Holy Prison

Chapter 2136: Counterattack

"I don't know what's going on outside."

Chu Feng got up to the door, and the door opened. Bi Feng and their faces showed joy. Outside of the defensive formation, Zhang Long and the others also saw that Chu Feng's face suddenly changed.

"Chu Feng, he came out!"

"It came out at this time, did the promotion fail?"

"Damn it, if the promotion is successful, then it will be more troublesome next!"

Seeing the appearance of Chu Feng, the Scorpion King and their faces looked a little ugly. Seeing that the defensive formation supported by Bi Feng and them would be destroyed by them in just over ten minutes, Chu Feng unexpectedly appeared!

What the King Scorpion thought most was to cause Chu Feng to have problems when he was ascending, even if he did not die directly, he would be seriously injured. But now, Chu Feng came out of the room, and this thought was soaked!

In the current situation, if King Scorpion and the others don't give up, they can only kill Chu Feng and the others together. This is obviously much more difficult!

Give up, King Scorpion King did not have such an idea, Zhang Long's heart, that would not have such an idea, as for the rest of the people, King Scorpion did not say anything, they would absolutely not dare to give up!

In my heart, the rest of them will not give up. It is still possible to kill Chu Feng and the others at this time. If Chu Feng and the others are not killed, then the Scorpion King and the others may not be afraid of Chu Feng's revenge, but other People, that's scary!

"Captain, how?" Bi Feng hurriedly said through a voice transmission. Chu Feng nodded slightly to Bi Feng. They were all relieved when they saw Chu Feng's movements.

"Chu Feng, you have no base rules, the blade team violently resists the law, according to the local rules, there is no problem in beheading you!" Zhang Long said coldly.

Chu Feng scanned the King Scorpion and their eyes fell on Zhang Long faintly: "Zhang Long, you are trespassing in your private villa, I will kill you, and there is no problem!"

What Chu Feng and Zhang Long talked about was nonsense, but sometimes, such nonsense is necessary. After saying such things, then the killer will be justified!

"Tabo, I let you go last time. It seems that you are too alive to attack us." Chu Feng's eyes moved from Zhang Long to Taibo.

Chu Feng looked over, his eyes met Chu Feng's eyes, and Taber couldn't help but move away a little, "Ah!" More than a hundred people actually avoided Chu Feng's gaze!

With anger in his heart, Taibo glared back fiercely, but all he saw was a little sneer on Chu Feng's face!

"King Scorpion, King Li, I didn't expect me to have a bit of face. To improve my cultivation, both of you big men led the team to this side." Chu Feng looked at King Scorpion and said, "If I didn't If my memory is wrong, I have never provoked two of them. They brought people to the door like this, but it's not very good!"

King Li said coldly: "Chu Feng, Zhang Long just said that you didn't follow the rules of the base, the blade team violently resisted the law, we are here to arrest people!"

"If you proclaim your cultivation base, then there will be a way to survive. If you resist to the end, then this villa will be your grave!"

Chu Feng said quietly: "Many people want my life, but so far, my life still belongs to me. Many people who want my life are dead!"

While chatting with King Li and the others, Chu Feng thought quickly in his heart that if there were not the six of Tabor, then things would be much easier, and if they were added to them, things would not be so easy.

To ensure that his party is undefeated, this Chu Feng can do it, but being undefeated does not mean winning. Moreover, if you win in general, you will not get any benefits!

When King Scorpion and the others entered the villa like this, Chu Feng was calm on the surface, but not calm in his heart. King Scorpion and the others had to pay a price to succeed!

"Destroy a few first!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. At this time, Bi Feng and the others were having difficulty holding up. Chu Feng's mind moved the stigmata carving knife into his hands, and Chu Feng swiftly moved on the wall above the ground. Engraved with stigmas!

"Strike up!" The King Scorpion said solemnly. He thought of using some powerful treasures, but he didn't take them out. Bi Feng's large array won't last long, and it's not worth using some treasures.

