Holy Prison

Chapter 2128: You guys, would you?

"It's reasonable, what are you waiting for? Let's start work right away, no matter what, it won't affect the captain's breakthrough!" Qin Yue laughed, "From the gate to the door of the Chu team room, let's make dozens of layers of formations, even if they come. There are a lot of people, and it will take more time to break through those formations!"

"Start!" Bi Feng said.

Soon Bi Feng and the others started work, and the formations in the villas were constantly being established by them.

When Chu Feng was practicing, Bi Feng and the others established the formation, there were quite a few members of the paradise base guard that was very noisy.

"The Blade Team did not break the rules. I firmly disagree to deal with the members of their team. If there is a mess, the base may have a big mess. Who can afford this responsibility?"

"I've said it several times. The gate of Chu Feng Villa was open at that time, and Chu Feng was buying the Kodopan Gem at that time. Someone entered in front of him. Why is it impossible to enter Templeton?"

"Why, I have answered this many times. Templeton went in. It was because there were Kodopan gems. He didn't have Kodopan gems. They weren't friends of Chu Feng, and they didn't enter in their true colors. Killing him is completely in line with the rules. King Li, don't break the rules in this matter, otherwise, when someone breaks into your castle, don't have any nonsense!"

"Without any warning, kill directly. This is absolutely inappropriate. I suggest that the blade team first open the villa and then deal with it publicly!"

"People are not unruly, they need to accept your public handling"

After a quarrel, the members of the paradise base core guard team discussed for the thirteenth time that they failed to pass an investigation order to let Chu Feng and the others open the villa door.

"Scorpion King, we need to give up more benefits. If we give up more benefits, the next discussion in three days may succeed!"

"We can't let Chu Feng reach the ninth-level immortal cultivation base. If he reaches the ninth-level immortal cultivation base, then he will have the strength of the quasi-dominant level! It's just that reaching the ninth level of immortality is not a big problem. But if it reaches that level, then the cultivation base will be only one step away from the Quasi-Dominator level."

"If Chu Feng reaches the quasi-dominant level cultivation base, who can be his opponent under the rule then? I don't understand why his combat power will be so high!"

King Scorpion frowned slightly and said: "We have already let out a lot of benefits, and if we let out the benefits, our losses will be great!"

"That's no way. If we don't give up the benefits at this time, the benefits we will lose will be even greater! Now Chu Feng is only an eighth-level immortal cultivation base. We may still kill him if he arrives. If he is immortal at level 9 and his strength reaches the quasi-dominant level, the possibility of us beheading him is extremely low. One day he will reach the quasi-dominant level!

King Scorpion lowered his head and thought: "The sword emperor and the magician have not expressed too much, and Zi Mengluo has not expressed too much. You go and talk to Zi Mengluo in private. I will talk to the magician in the past. If they can provide more support, there should be no problem in passing an investigation order at the next conference."

At the 14th meeting of the core members of the Base Guard, no resolution was passed. However, at the 15th meeting, an investigation order was finally issued.

By this time, forty-five days had passed. Chu Feng's sequelae had disappeared more than ten days ago, and now he has used the treasure to enter the ascension stage!

"Almost all the big guys in the base are here! The face of the Blade Team is quite enough!"

"That's for sure, everyone knows that Team Chu is breaking through at this time, and after the breakthrough, it is very likely that it will have quasi-dominant level strength by then!"

"It is estimated that the investigation order has been issued. There is a good show to see Jie Jie!"

Basically all the guards gathered on the side of Chufeng Villa. In addition, there were 30,000 people gathered on the paradise base. Basically all the free people gathered on this side. The rest of the people, Some are practicing, and some are naturally losing the world.

"Let's call the door!" A sturdy man who is estimated to be two meters tall said in a deep voice. There are bulges of muscles on the body of this sturdy man. From his body, he exudes the aura of a quasi-dominant powerhouse.

Liwang, this brawny man is the eleventh place in the power rankings of the heaven base. There are now 13 quasi-dominant powers on the power rankings. Cardi has not played against others. In the thirteenth place, and Zhong Tao, he did not show his quasi-dominant strength, and he was not named on the list!

Upon hearing King Li's order, a member of the guard immediately took the investigation order from him and got to the gate of Chu Feng Villa.

"Blade Squad, please open the door. The investigation has ordered that if the door is not opened within one minute, Zhi Brain will force the door to open. In that case, you will all be punished!"

