Holy Prison

Chapter 2129: Talk

King Scorpion and the others frowned slightly. Zhong Tao and the others yelled these words, which caused the people present to have a feeling of resentment of the same enemy!

Although many people in the base are usually very honest, and some even willingly become other people's subordinates to earn some points, most of them are still powerful masters at the holy level!

If the people here are just ordinary people, then maybe not many people dare to yell at this moment, but none of the people present are ordinary people, so they are naturally bolder.

In this place of Paradise Base, many people are not mixed up very well. If there are some people who break the basic rules, the life will be even more sad.

Chu Feng has been in this base for more than 10,000 years, and he is usually good for the people in the base. At this moment, many people are willing to stand up!

Of course, this is also due to the fact that Chu Feng and his team have shown greater strength, and they are not afraid of the members of the guard. If Chu Feng and the others are afraid, then other people must not make much noise!

"Rules are rules, how can they be broken casually, right?" Zhong Tao shouted.

The group is angry, some guards trample on the rules, it will be harmful to them.

"Everyone, listen to me. I believe many people know that if you meet certain conditions, you can get two Kodopan gems from the exchange agent. The price is only one million points. But some people , In order to damage the interests of the base for private interests, it actually prevented the exchange of the Kodopan gems!"

"We can't exchange from the exchange agent, we can only exchange from other people, but some people have some influence on the rules! Fortunately, the brain is observing the most basic rules for the captain and the one who owns Kodo. Pan Baoshi’s people have made a deal! Everyone, some people’s hands are stretched too long. This time the slap is on top of our blade team. Next time, the slap will not know who it will hit. Up!"

"I believe that many of the guards are fair, but there are also some that are too selfish. I think some guards should wake up. What do you think?"

Zhong Tao's words fell, and many people suddenly shouted, "Yes, some guards must wake up. It is really good to respect the strong, but since you become a member of the paradise base guard, you should take the lead in observing the rules of the paradise base. , Instead of taking the lead in breaking the rules of the heaven base!"

"Blade Squad is treated like this for such a strong team. I really can't imagine what would happen if I got the uncle of the guard one day!"

"Some people in the Guard, don't be so shameless. With the banner of coming to investigate, aren't they just trying to sabotage the improvement of the Chu team? The matter is clear, and you still investigate!

"That is, I see this paradise base, that is no longer the paradise base that dominates adults, it has become a base controlled by some people!"

"I know that Team Chu has a good heart. Last time I was too hungry to ask for this side, Team Chu gave me dozens of points. Today, who affected the training of Team Chu, then I wouldn't agree!"

"I have also benefited from Team Chu before. With so many of us here today, we must not let Team Chu suffer a loss!"

The development of the situation made Zhong Tao and the others a little bit surprised, and they did not expect that the effect would be so good after stimulating those people's anger!

"We still have some people who think that the team leader gives points to some people is a waste. I didn't expect the team leader to take a long-term view. We have suffered too much without points. We can see too much of the points." Cardi said to Zhong. Tao Tao.

"Yeah, if it weren't for the captain to disperse a lot of money like a boy, I'm afraid not so many people will come forward to help!" Zhong Tao said.

King Scorpion said coldly: "What kind of demeanor is the noisy and yelling?"

The scene was very noisy, but the cold voice of King Scorpion still sounded in everyone's ears, "The investigation order was passed by the guards. This time, it is an action according to the rules. You should not be used by those who are interested, otherwise you will die by then. I don't know how to die!"

The scene fell silent.

"Scorpion King, so mighty, so domineering, this kind of mighty and domineering is really not something we ordinary people can have. But the eyes of the masses are sharp, and everyone's hearts are not as dark as some people's hearts. There is still no problem with some things. Whether to act according to the rules is clear to everyone." Zhong Tao said solemnly.

"The investigation order has the right to allow us to open the door, but it does not have the right to arrest people. The captain is not a criminal. If something happens, the investigation can be postponed!"

Cardi said with a chuckle: "The King Scorpion said that don't be used by those who are interested. I don't know one thing. Does King Scorpion treat everyone here as three-year-old children? The people here, who are easy to be used by those who are interested? Scorpion? Wang, your next sentence is threatening everyone, if you speak again, you will kill?"

