Holy Prison

Chapter 2126: Acquisition

Paradise Base Exchange Center.

Chu Feng and the others returned, and Chu Feng was here for the first time. "Brother Chu, what good things do you have this time?" Ouyang Ming said with a smile.

In ten thousand years or so, the price of the things Chu Feng sold to him exceeded 100 million points. Under such circumstances, how is Ouyang Ming not happy with Chu Feng, a super customer?

"Brother Ouyang, entering the Lost World this time, I almost died." Chu Feng said with a look of fear, "Brother Ouyang, since you got me a Kodopan gem, I have not Did you redeem the little things with Brother Ouyang?"

"That's right." Ouyang Ming nodded.

Chu Feng said, "Brother Ouyang, you said that you can get two Kodopan gems, but now the second Kodopan gem is still not good?"

"Well, Brother Chu, you have to wait!" Ouyang Ming said helplessly, "There is still some distance from the promotion of my authority, and there will definitely be some time!"

"Brother Ouyang, if I asked you about this three thousand years ago, you said so, and if you asked you two thousand years ago, you said the same thing. You must give me a quasi-trust!" Chu Feng said.

Ouyang Ming stretched out a finger: "Ten thousand years, Brother Chu, give me another ten thousand years. After ten thousand years, my authority can definitely be upgraded!"

Chu Feng frowned secretly. Ten thousand years ago, Ouyang Ming actually said that it would not take long for the authority to increase!

"Brother Ouyang, I almost died this time and didn't get much. In the next time, I will pay more attention to safety. If this is the case, I guess I will get less in the future!" Chu Feng said, he said something. A few things were placed on the desktop in front of him, "Brother Ouyang, please identify it."

Ouyang Ming frowned slightly, and the combined value of a few items on the desktop would not exceed 1,000 points! "Brother Chu, so few this time?" Ouyang Ming said.

"Yes!" Chu Feng nodded.

With such a few things, Ouyang Ming identified it to Chu Feng in the blink of an eye: "It looks like nine hundred points, plus 10%, count as one thousand points."

"Okay!" Chu Feng said happily. A thousand points are nothing to him. After coming over again and again, he will lose hundreds of thousands of points!

"Brother Chu, you have delivered things to me for so many years, should we be friends?" Ouyang Ming said. Chu Feng chuckled and said: "I thought we were friends."

"Brother Chu, you are blaming me." Ouyang Ming sighed slightly. I thought it was a friend. Doesn't that mean that Ouyang Ming's current practice is not enough for friends?

"Brother Ouyang, I'm leaving!" Chu Feng stood up and said. "Wait a minute." A trace of struggling appeared in Ouyang Ming's eyes, "Brother Chu, it's not that I don't want to give it to you, do you know? The stronger your strength, the more benefits I get. There is no need for me to have trouble with you. I shouldn't need to say more."

Chu Feng frowned, "Brother Ouyang, can no one exchange for Kodopan gems?" "Almost like this," Ouyang Ming said.

"If I get a Kodopan gem, do I want to keep one?" Chu Feng said. "This is fine, but Kodopan gemstones will be forbidden to be traded and donated!" Ouyang Ming said.

"Brother Ouyang, I know, I'm leaving." Chu Feng said.

Coming out of the exchange room, Chu Feng frowned slightly. The news he received from Ouyang Ming was really not good news. Sure enough, someone made a ghost and prevented him from getting the Kodopan gem!

"Captain, how is the situation?" Bi Feng said, they knew that Chu Feng would talk to Ouyang Ming about the Kodopan gem when he entered the exchange room this time.

"Someone is making a ghost." Chu Feng said softly, "Look at what Zhong Tao's results are. Zhong Tao took a lot of things in the past to trade, there should be some news."

Chu Feng and the others waited. Ten minutes later, Zhong Tao came out of an exchange room. Seeing Chu Feng and the others, Zhong Tao shook his head slightly.

