Holy Prison

Chapter 2127: Kill, deal

"Nine million?"

"Why is it nine million? It was 10 million before, but it's still less!"

"I thought it would be more than ten million, but I didn't expect it to be nine million. It's boring, boring!"

Many people talked about it. In the heaven base, the vast majority of the strong people have the cultivation base of the saints. It is not easy to cultivate to such a level, so it is not easy for many people. It hurts to be idle in the heaven base!

Those guys who are too busy always hope that there will be some fun in the paradise base. This time Chu Feng bought it at a high price, and it was a good fun.

It's a pity that Chu Feng didn't rise above the ten million base as they intended!

"Ten million has actually become 9 million, and it won't be higher. In a while, I'm afraid it will drop from 9 million to 8 million." Among the crowd, a middle-aged man who looked ordinary slightly Frowned.

Kodopan gems, there are people in the paradise base that still have them, this one looks ordinary middle-aged, then they have a Kodopan gem.

Last time he was out on a mission, so Chu Feng did not come to acquire him, but he did not expect to wait until Chu Feng made another acquisition, and it was a super high price!

"No, I can't wait any longer. If I wait any longer, it is estimated that there will be 8 million if there are no more than nine million!" I thought to myself, that ordinary middle-aged man quickly entered In the villa of Chu Feng.

"Team Chu is good, good few!"

Entering the villa, the seemingly ordinary middle-aged person greeted him quickly, and Chu Feng's heart moved. This person was hiding his identity on this side, and should not be someone they knew well.

At this moment, an unfamiliar person can come to this side, that.

"Hello!" Chu Feng smiled, "Daoist, if you come in, you should not just come and visit us." "Team Chu, I have a Kodopan gem and 10 million points. Team Chu doesn't know. Don't want it?" The middle-aged man said, "My name is Wang Er, you just call my name for the Chu team."

Wang Er, this must be a fake name. There is no such person in the heaven base, but Chu Feng and others don't care about this person's real name.

"Wang Er, I have already said it, nine million points, one point won't be too much." Chu Feng smiled lightly, "Nine million points are quite a lot, what do you think?"

Wang Er frowned slightly. One million points is not a small amount, but if Chu Feng only gives out nine million points, then he has nothing to do.

Nine million points, which has greatly exceeded the value of a Kodopan gem. You must know that one innate treasure can only be sold for one thousand points, and nine thousand treasures must be sold to get nine hundred. Million points!

"That's okay!" Wang Er nodded slightly and agreed. It would be good if he could sell for 10 million points. If he could not, he could not force it.

The strength of Chu Feng and his team is not simple. Forcing 10 million points, the consequences may be more serious!

"Intelligent brain, trade!" Chu Feng smiled, and a Kodopan gem appeared in Wang Er's hand at this time. "Slow!" At this moment, a person hurriedly broke into Chu Feng's villa.

Chu Feng's expression became cold. At the crucial moment when trading Kodopan Gems, this person who broke in was deeply hated by Chu Feng! "Slow, I'll give out 10 million points!" the intruder said loudly, "Brother, trade me your Kodopan gems. I'm willing to give out 10 million points!"

"Break into the private villa and kill him!" Chu Feng said coldly.

When this person broke in, Cardi and the others had already planned to do something. At this time, hearing Chu Feng say this, why would Cardi and Zhong Tao, two quasi-dominant powerhouses, hesitate?

Cardi instantly printed a card on the person who broke in, making him unable to move for a while. Zhong Tao had a long knife in his hand, cut it off with a single knife, blood splashed, and a big head immediately flew up!

"How can you?" The head flew up, and the man opened his mouth and said, but he only said this short sentence, and he would have died the next moment!

"Zhi Brain, if there is no investigation order, if you trespass into a private villa, you can kill! Please trade for us right away!" Chu Feng said in a deep voice. At this time, Wang Er was so frightened that his hands trembled a little, he really didn't. Thinking that in the base, Chu Feng decisively ordered that person be beheaded!

