Holy Prison

Chapter 2135: breakthrough

"There is no good way, let's do your best!" Bi Feng said solemnly. In his heart, he didn't hold much hope for the success of this operation.

Two days, two more days at most. There was no breakthrough in more than 80 days before, and the chance of a breakthrough in two days is not very high!

As for why Bi Feng and the others know that Chu Feng has not broken through at this time, this is very simple. Chu Feng told them before that if they break through, they will knock on the door from the inside to notify them!

So far, there has been no knock on the door. They knew that Chu Feng had definitely not made a breakthrough, and the facts were the same as Bi Feng and the others thought. Chu Feng has not made a breakthrough yet!

"Chu Feng, the shame brought to us before, this time I will completely return it to you!" Taibo attacked with a sneer on his face. Chu Feng must be breaking through at this moment, if he is disturbed during the breakthrough If it is, then the injury will be damaged at the slightest level, and the heavy will be directly lost in the backlash!

When breaking through the cultivation base, even if it is a slight interruption, it will be greatly affected. What's more, Taibo and the others will not only be a slight interruption!

Time passed by minute by minute, and more than a day had passed in a blink of an eye. Although Bi Feng and the others resisted with all their strength, at this time the time for the defensive array to shatter was getting shorter and shorter!

"Brothers, let's work harder, they will soon be unable to support it, violently resist the law, don't be polite with them, just kill them!" Zhang Long said solemnly.

King Scorpion King Li and the others did not say anything, but Zhang Long's meaning was also what they meant. They had to cut the grass to get rid of the roots. They knew this one. This time they had a quarrel with the Blade Team to the extent they are now. The squad is weird! As for the consequences of doing that, this time there is always a certain reason. Maybe the punishment will be heavier at that time, but the death will definitely not.

"I can help later, but don't kill!" Tabor's voice sounded in the minds of the team members. They are not members of the guard. If you kill, then you may die!

"Boss rest assured!"

Zhang Long’s voice, Bi Feng, and the others naturally heard it. Hearing Zhang Long’s excited voice, Bi Feng and the others looked very ugly, but at the moment they had no good idea!

Outside the villa.

"Sword Emperor, let's just look at it, don't take any action, if things make a big deal, it's not good." The magician said with a light smile, his voice can only be heard by a limited number of people.

The sword emperor frowned slightly: "Magic, tell the Scorpion King and others, I don't care about other people's death, Zhao Ling, I don't want her to die!"

"Zhao Ling?" There was a strange look in the magician's eyes. Of course he knew Zhao Ling. He looked plain and there was nothing special about it, but it was unusual for the Sword Emperor to speak out to protect her!

"Sword Emperor, I don't know what is your relationship with Zhao Ling?" The magician said. The sword emperor said quietly: "Moxian, you don't need to know this!"

"Zhao Ling can't have an accident, if she has an accident, we will completely turn our faces!"

The magician was shocked. Although the words of the Sword Emperor were very light, he could feel the weight of the words of the Sword Emperor! Although the sword emperor is not the captain of the base guard, many people in the guard are facing the sword emperor, and the reputation of the sword emperor in the base is relatively high. If you completely turn your face, then the trouble will be big!

"Okay, Zhao Ling won't have an accident." The magician said immediately to the Scorpion King Liwang and the others. After receiving the magician's transmission, the Scorpion King frowned, but they all agreed.

Regarding the magician, the Scorpion King, and the others, he definitely hoped to cut the grass and root out such things. Since the magician asked them to save Zhao Ling's life, there was no discussion about this matter!

Zhao Ling is very ordinary, and now Chu Feng and his team are the lowest in strength, letting off Zhao Ling is nothing to the Scorpion King.

For the Scorpion King, Chu Feng, Bi Feng, Zhong Tao, and Cardi, these four are the must-kill targets, even Qin Yue doesn't have much weight in the Scorpion King's heart!

"Miss, if Chu Feng and the others do not have relatively strong strength, I can only protect you!" Jiandi secretly said in his heart, when Chu Feng and Yu Zhuo were in the gambling battle, the old man in Qingyi was on a hill in the distance. It was the sword emperor, the young lady in the sword emperor's mouth was naturally the ordinary-looking Zhao Ling!

It has been less than half an hour since the defensive formation was broken. At this moment, in Chu Feng's room, a vigorous momentum emerged from Chu Feng's body. That mighty momentum was definitely not more accurate than normal. Domination-level strong and weak!

"Nine levels are immortal!"

Chu Feng opened his eyes and there was a slight smile on his face. The moment he opened his eyes, there seemed to be black holes in his eyes, and the huge momentum was sucked up in an instant!