"As the law enforcement envoy of the base guard, don't you know what the base benefit is? If the king scorpion threatens to kill, it will harm the benefit of the base!"

The Scorpion King said coldly: "Zhong Tao, Cardi, you two, today we must stop us from entering this is against the rules of the base!"

"Brothers, King Scorpion takes a base rule. Let's talk about whether he can represent the base rule." Zhong Tao said loudly.


Countless people yelled. If they face the Scorpion King alone, it is estimated that few people in front of more than 30,000 people dare to yell the word "cannot", but now, so many people here are very courageous!

Zhong Tao spread his hands out: "Scorpion King, I'm really sorry. It seems that what you say is not equivalent to the rules of the base. Now the captain has important things. Although the King Scorpion has an investigation order, according to the rules of the base, If the captain cannot be found guilty, the captain can postpone the investigation."

"It doesn't take too long. If King Scorpion wants to chat with the captain, after one or two years, the Captain should have time to chat with you!"

"Killing, this is detrimental to the interests of the base!" At this moment, a cold voice came over. A little bit in the distance, Zhang Long strode closer to this side, each step being a short distance of tens of meters. In a short period of time, he has reached a place not far from Zhong Tao and the others, "If it is something else, you can delay it, but if you kill someone, you can't delay it!"

"If you delay time and the criminals' strength becomes stronger, then it will be difficult to deal with at that time. At that time, it may cause more damage to the interests of the base. I think you should enter the villa immediately and let Chu Feng stop upgrading first. Besides, if it is proved not guilty, there will be some time to slowly improve in the future!"

The cold light in Zhong Tao's eyes flickered, and they thought Zhang Long, the fellow conscience, had discovered it, but they didn't expect to come out at this moment, and they said that when they came out!

"Sword Emperor, Demon Master, Scorpion King, and guard teammates, I suggest that you enter the villa immediately and kill people in the base. I personally think that the wind cannot rise!"

"The door of the villa is open, and there are others coming in and out, saying that they are trespassing in the private villa. I think there are some problems with this. Chu Feng and the others beheaded Templeton. That was very selfish, Temple Dunn can't threaten their safety at all. If they have base interests in their eyes, they can control Templeton instead of directly beheading him by cruel methods!"

"Friends of Templeton have also made a lot of contributions to the base over the years. They will kill him if they take a little bit of reason. The Blade Team is completely taking advantage of the rules of the base."

"Today the Blade Team took advantage of the loophole to kill Templeton, and tomorrow it may be someone else. We must realize the seriousness of this issue. On this issue, the base will deal with it seriously. There is no problem. If Someone makes another boo, I think the highest penalty can be enforced!"

The highest punishment is the death penalty. Hearing Zhang Long's words, many people's faces changed slightly. "Zhang Long, take advantage of the rules of the base, do you mean that there is a problem with the rules of the base established by the master of the base?" Zhong Tao said quietly, "As a member of the team who was expelled from the team, I think you There is no say in this matter."

"You just said that we will kill Templeton. That is because there is a lot of selfishness in it. I would like to ask, if you fart here at this time, do you have a lot of selfishness in it?"

Zhang Long's expression became cold: "Zhong Tao, be polite to me. Don't think that you can be lawless if you become a quasi-dominant powerhouse. This base is not your blade team's final say!"

Zhang Long's words changed the magician's eyes slightly. He was the captain of the guard. When things reached such a point, if they retreat, the prestige of the blade team would be greatly increased. At the same time, the prestige of the guard would be reduced a lot. ! Many people in the guard do not care about the prestige of the guard, but the captain of the magician still cares.

"Zhang Long, reason with Zhong Tao and the others, you don't need to be completely triumphant, as long as we can handle this matter smoothly then, your benefits will be indispensable." The magician's faint voice sounded in Zhang Long's mind.

Zhang Long's eyes flashed, and the magician was the captain of the guard. Although the ranking on the power list was lower than that of the sword emperor Mo Xin, his power was stronger than that of Mo Xin. At this time, he received the sound of the magician and his confidence suddenly That's a lot.

"Zhang Long, what do you mean, the base is the guard that has the final say? I don't agree with this. I think the rule that the base is the base has the final say. The guard is the maintainer of the base rule, not the maker, and shouldn't Become a spoiler!" Cardi whispered.

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