Holy Prison

Chapter 2145: Auction, see you

The covenant proposed by the magician provides more protection for various industries, such as Zui Shengxuan, if it is attacked, Chu Feng and others are obliged to help if the magician makes a request.

However, the covenant provides relatively little protection for people. As long as it is not a very serious problem, there is no protection, and there is protection for very serious problems.

The magician said: "This is the case. Other bases come to communicate, the strong communicate, and some small fights. That is normal. If we swarm together, it will appear that our heaven base is incompetent! The former will appear to be more united in our heaven base. The latter is incompetent, so there is more of it."

"The magician is right."

"It's like this, we seem to be united and there is no problem, but we can't appear weak!"

Someone said to help.

Chu Feng and Sword Emperor looked at each other, Sword Emperor nodded slightly, and Chu Feng said: "Well, this covenant is okay, I won't say much."

"Happy!" The magician smiled, "Sword Emperor, what do you mean?"

Chu Feng agreed, and the sword emperor agreed. The rest of the people, naturally, would not disagree. The powerhouses in the paradise base basically entered Chu Feng and their three forces.

"If it's okay, let's go first. By the way, I plan to sell some treasures. If I want to, go to the square in front of the exchange center." Chu Feng said.

"Treasures for sale?" The magicians' eyes brightened. The strong from other bases will be in the heaven base in decades. It would be great if one or two more treasures can be used to defend themselves. It should be useful at that time, but even with points, some treasures cannot be bought.

What you can buy will be much more expensive!

"Not bad!" Chu Feng nodded and stood up, "Since everyone has signed the covenant, then sell some treasures to increase everyone's strength, Scorpion King, right?"

A cold light flashed in King Scorpion's eyes. Tens of thousands of years have passed, but how could he forget the shame of the year? For tens of thousands of years, he has been paying off debts, but Chu Feng's 30 million credits have not been paid off. Except for Chu Feng's 30 million credits, he still owes a lot of debts from others!

"Hehe, since Captain Chu is going to sell treasures, then we are naturally going to cheer." The magician smiled, and he chose to ignore Chu Feng's words.

"Thanks a lot then!"

Chu Feng said that he quickly left Zuishengxuan, Zhong Tao and Cardi, then naturally followed Chu Feng out. "Captain, the exchange is over, you will enter the Sovereign Purgatory when the time comes?" Zhong Tao said solemnly, his voice can only be heard by nearby Chu Feng and Kadi, others can't hear it.

"It should be like this. During the exchange, the master-level strong will appear. To enter the Sovereign Purgatory, the master-level strong must agree." Chu Feng said.

Cardi sighed slightly: "It is estimated that the communication will take up to a thousand years, Captain, then we may have been together for less than a thousand years!"

"As long as we are alive, there will always be a day when we meet." Chu Feng smiled.

"You two, don't be like this. I will not leave when the time comes. Moreover, there will be a lot of time before I leave. If it is in the ordinary world, it is a thousand years, it is a very long time!"

Zhong Tao also sighed slightly: "Captain, thinking that you will be leaving within a thousand years, I feel a little frustrated. Don't talk about this, Captain, you are going to auction, I scream at you? "


Zhong Tao took a deep breath, and the next moment a huge voice erupted from his mouth: "Dear fellow daoists, pay attention. Team Chu has some treasures that I want to sell. If you have points, if you want to buy, you can exchange it quickly. In the square in front of the center, after a quarter of an hour, the auction will begin. If you miss it, don’t blame me for not letting me know!"

"You are still brother" Cardi shook his head and gave Zhong Tao a contemptuous look.

"Damn, what's wrong with me, Cardi, let's practice?" Zhong Tao glared at Cardi. Over the past tens of thousands of years, Zhong Tao's strength has improved a lot, and the world of Domineering swords is slowly moving towards Development in a good direction is the reason why his strength can be improved!

According to Cardi, there has been some improvement in strength in these tens of thousands of years, but his strength is much weaker than Zhong Tao. Now Zhong Tao, even if he fights against the magician, it is estimated that he will not fall to the lower wind. Only Chu Feng and the others The people in the team know that in the eyes of outsiders, Zhong Tao's strength should be at the level of King Scorpion!

"Not interested." Cardi curled his lips and said, with Zhong Tao, he would not do such stupid things.

Chu Feng and the others quickly reached the square in front of the exchange center. When they got to this side, many people had already gathered on the square!

