Holy Prison

Chapter 2134: Critical situation

"Be careful!" Bi Feng.

King Scorpion and the others used the treasure, and at this time they used the treasure to smash against the large array supported by Bi Feng!

Cardi and Zhong Tao screamed out. In an instant, both of them forcibly increased their own strength. There are more than ten people here, and they are more suitable for them. If Bi Feng and the others, they can’t Forcibly enhancing their strength, but on the one hand, they can't increase their strength by force. On the other hand, if more people force their strength, then the stability of the formation will be greatly affected!

A huge roar sounded, and the terrible pressure instantly spread to Bi Feng and the others. Most of the dozens of Bi Feng and others spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Under the combined blow of King Scorpion, Bi Feng and the others were all injured this time, but fortunately, although the defensive formation trembled violently, it was not broken!

"Continue to attack!" King Scorpion said solemnly, with his eyesight, of course he could see that this big formation could not last long!

"Wisdom brain, repair our injuries as quickly as possible!" Bi Feng said while supporting.

However, what made Bi Feng and the others frowned was that Zhi Nao didn't react immediately. "Wisdom brain, are you going to violate the basic rules?" Zhong Tao said. They have suffered serious injuries at the moment. If they can't recover their bodies in a short time, even if there is a defensive formation behind them. They can't support it for five days!

"Starting to recover, it consumes ten points per minute!" Zhinao's voice rang. The price of this one is extremely high, you know, it consumes ten points per minute.

Ten points per minute, six hundred points per hour, in one day, more than 10,000 points are consumed!

"Wise Brain, why would you need so many points?" Bi Feng frowned, not to mention 10,000, even if it is 1 million points, they can get a few, but the price of this one is too high.

You know, 10,000 times the time to accelerate, only need 3,000 points a year, they are more than 10,000 a day at this time, if a year, it would need four or five million points!

"First, restorers include outsiders; second, you are in a battle, and you recover during a battle, and the consumption points are higher than normal!" Zhi Nao answered Bi Feng's question.

"Bige, it has to be repaired, it's not bad." Cardi said. Since Zhinao agreed to recover, one by one light spots appeared beside them, and those light spots entered their bodies and they immediately felt comfortable. Less, and the injury is recovering quickly!

Bi Feng nodded slightly: "How is everyone's situation? Persevere a little bit, this big battle, let us persevere, it should be able to last about a day!"

"Bige, it's okay!"

"Take it!"

Within the defensive array, everyone responded, and Bi Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this defensive array had a certain rebound effect and bounced a lot of power back, otherwise the consequences would be much more serious!

Rebound by the defensive force, some of the Scorpion King and others suffered some injuries, but they were a lot more careful at this time, so no one was seriously injured!

"Bi Feng, don't fight to the end! If you fight to the end, your fate will be much more serious by then!" Zhang Long sneered, his eyes were a little smug, they were outside the formation, At this time, you can see Bi Feng and the others. Just now Zhang Long saw Bi Feng and the others vomiting blood!

"The order is from Chu Feng. As long as you give up resistance, your punishment will be lighter and Chu Feng's punishment will be heavier!"

Bi Feng and the others naturally heard Zhang Long's words, but no one paid any attention to him, even Bi Feng and the others, they didn't even look at Zhang Long!

"Zhang Long, don't talk nonsense, break the formation with all your strength!" Xie Wang said solemnly.

Zhang Long nodded slightly and a hint of resentment flashed in his eyes. Of course, he was not resenting the Scorpion King but of Bifeng and the others. It didn't feel good to be ignored!

One day, as Bi Feng said, the formation in the living room only persisted for a day's time. Before the formation in the living room could not hold up, Bi Feng and the others all withdrew to the corridor outside Chu Feng's room!

The environment of the villa that spent 90,000 points to get is very good. The corridor outside Chu Feng's room is also relatively wide, and many of Bi Feng and others will not appear too crowded on this side!

"Only the last formation!" When they got to this side of the corridor, King Scorpion became a little excited. On the other side of the corridor is the door of Chu Feng's room. It is impossible to arrange any defensive formation behind it. The defensive formation that Bi Feng controlled by them was definitely the last one.

Thinking of this, King Scorpion gave Zhang Long a bit displeased. Zhang Long said two or three before, but in fact it was only one. The gap is not small!

