Holy Prison

Chapter 2142: The magician invites

"One person pick one more." Bi Feng said, he first picked one, and then, Kadi and the others did not say much and smiled and picked another one.

"There are thirty-two more!" Chu Feng said.

Zhong Tao said: "Captain, we have picked a lot, but you only picked two things yourself. If you pick a few more, won't it drop below thirty?"

"Twenty-odd pieces, if you sell all of them, you will only have a few hundred million points, plus the 330 million of your captain, you have to make up one billion points."

"Captain, that's it. The items we each picked are worth more than 100 million points. This is already very satisfactory." Qin Yue smiled.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Okay, so be it. Anyway, I will spend a lot of time in the base. This time I will get some more things. When the time comes, you will get some more. Don't give it to me then. Take it!"

Thirty-two things, the broken mirror was also in it. Bi Feng and the others didn’t take that thing away. Chu Feng swept away those things and collected the broken mirror and another thing. When I got up, these two things were top-notch good things. Bi Feng and the others didn't think that Chu Feng chose to leave them on purpose.

"Zhi Brain, I need to buy something!" Chu Feng said.

When the voice fell, a light curtain appeared in front of Chu Feng. The display on the light curtain was similar to the display of the exchange center. There would be a little extra cost to buy things in the villa, but that little extra cost is for Chu Feng today. That's not worth mentioning!

"Intelligent brain, I need to improve my cultivation, first show me what I can use to upgrade from level one to level two." Chu Feng said.

The things displayed on the light curtain immediately changed, and Chu Feng quickly watched to purchase it.

Ten minutes later, Chu Feng's purchase action this time was over. Only Feng Bingning and the others had used the items purchased before. This time they bought more items, and one hundred Heavenly Guards had a share. In addition, there are Mo Xiu, Tang Ming, Zhou Wen, Tang Wan, Han Xiang, Chu Long, Shi Yan, and Chu Long.

There are a lot of people who have a share this time, but because of the limited funds, what Chu Feng buys can only make them reach the seventh level of immortality, the seventh level to the eighth level, and the eighth level to the ninth level. , The funds needed are more than the points required for the previous levels combined, and Chu Feng's 330 million points are less!

"Captain, gone?" Zhong Tao said.

Chu Feng shrugged: "No, the points are really not spent, 330 million points, ten minutes are all spent!" "Captain, you spend money fast!" Card. Emperor Dao, "It seems that we need to auction some things immediately, just some things, if they fall into the hands of the opponent"

Chu Feng shook his head and said, "I won't sell it for the time being, let's talk about it at that time, I should have a lot of time in the paradise base, and maybe the required points can be earned!"

"Furthermore, the six of King Scorpion and the others have a total of 90 million points, which is not a small sum. I just don't know when they will be paid off!" Chu Feng smiled, "This A villa is destroyed like this. Let’s change to another place. With our current financial resources, it’s okay to live in a castle. The area of ​​the castle is relatively large. A more powerful circle can be arranged in the castle, which is much safer. !"

"Yeah!" Bi Feng and the others nodded. This villa has a nice view, but it is not as safe as the castle. Moreover, if they have money, they can choose the best castle, and the scenery will be good.

From the villa, Chu Feng and the others walked towards the castle area. Along the way, many people greeted them with awe in their eyes.

What happened this time was a lot of trouble. Now, except for those who are in retreat, who is in the heaven base does not know that King Scorpion and the others have suffered a great loss in the hands of Chu Feng?

Interested people will notice that the rankings on the strength list have changed. Some people have disappeared from the strength list. They must not have left the heaven base alive, but have died!

On the strength list, what shocked some people most was the disappearance of King Li's name and Zhang Long's name. They were quasi-dominant-level powerhouses who died in this battle with Chu Feng and the others!

Even King Li and quasi-dominant powerhouses like Zhang Long died in the hands of Chu Feng and the others, and even King Scorpion borrowed a lot of money to survive. The rest of the people in the heaven base, why not fear.

In the castle area, there are fewer people on this side, and there are a lot of vacant castles. Chu Feng and the others looked at them one by one, and it didn’t take long for them to choose a castle that is not very large but with a nice view. , And even the smaller castle area is very huge, enough for Chu Feng and the others to arrange a large number of formations!

