Holy Prison

Chapter 2146: Terror

"Zimengluo? What is this woman doing here." Chu Feng opened his eyes and there was a look of doubt in his eyes. He usually rarely deal with Zi Mengluo.

"Qiuxiang, take her to the reception room." Chu Feng said.

Qiu Xiang should immediately go to the gate of the castle to pick up people. Chu Feng and the others didn't have a guard at the castle. Whoever had a guest came, the maid went to the gate and received her in her own courtyard.

The distance from the small courtyard where Chu Feng lives to the gate is not very close, but even the maids like Qiuxiang and the others are moving forward very quickly. A minute later, when Chu Feng appeared in the living room of his courtyard, Zi Mengluo has been taken by Qiu Xiang to the living room.

"Captain Chu, take the liberty to visit." Zi Mengluo smiled slightly. The smile was really charming, but Chu Feng said quietly, "Zimengluo, I don't know if you have something to do with me? "

"Master Zi Mengluo, please have tea." Xia He brought Zi Mengluo a cup of tea. The tea is top-quality tea, every 20,000 points, but Chu Feng can afford it.

Zi Mengluo glanced at Xia He and Qiuxiang and said, "Captain Chu, I have something to tell you, let them go down first. The maids exchanged in the base are not necessarily loyal."

"You go down first." Chu Feng waved his hand. He is still very confident of his own strength. Although Zi Mengluo is also a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, it is absolutely impossible to be his opponent.

As for the seduction, Chu Feng is not worried about this, even though Zi Mengluo is a superb beauty in the perfect state of mind, he cannot be tempted!

Qiuxiang and the others bowed out immediately. "Captain Chu, someone asked me to give you something." Zi Mengluo smiled softly. She said that her jade hand stretched out, and a translucent jade bottle appeared in her hand. Through the jade bottle, Chu Feng could see the jade. There is a pill in the bottle, a pill the size of a longan!

"Magic?" Chu Feng said.

Zi Mengluo shook her head slightly: "You should be able to guess who he belongs to. Do you want this thing or not? If you want it, you have to eat it on the spot. If you don't want it, I will leave."

"Zimengluo, what the base commander asked you to send over?" Chu Feng said in his heart, it is not a magician, it must not be the sword emperor, Zi Mengluo sent here, it is very likely to be the base leader of the heaven base!

Zimeng Luojiao smiled and said: "You guessed it, how about it? Do you want this thing? If you don't want it, I will tell you what it is if I walk out of this door. However, if you still want it then, just I have to give me 100 million points, how about it?"

"Do you think you want money crazy? Bring it over." Chu Feng said quietly.

Zi Mengluo grabbed the jade bottle and shook it: "Are you sure you want it? If you want it, you have to eat it without telling you what it is!"

"If the base chief wants to kill me, it's very easy. There is no need to use such a method! If I expected it, the pill inside should eliminate the sequelae!" Chu Feng said flatly, "Since I know that the communication is in our one. Base, and after so many powerful people will come, I am waiting for this one!"

A look of surprise flashed in Zi Mengluo's eyes: "Captain Chu, you are a little smarter than I thought, but it's a pity that I earned 100 million points!"

"Why should you take it immediately?" Chu Feng asked.

Zi Mengluo shook her head slightly: "I don't know, I think you can only ask the head of the base for this question, but you probably won't see him now."

Zi Mengluo threw the jade bottle to Chu Feng. Chu Feng took the jade bottle and immediately penetrated into it, quickly analyzing the pill inside, and using his ability to judge the approximate properties of this pill There is no problem.

"It is indeed to eliminate the sequelae!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, the previous Kodopan gems are useless. This pill, Chu Feng has a feeling that it can definitely eliminate his sequelae.

Zi Mengluo said sternly: "Chu Feng, after taking this pill, your sequelae will disappear, and there are still ten years to come. I hope you can reach the level of quasi-dominant cultivation!"

"Although your current strength is at the quasi-dominant level, you should know that it is still too low. A large number of strong people from other bases have reached our base, and you can't lose to them!"