"Wang Er, is there any problem with our transaction?" Chu Feng said. "No, no." Wang Er said quickly, but he was afraid that Zhong Tao's **** long knife would fall on him!

"Intelligent brain!" Chu Feng said solemnly, "You can trade if both parties voluntarily. This is the criterion. You can't violate this criterion! Kodopan gems, I have traded before, but it is impossible to trade before. You can’t trade anymore. This is a violation of the basic rules. If you violate the basic rules, your intellectual brain may be erased and all memories restarted."

"Calculating...Basic rules, late rules...Student No. SA5032, your transaction complies with the basic rules, and you are allowed to trade!" Zhi Nao's voice rang. In this short period of time, Zhi Nao has gone through a lot of Complicated judgment thinking, if Chu Feng doesn't talk nonsense, the estimated result is that no trading is allowed!

There was a slight smile on Chu Feng's face. Bi Feng and the others transferred a lot of points to his account. At this time, the points on his account were 9 million less, and Wang Er's account immediately increased by 9 million. Million points.

"Team Chu, this is yours." Wang Er handed the Kodoyuan gem to Chu Feng and left immediately. In this room with a corpse, he didn't want to stay for a minute!

"Captain, finally got it!" Qin Yue smiled.

Chu Feng glanced at the corpse on the ground. The guy on the ground became what he was after he died. They all knew Chu Feng. This person was also a figure on the strength list. He was ranked no worse than Qin Yue, but he was a little bit unlucky. , Facing two quasi-dominant-level powerhouses at once, it is difficult for him not to die!

"He can't get 10 million points. This is because someone has behind the scenes. Let's kill him. I'm afraid someone will come to ask for trouble soon." Chu Feng said.

Zhong Tao shrugged and said with a smile: "Fear of a fart, without an investigation order, this person trespassed into our villa. If he died, he would die in vain!"

"Break into a private villa and kill it!"

Chu Feng quickly threw the corpse on the ground out of the villa, and there was a sign that was thrown out together with the corpse, and that sign was written on it!

The corpse was thrown out, and the door of the villa was immediately closed by Chu Feng, "Bige, don't open the door, I'll go to practice first, and I will talk about everything after I come out." Chu Feng said.

"Understood." Bi Feng made a slight point and closed the villa. It was a delay. As long as Chu Feng's strength was raised to level 9 indestructible, then Chu Feng and the others would have an extra power who could dominate the strength!

"Captain, you can rest assured to practice, let's guard, no one can enter your room to disturb your practice." Cardi said solemnly, if it weren't for Chu Feng, he would not be able to achieve the strength of quasi-dominant, even this He was already dead for a while, and Kadi was full of gratitude for Chu Feng's heart!

"I'll practice first." Chu Feng smiled. Of course he was relieved of Cardi and the others. There were two quasi-dominant-level strong guards, and it was not so easy for others to disturb him.

Breaking into a private villa, this one can indeed be killed, even if the guard comes over to Chu Feng and their side, they can be confident! The guards made an investigation order for Bi Feng and the others to open the door forcibly, but the voices in the guards were not uniform. For such things, it would take a lot of time to get an investigation order.

With the investigation order, after the guards entered the villa, Zhong Tao actually had the ability to dominate, which should give some people a surprise! There are two quasi-dominant-level powerhouses in a small team, and Zhong Tao, a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, is stronger than the general quasi-dominance-level powerhouse. Under such circumstances, it is not that the guards want to interrupt Chu Feng’s training. Easy thing.

"Intelligent brain, a million times faster!"

Inside the room, Chu Feng said in a deep voice, under the condition of a million times acceleration, it would need to consume 500,000 points a year, but at such a moment, how does Chu Feng care about the points?

At this time, the Kodopan gems have been integrated into Chu Feng's body, with the sequelae of the Kodopan gems blending into Chu Feng's body, the sequelae of Chu Feng's body can be completely eliminated in a mere one month after a million-fold acceleration!