Zhang Long said that one or two Scorpion Kings would not have any opinions. He said two or three. Isn't this a lie to them? Scorpion King didn't know what Zhang Long said before that was a little bit deceitful!

Although this kind of deception is also to break the formation as soon as possible, the Scorpion King hates such deception, and the King of Li also hates such deception!

"Zhang Long, it's just the last formation. Let's relax a little bit. Come on and attack!" King Xie said quietly. He estimated that it would take at least a month for Chu Feng to rise to level 9 indestructible.

If there are really two or three big formations, then there will be some trouble. In this situation, King Scorpion doesn't think there will be any trouble.

King Li said with a silly smile: "King Scorpion, there may be two or three big formations behind, should we take out a few more treasures to attack? It’s not good if we just let Brother Zhang attack with all his strength. Right."

Zhang Long's face became a little ugly. He overestimated the scorpion king and their minds, and underestimated the scorpion king and their value to his darlings!

You know, in the base, there are also a lot of battles. Those things are the hole cards of the Scorpion King. Zhang Long "lied to the military" and caused them to lose two hole cards. They are not worried!

"King Scorpion, King Li, I was wrong before, but in this situation, I think it's better to get things done first, what do you think?" Zhang Long said.

"Chu Feng and the others have gone to a lot of mission worlds over the past 10,000 years, and they may have obtained a lot of treasures. It may not be that easy to attack!"

King Scorpion hummed and did not slow down the attack, but at this moment, it was impossible for him to take out the treasure to attack.

Although Zhang Long had promised to pay them some treasures before that time, but God knows when Zhang Long will get the treasures that make them attractive!

For a long time, there are only a few treasures that can be regarded by the Scorpion King as a hole card. Zhang Long's strength is not stronger than them, and it is difficult to obtain such a thing!

"There are still eleven days. We have to insist on at least eleven days. If we insist on another eleven days, three months will be up." Within the formation, Bi Feng said solemnly.

Eleven days, this is the least. If Chu Feng didn't break through in these eleven days, then I don't know how long it will take!

The attack intensity of King Scorpion and the others is still very high at this time. If they don't use the powerful treasures, Bi Feng and the others will still have the confidence to persist for eleven days, but even at the current attack intensity, Bi Feng and the others will persist at most Half a month!

"Captain, within eleven days, at most half a month, we must make a breakthrough!" Zhong Tao meditated one by one in their hearts.

Eight days passed in a blink of an eye. In the room, Chu Feng's breath became unstable. This is a sign of a breakthrough. When this happens, the next second may break through. Of course, it may be ten days, one Will not break through every month!

"Dear guards, as a base five students who are hateful and hateful, I wonder if we can help?" A voice came to Bi Feng and the others.

Bi Feng and their hearts sank one by one. The person who spoke was Tabor, but he was not the only one who came, and the members of his team also came to this side.

Taibo suffered a loss in the hands of Chu Feng and his team. He wanted to get it back a long time ago. They didn’t want to make a move before, but because they were not in the base before, they just pulled back to the base and heard this. When he found out, Tabor immediately hurried over with his team members excitedly.

There are three quasi-dominant-level powerhouses headed by the scorpion king force king Zhang Long. Taibo doesn't mind making Chu Feng and the others more uncomfortable at this time!

"Just shoot, there is so much nonsense." Zhang Long said coldly.

Taibo cursed secretly in his heart, Zhang Long's strength was much lower than his back then, but now that his strength has improved, he actually talks to him like this.

However, the big fist is the boss. Taibo scolded Zhang Long **** in his heart, but he didn't show it at all on his face. Now Zhang Long is not something he can afford.

"Brothers, attack!" Taibo said in a deep voice, he gave an order, and the rest of the team launched an attack, and Taibo himself naturally did the same!

The pressure on Bi Feng and the others was already great, and Taibo and his team were relatively strong. At this time they joined the attack, and the pressure on Bi Feng and the others suddenly became much greater!

"Damn it!" Qin Yue shouted in the big formation. If it was the previous attack, they would have no problem persisting for another six or seven days. Now that Taibo and the others join the attack, Tai Yue estimated in his heart, this formation The method will last for two more days at most!

If there is no big defensive formation at that time, more than a dozen of them will face the King Scorpion and more than 20 of them, then they will definitely be at an absolute disadvantage!

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