"Team Chu is here, it seems there is a treasure auction, it's true!"

"Of course it is true. It was Master Zhong Tao who released the news before. Can it be faked?"

There was a lot of discussion on the square. Two minutes later, the Demon Master Sword Emperor and they all arrived. Five minutes later, thirty or forty thousand people gathered on the square, and there were still a large number of people rushing toward this side. There are fewer people in the bases. At this time, the exchanges between the bases have only been decades, and naturally not many people go to the Lost World.

After a quarter of an hour, 50,000 or 60,000 people gathered in the square in front of the exchange center. Most of them couldn't afford the treasures of Chu Feng, but they couldn't afford it. Couldn't they come to see it?

"Everyone, be quiet, the guaranteed price of this item is 1.5 million points, and the reserve price is 7 million points for auction!" Chu Feng said quietly. He was standing on the steps at this time. Everyone can clearly see the treasure in his hand, which is a golden knife.

The knife is a one-time treasure. If you use it, you can burst out two or three times the power. The exchange competition is indispensable for life and death competition. If there is such a thing, life and death competition will have a much higher chance of winning! Even if it is not used in the exchange competition, in the Lost World, under some special circumstances, with such things, the small life may be saved!

Among the crowd, a saint-level powerhouse showed a wry smile. This thing came out of his hand, and he was reluctant to sell it back then.

The guaranteed price is 1.5 million, the reserve price of 7 million, this value is not low, but immediately after Chu Feng’s voice, someone bids, and the price of 7 million is still affordable among the heaven base Quite a few, some people usually save very much, but for such things, it is very willing to pay for the capital!

"Seven million!"

"I give out 7.1 million!"

After the first person made a bid, someone immediately increased the price. If you can get something like this at a relatively low price, you might be able to make some money by reselling it; if you don’t sell it for now, keep it So, maybe you can save your life sometime, and you can sell it later when you lack points.

Wealth is stored in such treasures, which is much better than saving points. However, for many people, there is no chance to save such treasures. Few people will auction such treasures and rely on themselves. If you get it, it's very likely that you won't be able to run into such a treasure in one hundred million years and one billion years!

"Eight million!"

"8.3 million!"

The reserve price of 1.5 million yuan can be doubled by at least five times, and there is no limit at most. However, there is generally no doubling of more than nine times or more than nine times. Keep it in your hand and want to sell at a higher price in the future. Go, hard!

Three minutes later, that golden knife was put up for auction. The price of 1.5 million yuan was exactly eightfold, and it was sold for 12 million points!

"the second one!"

An hour passed in a blink of an eye. The 30 treasures that Chu Feng had kept before it were ready to be sold, but he sold a full 20 pieces!

Twenty pieces, each of which was sold at a good price, and the worst-selling piece, the transaction price was more than six times the price guaranteed that year!

On average, one thing is sold for about 20 million points, and when 20 things are sold, Chu Feng’s points are more than 400 million points. Of these 400 million points, 300 million of them, Chu Feng intends to buy treasures that can be upgraded. There are still 100 million points, which are needed to leave this heaven base. Without 100 million points, even if you live out of the Lord's Purgatory, you cannot leave the heaven base!

After getting the points and not returning to the castle, Chu Feng bought what he needed at the exchange center.

With the purchase of 300 million points, the remaining sky guards who have not been upgraded to the ninth-level immortal cultivation base can be upgraded to the ninth-level immortal cultivation base. Then, if the holy prison upgrades one by one, it can reach the quasi-dominant cultivation base That's the best, but that's still a remote thing for Chu Feng today!

Treasures are purchased, and they cannot be sent directly into the sacred prison space at the heaven base. Chu Feng and the others went to the World of Domineering Swordsman. After they came back twenty or thirty years, they were between dozens of bases. The exchange has only been ten years.

Not long after returning to the paradise base, Chu Feng was practicing quietly in the separate small courtyard. At this time, a soft voice came into Chu Feng's ears.

"Qiuxiang, what's the matter?" Chu Feng didn't open his eyes in a low voice. The one who called him was one of his two maids in this small courtyard, one was Xia He, and the other was Qiuxiang.

Xia He and Qiuxiang were not real lives. They were exchanged from the base by Chu Feng with some points. They looked good, but Chu Feng had not done anything to them.

"Master, Master Zi Mengluo came to visit and said that she had something important to see the master." Qiuxiang replied.

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