Holy Prison

Chapter 2137: Kill, negotiate

In the room where King Scorpion was confined, there was Chu Feng's stigmata. Even if Zhi Brain agreed, it was unlikely that King Scorpion would run out of the room in a short time.

As for the windows, except for the owner of Chu Feng, the others are not qualified to fly in and out from the windows of his room at all. If this rule is broken, King Scorpion will give him one day.


A smile appeared on Chu Feng's face. He was not 100% sure that he would be able to kick King Scorpion into the room. There was indeed luck in the kick just now. Of course, it wasn't all luck. There were stigmata on the door. This was already in Chu Feng's calculations. Without the previous plan, it might not be useful to kick the Scorpion King in.

Chu Feng swept his eyes. The situation was very favorable for them. The two seriously injured guys of Taibo's team had been killed by Taiyue. King Li was fighting with Zhong Tao, and Zhong Tao's strength could compete with King Scorpion. Almost, the strength of King Li is worse than King Scorpion and is worse than Zhong Tao!

Moreover, King Li and the others were also affected by the power of the heart of time. At this moment, Zhong Tao's long knife had already opened a lot of wounds on King Li's body.

Zhang Long's words, this guy is pretty good. His opponent is Cardi. Even if he is not injured, he is not Cardi's opponent. What's more, his strength is declining at this time because of the influence of the black sharp corners!

At this time, Bi Feng took the ten or so Saint-sovereign powers who helped them fight against a dozen or so Saint-Senior-level guards. Normally, Bi Feng and the others are not opponents at all, but at this time, those guards With the influence of some forces from the Heart of Time, there is no problem with Bi Feng and the others suppressing them.

As for Zhao Ling's words, her task is to block anyone who wants to leave. All those who want to leave will be immediately blocked by Zhao Ling's whip!

Murderous intent flashed in Chu Feng's eyes, and he immediately reached a guard member. The guard member saw Chu Feng approaching and immediately retreated in fright. However, even if he was not affected by the power of time, he was able to rely on his sage-level strength. , And how to compete for speed with Chu Feng, a quasi-dominant powerhouse.

As soon as he flashed, Chu Feng appeared behind the holy guard, Yin Ming waved out, and a human head flew up high. If this holy-class powerhouse resisted with all his strength, it would still be able to block a little time. , But he actually lost the courage to flee, doing it this way, it is simply looking for death!

"Flee, everyone, run away!"

On Zhang Long's side, several people yelled loudly, and they tried to rush outside, but they were firmly dragged by their opponents!

"the second!"

Chu Feng's icy voice sounded. As his voice sounded, the second member of the guard died under his knife. This member of the guard was cut in half by him!

The members of the guards killed by Chu Feng actually all had resurrection pills, but it was a pity that the resurrection pills could not resurrect them who died in the base!

"Kadi, spare your life!"

Zhang Long said in horror. He was originally a quasi-dominant-level strength, but at this moment, his strength has been reduced to the ninth level of immortality, and his strength is still declining!

"Spare" Cardi said, slapped Zhang Long's face with a heavy slap. Zhang Long, who had been lowered from the quasi-dominant level, would hardly be able to slap Cardi away!

"Bige, I'll change with you!" Cardi said, dealing with Zhang Long, this does not need him as a quasi-dominant powerhouse, Bi Feng can handle Zhang Long, and Cardi, he has other people. To deal with it, Chu Feng told them long ago that time is limited, and you must not delay when you act!

Bi Feng instantly turned to Cardi and the others. Before turning away, Cardi landed on Zhang Long with a card. This card could slow him down a lot!

"Boys, you Uncle Cardi are here, attack before, attack is cool" Cardiru eagle pounced on the little chicken towards the guards with the strength of the saints!

"Everyone, stop!"

At this moment, many people rushed into the villa. The leader was the magician, and the Sword Emperor also entered the villa, "Chu Feng, you still have the last ten seconds!" Mu Yun's voice sounded. In Chu Feng's mind, "After ten seconds, if you attack again, the magicians will attack you, and we, it's not good to help!"

