Holy Prison

Chapter 2143: Big incident

Knowing that the magician must have no good intentions in his heart, but Chu Feng is not in conflict with the magician now.

Entering the paradise base, no one came directly to besieged him and snatched the holy prison. This is definitely inseparable from his abiding by the rules here. If he does not abide by the rules here, Chu Feng estimates that the master-level powerhouses are likely to treat him. Shot.

Perhaps, at this moment, there is a master-class powerhouse watching in the heaven base, as long as he gives a chance, he will immediately come out and kill him!

Being able to live to the present, Chu Feng estimated that it was the result of checks and balances of some forces. If he was chaotic, it would cause problems with the balance of power, which would be a dead end!

Even if you have to deal with the magician, there must be enough reasons. Now this time, the reason is definitely not enough. The magician did not take action!

To approve the investigation order, this one was within the scope of the magicians and their powers. As for later, the magicians did not take action, which was not a big problem.

Moreover, to deal with the magicians and the others, now Chu Feng and the others are not strong enough. Even if the sword emperor and the others help, they can only let the magicians and them be at a disadvantage and destroy them all. This is absolutely impossible, even if it is done, to Waiting for Chu Feng and the others will not be a good result!

Stability, this is what the current magician wants, and it is also what Chu Feng and the Sword Emperor want. A chaotic heaven base is not good for Chu Feng and the others.

It didn’t take Chu Feng and the others much time to organize the castle. A few days later, Chu Feng and the others entered the lost world. The things that Chu Feng bought to upgrade the cultivation base all entered the holy prison space. With those things, Tang Ming and the others also have those Heavenly Guards, they should be able to reach the seventh level of immortal cultivation in a relatively short period of time.

Tang Ming's strength can rise quickly, which is good news for Chu Feng, but there is also bad news, that is, the power of time in the holy prison space is not too much.

I had obtained a lot of time power before, but these years have consumed a lot of time power. In the holy prison space, the followers that Chu Feng exchanged basically stopped using time power.

Chu Feng estimated that the remaining time would be enough for some of Tang Ming and his very close relationship, as well as a hundred Celestial Guards to be promoted to the Sovereign level!

In the past few years in the heaven base, it is not that Chu Feng did not think of a way to use the power of time, but he did not find it at all. There is no exchange in the base, and it is not only in those lost worlds that he did not discover it. The rest of the people who entered the heaven base have countless years. The people did not find it!

As time passed year by year, the situation of the heaven base was quietly changing. In the past, the two groups of Sword Emperor and Magician faintly fought against each other. At this time, it was added Blade Fort!

Before the magician group, there were seven quasi-dominant-level powerhouses. Now Zhang Long still has the death of King Li. The magician’s side has fallen to five quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, and the sword emperor’s side is before the quasi-dominance-level powerhouses. It was five, and now it is also five. On Blade's Edge, the quasi-dominant powerhouse is Chu Feng and the three.

In terms of quantity, Chu Feng and the others are the least. In terms of strength, Chu Feng and the others are not dominant, but they are enough to become an extreme force!

In the past, the Sword Emperor Group had faintly confronted the Magician Group. Many people did not belong to any of their groups. Now many of those people have faintly turned to Chu Feng and the others. In this way, in the heaven base, that It has become a three-legged situation. Both Chu Feng and Sword Emperor feel good in this situation, but the magician is not very comfortable. Blade's Edge Castle has a good relationship with the Sword Emperor group. In some things, the Magician Group must make concessions.

In the paradise base, apart from going out desperately, you can also get points through other means, such as restaurants, casinos, and tea houses.

Before, Chu Feng and his team didn't get any of those things, but as Blade's Edge became an extreme force, Blade's Edge also had its own restaurant, casino, tea house and so on.

With industries, even if they do not enter the Lost World, Chu Feng and the others will have a stable income, but this does not stop Chu Feng and the others from entering the Lost World. Those industries can earn points, but compared to Chu Feng in the Lost World The speed of Zhongnong points is still slower than that of the many fourth-layer complete mental state heaven bases, only he owns, and he can discover many treasures that others can't find!

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, five to six thousand years have passed. In five to six thousand years, a lot of the sequelae of Chu Feng’s previous ascension have disappeared, but the distance has completely disappeared, and it will take a very long time, even if time is used occasionally to accelerate , It will take a long, long time!

For fifty to six thousand years, Chu Feng naturally thought of countless ways to get rid of the sequelae treasures. He got one of the Kodopan gems, but he had already used three of them. As expected, absorbing the Kodopan treasures had no effect. , Chu Feng naturally got a lot of other treasures, but the effect of those things would not be much better than the effect of the fourth Kodopan treasure.