The voice of the guards fell and the door of the villa was opened. Cardi came out first, and then Zhong Tao came out second.

"I don't know what's up with you? We are law-abiding people!" Cardi said quietly, and he said that the quasi-dominant-level powerhouse's aura was released instantly.

"Yes, we didn't break the rules. It might not be too good for us to mobilize people to disturb our training like this!" Zhong Tao said in a deep voice. He said that the aura that belongs to the quasi-dominant powerhouse is the same. It was released, and the momentum he released outside was stronger than that of Cardi!

Feeling Zhong Tao's tyrannical aura, many people's complexions changed slightly, "With this aura, Zhong Tao's strength, I am afraid that even if it is weaker than me, it will not be much weaker." King Scorpion was shocked, and they thought Chu Feng and his team only have a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse. I didn't expect Zhong Tao, the weakest in the past, to have such a powerful strength!

In this way, Chu Feng and his team, Kadi and Zhong Tao are quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, and Chu Feng, Bi Feng, Qin Yue, and Zhao Ling are all figures on the strength ranking!

Although Zhao Ling is at the bottom of the power ranking list, Chu Feng knows that she is a little bit hidden, and Chu Feng has helped them a lot over the years. Zhao Ling and the others have all their combat power with the help of Chu Feng. Many improvements, real strength, Zhao Ling is estimated to be ranked six to seven hundred in the base.

As for Qin Yue, there should be no problem with ranking three to four hundred now. Bi Feng, who has improved his strength, should be able to rank about one hundred and fifty.

"God, there are actually two quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, one team, two quasi-dominance-level powerhouses, plus the strength of the Chu team, the blade team, there is no doubt that the blade team is already ranked among the strengths of the base. The first team!"

"This is for sure. I didn't expect such a change in more than 10,000 years. Bi Feng and his team were definitely ranked behind the 100th place more than 10,000 years ago!"

"I thought it would not take long for this play to end, but now it seems that the play should be endless!"

Many people talked about it. Among the members of the guard, some were happy and some were worried, like Spacewalker Mu Yun. They had a good relationship with Chu Feng and his team. They were on Chu Feng's side, and the Scorpion King and others, that The relationship with Chu Feng and his team is not very good, and I don't want Chu Feng to improve!

"Kadi, Zhong Tao, where's Chu Feng?" Wang Li said solemnly. Although Chu Feng and the others are two quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, they have reached such a point, so shrinking is definitely not enough!

Cardi whispered: "King Li, I don't know what to look for the captain? Templeton broke in, the captain was frightened, and rested in the room now!"

Many people were stunned for a while, shocked, and this speech was a bit too awkward.

"Kadi, Chu Feng beheaded Templeton in the base and needs to be investigated, please let him come out." Li Wang said solemnly. "Li Wang, I don't know which eye you saw the captain beheading Templeton?" Zhong Tao smiled, "Didn't Templeton tell you that I killed him?"

"No matter who killed it, Chu Feng, the captain who gave the order, can't get rid of it." Li Wang said coldly, "Everyone in your team must be investigated."

"You mean to investigate. Are there any rules in Paradise Base? I clearly remember the rules in Paradise Base. If you trespass in a private villa, it can be killed directly. We did not violate this rule! Tan! Puton shocked the captain, Li Wang, you want to alarm the captain selfishly?"

"There is an investigation team, we cooperate to open the door, and are willing to talk to you, but outside of the rules, we want to deal with our team casually, we don't agree to this!"

Cardi whispered: "Heaven base, I believe there are still rules. If this rule can be broken today, then another rule can be broken and trampled another day, so what are the rules? If we don’t talk about the rules, we I don't worry too much, the strength of our team is okay."

"But the heaven base, many teams, many people, are not too strong. If there are no rules, then their lives will not be guaranteed!"

"Brothers present, do you hope that there are no rules in the base? You hope that some people who are guarding can bring people into your place at will, fine your points, and even kill you for unwarranted charges. What"

"Brothers present, are you willing?" Zhong Tao shouted.

"Not willing!"

There were more than 30,000 people present, and many of them shouted, "Some brothers didn’t shout out, are they willing? If you want, next time something happens, don’t ask everyone to help, everyone speak up and tell someone who breaks the rules, Are you willing?" Zhong Tao yelled again.

The world was shaking. For the first time, many people did not dare to speak. The second time, with many people who did not dare to speak, at this time, there was basically no one who dared to speak. At least 20,000 people yelled!

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