"From now on, this place will be our home." Chu Feng said with a light smile. This castle cost them 3 million points, which is more than 30 times the points spent by the previous villa!

"We are the Blade Team. This castle will be called Blade Castle in the future!" Chu Feng thought for a while. "It's just that the six of us seem a bit deserted. We have a small courtyard for each of us. We own a small courtyard and buy some ourselves. The servant is fine. As for the housekeeper and the guard who manages the entire Blade Fortress, there is no need."

"Kadi, you can buy a few beautiful chicks quickly, but when you are lucky, don't make too much noise, hehe." Zhong Tao laughed strangely.

The villa, that can't buy servants, it's okay for the castle, the servants purchased in the base do not have the strength of the holy class, and they are not real lives, but they look like real lives.

"Grass, you think I'm you!" Cardi glared at Zhong Tao and said. Cardi used to be taciturn, but now he talks a lot and often has to fight with Zhong Tao.

The knock on the door came. It was the knock on the gate of the castle. The knock on the door could reach Chu Feng and the others, but it could not reach some rooms in the courtyard.

If Chu Feng and the others are practicing in the room, the servants in their respective courtyards can inform them of anything.

"Captain Chu, Master Magic, please!" The voice entered the castle.

"Bi Ge, you can arrange it first. I will go and see." Chu Feng said. Bi Feng and the others nodded slightly and didn't say much. With Chu Feng's strength, there was a danger in this paradise base. It is extremely low, the magician and the others should not attack Chu Feng at this moment!

Zuishengxuan, the best restaurant in the heaven base, soon Chu Feng came to Zuishengxuan.

"Brother Chu, please sit down!" The magician smiled and said, his face was good at this time, but who knows, a little while ago, he was in his castle, and that was smashing a lot of things to pieces.

Chu Feng smiled lightly. He said that he would sit down calmly, "Magic, I heard that this Drunken Saint Xuan, that is your property, I have never been here before, and it's good to drink a lot this time. Don’t feel bad if you drink wine!"

"Hehe, Brother Chu joked, even if Brother Chu drank all the wine in Drunk Shengxuan, that would be nothing." The magician smiled, and he said that he poured a glass of wine for himself and Chu Feng. "Brother Chu, we had a little bit of misunderstanding about the previous matter. It must be in the wine. What do you think?"

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. The magician is not a simple character. This time he suffered a lot, and now he can still put his body down like this.

"Magic, we can say that we don't know each other even if we don't fight." Chu Feng smiled, "In the past, I wanted to get to know the magician. It was not easy!"

"Okay, everything is in the wine!"

Chu Feng said that he clinked glasses with the magician and then all drank it. It seemed that Chu Feng and the others had already had a glass of wine to release their grudges, but both of them knew that this was only on the surface.

To maintain the surface peace, this is enough for both, they did not expect the other party to really let go of some hatred!

This time, if the magician and others didn’t take action, then it was just the Scorpion King and the others. They couldn’t even get the investigation order and couldn’t even enter the door of the villa. It can be said that the magician almost let Chu Feng and all of them. Even though they didn't really do anything when they died, Chu Feng must have hated it in his heart.

As for the magician, he naturally hates Chu Feng and the others. If there is a chance to get rid of Chu Feng and his team, the magician will certainly not be soft!

"Brother Chu is really refreshing." The magician smiled, "Brother Chu, this time, you have got a lot of treasures, don't you know how many of them are meant to be sold?"

Chu Feng's heart moved, and the magician asked this, I'm afraid he already knew about his purchase of many things. As the captain of the guard, it is normal for him to have some authority.

"Is there any more for the time being? I don't feel distressed if I use up the points. If some treasures are removed, it would be distressed." Chu Feng said quietly.

The magician said: "Brother Chu, if I want to, I will pay a higher price, six to eight times the price, what do you think of Brother Chu?"

"I'll talk about it later." Chu Feng said and stood up, "Magic, if it's okay, I'll leave first. I just moved, and things are not good!"

"Okay!" The magician nodded, and Chu Feng left immediately.

"Chu Feng, Chu Feng, let you be proud of you for a while and offend me. Then, you will suffer." The magician secretly said in his eyes, "The exchange competition, you must participate in the exchange competition. When the time comes, Lord Master will definitely appear. After the exchange match, you will all roll me into the Lord's Purgatory!"

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