Chu Feng sneered in his heart. The base leader is only strange for his good. This is only to prevent the holy prison from falling into the hands of others!

"It's a bit bitter. If you make this kind of pill in the future, remember to sweeten it. If you eat it like this and spit it out, wouldn't it be a waste?" Chu Feng poured out the pill and threw it into his mouth and said softly, Zi Mengluo When he came here to deliver the pill, he knew very well that even if this pill was harmful, he could only eat it!

When the pill entered his mouth, it quickly turned into liquid and was absorbed by Chu Feng's body. With the absorption of the pill, Chu Feng could feel that his sequelae were quickly eliminated!

"Awesome, even at this speed, even if I don't speed up, it is estimated that my sequelae will have to be eliminated in half a month." Chu Feng exclaimed.

"Not bad, isn't it?" Zi Meng Luo said with a smile.

Chu Feng shook his head as he said, looking at Zi Mengluo's delicate face, she seemed to have a little hallucination just now and she looked at Feng Bingning and the others. Chu Feng didn't know which one it was.


Chu Feng was shocked. With his cultivation strength, how could he have hallucinations, "There is a problem with the pill." Chu Feng immediately thought of this. Thinking of this, Chu Feng was shocked in a cold sweat. If the base leader is not ready to follow it. If there are some rules, then his life is very problematic!

"Zimengluo, if there is nothing else, please leave!" Chu Feng said solemnly. "Chu Feng, are you really willing to leave now?" Zi Meng Luo Jiao said.

Chu Feng yelled coldly, but after his cold drink, the smile on Zi Mengluo's face remained unchanged. The purple gauze on her body dropped a little to reveal the delicate collarbone and a fragrant shoulder.

"Captain Chu, am I beautiful?" Zi Mengluo said softly.


Chu Feng's expression changed drastically, "If you don't go, I'll go!" Chu Feng said in a deep voice, and he immediately walked outside the living room.

In the living room, I don't know when Zi Mengluo made an enchantment. Chu Feng didn't notice it, and directly hit the enchantment.

Chu Feng drew it out with a palm, but what horrified him was that he didn't raise much strength, and the full stroke did not break the barrier at all!

Without the palm of his hand, Chu Feng Yinming made a full-strength sword, but this sword also did not break the barrier in front of him. His attack fell on the barrier and seemed to be completely absorbed by the barrier.

"Chu Feng, it's useless, your current strength is less than one-tenth of your strength just now, how can you break my barrier?" Zi Mengluo said with a smile.

"Zimengluo, why is this? You are like this, I think it breaks the rules." Chu Feng said solemnly. "Now, if you follow the rules, some things are no longer available, do you know?" Zi Mengluo said with a smile, "Chu Feng, there is no need to resist, am I not beautiful?"

"You shouldn't touch a woman for a long time, right?" Zi Mengluo said, the voice came into Chu Feng's mind, and it made him want to be full of phantoms.

There are many treasures in the space ring, some of which are powerful. Chu Feng tried to take out the treasures, but the space ring could not be opened at all!

"Want to take out the things in the space ring? It's useless." Zi Mengluo said. "Zimengluo, tell me why, if you want to break the rules, why are there such tricks?" Chu Feng quickly improved his mental state cultivation base, and his mental state cultivation base was raised to the state of infinite heart in a short time. , However, there is no effect.

"Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart!"

As soon as Chu Feng gritted his teeth, his mental state cultivation directly reached the fourth level of Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart, and when he reached the realm of Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart, Chu Feng felt his mind clear, but his strength had not recovered, and some illusions still appeared.

"There are some things, you don't need to know." Zi Mengluo sat down lazily, her clothes had faded a lot, and Chu Feng could see a lot of white skin on her chest!

"Zimengluo, why do you want to be a scumbag? You are also a strong quasi-dominant, so shameless?" Chu Feng said solemnly. Zi Mengluo looked at Chu Feng: "Captain Chu, in fact, you are still handsome. I sacrificed a bit and there is no big problem. Come on, don't resist. How long do you think the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Earth can stop?"