Regarding Chu Feng slashing around with a knife, the Scorpion King and the others knew there were some problems, but they didn't take it too seriously. They had never seen the stigmata art.

After six minutes, Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If the Scorpion King and the others burst out a very powerful attack within these few minutes, then it would be a lot of trouble, but the Scorpion King and the others are more powerful, and they have not been Did not use any powerful means!

"Captain, can you? Can't hold on any longer, if you hold on, you will die," Zhong Tao said helplessly.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "I think you can continue to make it like this! Brother Bi, it's okay, you can take a break! Just these scraps of them, they should not be broken for a while. The magic circle!"

The cultivation base has improved a lot this time, and Chu Feng's mental state cultivation base has also improved a little. The nine-level immortal cultivation base, the perfect state of mind of the heaven and earth sacred heart, Chu Feng uses the stigmata technique to obtain the power of the magic circle compared to It has improved a lot before!

"Let's rest!" Bi Feng said straightforwardly. He said that he gave up the support at once, and Cardi Zhong Tao, Qin Yue and Zhao Ling also let go.

The other ten or so Saint-level powerhouses, although they did not completely trust Chu Feng, if Bi Feng and the others gave up, they naturally had to give up.

The Scorpion King and their attacks never stopped. Bi Feng and the others gave up. Under the attack of the Scorpion King and the others, the defensive circle established by Bi Feng and the others collapsed instantly!

"Everyone, with one blow, destroy what Chu Feng has made!" King Scorpion's voice sounded in the minds of the rest, "Three, two, one, attack!"

The moment when the words "Attack" of King Scorpion rang in Zhang Long's mind, Zhang Long and the others burst out their most powerful attacks one by one!

The terrifying attack blasted towards Chu Feng and the others, and when the attack came in front of Chu Feng and the others, a very dazzling light broke out. The moment the light broke out, a scream sounded!

The screams were not made by the people on Chu Feng's side but by the people on the Scorpion King's side. The screams were made by two of the younger brothers of Taibo.

A little brother of Tabor yelled, and the light only burst and disappeared. At this time, everyone present saw what had happened.

Tabor died, and his three little brothers died together with him. Only two of the six were not dead, and those two were seriously injured at the moment!


Zhang Long and their eyes were shocked, and Taibo and the others were four powerful masters at the holy level, and four of them were not weak, and they died instantly!

"Chu Feng, you are not a defensive circle!" King Xie said with an ugly expression. He knew that he and others had just been used. Chu Feng drew the circle for six minutes. It was not just a defensive circle. !

In six minutes, Chu Feng had two magic circles in total, one of which was a defensive circle and the other was an attack transfer circle. Taibo and the others died because of that attack transfer circle!

The full blow of the Scorpion King and many of them was terrifying, and Chu Feng's magic circle transferred part of the attacking power to Taibo and the others!

Tabor and the others are powerful, but the attack intensity is not that they can stop them, so when the light flickers, they attacked where they were and directly killed them!

This time the plan was very good, but there were also a little problem. He wanted to get the six of Tabor and the others together, but he didn't expect that the attack was a little bit off and two good luck survived!


Zhang Long shouted angrily, they were all deceived just now! Before, Chu Feng and Bi Feng said, "Brother Bi, it's okay, you can take a break! Just a few of their waste materials, they should not be able to break the magic circle I made for a while!" There is no doubt, but it is because there is no doubt that this sentence has such a problem!

Even Bi Feng and the others thought that Chu Feng was the defensive circle they had built, so they simply gave up the defensive circle that could withstand some attacks!

I don’t understand the technique of stigmata, and seeing Bi Feng’s reaction like that, King Scorpion and the others didn’t expect any fraud in this. As a result, it was easier for Chu Feng to transfer their attack energy and Taibo and the others could bear most of it. The attack power!

King Scorpion made a sound, and when he moved his mind, a powerful treasure appeared in his hand. This treasure had a very special function!