Soon, Chu Feng and the others left the exchange center. "Captain, I talked about the Kodopan gems with the exchange person. I promised that as long as I can redeem the Kodopan gems, there will be tens of millions worth of things with him. Exchange, but the person who exchanged gave me a negative answer." Zhong Tao said helplessly.

"Some people don't want the captain to grow up, or some people don't want the captain to grow up!" Zhao Ling frowned, "Or, let's enter the world of Kodopan?"

Chu Feng shook his head, "The world of Kodopan is too dangerous. It is not safe for the quasi-dominant-level powerhouses to enter that place. In that world, many saint-level powerhouses have died, and even the quasi-dominant-level powerhouses have died. The strong!"

"A big reward is offered to let other teams enter the world of Kodopan? After getting the Kodopan gem, save one and we will buy it with a lot of money!" Cardi said.

"You can try it, but it won't necessarily succeed." Chu Feng said, "Zhong Tao, shout, five million points, buy a Kodopan gem!"

Zhong Tao laughed and said, taking a deep breath and shouting: "Friends who passed by, listen up, our team, 5 million points to buy a Kodopan gem, and some speed Villa 36! Friends, five million points, not 500,000 points, some, speed!"

"Five million points to receive a Cordopan gem, too many points can't be used up? Although the Cordopan gems are precious, they are far not worth 5 million points."

"That's right, the blade team has that kind of financial resources. That Kodopan gem must have been used by Team Chu. If Team Chu's cultivation base is improved, it might be able to fight against the quasi-dominant powerhouse!"

"Five million points. It's a pity that I don't have Cordopan gems. If there are Cordopan gems, then 5 million points will be credited, which is great!"

"The gems of Kodopan are only produced in the world of Kodopan. Do you want to go to the world of Kodopan? Although it is a bit more dangerous, if you get 5 million points."

Zhong Tao roared out a word, and suddenly many people talked.

"Captain, this effect is still good. It should be spread throughout the heaven base soon! Five million points, as long as you need Kodopan gems, they should be sent to us immediately." Zhong Tao laughed.


Chu Feng and the others headed towards the villa. The news that they had purchased the Kodopan gemstone with 5 million points spread throughout the heaven base in a very short period of time, and naturally spread to Zhang Long's ears.

Zhang Long's face became ugly and scolded. His previous Kodopan gem was traded to Chu Feng for one million points, but now Chu Feng actually bought it for five million points.

One million and five million, the gap between them is huge! After 10,000 years of hard work, Zhang Long now has no more than three million points, and one million of them were obtained from the previous Kodopan gems.

Regardless of how Chu Feng has earned hundreds of millions of points over tens of thousands of years, points are not so easy to get. Zhang Long is a quasi-dominant powerhouse, but after 10,000 years, the saved points are not enough. Two million Of course, the points he got were not just two million, he used up a lot of points.

The Kodopan gem that was traded to Chu Feng before, if it is kept until now, it is worth five million points! "Damn Chu Feng, the gem of Lao Tzu!" Zhang Long cursed secretly in his heart. Over the years, he had already figured out that Chu Feng's Kodopan gem was not acquired but exchanged from the base!

"I curse that you will never get the Kodopan gems. Even if you do, you will not be able to reach the ninth level of immortal cultivation base if you use the treasure to improve!"

"Huh, that's not right"

After cursing a few words, Zhang Long was taken aback for a moment, "Chu Feng should be able to get another Kodopan gem from the exchange envoy. Why does he need such a reward?"

"That way, I heard that it only needs 1 million points. Could it be that Chu Feng has already made some strong people dissatisfied, and has been opposed by some people and changed a little rule?"

Zhang Long is a member of the guard, but he is not qualified to change some rules of the paradise base, but the captain of the guard still has several law enforcement agents who can!

"Chu Feng ah Chu Feng, you have been relatively low-key these years, so no one is bothering you. If you don't keep a low-key next, then"

"If someone asks you for trouble, I won't mind helping a little bit." Zhang Long's face showed a sneer. In these years, he has not entered the same lost world as Chu Feng and his team, and he has not played anything. Conflict, but it does not mean that the conflict between Zhang Long and Chu Feng's team disappeared.

