Holy Prison

Chapter 2122: Domination World

There was no response, Chu Feng's voice spread for at least a million kilometers, but there was no response! "This place, look for it carefully!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

As he said, Chu Feng scanned the place where Zhong Tao disappeared, but after a few minutes, he didn't find anything, and neither did Bi Feng and the others.

"I killed Zhong Tao." Zhao Ling said in a daze, and had been with Chu Feng for more than 10,000 years. Zhao Ling and Chu Feng had become friends, otherwise she would not have had trouble with Zhong Tao like that before.

However, when such a weird thing happened unexpectedly, the appearance of the black hole swallowed Zhong Tao! "Zhao Ling, it's none of your business." Chu Feng took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"Why doesn't it matter to me? If it weren't for my attack, Zhong Tao would not retreat. If he did not retreat, he would not be swallowed by the black hole!" Zhao Ling said with excitement.

Bi Feng comforted: "Zhao Ling, this is really none of your business. If you attack Zhong Tao without retreating, you can easily stop it. Moreover, who would have thought that something like this would come out? We all didn't notice. That one thing, even if you didn’t make a move before, Zhong Tao’s catastrophe, I’m afraid he could not hide it!"

"Zhao Ling, you don't want to be like that, now is not the time to be held accountable." Cardi said.

"Captain, what shall we do now?"

Bi Feng's eyes fell on Chu Feng, and Chu Feng said solemnly: "Establish a defensive circle, and then you guard here. I will look around. Zhong Tao may appear here, or he may appear in this lost world. This time, it’s a trivial matter not to get a treasure, but it’s a big deal to find Zhong Tao!"

"Captain, you are alone, this can't do!" Bi Feng said quickly, "If you leave alone, what if something like Zhong Tao also happens?"

"Don't you have confidence in my strength? Don't worry, I will be fine!" Chu Feng said.

Cardi said: "Captain, if you are alone, the search speed is relatively slow. I also search. We search from different directions. Pyge and the others are here!"

Chu Feng flatly refused. Zhong Tao has disappeared. He doesn't want Cardi to disappear. "Kadi, you have to stay here. The possibility that Zhong Tao will appear here is not small. If he is with the monsters Appears, Big Brother and the others are too weak to save Zhong Tao, what should I do? Moreover, your mental state cultivation is only the middle level of the heaven and earth sacred heart, your mental state cultivation base, mind scanning does not have much effect at all, the scanning distance of the sage It’s small, so I might as well stay here."

"If I find out, I would be better off here to call you. If you run to another place, what can I do if I can't call someone?"

Chu Feng waved his hand: "Don't do this, that's it, that's it. I'll stay here for an hour, and if Zhong Tao doesn't show up for an hour, I will leave and look for it!"

Time passed slowly in the silence of Chu Feng and the others. For an hour, Zhong Tao did not appear, and nothing appeared to attack Chu Feng and the others.

"Bige, I have established a stigmata formation for you. If something goes wrong, it should be able to block it. Be careful." Chu Feng said in a deep voice. Chu Feng and the others were silent for an hour, but they were one by one. There is no idleness, a defensive circle has been established here.

Bi Feng watched as Chu Feng didn't speak, but just nodded slightly, "Captain, come back alive, our team can't live without you." Qin Yue said softly.

"Captain, I will protect Big Brother and the others." Cardi said in a voice transmission. He didn't say this. Bi Feng and the others are Saint-level powerhouses. They said to protect them. This Bi Feng, they thought they would I felt a little uncomfortable, "Captain, if you have any trouble, don't be alone like you did when you saved me. Come and call us!"

"Be careful." Zhao Ling said, her condition has recovered a lot, but at this moment there is still a little self-blame in her eyes. "Zhao Ling, Zhong Tao’s disappearance really has little to do with you. To say it has something to do with me, I have a big relationship. I chose this lost world. I want to get more points, and it turns out that this Things." Chu Feng said softly.

"Although this world is not very damaged, it is a second-tier lost world like Oka World. I underestimate the danger of this world!"

Second-Rank Lost World, that is, the lost world left behind after the death of the Second-Rank Dominant-level powerhouse, third-Rank Lost World, and Fourth-Rank Lost World are all called the same.

In the case of the Lost World of the First-Class, Chu Feng's paradise base did not have any contact with the Lost World of the First-Class. They heard some rumors. It seems that the big players above are fighting for the Lost World of the First-Class, but the Lost World of the First-Class is extremely rare. Can they win? this is a problem.

