Holy Prison

Chapter 2130: See the truth under your hands

"Kadi, if you say that, you don't put the base guard in the eyes!" Zhang Long sneered, "The Blade Squad is not strong enough to not put the base guard in the eyes."

Zhong Tao sneered: "Zhang Long, why do you bring the base guard, you are afraid that you still can't represent the base guard, everyone knows that the captain is not a person who likes to fight for power, even if he is strong, as long as he does not offend the captain, the captain It's still very easy to talk. He has no hostility towards the base guard, and even many of the base guards are friends of the captain and our friends. Of course, Zhang Long, you are definitely not one of them!"

"We despise the actions of certain people in the base guards, but it doesn't mean that we don't take the base guards in our eyes. Zhang Long, if you say that, it can only show that your IQ is flawed!"

"There is no perfect person, and no organization is perfect. Some people in the base guard are unpopular and do not abide by the rules and break the rules. What do we despise for such people? I believe most people in the base guard still speak It makes sense, Lord Sword Emperor is someone I admire very much!"

A faint smile flashed in the eyes of Sword Emperor Mo, but he did not expect to receive a compliment here!

"Daoist Zhong Tao, thank you for your compliment." Sword Emperor chuckles quietly, "Magic, Chu Feng is now practicing, forcibly stopping Chu Feng, this is detrimental to the interests of the base, what do you think?"

"I see, if you have anything to deal with, let's wait until Chu Feng finishes his training. We don't have anything else. We still have time. Don't worry about that little time!"

The magician frowned slightly and said in a low voice: "Sword Emperor, by then Chu Feng's strength will become stronger, I'm afraid it will not be easy to control it." "Haha, magician, you are too worried, Chu Feng's strength No matter how strong it is, can he be stronger than the master of the base? As long as he can't leave the base, he has to abide by some rules." Sword Emperor said.

"Master Sword Emperor said that!" Zhong Tao said hastily. Sword Emperor and Chu Feng didn't talk much. Zhong Tao had just wanted to stop the Sword Emperor from talking to them. He didn't expect the Sword Emperor to offer such help. they.

As the number one super power in the strength list, although the sword emperor is not the captain of the guard, his prestige is also sufficient. At this time, it is strange that Zhong Tao does not quickly increase the effect.

"Master Demon Master, ask questions after the captain wakes up, that's the same!"

Zhang Long glanced at the sword emperor and said coldly, "Zhong Tao, I'm afraid this is not the same! Chu Feng is a serious matter, killing someone, how can he continue to improve his strength there leisurely?"

"In this way, what do Templeton's friends think? If you kill someone, you have to stand up and give everyone a word! Chu Feng chooses to increase his strength at this time, I think he is preparing to resist the law violently! People, we can’t indulge Chu Feng in this way, otherwise this base doesn’t know what it will be like!"

"Let me make an analogy. I live in a villa now. If I secretly invite someone to my villa and then I kill him without giving him a chance to speak, I can say whether I am innocent or not, yes. The deceased trespassed into the private villa, but the dead would not stand up and say anything anyway!

"Chu Feng and the others, they obviously can't kill people, but they killed people. This is a brutality. This is despising the rule set by the master! The rule set by the master is to safeguard our legitimate interests. , Not for us to use such rules to intentionally kill people!"

"I still have that kind of opinion. Regarding such matters, deal with them seriously and deal with them immediately! Only in this way can we give the deceased an account and give the deceased's relatives and friends an account!"

Zhong Tao Cardi frowned slightly, this dragon is also very slick. "Zhang Long, your analogy is completely different from the actual situation!" Zhong Tao sneered. "First, the Chu team didn't invite the person in secretly. Everyone knows that the person was instigated by someone. Breaking into the villa and destroying the transaction!"

"Secondly, Templeton didn't enter the villa with his original face at all. He rushed into the villa sneakily. If this is not an trespass, then what is an trespass? Zhang Long, I'm sorry. I want to ask you, if I break into your villa, am I going to kill you?

"Isn’t there a guest bell outside the villa? Those who have Kodopan gemstones don’t press the guest bell and there is nothing to do. Even our friends, they will press the guest bell before going in. It’s not ours that Templeton did. My friend, I didn’t receive our invitation to break into the villa like that. In your open mouth, it has become normal!"

Zhang Long said coldly: "Zhong Tao, you said so much, you can't cover up your casual murder! I suggest that we don't have to say anything to them, just go in and arrest people!"

"Don't make sense, just arrest people, Zhang Long, you have to ask so many people present whether they can agree!" Zhong Tao said solemnly. "The guards enforce the law. If you have opinions, you can raise them after the enforcement. If you hinder the enforcement at this time, then don't blame the law enforcement team for being polite!" Zhang Long said coldly, "People present, pay attention, don't be used by Zhong Tao and others. Just look at this matter. If you have any comments then, you can all mention it, not now!"