Zhang Long wanted to kill Chu Feng and the others, and Chu Feng, if given the opportunity, would give Zhang Long a free ride!

In the villa, Chu Feng and the others were chatting. Two hours passed quickly. Within two hours, many people came to visit, but all the people who came to visit were just coming and going to the door. I didn't own the Kodopan gems and wanted to come to trade.

"Captain, in the paradise base, I am afraid that no one owns the Kodopan gems." Qin Yue sighed slightly and said, 5 million acquisitions. Such news should spread throughout the paradise base, so much. Of points to acquire a Kodopan gem, if you have one, you should come over.

"Not necessarily, maybe someone has it, but they want a higher price!" Zhao Ling said.

Chu Feng looked at Zhong Tao: "Zhong Tao, go outside and shout, seven million points, buy a Kodopan gem!" "Boss, why is it me again?" Zhong Tao curled his lips.

"You made us wait for eighty years before, and then let us run around for more than ten years. If you didn't let you run, let us run?" Cardi stared.

"Yes, isn't it possible to run?" Zhong Tao quickly went to the balcony and let out a roar!

Seven million points!

So many points are just to buy a Cordopan gem, many people who don't have a Cordopan gem are a little bit excited at this time.

When Zhang Long was in the villa, his expression was a little ugly when he heard this news. Chu Feng raised the price to 7 million yuan. If he had retained it before, he would have made even more!

Seven million points, an hour passed, and no one came to Chu Feng's side, "Zhong Tao, shout again, 10 million points!" Chu Feng said in a deep voice, he doesn't have 10 million points, but Bi Feng and the others have points, and six people add up to 20 million points.

"Captain, Boss Chu, really 10 million points, this is a lot!" Zhong Tao said, "Do you want to increase a little bit, first to 8 million points?"

"Ten million, call it!" Chu Feng said.

"You are the boss."

As Zhong Tao said, he was on the balcony again, in front of this balcony. At this time, there were quite a few people gathered here, "Attention, everyone." Zhong Tao cleared his throat.

"Ten million points. If someone trades a Kodopan gem to the Chu team, they can get 10 million points. Pay the bill immediately and never owe it!"

"Everyone should believe in the financial resources and character of the Chu team. There are Kodopan gems, and I hope they will be sent to this side immediately!"

When Zhong Tao's words fell, many people were talking about it, and the latest purchase price spread to every corner of the heaven base at the fastest speed.

With a cry of Zhang Long, he simply cut off his contact with the outside world. If he listened any more, he might be stimulated to vomit blood. The current ten million is already ten times the previous one million!

Time passed by, and the whole paradise base was full of discussions, but after an hour, no one came to Chu Feng and the others to trade with Chu Feng!

"Zhong Tao, shout again." Chu Feng said quietly.

Zhong Tao was stunned for a moment: "Captain, if this goes on, it won't work! Let's increase the price like this, even if someone owns the Kodopan gem, it will not be taken out. Maybe if you hold it for a few hours, it will be more than a few hundred. Ten thousand points."

"Who asked you to increase the price?" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Say a word, on the basis of the previous 10 million, reduce by one million and purchase by nine million!"

"Huh?" Zhong Tao and the others were stunned this time, but they responded immediately one by one. "Captain, this smart, if you continue to increase the price, they will not expect it, but if the price is reduced, it will be painful. If you own and plan to sell, you are not afraid to not take it out." Zhong Tao laughed.

Chu Feng said: "When you shout, add a sentence, the future price will definitely not add even one point to the new price basis!"

Zhong Tao said that he was on the balcony again, in front of the balcony. At this time, more people gathered to watch the excitement. "Zhong Tao, how much is this time? Twelve million or thirteen million?" someone said loudly.

"I added 3 million before, this time I should add 5 million, right? Fifteen million points?" Another humanitarian.

Zhong Tao coughed lightly, "The captain just said that nine million points will buy a Kodopan gem. If there is a new price in the future, the new price will definitely not exceed nine million points!"

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