Chu Feng's expression sank, and with a wave of Yin Ming in his hand, a member of the Saint-Senior-level guard was killed by him!

"The third!"

After beheading that guard member, Chu Feng came to Zhang Long in a blink of an eye, "Captain, you don't need to take action, I'll come!" Bi Feng said solemnly.

"Okay!" Chu Feng said, his mind moved and the space imprisoned Zhang Long.

"Magic, help!" Zhang Long shouted desperately. The magician frowned. Chu Feng and the others were watching the killing, but the Sword Emperor and the others were ready to attack at any time, and the magician did not make a move.

"Chu Feng, enough is enough!" The magician said solemnly.

The answer to the magician was Bi Feng’s sword. Zhang Long’s strength had already been reduced to the eighth level of immortality, and at the moment he was still restrained by Chu Feng’s space confinement and the speed of Kadi’s card. If Bi Feng couldn’t kill Zhang Longcai with a single sword. It's weird.

Bi Feng's sword pierced into the center of Zhang Long's forehead, he pulled out his sword, and Zhang Long's brains flowed out of his eyes, looking at Bi Feng inconceivably.

"Bi Feng, what are you?" Zhang Long died before he finished speaking. His brain was his sage, and Bi Feng's sword penetrated his sage and destroyed his sage.

"You don't believe in people, there are two sages, but you always tell us that it's just one. But, do you think we don’t know about things like that now?" Bi Feng said softly, Zhang Long’s two sacreds, one One is the heart and the other is the brain. This is a secret he has hidden deeply, and he has not said it out for countless years in the same team with Bi Feng.

However, such a secret cannot be kept for a while. By chance, Bi Feng discovered this secret of Zhang Long. He had not said it before. After Zhang Long became the enemy of the team, this secret was not only known to Bi Feng. , Chu Feng, they all know.

The devil wind said in a deep voice, his eyes were angry. There were already a lot of people who died in the hands of Chu Feng and the others. Taibo and his team were completely destroyed, Zhang Long died, and the guards made a total of ten powerful masters. One, four have died at this time, three of which were killed by Chu Feng, and one by Kadi!

Chu Feng's voice sounded, and in an instant he came to the side of King Li who was fighting with Zhong Tao. At this time, there were many scars on his body and he was already injured, but it was only Zhong Tao that it was difficult to kill him!

Chu Feng hadn't used a lot of time for King Li before, but at this time, Chu Feng had used a lot of time for King Li alone.

A lot of the power of time was used, and the power of static time made King Li's speed three or four times slower. "Die!" Chu Feng's icy voice sounded. In a flash, he and Zhong Tao attacked at the same time. Both he and Zhong Tao are stronger than King Li, Chu Feng cuts across the silver, and King Li is cut by him.

However, Zhong Tao struck Liwang’s forehead with a sword. Time was still slow to make Liwang’s reaction slow. At the moment when Chu Feng slashed Liwang in the waist, Zhong Tao’s knife struck Liwang’s forehead. To the inter room!

King Li stared at Chu Feng and the others. Chu Feng and the others attacked too fast. King Li's body was divided into four parts, but they didn't spread out all at once!

Chu Feng thought that a flame was ignited on the King of Power. It can be said that King of Power, who had become a corpse, was burned in the flames made by Chu Feng within half a second.

Chu Feng said. In an instant, all the people on their side stopped. Chu Feng glanced at Cardi. Just when he and Zhong Tao killed the King of Power, Cardi killed another Sovereign-level Member of the guard.

"Chu Feng, look at what you are doing!" The magician said coldly. Chu Feng's thoughts moved and Yin Ming said indifferently: "Magic, you mean, we can only let people kill, can't resist?"

"This thing is actually very interesting. When the Scorpion King and the others came up to kill us, you didn't come out to stop the magician. Now, hehe"

The magician frowned. He patted the door of Chu Feng at a distance of five or six meters away. Chu Feng made the stigmata on the door. Under the palm of the magician, he made it. The stigmata is destroyed.

