Holy Prison

Chapter 2133: See the truth under your hands

Bi Feng let out a deep cry, they desperately supported it, but in three days it was only a little bit long that long cracks had appeared on the door of the villa. If you still don’t retreat at this time, you have to align with the door of the villa. !

The gate was the first area, and Bi Feng and the others immediately retreated into the living room. The wide living room was the second area they ruled out. There are many formations in this area, but only one is the most powerful!

Bi Feng and the others just retreated to the second area to activate the big formation. The door of the villa immediately collapsed under the attack of King Scorpion. The door could not last a minute with the support of Bi Feng and them. Without their support, one Seconds can't last!

The Scorpion King and the others just entered the gate, and a series of sharp swords with cold light flashed towards them instantly. Those sharp swords were the formation power inspired by Bi Feng and the others!

The main function of the hall in the living room is also defense, but in this area, there are a lot of other formations, such as killing formations and trapping formations!

King Scorpion and the others hurriedly defended, but Bi Feng and the others used the power of the formation to attack. At this time, the defense that King Scorpion and the others hurriedly raised did not completely block the attack.

As soon as they entered the room, King Scorpion and the others were driven out in disgrace.

"Damn it, go in!" Scorpion King said coldly. Under the attack just now, they all suffered some injuries, and some of them were not lightly injured!

Scorpion King Li Wang Zhang Tao took the lead, and they rushed into the room again. At this time, the attack did not appear. "Everyone should be careful when attacking. Attacks may appear at any time!" The Scorpion King said solemnly, their strength is superior. If someone is still dead at that time, that face will not survive!

"It's a pity that such a killing formation doesn't have continuous strength." The living room looked dark to King Scorpion, but Bi Feng and the others in the formation could clearly see the surroundings.

It was Qin Yue who was talking. He and Cardi had deployed this killing formation together just now. It had filled a lot of power before, and the attack power was okay. However, because the time was shorter, the force absorbed by the formation was limited. The attack just now can only be carried out ten or so times.

"Everyone advance carefully, don't fall into the formation. Bi Feng and the others are good at doing such things. If they fall into the formation, there will be basically no good results." Zhang Long said.

"It's best to attack and open the way. Their strength is relatively low. They must be defense-oriented. As long as we ensure our own powerful attacks, it shouldn't take much time to defeat this formation!"

Zhang Long was once a teammate of Bi Feng and the others, and he was a quasi-dominant powerhouse. He still had a relatively large say. Hearing his words, Scorpion King and the others nodded slightly.

Horrible attacks continued to pour into the dark area in the living room. Bi Feng and the others estimated that with the current attack intensity, it would be no problem to support it for half a month, but they knew very well that the Scorpion King would not always be like this. Attack intensity!

"I hope that the Chu team will be faster. If the Chu team's strength improves, we will be worthy of the game. If it fails," said a helping Saint-level powerhouse.

Zhong Tao frowned slightly and said: "The captain can definitely be promoted in time. We can't lose confidence. At this point, shrinking will have no effect!"

In the current situation, Zhong Tao's situation on his side is a little bit bad. If the situation is not good, some of the ten people who helped may be shaken. Zhong Tao's words are to wake them up. .

"We didn't turn back the arrow when we opened the bow. We offended some members of the Guard this time." Bi Feng said with a light smile, "Even if we bow our heads at this time, some members of the Guard will definitely not let us go! We can only fight, Captain Bo boosted his strength in time, and the heaven base still speaks for strength."

"If we lose, we must be punished very severely. If we win, then at most we will be fined a little bit of points, and there are even some benefits!"

Cardi smiled and said: "If we win, I guess the benefits will be indispensable by then. The captain is not the one who suffers. The battle against Yu Zhuo that year, the income of tens of millions of points! Plus other people's fines. The points given to us are almost 20 million points! If we win this time, I estimate that the benefits we will get will not be less than 10 million. The specific amount depends on how we win by then. degree!"

"I hope that the Chu team's ability to go out will greatly increase, and our strength is now falling behind. If the Chu team's strength reaches the quasi-dominant level, then the possibility of our comeback is not small!" a saint-level powerhouse said.

It was a dozen or so saint-class powerhouses who helped Chu Feng and the others. Some of them had shaken their hearts, but at this time their shaken hearts were renewed.