The four deaths and two serious injuries of Tabor and his team are basically no longer a threat. Chu Feng is not polite at the moment. The moment the Scorpion King took out the treasure, he used the energy contained in the Heart of Time!

The energy contained in the heart of time, Chu Feng, has never used it at all, but he has to wait until the critical time to use it. At this time, that is the critical time!

At the moment Chu Feng used the heart of time, Bi Feng and the others were all moved. At first, they didn't know Chu Feng's plan, but later, naturally they knew.

The power of the Heart of Time has enveloped all of the Scorpion King and all of them. Time still cannot completely make the Scorpion King and them still, but the speed of the Scorpion King is much slower!


King Scorpion appeared in his hand with a black sharp horn. When time was still, his speed was much slower than that of Chu Feng. If Chu Feng's power was lower than King Scorpion, he would not be able to grab his things, but Chu Feng The power of's is not lower than that of King Scorpion. The sharp black horns are not a treasure for recognizing the lord. If it is a treasure for recognizing the lord, it is not so easy to grab.

In the blink of an eye, the black sharp horn in King Scorpion's hand appeared in Chu Feng's hand. "Attack the treasure at one time!" In an instant, Chu Feng had a judgment on the black sharp horn, the black sharp The horn is a one-time attack treasure, and it has been activated by the Scorpion King.

"Zhang Long, reward you!"

Chu Feng’s icy voice sounded in Zhang Long’s mind. Zhang Long’s back to Chu Feng in response to Cardi’s attack at the moment, Chu Feng grabbed the black horn, raised his hand, and he inserted the black horn. On Zhang Long's back, the black sharp horn went in from Zhang Long's back and inserted straight into Zhang Long's heart!

The reason why Zhang Long was chosen instead of King Scorpion or King Li was because Black Horn was obtained from King Scorpion. Even if it is inserted into his body, it may not have any effect. For King Li, it is very simple. King Li is Xiu. Those who practice the flesh are extremely powerful. Although the black horns are sharp, they are not refining treasures, and they may not be able to pierce King Li's body.

Zhang Long's eyes showed a color of horror, and the black pointed horns inserted into his body. He could feel the rapid decline of his cultivation base, "Get out!" Zhang Long roared, and the black pointed horns burst out by him. The power of squeezed out, but some power, that had already entered his heart when the sharp corner was inserted into his heart!

Zhang Long yelled in horror. Although he had pulled out the black sharp horns, Zhang Long could still feel that his cultivation base was rapidly underground. At that speed, his cultivation base would be removed from him in less than five seconds. The quasi-dominant class fell to the holy class!

"Scorpion King, where to escape?"

Chu Feng's icy voice sounded in King Scorpion's mind. At this moment King Scorpion wanted to escape, but at this time he was still affected by the force of time, and his speed was far behind Chu Feng!

Chu Feng flew with his right foot and kicked it to King Scorpion's waist. His right foot was Saint Ge, and King Scorpion was kicked by Chu Feng immediately back four or five meters.

After retreating four or five meters, King Xie happened to crash into Chu Feng's room. The moment he entered the room, the door that had been opened closed at a terrifying speed!

Time accelerated. At that instant, Chu Feng accelerated the door of the room!

If the time does not accelerate, King Scorpion can catch the door and the door cannot be closed, but under the action of the acceleration of time, although King Scorpion shot, his hand caught a void!

There were a few stigmata outside the door. At this moment, those stigmata were shining, and the king Scorpion in the room opened the door with all his strength, but the door could not be opened at all!

King Scorpion's attack fell heavily on the door of Chu Feng's room, and the sound of the smash was not small, but there were no scars on the door.

"Wisdom brain, open the door!" Scorpion King said solemnly. "King Scorpion, do you think this is your house? Zhi Nao, this is my room. King Scorpion and the others are intruders. You must not follow King Scorpion's order to open the door!" Chu Feng heard King Scorpion's voice coldly.

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