can leave the heaven base, but at this time, even if it is 100 million points, Chu Feng is reluctant to leave. Although the paradise base is a cage, outside, it’s absolutely impossible for the cultivation base to increase so fast, like Feng Bingning and the others, if they are outside, even if they are lucky, and they use various methods to practice at full speed, there are not a few hundred. In ten thousand years, it is absolutely impossible to reach the ninth-level immortal cultivation base from the first and second-level immortal cultivation base!

"Xian'er, I miss you too, I want to die... Xian'er, you have reached the cultivation base of the holy-sovereign level. In the next time, you will practice in retreat in the domain tower, so that time will pass faster. And this can also improve the fit with the domain tower relatively quickly." Chu Feng said, "I will stay in the heaven base for a while!"

It took Chu Feng 10,000 years for Feng Bingning and the others to ascend, and Tang Ming and the others, one hundred heaven guards, it would take one or two million years in total.

One or two hundred thousand years, this is not very long for practitioners. On the Hongtian universe side, Chu Feng believes that Hongjun's insistence on one or two hundred thousand years should not be a big problem.

Of course, it does not mean that Chu Feng will definitely stay on the side of the heavenly universe for one or two hundred thousand years, nor does it mean that he will definitely be able to leave after one or two hundred thousand years!

Whether he can leave after 100 million points, Chu Feng is still uncertain about this question. Maybe even if he has 100 million points, it is not easy to leave!

"Husband, you have to be careful. Sister Bing Ning asked me to convey one of the organization's meanings, that is, in the next time, you first save 100 million points and then say, all the points, don't use up, if you have 100 million points , When there is any problem in the heaven base, you can leave if you want to leave!" Miao Xianer said.

"Knowing that you value brotherhood, but Tang Ming and the others are not in a hurry for promotion, right?" Miao Xianer said. "I know, you eight, the fit will increase quickly when your strength is improved. Xiao Mingzi's words are not necessary now. I will save the points for the next time, safe." Chu Feng said.

"It's very expensive, husband, let's not talk about it, we have all gone to practice, and hope that when you wake up, you can know that you have left the heaven base!"

Chu Feng sighed slightly in his heart. It would be great if he could contact Miao Xian'er and the others easily. Unfortunately, that was just a luxury. Just contacting Miao Xian'er and the others would consume a lot of time.

It doesn't matter if he only consumes the goodness point, he gets a lot of treasures, and when he can get a lot of goodness points, but consumes the goodness point and also consumes the domain tower value.

For more than 10,000 years, Chu Feng didn’t receive a single task. If he didn’t receive a task, naturally he didn’t get the domain tower value. Every time he chatted, Chu Feng and the others would say it sparingly, otherwise there would be a lot of waste. With the domain tower value, maybe Chu Feng wanted to contact Miao Xian'er but couldn't get in touch!

"Captain, what do you think?" Zhong Tao said with a chuckle, "Looking at your appearance, is it because you are thinking of spring?" "Thinking of you ass!" Chu Feng scolded and spent more than 10,000 years together, Chu Feng and Zhong Tao Their relationship is already very good, and their relationship with many people in the heaven base is also good.

Since the high-profile battle with Yu Zhuo, Chu Feng has been relatively low-key these years, not many people provoke them, and they do not take the initiative to provoke others!

If you have been high-profile, there will be a lot of trouble. In these years, Chu Feng's low-key, calm development, it was exchanged for Feng Bingning and their eight female cultivation bases to be upgraded to the ninth level of immortality!

With a ninth-level immortal cultivation base, if Feng Bingning and the others go outside, where they can borrow the power of the holy prison, they can also contend with the power of the quasi-dominant level with lower strength!

"Captain, I've been holding back for a lot of time. This lost world is not damaged. There should be women. Captain, you might as well find a babble!" It was Kadi, Kadi. In the past, he was a child who spoke relatively little, but in recent years, his words have gradually increased.

Zhao Ling snorted, "Zhong Tao, Cardi, you two bastards, don't you know if there is a lady here?" "Madam? I didn't see it, we always treat you as a man." Zhong Tao laughed strangely.

"You want to die!"

Zhao Ling's weapon was a whip, and at this time a golden whip appeared in her hand and flicked it towards Zhong Tao. "Captain, help!" Zhong Tao laughed and retreated quickly.

"You deserve to be beaten." Chu Feng smiled, his face suddenly changed after saying this, "Zhong Tao, stop!"

Behind Zhong Tao, a weird black hole appeared at this time. The black hole looked like a huge mouth opened by a monster. Zhong Tao also seemed to feel the danger and quickly stopped retreating and changed to forward.

But it was too late, the weird black hole was so fast that Zhong Tao was swallowed by that black hole less than one meter away.

Chu Feng and the others naturally all shot at this time, but when their attack reached Zhong Tao's side, Zhong Tao had already been swallowed by that black hole!

"team leader!"

Zhong Tao's faint voice stayed in place, and the black hole disappeared as his voice sounded! "Zhong Tao!" Chu Feng roared, and under his anger, Chu Feng raised his mental state to the perfect state of heaven and earth sacred heart in an instant, but he didn't notice that Chu Feng's mind spread far away. There is no discovery!

"Zhong Tao!" Bi Feng and their sacred thoughts let go and quickly searched, but the same did not find any trace. "Zhong Tao, I" Zhao Ling said in a daze. She really didn't expect her whip to go out. It was the result of Zhong Tao's retreat. If she knew this, she would definitely not make a move.

"Zhong Tao, did you hear me?" Chu Feng roared, his voice like a thunderous sound that quickly spread to all directions!

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