"To hinder law enforcement, the cost of riots is extremely high. At that time, you will not be able to accept any tasks, you will not be able to exchange anything from the exchange center, and you will end up starving to death!"

"Zhang Long, are you intimidating everyone?" Cardi said quietly.

Zhang Long's eyes flashed cruelly: "I'm not intimidating everyone, I'm just reminding everyone that this is a big mess, and most people, it's best not to participate!"

"Things can probably only be solved by force. If you don't want to die, step back!"

Zhang Long yelled out loudly. When he yelled out loudly, he had already launched an attack. His weapon was also a knife like Zhong Tao's. At this time, a knife in his hand slashed at Zhong Tao and the others fiercely. past.

Many people froze for a moment. They didn't expect that Zhang Long would dare to do it directly while talking. "Zhang Long, dare you!" Zhong Tao shouted after Zhang Long.

"Brothers of the Guards, kill!" Zhang Long shouted, and some people like King Liwang Xiewang wanted to do it a long time ago, but no one wanted to be the leader.

At this time Zhang Long made a move. The Scorpion King and the others had a reason to make a move. Zhang Long, the guard himself, was making a move.

In the blink of an eye, Scorpion King and many others shot, "Magic, this matter, you are not suitable for doing it." Sword Emperor said quietly, a long sword appeared in his hand as he said.

The long sword has not been out of its sheath, but it has revealed the great coercion. The magician wanted to make a move. The Sword Emperor had such words, he could only nod slightly.

"We are here to maintain the rules, not here to break the rules!" Spacewalker Mu Yun coldly snorted, and with his cold hum, his aura enveloped the two quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, those two A quasi-dominant-level powerhouse originally wanted to make a move, but at this time he slightly frowned but did not make a move.

"Zhong Tao, do you dare to resist the law violently? If the blade team resists the law violently, even if the members of the guard kill you here today, it is in line with the rules!" Zhang Long said coldly.

"Yeah! It's your violent law enforcement. The rules of the heaven base are there. You have no rules and violent law enforcement. We kill you, and the brain will definitely be found not guilty!" Zhong Tao said coldly, "Brothers here. , Can you see this kind of violent law enforcement?"

"Who dares to hinder law enforcement, kill!"

Zhang Long’s tone was cold and authentic. Even so, some people joined the battle group, "I said, stop the law enforcement and kill!" Zhang Long’s opponent was replaced by Cardi at this moment. He suffered a bit of injury and Zhang Long made a full blow. Divide a saint-level powerhouse who has just joined the battle group and has not had time to shoot into two halves!

"Zhang Long is right, stop law enforcement, kill!" The Scorpion King's fierce voice rang, and his voice revealed a strong murderous intent!

There were a lot of people who wanted to make a move, but Zhang Long didn't hesitate to behead one person, and most of the people who were ready to make a move dispelled that idea.

Chu Feng has given a lot of favors to many people, but with that kind of favor, some people shout yes and let them fight for Chu Feng. This is not feasible!

"King Scorpion, if you enter the villa like this, it is not an investigation, but a trespass. If you break into the villa, you will die in vain!" Zhong Tao said solemnly, his opponent is King Scorpion, and the strength of King Scorpion Ranked third in the rankings is very powerful, but at this time Zhong Tao, the long knife in his hand was domineering and horizontally and without the attack of the Scorpion King.

"The blade team violently resists the law, everyone should be blamed!" The Scorpion King's fierce flames are overflowing with murderous intent. At this time, he saved the idea of ​​solving Chu Feng and their entire team at once!

The sword emperor demon masters were offsetting each other. Spacewalker Mu Yun and the two quasi-dominant-level powerhouses suppressed each other and couldn't make a move. Many others suppressed each other and couldn't make a move.

However, King Scorpion and the others are in the majority. At this time, the three quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, including King Scorpion, King Li, and Zhang Long, were shot. In addition, there were more than ten Saint-level guards who shot, none of them. People suppressed can deal with Chu Feng and the others.

On Chu Feng's side, there are only two quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, namely Zhong Tao and Kadi, and three of them, Bi Feng, a holy-level powerhouse, and a dozen others who have a very good relationship with Chu Feng and the others. The saint-level powerhouses shot, but their strength was much lower than the dozen or so guards who shot!

"Everyone retreat into the villa." Bi Feng said solemnly, as he said that the people on their side quickly retreated into the villa. There was a formation in the villa, but the power of the formation was borrowed!

Soon, everyone on Bi Feng's side retreated into the villa.

The layout of the villa is like this. There is a yard in front of the building. At this moment, Bi Feng and the others have retreated into the yard. As soon as they retreated into the yard, there was a thick fog in the yard.

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