There are still some Lost Worlds of the First-Class, and the limited Lost Worlds of the First-Class are not fixedly connected to a certain base but will have some changes.

"Captain, how can you be blamed on this? Entering this lost world, it is what we all agreed to, but you are not alone in forcing us to enter." Bi Feng said.

"In this world of Domineering Swords, the damage degree is relatively low, and the degree of danger should also be relatively low. Zhong Tao has such a problem, it is just an accident!

Chu Feng waved his hand: "Let's not talk about this. I believe Zhong Tao should not have died at this moment. Now it is most important to find Zhong Tao back!"

When the voice fell, Chu Feng had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Zhong Tao, you fellow, don't die for me!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, he is advancing at a very fast speed at this time, and the direction of advancement is the direction of his intuition.

The world of Domineering Swords, this lost world Chu Feng knew a little bit of information before entering. The previous owner of the world of Domineering Swords was a second-rank master, a second-rank master who made swords. It has been a long time since his death. However, the damage degree of the World of Tyrant Sword is not very high, which is rather peculiar.

Because of the peculiarity of the Tyrant Sword World, although the slap between the second-rank dominating world and the heaven base can be counted, although many people in the heaven base have entered the Tyrant Sword world without incident, but before Entering the Lost World more than a hundred times, Chu Feng did not choose the world of Domineering.

Maybe it was because of a little intuition in the dark, so Chu Feng never chose the world of Domineering Swords, but this time he still chose. As a result, something went wrong when he entered the world of Domination Swords, maybe it was God's will!

Chu Feng hurried forward. In a blink of an eye, it was three days before he could try his mind scan again, but at this moment someone appeared in the Chu Feng Sage Scan.

The speed in the Lost World was suppressed, but Chu Feng had also left a relatively long distance in three days, but this was the first time he found a person!

"Mumbling death, Xian"

In the huge cemetery, a rickety old man was speaking in a language that Chu Feng could not understand. The old man was wearing coarse cloth, and his exposed arms showed that the old man was very thin and skinny.

With a little bit of life in his body, Chu Feng could see that this old man was not far from death. He probably knew that, but his eyes were very calm at the moment.

"excuse me!"

If it's okay, Chu Feng will not disturb a dying person in such a cemetery, but Zhong Tao is missing, he must find him, and to find Zhong Tao, it is important to understand this world.

The old man saw Chu Feng, but his eyes didn't change much. For such an old man, maybe there is not much that can change his eyes.

"Young people, this is the place of sacred burial, don't disturb the adults' sleep." Some old voices of the old man sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

This old man is not a mortal, and it is no problem for him to use a method like voice transmission, but he coughed immediately after the voice transmission sentence, his little power left even this kind of consumption is a bit difficult to support!

"It's your good fortune to see me!" Chu Feng thought, a light green light appeared in front of him, and the light green light turned into green light spots into the body of the old man in the next moment. Inside.

When the green light entered the body, the vitality of the old man immediately became stronger. His body was originally skinny, and flesh was constantly growing under the skin.

"It's just the cultivation base of the Emperor God level, I will help you to upgrade to the deity level!" Chu Feng's voice sounded in the mind of the old man, and the tyrannical energy quickly entered the old man's body in the next moment.

With the cultivation base of Chu Feng Shengzun level, it is not difficult to raise a person with the strength of Emperor God level to the deity level. It is just that in just half a minute, the old man has reached the level of the deity, his There was a trace of death in his body, but at this time the death was completely gone!

As long as the cultivation base is improved, Shouyuan will also be improved. Chu Feng’s help is indeed a great blessing to the old man. With Chu Feng’s help, as long as there is no accident, he will live another 100 million years without any problems. Lost in the world The lifespan of the people has dropped a lot, otherwise, the improvement of cultivation base will not only add 100 million years of life!

"Thank you, sir!"

The old man's plain eyes finally showed excitement at this time, "My lord, you must be a high saint, the 4855th generation of grave guards pays homage to the lord!"

Speaking of this, the old man knelt on the ground and gave a big gift to Chu Feng. Chu Feng received this gift with peace of mind. With his cultivation base at the holy noble level, he received a big gift from a person who had just reached the emperor **** level. What's wrong, besides, this old man, he just gave him a great luck!

"Master Saint, are you here to visit Master Black Bit? Master Black Bit has been a bit unstable for a while. A few days ago, Master Black Bit left!"

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