In these tens of thousands of years, for Chu Feng, the biggest achievement was to get a lot of points. In fifty to six thousand years, their team entered hundreds of worlds and earned more than 400 million points. However, there was one The problem is that they have obtained a lot of points in some high-level Lost Worlds, and in the next 20,000 years, they will get less than 100 million points!

Continuing, Chu Feng knows that the points they get every ten thousand years are estimated to be less and less. There is no way for this. The poor Lost World, you can't expect it to have a lot of treasures, and the high-level Lost World , The number is there, after Chu Feng went once, and then went again, the chance of getting a lot of points is not high!

The Lost World earned more than 400 million points. The industry of Blade's Edge Castle in the Paradise Base also gave Chu Feng some benefits, but the benefits were not much. Taxes were deducted and other people were deducted. The points that Chu Feng and his team got from those industries were more than 10 million!

In addition, Chu Feng and the others still have some income. Those incomes come from the Scorpion King. They were previously impoverished by Chu Feng and the others, and they also took on huge debts. During these five to six thousand years, the Scorpion King and the six were formed. A small team entered those lost worlds time and time again. King Scorpion and the others worked very hard, trying hard to find treasures, and trying hard to rob some people. With good luck, in fifty to six thousand years, they actually returned more than 30 million points of Chu Feng!

Adding up the income everywhere, in five to six thousand years, Chu Feng and his team have earned 500 million points. These 500 million points, all the treasures that have been upgraded, were bought into the holy prison space by Chu Feng.

Before 330 million, plus the huge points of 500 million and 830 million later, these points allowed some of Tang Ming and others to reach the cultivation base of the holy sovereign.

However, when Tang Ming and the others want to break through to the quasi-dominant level, it will be much more difficult than Chu Feng. Those treasures can improve Tang Ming's mood when they are upgraded, so they can reach the holy level. Noble cultivation base, but their mood is just barely satisfied.

The barely satisfied state of mind is obviously not enough for them to make a breakthrough in a short time on the foundation of the holy noble level cultivation base, and to improve their own state of mind. They still have a lot of way to go, but those Not in a hurry, with the cultivation base of the Sovereign-level, the improvement of the mood can take slowly!

"Team Chu!"

Once again, Chu Feng and his team returned from the Lost World to the Paradise Base. Just after leaving the tunnel, one person immediately reached Chu Feng and them.

"Yang Hong, something is going on?" Chu Feng said with a light smile. This Yang Hong is not bad, and belongs to their side of Blade Fortress. "Team Chu, something happened, the communication with other bases has been advanced, and the news has spread, and there will be decades before the exchanges with other bases will begin." Yang Hong said quickly.

Chu Feng was slightly surprised. The previous news was one hundred thousand years old. If one hundred thousand years, there will still be some time for him to get a lot of points, but if it's only a few decades, then he won't get many points.

"Team Chu, there are some changes compared to the previous ones. This time our paradise base is the home field. There will be dozens of strong players from the bases to get to our base. Some bases have a lot more people than our base. , Dozens of bases, there will be tens of millions of people to our base!" Yang Hong said.

Chu Feng took a breath of cold air. There are tens of millions of people. That is not tens of millions of ordinary people. Most of those tens of millions of people are at the Sovereign-level cultivation base. Among them, there must be some strong people at the quasi-dominant level. less.

"The saint is not as good as a dog, and the quasi-dominant will run around the street," Chu Feng sighed lightly. Yang Hong smiled bitterly for a moment: "In this base, the Lord is not as good as a dog!"

"Yang Hong, thank you for telling me!" Chu Feng said.

"Team Chu, look at what you said. I won't tell you such news. You will know soon. Not many people in the base don't know." Yang Hong said, "Team Chu, you are busy. gone."

When Yang Hong left, Chu Feng glanced at Bi Feng and the others, and Bi Feng smiled: "A large number of people coming over is a good thing for us to a certain extent. By that time, our pubs and casinos should be able to make more money."

Zhong Tao coughed lightly: "Brother Bi, it's not necessarily a good thing. A large number of powerful people flock to this side. Our casinos and things will not be smashed by then!"


Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that dozens of bases' joint exchanges actually set the home game at the heaven base, which is different from the previous rules. This is a "coincidence", and it happened that Chu Feng has only one explanation, that is, many people above already know that the holy prison is in his hands, this time the exchange, perhaps some people's purpose is the holy prison!

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