Chu Feng's heart sank. Even if he can maintain his clarity under the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Earth, how long can he maintain the state of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Earth?

His mind spread, this Chu Feng tried, he couldn't get outside the enchantment at all!

"Dark Chaos Lotus!" Chu Feng sat down cross-legged, and when his mind moved, he summoned the Dark Chaos Lotus, but to his surprise, it didn't take long for the Dark Chaos Lotus to be suppressed into his body. He called The Yin Ming that came out, probably because it was not a defensive treasure, was not suppressed back into the body.

"Damn it, this time, the trouble is big!" Chu Feng smiled bitterly, Zi Mengluo is definitely a super beautiful woman, but if you **** with her, there will be consequences.

Zi Mengluo is the woman of the base manager, even if the base manager does not have much love for Zi Mengluo, if there is no great benefit, the base manager will not give her her own woman to Chu Feng to play with!

"Zimengluo, where's the head of the base? I want to talk to him!" Chu Feng took a deep breath and said solemnly. Zi Mengluo said with a smile: "He has to be here, right? If he is here, there are some things, wouldn't it be difficult to explain then? He is not here, we just happen to have fun, you say What?"

At this time, Zi Mengluo's expression was an indescribable temptation. Even if he was in the state of mind of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Earth, Chu Feng felt his heartbeat speed up.

"Captain Chu, are my legs beautiful?" Zi Mengluo tugged at the purple gauze, and the two slender legs suddenly appeared outside.

Chu Feng didn't look at Zi Mengluo, but when he heard her voice, he looked at it unconsciously. At this time, the phantom in his mind appeared crazily. Xiao Chufeng was actually lying on his stomach. He raised his head suddenly.

Chu Feng cursed secretly in his heart, he tried his best to control his desire, but the more he controlled, the stronger the desire seemed.

"Captain Chu, don't control it. You can't control it. Didn't I tell you that although the pill has the effect of eliminating the sequelae, it has a little flaw in itself?"

"Oh...it seems that I really didn't say that, that little defect, only I can help you to make up for it! In fact, even if you leave, you will eventually have to come to me. When you took the pill, it was me. , Unless you can find a woman who is more beautiful than me to mate with you, but in the heaven base, you may not find it!" Zi Mengluo smiled authentically.

As for her appearance, Zi Mengluo is very confident. There are many beautiful women in the heaven base, but Chu Feng has really only seen Zi Mengluo at the level of her.

"Is it uncomfortable, don't hold on it, it's useless, you can't resist the pill and the powerful medicinal effect!" Zi Mengluo said, she said that the jade hand touched her slender leg, Chu Feng Yu Guang saw that there was an urge to touch Zi Mengluo and press Zi Mengluo on her body.

"Zimengluo, I admit that you look good, but what about your heart? Do you think your heart is worthy of the word'beauty'?" Chu Feng Qiang sneered.

"Heart? Captain Chu, I don't need the beauty of the heart now, as long as the appearance is beautiful." The cold light in the depths of Zi Mengluo's eyes flashed, "Captain Chu, I have eaten the medicine for several minutes. I really admire it, but I guess you can't support it for three more minutes!"

Zi Mengluo said that the gauze on her upper body slipped down, and a pair of perfect white rabbits appeared in Chu Feng's afterglow, "Drink!" Chu Feng shouted and restrained, but her head was actually disobedient. Turned to Zi Mengluo.

"Captain Chu, come on, I belong to you now!" Zi Mengluo said, her jade hand touched her chest.

Chu Feng shouted angrily, with Yin Ming in his hand. He slashed towards Zi Mengluo with a sword. When the sword was released, Chu Feng used the power of the heart of time. This sword was like Chu Feng's wish. It fell on Zi Mengluo's forehead, but Chu Feng's full-strength sword did not even hurt Zi Mengluo's skin!

"Captain Chu, you are really rude." With a flick of Zi Mengluo's finger, Yin Ming in Chu Feng's hand was flew several meters away by her. "Captain Chu, don't you know that your current attack is It's impossible to break my defense?"

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