"This time, it's really dangerous. Three sages, almost a little bit of the treasure's effect will not allow me to reach the ninth level of immortality!" Chu Feng secretly revealed a little fear on his face, three sages Ge, this is a good thing, but sometimes, this one can also turn a good thing into a bad thing!

Generally speaking, the exchange of treasures only has a chance of success, and there is no such thing as insufficient energy, but this time, Chu Feng encountered such a thing!

There are three sages, each of which needs strength to improve. Chu Feng didn’t realize this problem before, because the other two sacreds didn’t get a lot of power during the previous ascension. But this time is different. Once, the other two sages actually took away a lot of power like robbers!

If the two sages didn't take away a lot of power, Chu Feng estimated that he had reached the ninth level of immortality ten days ago. Although he had reached the ninth level of immortality, he was frightened.

However, being scared is not light, and there are still many benefits. The other two sages were only six-level indestructible before. This time they absorbed a lot of power, and they were actually upgraded from six-level indestructible to eighth-level. Go out!

Under normal circumstances, those two sages will be immortal at level 7, but at this time they will be immortal at level 8, which is much better than normal!

Chu Feng estimated that the reason for this was that the sage of the brain had improved too quickly, which put a lot of pressure on the sage of the heart and the sage of the right foot.

When the pressure appears, this is not very good for Chu Feng's development, so the body automatically balances some of the pressure, and I almost made it impossible to reach the 9th level of immortality!

"One sage at level 9 and two sacred at level 8 are stronger. My current strength may not be much lower than that of a strong person like the Scorpion King, but I have just improved. A little time to stabilize the cultivation base!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

"Bi Ge and they don't know what's going on."

Chu Feng's Quzhi hit the door with a flick of energy, "Bang!" The door of Chu Feng's room was slammed, and the sound was not very pleasant, but when the sound came to Bi Feng and the others, it made them feel happy. !

"This voice... the captain has broken through!" Zhong Tao said in surprise.

"It must be a breakthrough. The captain is going to scare us to death. The defensive formation will last for at most forty or fifty minutes!" Cardi said with joy, and he let out a long sigh.

If Chu Feng's cultivation reached level 9 immortal, then their desperate efforts this time would be worth it, it's just.

Glancing at the people who were attacking the defensive formation, Bi Feng and the others all frowned secretly. If they did not have Taibo and the others, it would not be a big problem to add Chu Feng on their side, and if Taibo and the others, the situation was still Not optimistic!

"The damage of the defense formation is relatively large. Outside, the King Scorpion will not be able to see us much time. Please pay attention to your own expressions!" Bi Feng said.

"Bige, rest assured!"

Zhong Tao and the others didn't have a fool. As soon as Bi Feng said that, their expressions of joy returned to their previous state. Even if King Scorpion saw it, they wouldn't think that Chu Feng had broken through now!

"Bi Feng, how do you feel?" Zhang Long laughed, and sure enough, it didn't take long for Zhang Long and the others to see Bi Feng and the others. "Very good!" Bi Feng said coldly.

"Really? Later, you will feel better!" Zhang Long smiled. At this moment, his heart is very comfortable. Chu Feng and the others have become a needle in his heart for more than 10,000 years. He has been stuck there, but it makes him very uncomfortable!

"Bi Feng, Cardi, Zhong Tao, Zhao Ling, we were teammates before, don’t worry, when you die, I will burn something for you every few years. Bi Feng, how about I burn you a card? Kind of? Cardi, burn some small cards for you, Zhong Tao, don’t blame me for being bad to you, I will burn a few women for you then, Zhao Ling, you have no love for a man or a man. When you are lonely, you can only It’s me to comfort myself. Hehe.” Zhang Long said that there was a slight dazzling expression on his face, “You are dead, I will burn you some tools at that time, and I will be able to satisfy myself with gadgets, haha! "

King Scorpion frowned slightly and spoke to Zhang Long and others: "Attention, other people can be killed, Zhao Ling can't be killed, this is the order of the magician!"

Zhang Long was slightly taken aback and immediately transmitted the voice: "Scorpion King, why? Zhao Ling is also a member of the Blade Team. She has to remove the roots. If she reaches the quasi-dominant level by then, it will be a trouble!"

"You can ask the magician."

Zhang Long frowned. He also transmitted the sound as soon as he was excited. At this time, he had calmed down a bit. Since the magician has transmitted the sound, then there must be a reason for not being able to kill.

"There shouldn't be any friendship between the magician and Zhao Ling. The sword emperor who can make the magician show mercy is most likely the sword emperor... Damn, I can't provoke the sword emperor at the moment." Zhang Long secretly said in his heart.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed quickly. In the room, Chu Feng let out a sigh of relief, speeding up a million times, although it was only half an hour, the cultivation base was initially stable!

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