"One month can completely eliminate the sequelae, and then use treasures to improve the cultivation base. My mood cultivation base is the fourth level of Consummation. With a million times acceleration, it should be possible to improve from the eighth level in two months. It will be immortal at level 9. It only takes three months to add up!"

Chu Feng took a deep breath and immediately started training. Under the state of training, the sequelae will disappear faster!

In the room, Chu Feng was practicing with peace of mind, but there was a big wave in the outside world right now!

People cannot be killed at will in the paradise base, so no one has died in the paradise base for many years. Unexpectedly, a corpse appeared in front of Chu Feng and his villa, and the dead were still relatively identifiable people. On the strength ranking list, it was ranked 479!

"What's the matter with Templeton, who actually broke into the Chu team's villa without permission? Isn't this looking for death?"

"Chu Feng is acquiring Kodopan Gems. I think there is some inside story in the middle, but there is no death warning for Zhi Brain, and Templeton is dead in vain."

"I saw it at the time, and Templeton rushed into the villa, and while rushing in, he shouted 10 million points or something!"

"It is estimated that he wanted to buy the Kodopan gemstones for 10 million points. I am afraid that it interrupted the Chu team and their trade. It is no wonder that he ended up like this. I am curious, where did his 10 million points come from? of!"

"This one, there must be an inside story, we have a good show!"

In a short period of time, two to three thousand people gathered near Villa 36 where Chu Feng was located. Ten minutes later, more than ten thousand people gathered on this side.

Someone from the guards also appeared, "Bang! Bang! Bang!" A guard patted the door of Chu Feng's villa, "The guard is performing its task, and the blade team will open the door immediately."

Blade team, this is the current name of Chu Feng and his team. In the paradise base, the general team has no name. Only teams that are recognized by a lot of people have such a name. Chu Feng and the others The team has quasi-dominant-level powerhouses like Cardi, and invincible holy sovereigns like Chu Feng, so naturally they can have exclusive names.

There was no sound from the villa. In the lobby of the villa, Bi Feng and the others were closing their eyes and resting. "Blade Team, open the door immediately!" Another member of the guards who came over said loudly.

There were no people or birds, and there was still no sound from the villa. "Blade Squad, you murdered in the base, immediately open the door for investigation!"

There is still no sound coming from the villa. Bi Feng and the others will talk nonsense with them now. If they don't speak, they can pretend not to hear.

The guards didn't open the door if they didn't hear it. Those members of the guard didn't say much. If they didn't open the door, they would be a little bit unreasonable, although everyone knew that Bi Feng must have heard outside sounds.

"Don't call it, that's it, it's okay." A member of the guard outside Chu Feng and the others spoke to several of his companions, "Blade knife is not something we can afford to offend."

"Well, it's true. We are being used as gunmen, but we can't be stupid enough. This is the fighting of quasi-dominant powerhouses. It is better for us to stay a little longer, and don't end up with Templeton."

Several members of the guards looked at each other and stepped away silently. They were sent by the quasi-dominant powerhouse. The task was to be carried out. It was okay to carry out this level.

"No call, quiet."

In the villa, Qin Yue smiled authentically. "Count them smart, if they keep on arguing, they won't be as good as they are." Cardi said.

"Next is the internal fighting of the paradise base guards. Judging from the impact of the rules, there is no majority on our side, but the investigation order should take a lot of time. We can calm down for a while. "Bi Feng said, "Zhong Tao, if they enter the house by then, you will show your strength, and then we will talk to them for ten and a half days!"

"Okay, it's reasonable, I'm good at this, Kadi, who has a great mouth now." Zhong Tao smiled. "When you show your strength, it shouldn't be a problem to reason with them." Cardi smiled, "If the reason doesn't make sense, then there will be a big deal!"

Zhao Ling opened the mouth and said: "I think we can arrange it in advance. If we build a layered array in this villa, it can take a lot of time!"

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