The door of the room was opened, and King Scorpion slammed the door hard, "King Scorpion, I broke my door, but I will be compensated by that time." Chu Feng said quietly.

"Chu Feng, the magicians have compromised. In the base, if too many people die at once, this is not good, so we agreed to their compromise." Mu Yun's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"There are two points to compromise. The first point is that after we arrive, you are allowed to attack for another ten seconds; the second point is that the Scorpion King will compensate you!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly, and when Mu Yun said that, he felt much more comfortable in his heart. If there is no benefit, they should let the Scorpion King and the others go. Chu Feng would not do it!

King Scorpion’s complexion was originally ugly. Hearing Chu Feng’s words, his complexion was even more ugly, but when he received the voice transmission of the magician, his face, which could hardly be ugly, was magically uglier!

"Actually, there are no conditions. It would be better for us to kill all the people who broke into our villa, hehe." Zhong Tao said with a strange smile, they have received Chu Feng's transmission to know what is going on.

Chu Feng said quietly: "Everyone should know what's going on, then sit down and talk about it. If you can't agree, then continue to compare!"

Chu Feng said and glanced at King Scorpion: "Although King Scorpion was locked up before, he came out now, but it doesn't matter. If there is no agreement, King Scorpion does not need to enter the room."

King Scorpion snorted coldly, he is not a person who compromises easily, but in this situation, if they fight again, their side will definitely be destroyed!

Thinking of the death of King Li and Zhang Long, King Scorpion felt a chill. Both of them were quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, but they were killed right here!

Except for King Zhang Longli, Tabor and his team were all dead, and five of the ten guards who came in with them died, and the five who were still alive were all injured!

"The living room downstairs is ruined, but the living room upstairs is not destroyed. Come with me." Chu Feng said, and soon the group of them arrived in the living room upstairs of Chu Feng's villa.

The villa is a relatively large villa. Although the living room upstairs is smaller, it is more than 100 square meters. There is no problem with accommodating Chu Feng and the rest of the crowd. At this time, it is impossible to enter the villa.

On the side of Chu Feng and more than ten people, King Scorpion and five members of the Sovereign Guards were sitting opposite. As for the Sword Emperor Demon and the others, they stood a little distance away and did not take a seat.

"King Scorpion, there are five of you. How much do you think your lives are worth?" Chu Feng said quietly, "You can quote a price. If your lives are not worth money, then just kill them. If you If his life is more valuable, I'm still willing to collect a little bit of points to give the magicians a face."

The Scorpion King and their faces are very gloomy. Six of them, they are ranked in the top 100 on any strength ranking list. With such strength, they are also members of the guard. For a long time, when have they suffered such a loss?

Chu Feng is now robbing them in the Ming Dynasty, but sadly, they still have to let Chu Feng grab them again, otherwise their lives are worrying!

There are rules in the heaven base. Within the scope of the rules, the rule of respecting the strong is also applicable. If Chu Feng and the others defeated this time, then death is waiting for them, and King Scorpion and the others are defeated by Chu Feng. In their hands, they must also swallow the bitter fruit!

"I remind you that not only the points you have, you also have treasures, and you can also borrow points from others. You must never give me a chance. You must know that if you give me a chance, I will I won't mind killing you!" Chu Feng said.

The magician frowned slightly and said: "Chu Feng, they have spent their own money and have to borrow it. Is this too much?" "Magic, you know, we almost all died!" Chu Feng said coldly. Said, "I don't think this is too much. Compared with life, what's the point besides the body?"

"Magic, I respect you as the captain of the guard, but you should be fair at this time, otherwise, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the public!"

The magician was annoyed, but he couldn't happen at this time. He knew that the strength of the sword emperor would not be weaker than him, and that Chu Feng's current strength would not be weaker than him!

"King Scorpion, you hurry up, don't waste everyone's time, you've already wasted a lot of your time." Sword Emperor said, his words are a little bit rude, he has always had no good impressions of King Scorpion, let alone this. Zhao Ling was among the people oppressed by King Scorpion once!

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