Now that I have chosen, I have no regrets! If you help to the end, then you may get benefits. If you don't help to the end, then both sides will not please you and you will die!

As time passed day by day, in the room, Chu Feng practiced with all his strength. When the large formation in the living room had supported him for ten days, Chu Feng's cultivation reached the culmination of the eighth level of immortality.

To reach the top, it is only a step away from the 9th level of immortality, but Chu Feng knows that this step is not so easy to pass!

"Ten days, let us support it for a few more days, and we will have less pressure in the future!" Bi Feng prayed in his heart. At this time, the large array in the living room had been damaged a lot, but if the King Scorpion did not take out For some treasures, this big formation should be able to support four or five days!

"King Scorpion, King Li, it's been ten days, this formation has been broken a lot, do you think you use some treasures? If you use some treasures, it is very likely that this formation can be destroyed in one blow!" Zhang Long said, "Chu Feng has been training for more than two months, and there may be many formations behind."

King Scorpion frowned slightly and said, "Zhang Long, you know Bi Feng and the others better. Do you think that in a short period of time, how many such formations Bi Feng and the others are capable of deploying?"

"There should still be two or three." Zhang Longdao, he estimated in his heart, that Bi Feng and the others would have laid one or two more at most. At this time, he was exaggerating.

Within the formation, the expressions of Bi Feng and the others changed slightly. Zhang Long said that, the possibility of the King Scorpion and the others using some treasures was greater. "This bastard." Zhong Tao cursed, "Kadi, you will explode his chrysanthemum fiercely by then!"

"Grass, you are the only one who has such a hobby!" Cardi said in an unpleasant manner, "Zhong Tao, this glorious and great task, the organization is up to you!"

"You two, when are you still in the mood to talk about this." Bi Feng said, "I guess the Scorpion King will use the treasure. What method is there to use it quickly, don't let the formation be broken by them, otherwise, We will all suffer some backlashes, and that will be detrimental to the next defense!"

Zhong Tao shrugged and said: "There is no way, we can only fight for some injuries to forcibly improve some strength. One advantage is that we are the home court. We are injured in this villa and can consume points to recover!"

Scorpion King and the others really took out some treasures once again. The treasures they took out this time will not be worse than the ones they took out last time. Even the face of a powerful person like King Li Wang is a little bit painful. .

The ordinary treasures, Scorpion King, would not care about them, but the treasures they took out, when they saved them, cost no less than 5 million points.

The five million points are guaranteed. If they are traded to others in the base, the value will be at least five times higher. In other words, the things that the Scorpion King Liwang and the others take are worth more than 25 million points!

Previously, King Scorpion and King Li each took out one, and now they took out another one. It’s strange that they don’t hurt. For others, the value of the things they took out is much smaller, but they are also more precious things. If you trade to others in the base, there is no problem in changing to 5 million points!

"Zhang Long, how many points do you have?" Li Wang said. "Me? Not much." Zhang Long said, he has three million points, which is really not much for him as a quasi-dominant powerhouse.

King Li said solemnly: "Do you know the value of the things I took out with King Scorpion before, and how much is the value of the things I took out at this time?"

"This, I can probably guess a little bit." Zhang Long felt a little ominous in his heart.

King Li said: "The things that King Scorpion and I took out before were all worth more than 25 million points, and the things in our hands were worth more than 25 million points. Our consumption is not low, but you are. Nothing came out. I think you have to give us some compensation now or in the future."

If Zhang Long was pleasing to the eye, King Li would not say such a thing, but he was not very pleasing to Zhang Long. Zhang Long could not produce anything. They produced one after another, and Li Wang was very upset!

"Liwang, this is unreasonable." Zhang Long frowned. "You have preserved these things yourself. I estimate that your points won't exceed six million!"

"I didn't ask you to compensate now, you will be compensated for some of our treasures, how?" Li Wang said. Zhang Long glanced at King Scorpion. King Scorpion didn't make any statement. If he didn't make a statement at this time, he had acquiesced to King Li's approach. Zhang Long is a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, and it is very likely that he will get a powerful treasure in the future.

"Well, as long as Chu Feng and the others can die, I will share the share of what you consume!" Zhang Long took a deep breath and said solemnly. Those are things for the future. He only wants to kill Chu Feng and them now!

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